855 resultados para ARYL ACRYLIC-ACIDS
In two separate studies, the cholesterol-lowering efficacy of a diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was evaluated by means of a randomized crossover trial. In both studies subjects were randomized to receive either a high-MUFA diet or the control diet first, which they followed for a period of 8 weeks; following a washout period of 4–6 weeks they were transferred onto the opposing diet for a further period of 8 weeks. In one study subjects were healthy middle-aged men (n 30), and in the other they were young men (n 23) with a family history of CHD recruited from two centres (Guildford and Dublin). The two studies were conducted over the same time period using identical foods and study designs. Subjects consumed 38% energy as fat, with 18% energy as MUFA and 10% as saturated fatty acids (MUFA diet), or 13% energy as MUFA and 16% as saturated fatty acids (control diet). The polyunsaturated fatty acid content of each diet was 7%. The diets were achieved by providing subjects with manufactured foods such as spreads, ‘ready meals’, biscuits, puddings and breads, which, apart from their fatty acid compositions, were identical for both diets. Subjects were blind to which of the diets they were following on both arms of the study. Weight changes on the diets were less than 1 kg. In the groups combined (n 53) mean total and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower at the end of the MUFA diet than the control diet by 0×29 (SD 0×61) mmol/l (P,0×001) and 0×38 (SD 0×64) mmol/l (P, 0×0001) respectively. In middle-aged men these differences were due to a mean reduction in LDL-cholesterol of ¹11 (SD 12) % on the MUFA diet with no change on the control diet (¹1×1 (SD 10) %). In young men the differences were due to an increase in LDL-cholesterol concentration on the control diet of þ6×2 (SD 13) % and a decrease on the MUFA diet of ¹7×8 (SD 20) %. Differences in the responses of middle-aged and young men to the two diets did not appear to be due to differences in their habitual baseline diets which were generally similar, but appeared to reflect the lower baseline cholesterol concentrations in the younger men. There was a moderately strong and statistically significant inverse correlation between the change in LDLcholesterol concentration on each diet and the baseline fasting LDL-cholesterol concentration (r¹0×49; P,0×0005). In conclusion, diets in which saturated fat is partially replaced by MUFA can achieve significant reductions in total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations, even when total fat and energy intakes are maintained. The dietary approach used to alter fatty acid intakes would be appropriate for achieving reductions in saturated fat intakes in whole populations.
Objective: To examine the effects of the consumption of fish oils on the gene expression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL, EC in human adipose tissue. In order to measure LPL mRNA in adipose tissue samples obtained by needle biopsy from human volunteers a competitive, reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) protocol was developed. Design: A randomised controlled, single blind cross over dietary study which compared the effects of a low level n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) using normal foods enriched with eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) (test diet), with non-enriched but otherwise identical foods (control). The diets were consumed for a period of 22 d with a wash out period of 5 months between the diets. Setting: Free-living individuals associated with the University of Surrey. Subjects: Six male subjects with a mean (±sd) age of 51.2±3.6 y were recruited. Major Outcome Measures: Pre-and postprandial blood samples were taken for the measurement of triacylglycerol (TAG), postheparin LPL activity and adipose tissue samples for the measurement of LPL mRNA levels. Results: Mean LPL expression values were 4.12´105 molecules of LPL mRNA per ng total RNA on the control diet and 4.60´105 molecules of LPL mRNA per ng total RNA on the n-3 PUFA enriched (test) diet. There was no significant difference between the levels of LPL expression following each diet, consistent with the lack of change in TAG levels in response to increased dietary n-3 PUFA intake. However, the change in LPL expression (Test-Control diet) correlated significantly with the change in fasting TAG levels (P=0.03, R=-0.87 and R2=0.75) and with the total area under the TAG-time response curve (P=0.003, R=-0.96 and R2=0.92) in individuals. Conclusions: These findings, although based on a small number of subjects, suggest that LPL expression may be a determinant of plasma TAG levels. The development of this methodology should allow further elucidation of the effects of dietary manipulation and disease processes on lipid clearance and regulation in human subjects.
The fatty acid composition of the diet of seven free-living subjects (five men and two women) aged 41–56 years was altered for 1 month. The aim was to increase the intake of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) from subjects current habitual levels of 12% dietary energy to a target intake of 18% dietary energy, and to decrease saturated fatty acid (SFA) from habitual levels of 16% dietary energy to target levels of 10% dietary energy. The change in fatty acid intake was achieved by supplying volunteers with foods prepared using MUFA-containing spreads or olive oil (ready meals, sweet biscuits and cakes) and also by supplying spreads, cooking oil and MUFA-enriched milk for domestic use. Body weight and plasma total cholesterol measurements were made at baseline and at 2 and 4 weeks on the diet as an aid to maintaining subject compliance. MUFA consumption was significantly increased from 12% dietary energy to 16% dietary energy (P<0.01), and SFA intake was reduced from 16% dietary energy to 6% dietary energy (P<0.01) during the 4-week intervention. The diet failed to achieve the target increase in MUFA but exceeded the target reduction in SFA. This was due to the fact that subjects reduced their total fat intake from a mean habitual level of 38% dietary energy to a mean level of 30% dietary energy. During the dietary period, mean plasma cholesterol levels were lower at 2 weeks (P<0.01) and at 4 weeks (P<0.01) than the baseline, with a mean reduction of 20% over the dietary period. This study demonstrates the difficulty of achieving increased MUFA intakes (by SFA substitution) in free-living populations when only a limited range of fatty-acid modified food products are provided to volunteers.
OBJECTIVE: The present study was carried out to investigate effects of meals, rich in either saturated fatty acids (SFA), or n-6 or n-3 fatty acids, on postprandial plasma lipid and hormone concentrations as well as post-heparin plasma lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. DESIGN: The study was a randomized single-blind study comparing responses to three test meals. SETTING: The volunteers attended the Clinical Investigation Unit of the Royal Surrey County Hospital on three separate occasions in order to consume the meals. SUBJECTS: Twelve male volunteers with an average age of 22.5 +/- 1.4 years (mean +/- SD), were selected from the University of Surrey student population; one subject dropped out of the study because he found the test meal unpalatable. INTERVENTIONS: Three meals were given in the early evening and postprandial responses were followed overnight for 11h. The oils used to prepare each of the three test meals were: a mixed oil rich in saturated fatty acids (SFA) which mimicked the fatty acid composition of the current UK diet, corn oil, rich in n-6 fatty acids and a fish oil concentrate (MaxEPA) rich in n-3 fatty acids. The oil under investigation (40 g) was incorporated into the test meals which were otherwise identical [208 g carbohydrates, 35 g protein, 5.65 MJ (1350 kcal) energy]. Postprandial plasma triacylglycerol (TAG), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), and insulin responses, as well as post-heparin LPL activity (measured at 12 h postprandially only) were investigated. RESULTS: Fatty acids of the n-3 series significantly reduced plasma TAG responses compared to the mixed oil meal (P < 0.05) and increased post-heparin LPL activity 15 min after the injection of heparin (P < 0.01). A biphasic response was observed in TAG, with peak responses occurring at 1 h and between 3-7 h postprandially. GIP and insulin showed similar responses to the three test meals and no significant differences were observed. CONCLUSION: We conclude that fish oils can decrease postprandial plasma TAG levels partly through an increase in post-heparin LPL activity, which however, is not due to increased GIP or insulin concentrations.
OBJECTIVE: The present study was carried out to determine effects of test meals of different fatty acid compositions on postprandial lipoprotein and apolipoprotein metabolism. DESIGN: The study was a randomized, single blind design. SETTING: The study was carried out in the Clinical Investigation Unit of the Royal Surrey County Hospital. SUBJECTS: Twelve male normal subjects with an average age of 22.4 +/- 1.4 years (mean +/- SD) were selected from the student population of the University of Surrey; one subject dropped out of the study because he found the test meal unpalatable. INTERVENTIONS: The subjects were given three evening test meals on three separate occasions, in which the oils used were either a mixed oil (rich in saturated fatty acids and approximated the fatty acid intake of the current UK diet), corn oil (rich in n-6 fatty acids), or fish oil (rich in n-3 fatty acids) 40 g of the oil under investigation were incorporated into a rice-based test meal. Triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins-triacylglycerol (TRL-TAG), TRL-cholesterol (TRL-cholesterol), plasma-TAG, plasma cholesterol (T-C), and serum apolipoprotein A-I and B (apo A-I and B) responses were measured. Postprandial responses were followed for 11 h. RESULTS: Postprandial plasma-TAG responses, calculated as incremental areas under the response curves (IAUC) were significantly reduced following the fish oil meal [365.5 +/- 145.4 mmol/l x min (mean +/- SD)[ compared with the mixed oil meal (552.0 +/- 141.7 mmol/l x min) (P < 0.05) and there was a strong trend towards the same direction in the TRL-TAG responses. In all instances, plasma-and TRL-TAG showed a biphasic response with increased concentrations occurring at 1h and between 3 and 7h postprandially. TRL-cholesterol, T-C, and serum apo A-I and B responses to the three meals were similar. CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the view that fish oils decrease postprandial lipaemia and this may be an important aspect of their beneficial effects in reducing risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Further work is required to determine the mechanisms responsible for this effect.
Although there have been a number of studies of effects of diet and hormones on lipoprotein lipase (EC; LPL) activity and levels of LPL mRNA (Raynolds et al. 1990), there have been no studies which have investigated effects of different dietary fatty acids on LPL gene expression. In the present study male Wistar Albino rats were pair-fed diets containing 50 g fat/kg of different fatty acid composition for 2 weeks. The diets fed were (1) a mixed oil (450 g saturated fatty acids, 420 g monounsaturated fatty acids, 130 g polyunsaturated fatty acids/kg; n 8), (2) maize oil (n 8), or (3) fish oil (n 8). Animals were killed, RNA was extracted from liver and perirenal and epididymal fat pads, and analysed by ‘Northern methodology’. Samples were hybridized to a human cDNA probe for LPL (Gotoda et al. 1989). Two transcripts were identified in epididymai and perirenal adipose tissue which were approximately 3·7 and 1·7 kb in size. The results suggested that (1) fish oil-fed animals had significantly greater production of LPL mRNA in epididymai adipose tissue compared with maize oil-fed animals (P < 0·05), (2) maize oil-fed animals had significantly greater production of LPL mRNA in perirenal fat compared with the other dietary groups (P < 0·05), (3) expression in the liver was not significant. Rats fed on a fish oil diet had significantly reduced plasma triacylglycerol concentrations compared with the mixed-oil group (P < 0·05), but there were no significant differences in plasma cholesterol. The differences in LPL could not be explained directly by the changes in plasma immunoreactive-insulin and glucose-dependent insulinotrophic polypeptide levels in the three groups.
The present study reports results from two investigations to determine effects of a 6-week period of moderate n-3 fatty acid supplementation (2.7 g/d) on fasting and on postprandial triacylglycerol and metabolic hormone concentrations in response to standard test meals. In the first study postprandial responses were followed for 210 min after an early morning test meal challenge; in the second study responses to an evening test meal were followed during the evening and overnight for a total period of 12 h. In both studies postprandial triacylglycerol responses to the test meals were significantly reduced after compared with before fish-oil supplementation. In the second study the triacylglycerol peak response seen between 200 and 400 min in subjects studied before supplementation with fish oils was almost completely absent in the same subjects after 6 weeks of n-3 fatty acid supplementation. Analysis of fasting concentrations of metabolites and hormones was carried out on the combined data from the two studies. There were no significant differences in total, low-density-lipoprotein- or high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations during fish-oil supplementation, although there was considerable individual variation in cholesterol responses to the supplement. Concentrations of Apo-B and Apo-A1 were unchanged during supplementation with fish oils. Fasting and early morning postprandial GIP concentrations were lower in subjects taking fish oils, possibly due to acute effects of fish-oil capsules taken on the evening before the studies. In both studies fasting insulin and glucose and postprandial insulin concentrations remained unchanged following fish-oil supplementation. The results do not support the view that triacylglycerol-lowering effects of n-3 fatty acids are due to modulation of insulin secretion mediated via the enteroinsular axis. Further studies are required to determine the precise mechanism by which fish oils reduce both fasting and postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations.
The possible relationship between consumption of trans fatty acids (TFAs) and risk of insulin resistance or development of diabetes mellitus type II has been considered by a number of human and animal studies over the past decade. This review evaluates the evidence, and concludes that there is limited evidence for a weak association at high TFA intakes, but very little convincing evidence that habitual exposure as part of a standard western diet has a significant contribution to risk of diabetes or insulin resistance. The possibility of increased risk for individuals with particular genotypes (such as the FABP2 Thr54 allele) is of interest, but further work would be required to provide sufficient evidence of any association.
An investigation into the speciation and occurrence of nine haloacetic acids (HAAs) was conducted during the period of April 2007 to March 2008 and involved three drinking water supply systems in England, which were chosen to represent a range of source water conditions; these were an upland surface water, a lowland surface water and a groundwater. Samples were collected seasonally from the water treatment plants and at different locations in the distribution systems. The highest HAA concentrations occurred in the upland surface water system, with an average total HAA concentration of 21.3 μg/L. The lowest HAA levels were observed in the groundwater source, with a mean concentration of 0.6 μg/L. Seasonal variations were significant in the HAA concentrations; the highest total HAA concentrations were found during the autumn, when the concentrations were approximately two times higher than in winter and spring. HAA speciation varied among the water sources, with dichloroacetic acid and trichloroacetic acid dominant in the lowland surface water system and brominated species dominant in the upland surface water system. There was a strong correlation between trihalomethanes and HAAs when considering all samples from the three systems in the same data set (r2=0.88); however, the correlation was poor/moderate when considering each system independently.
Water-soluble polymers are often capable of forming interpolymer complexes in solutions and at interfaces, which offers an excellent opportunity for surface modification. The complex formation may be driven by H-bonding between poly(carboxylic acids) and non-ionic polymers or by electrostatic attraction between oppositely-charged polyelectrolytes. In the present communication the following applications of interpolymer complexation in coating technologies will be considered: (1) Complexation between poly(acrylic acid) and non-ionic polymers via H-bonding was used to coat glass surfaces. It was realised using layer-by-layer deposition of IPC on glass surfaces with subsequent cross-linking of dry multilayers by thermal treatment. Depending on the glass surface functionality this complexation resulted in detachable and non-detachable hydrogel films; (2) Electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly between glycol chitosan and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used to coat magnetic nanoparticles. It was demonstrated that the native structure of BSA remains unaffected by the self-assembling process.
Diets high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are increasingly being recommended as a highly-effective cholesterol-lowering strategy in populations at risk of CHD. However, the need for a re-appraisal of the benefits of diets rich in MUFA became apparent as a result of recent studies showing that meals high in olive oil cause greater postprandial activation of blood coagulation factor VII than meals rich in saturated fatty acids. The present review evaluates the evidence for the effects of MUFA-rich diets on fasting and postprandial measurements of haemostasis, and describes data from a recently-completed long-term controlled dietary intervention study. The data show that a background diet high in MUFA has no adverse effect on fasting haemostatic variables and decreases the postprandial activation of factor VII in response to a standard fat-containing meal. Since the same study also showed a significant reduction in the ex vivo activation of platelets in subjects on the high-MUFA diet, the overall findings suggest that there is no reason for concern regarding adverse haemostatic consequences of high-MUFA diets.
A considerable amount of evidence has accumulated to support the view that the very long chain omega 3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) have beneficial cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory properties and that levels of their consumption are insufficient in most Western diets. More recently, attention has been given to the possibility that the precursor omega-3 PUFA, alpha linolenic acid (ALNA), may share some of the beneficial actions of EPA/DHA on human health. Further research into the metabolism and physiological actions of ALNA, and comparisons with EPA/DHA, is needed before conclusions regarding the optimal amounts and types of omega-3 PUFA for human health can be defined. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which arises as a metabolic by-product of rumen hydrogenation and which is found in foods of animal origin, has been proposed to possess potent health promoting properties, but much of this research has been conducted in experimental animals. There is an urgent need for complementary studies in human volunteers, to confirm the putative anti-carcinogenic, anti-atherogenic, anti-lipogenic and immuno-suppressive properties of CLA.