939 resultados para ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS
Atmospheric downwelling longwave radiation is an important component of the terrestrial energy budget; since it is strongly related with the greenhouse effect, it remarkably affects the climate. In this study, I evaluate the estimation of the downwelling longwave irradiance at the terrestrial surface for cloudless and overcast conditions using a one-dimensional radiative transfer model (RTM), specifically the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART). The calculations performed by using this model were compared with pyrgeometer measurements at three different European places: Girona (NE of the Iberian Peninsula), Payerne (in the East of Switzerland), and Heselbach (in the Black Forest, Germany). Several studies of sensitivity based on the radiative transfer model have shown that special attention on the input of temperature and water content profiles must be held for cloudless sky conditions; for overcast conditions, similar sensitivity studies have shown that, besides the atmospheric profiles, the cloud base height is very relevant, at least for optically thick clouds. Also, the estimation of DLR in places where radiosoundings are not available is explored, either by using the atmospheric profiles spatially interpolated from the gridded analysis data provided by European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), or by applying a real radiosounding of a nearby site. Calculations have been compared with measurements at all sites. During cloudless sky conditions, when radiosoundings were available, calculations show differences with measurements of -2.7 ± 3.4 Wm-2 (Payerne). While no in situ radiosoundings are available, differences between modeling and measurements were about 0.3 ± 9.4 Wm-2 (Girona). During overcast sky conditions, when in situ radiosoundings and cloud properties (derived from an algorithm that uses spectral infrared and microwave ground based measurements) were available (Black Forest), calculations show differences with measurements of -0.28 ± 2.52 Wm2. When using atmospheric profiles from the ECMWF and fixed values of liquid water path and droplet effective radius (Girona) calculations show differences with measurements of 4.0 ± 2.5 Wm2. For all analyzed sky conditions, it has been confirmed that estimations from radiative transfer modeling are remarkably better than those obtained by simple parameterizations of atmospheric emissivity.
La feina feta en aquest treball de tesis s'ha desenvolupat a partir de tres objectius vertebradors, que fonamentalment són: ·El primer dels objectius d'aquest treball de tesis és presentar un recull dels factors que intervenen en l'acústica urbanística: soroll produït pels diferents vehicles, fórmules de predicció de soroll, geometria dels edificis... , tot estudiant els seus efectes en la ciutat de Girona. ·Un altre objectiu ha estat desenvolupar uns mètodes numèrics propis, contrastats experimentalment i extrapolables a qualsevol entorn urbanístic, que permetin predir els valors de les pertorbacions acústiques produïdes pels diferents vehicles en diferents situacions, entre els que es destaquen: -Fórmula de predicció del soroll en un entorn urbà i la seva aplicació a Girona. -Càlcul de l'increment de soroll en un carrer provocat per les reflexions de les ones sonores en les façanes dels edificis. -Estudi del nivell de soroll en la boca de la cavitat d'un túnel produït pel pas del ferrocarril. -Determinació del soroll provocat pel pas d'un tren sobre un viaducte. -Mètode de distribució i planificació del trànsit urbà per disminuir l'impacte acústic sobre la zona. ·El darrer objectiu consisteix en fer una descripció analítica de les principals fonts de soroll que afecten a la ciutat: el trànsit viari i el ferrocarril. Per realitzar aquests objectius s'ha disposat d'un banc de dades amb més de 2.000 mesures sonores de Girona (nivells equivalents de 10 minuts de durada). La metodologia seguida i els principis en que es fonamenta es detallen a l'inici de cada apartat. La finalitat de tots aquests estudis, no és altre que millorar el confort acústic, i la qualitat de vida, de les ciutats. Gairebé tots els grans nuclis de població del planeta es veuen afectats per una gravíssima problemàtica mediambiental, doncs a l'anomenada contaminació acústica cal afegir uns alts índexs de pol·lució atmosfèrica (altes concentracions de biòxid de carboni, generació d'illes de calor...). Aquesta situació, generalitzada arreu del planeta, ha propiciat l'aparició de mesures dràstiques consistents fonamentalment en restringir l'accés dels vehicles motoritzats als nuclis i zones centrals de les àrees urbanes. Precisament aquesta opció s'ha proposat per les zones interiors de Girona on l'elevada densitat de les edificacions deixa un escàs marge per plantejar la construcció de noves rutes o vies alternatives. Cal esmentar que tots els càlculs i teories que es desenvolupen en aquest treball de tesis reflecteixen la realitat acústica actual provocada pels diferents mitjans de transport. Molt possiblement, en un futur no massa llunyà, els nivells de soroll (dB) enregistrats en situacions de tràfic similar seran força menors. Són molts els factors que poden contribuir a aquesta disminució de la intensitat de les emissions sonores: reducció del fregament mecànic, augment del coeficient aerodinàmic, nous materials pels pneumàtics i l'asfalt ... Sense cap mena de dubte, però, una millora transcendental, i no només pel que fa al confort acústic sinó per l'ecosistema en general, seria potenciar la construcció de motors elèctrics o d'hidrogen. Aquests últims per exemple, a diferència dels motors de combustió, funcionen mitjançant piles de combustible que converteixen, amb molta netedat, el gas hidrogen en electricitat i possibiliten l'existència de vehicles no contaminants propulsats per motors elèctrics menys sorollosos. Així, al haver-hi menys fregament entre les parts mòbils del motor (no hi ha pistons ni cilindres) el soroll generat es reduiria considerablement.
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is an important large-scale atmospheric circulation that influences the European countries climate. This study evaluated NAO impact in air quality in Porto Metropolitan Area (PMA), Portugal, for the period 2002-2006. NAO, air pollutants and meteorological data were statistically analyzed. All data were obtained from PMA Weather Station, PMA Air Quality Stations and NOAA analysis. Two statistical methods were applied in different time scale : principal component and correlation coefficient. Annual time scale, using multivariate analysis (PCA, principal component analysis), were applied in order to identified positive and significant association between air pollutants such as PM10, PM2.5, CO, NO and NO2, with NAO. On the other hand, the correlation coefficient using seasonal time scale were also applied to the same data. The results of PCA analysis present a general negative significant association between the total precipitation and NAO, in Factor 1 and 2 (explaining around 70% of the variance), presented in the years of 2002, 2004 and 2005. During the same years, some air pollutants (such as PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx and CO) present also a positive association with NAO. The O3 shows as well a positive association with NAP during 2002 and 2004, at 2nd Factor, explaining 30% of the variance. From the seasonal analysis using correlation coefficient, it was found significant correlation between PM10 (0.72., p<0.05, in 2002), PM2.5 (0 74, p<0.05, in 2004), and SO2 (0.78, p<0.01, in 2002) with NAO during March-December (no winter period) period. Significant associations between air pollutants and NAO were also verified in the winter period (December to April) mainly with ozone (2005, r=-0.55, p.<0.01). Once that human health and hospital morbidities may be affected by air pollution, the results suggest that NAO forecast can be an important tool to prevent them, in the Iberian Peninsula and specially Portugal.
This paper presents information on the reliability of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in children with profound sensorineural hearing losses.
This paper presents a study of the effectiveness of a neonatal hearing screener (the GSI AUDIOscreener, which is usually used in hospitals to test newborns), in a pediatrician's offices to test infants and children up to age 5-1/2 years.
This study provides detailed information on the ability of healthy ears to generate distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs).
This paper discusses the use of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) in performing outpatient hearing screening for children, birth to age five.
This paper presents a study investigating the relationship between tympanometry measures of the middle ear and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE) screening, suggesting that using a combination of the two methods in pediatricians’ offices would result in fewer inappropriate referrals for comprehensive hearing evaluations.
This paper studies the test-retest reliability of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) in newborns in a neonatal intensive care unit.
This paper describes a project which set up a system to measure distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) in the Sprague Dawley rat and to conduct a pilot study to measure the development of DPOAEs as a function of age.
This paper discusses a study done of neonates to determine the differences between ABR and DPOE for hearing screening.
This paper reviews spontaneous otoacoustic emissions.
This paper discusses the effect of noise exposure on high school aged boys' hearing levels and how to measure the effects.
This paper studies the relationship between hearing sensitivity and the presence of otoacoustic emissions by examining the variability of same ear emissions in a group of normal-hearing subjects.
This paper evaluates the routine of one pediatrics facility interested in incorporating a hearing screening protocol into their practice and suggests such a protocol using distortion product otoacoustic emission tests (DPOAE).