984 resultados para AMS


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Atmosphärische Aerosole haben einen starken Einfluss auf das Klima, der bisher nur grundlegend verstanden ist und weiterer Forschung bedarf. Das atmosphärische Verhalten der Aerosolpartikel hängt maßgeblich von ihrer Größe und chemischen Zusammensetzung ab. Durch Reflexion, Absorption und Streuung des Sonnenlichtes verändern sie den Strahlungshaushalt der Erde direkt und durch ihre Einflussnahme auf die Wolkenbildung indirekt. Besonders gealterte, stark oxidierte organische Aerosole mit großem Sauerstoff-zu-Kohlenstoff-Verhältnis wirken als effektive Wolkenkondensationskeime. Neben primären Aerosolpartikeln, die direkt partikelförmig in die Atmosphäre gelangen, spielen sekundäre Aerosolpartikel eine große Rolle, die aus Vorläufergasen in der Atmosphäre entstehen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse legen nahe, dass kurzkettige aliphatische Amine bei Nukleationsprozessen beteiligt sind und somit die Partikelneubildung vielerorts mitsteuern. Um die Rolle von Aminen in der Atmosphäre besser erforschen und industrielle Emissionen kontrollieren zu können, bedarf es einer zuverlässigen Methode zur Echtzeitquantifizierung gasförmiger Amine mit hoher Zeitauflösung und niedriger Nachweisgrenze.rnDas hochauflösende Flugzeit-Aerosolmassenspektrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) bietet die Möglichkeit, atmosphärische Partikel in Echtzeit zu analysieren. Dabei werden Größe, Menge und grundlegende chemische Zusammensetzung erfasst. Anorganische Aerosolbestandteile können eindeutig zugeordnet werden. Es ist jedoch kaum möglich, einzelne organische Verbindungen in den komplizierten Massenspektren atmosphärischer Aerosole zu identifizieren und quantifizieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit wird atmosphärisches Aerosol untersucht, das im Westen Zyperns während der CYPHEX-Kampagne mit einem HR-ToF-AMS gemessen wurde. An diesem Standort ist vor allem stark gealtertes Aerosol vorzufinden, das aus Zentral- und Westeuropa stammt. Lokale Einflüsse spielen fast keine Rolle. Es wurde eine durchschnittliche Massenkonzentration von 10,98 μg/m3 gefunden, zusammengesetzt aus 57 % Sulfat, 30 % organischen Bestandteilen, 12 % Ammonium, < 1 % Nitrat und < 1 % Chlorid, bezogen auf das Gewicht. Der Median des vakuum-aerodynamischen Durchmessers betrug 446,25 nm. Es wurde sehr acides Aerosol gefunden, dessen anorganische Bestandteile weitgehend der Zusammensetzung von Ammoniumhydrogensulfat entsprachen. Tag-Nacht-Schwankungen in der Zusammensetzung wurden beobachtet. Die Sulfatkonzentration und die Acidität zeigten tagsüber Maxima und nachts Minima. Konzentrationsschwankungen an Nitrat und Chlorid zeigten einen weniger ausgeprägten Rhythmus, Maxima fallen aber immer mit Minima der Sulfatkonzentration, Aerosolacidität und Umgebungstemperatur zusammen. Organische Aerosolbestandteile entsprachen stark gealtertem, schwerflüchtigem oxidiertem organischem Aerosol. Es wurde eine interne Mischung der Partikel beobachtet, die ebenfalls meist bei alten Aerosolen auftritt.rnUm mit dem HR-ToF-AMS auch einzelne organische Verbindungen identifizieren und quantifizieren zu können, wurde eine Methode entwickelt, mit der man Amine der Gasphase selektiv in künstlich erzeugte Phosphorsäurepartikel aufnimmt und so für die HR-ToF-AMS-Messung zugänglich macht. Dadurch kombiniert man die Vorteile der Online-Messung des HR-ToF-AMS mit den Vorteilen klassischer Offline-Probenahmen. So können in Echtzeit sehr einfache Massenspektren gemessen werden, in denen störende Komponenten abgetrennt sind, während die Analyten eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Systeme dieser Art wurden GTRAP-AMS (Gaseous compound TRapping in Artificially-generated Particles – Aerosol Mass Spectrometry) genannt. Kalibrierungen für (Mono)Methylamin, Dimethylamin, Trimethylamin, Diethylamin und Triethylamin ergaben Nachweisgrenzen im ppt-Bereich bei einer Zeitauflösung von 3 min. Kammerexperimente zur Aminemission von Pflanzen zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung des neu entwickelten Systems mit einer Gasdiffusionsabscheider-Offline-Probenahme und anschließender ionenchromatographischer Analyse. Beide Methoden zeigten Reaktionen der Pflanzen auf eine Veränderung der Lichtverhältnisse, während erhöhte Ozonkonzentrationen die Aminemission nicht veränderten. Die GTRAP-AMS-Methode eignet sich bereits für die Messung von Umgebungsluftkonzentrationen an einigen Orten, für die meisten Orte reicht die Nachweisgrenze allerdings noch nicht aus. Die Technik könnte bereits zur Echtzeitkontrolle industrieller Abgasemissionen eingesetzt werden.


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Although a history of previous acute mountain sickness (AMS) is commonly used for providing advice and recommending its prophylaxis during subsequent exposure, the intraindividual reproducibility of AMS during repeated high-altitude exposure has never been examined in a prospective controlled study.


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We present results from the international field campaign DAURE (Detn. of the sources of atm. Aerosols in Urban and Rural Environments in the Western Mediterranean), with the objective of apportioning the sources of fine carbonaceous aerosols. Submicron fine particulate matter (PM1) samples were collected during Feb.-March 2009 and July 2009 at an urban background site in Barcelona (BCN) and at a forested regional background site in Montseny (MSY). We present radiocarbon (14C) anal. for elemental and org. carbon (EC and OC) and source apportionment for these data. We combine the results with those from component anal. of aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) measurements, and compare to levoglucosan-based ests. of biomass burning OC, source apportionment of filter data with inorg. compn. + EC + OC, submicron bulk potassium (K) concns., and gaseous acetonitrile concns. At BCN, 87 % and 91 % of the EC on av., in winter and summer, resp., had a fossil origin, whereas at MSY these fractions were 66 % and 79 %. The contribution of fossil sources to org. carbon (OC) at BCN was 40 % and 48 %, in winter and summer, resp., and 31 % and 25 % at MSY. The combination of results obtained using the 14C technique, AMS data, and the correlations between fossil OC and fossil EC imply that the fossil OC at Barcelona is ∼47 % primary whereas at MSY the fossil OC is mainly secondary (∼85 %). Day-to-day variation in total carbonaceous aerosol loading and the relative contributions of different sources predominantly depended on the meteorol. transport conditions. The estd. biogenic secondary OC at MSY only increased by ∼40 % compared to the order-of-magnitude increase obsd. for biogenic volatile org. compds. (VOCs) between winter and summer, which highlights the uncertainties in the estn. of that component. Biomass burning contributions estd. using the 14C technique ranged from similar to slightly higher than when estd. using other techniques, and the different estns. were highly or moderately correlated. Differences can be explained by the contribution of secondary org. matter (not included in the primary biomass burning source ests.), and/or by an over-estn. of the biomass burning OC contribution by the 14C technique if the estd. biomass burning EC/OC ratio used for the calcns. is too high for this region. Acetonitrile concns. correlate well with the biomass burning EC detd. by 14C. K is a noisy tracer for biomass burning. [on SciFinder(R)]


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Plutonium is present in the environment as a consequence of atmospheric nuclear tests, nuclear weapons production and industrial releases over the past 50 years. To study temporal trends, a high resolution Pu record was obtained by analyzing 52 discrete samples of an alpine firn/ice core from Colle Gnifetti (Monte Rosa, 4450 m a.s.l.), dating from 1945 to 1990. The 239Pu signal was recorded directly, without decontamination or preconcentration steps, using an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Sector Field Mass Spectrometer (ICP-SFMS) equipped with an high efficiency sample introduction system, thus requiring much less sample preparation than previously reported methods. The 239Pu profile reflects the three main periods of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing: the earliest peak lasted from 1954/55 to 1958 and was caused by the first testing period reaching a maximum in 1958. Despite a temporary halt of testing in 1959/60, the Pu concentration decreased only by half with respect to the 1958 peak due to long atmospheric residence times. In 1961/62 Pu concentrations rapidly increased reaching a maximum in 1963, which was about 40% more intense than the 1958 peak. After the signing of the "Limited Test Ban Treaty" between USA and USSR in 1964, Pu deposition decreased very sharply reaching a minimum in 1967. The third period (1967-1975) is characterized by irregular Pu concentrations with smaller peaks (about 20-30% of the 1964 peak) which might be related to the deposition of Saharan dust contaminated by the French nuclear tests of the 1960s. The data presented are in very good agreement with Pu profiles previously obtained from the Col du Dome ice core (by multi-collector ICP-MS) and Belukha ice core (by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, AMS). Although a semi-quantitative method was employed here, the results are quantitatively comparable to previously published results.


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Tropical Storm Lee produced 25-36 cm of rainfall in north-central Pennsylvania on September 4th through 8th of 2011. Loyalsock Creek, Muncy Creek, and Fishing Creek experienced catastrophic flooding resulting in new channel formation, bank erosion, scour of chutes, deposition/reworking of point bars and chute bars, and reactivation of the floodplain. This study was created to investigate aspects of both geomorphology and sedimentology by studying the well-exposed gravel deposits left by the flood, before these features are removed by humans or covered by vegetation. By recording the composition of gravel bars in the study area and creating lithofacies models, it is possible to understand the 2011 flooding. Surficial clasts on gravel bars are imbricated, but the lack of imbrication and high matrix content of sediments at depth suggests that surface imbrication of the largest clasts took place during hyperconcentrated flow (40-70% sediment concentration). The imbricated clasts on the surface are the largest observed within the bars. The lithofacies recorded are atypical for mixed-load stream lithofacies and more similar to glacial outburst flood lithofacies. This paper suggests that the accepted lithofacies model for mixed-load streams with gravel bedload may not always be useful for interpreting depositional systems. A flume study, which attempted to duplicate the stratigraphy recorded in the field, was run in order to better understand hyperconcentrated flows in the study area. Results from the study in the Bucknell Geology Flume Laboratory indicate that surficial imbrication is possible in hyperconcentrated conditions. After flooding the flume to entrain large amounts of sand and gravel, deposition of surficially imbricated gravel with massive or upward coarsening sedimentology occurred. Imbrication was not observed at depth. These experimental flume deposits support our interpretation of the lithofacies discovered in the field. The sizes of surficial gravel bar clasts show clear differences between chute and point bars. On point bars, gravels fine with increasing distance from the channel. Fining also occurs at the downstream end of point bars. In chute deposits, dramatic fining occurs down the axis of the chute, and lateral grain sizes are nearly uniform. Measuring the largest grain size of sandstone clasts at 8-11 kilometer intervals on each river reveals anomalies in the downstream fining trends. Gravel inputs from bedrock outcrops, tributaries, and erosion of Pleistocene outwash terraces may explain observed variations in grain size along streams either incised into the Appalachian Plateau or located near the Wisconsinan glacial boundary. Atomic Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating of sediment from recently scoured features on Muncy Creek and Loyalsock Creek returned respective ages of 500 BP and 2490 BP. These dates suggest that the recurrence interval of the 2011 flooding may be several hundred to several thousand years. This geomorphic interval of recurrence is much longer then the 120 year interval calculated by the USGS using historical stream gauge records.


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Climate and environmental reconstructions from natural archives are important for the interpretation of current climatic change. Few quantitative high-resolution reconstructions exist for South America which is the only land mass extending from the tropics to the southern high latitudes at 56°S. We analyzed sediment cores from two adjacent lakes in Northern Chilean Patagonia, Lago Castor (45°36′S, 71°47′W) and Laguna Escondida (45°31′S, 71°49′W). Radiometric dating (210Pb, 137Cs, 14C-AMS) suggests that the cores reach back to c. 900 BC (Laguna Escondida) and c. 1900 BC (Lago Castor). Both lakes show similarities and reproducibility in sedimentation rate changes and tephra layer deposition. We found eight macroscopic tephras (0.2–5.5 cm thick) dated at 1950 BC, 1700 BC, at 300 BC, 50 BC, 90 AD, 160 AD, 400 AD and at 900 AD. These can be used as regional time-synchronous stratigraphic markers. The two thickest tephras represent known well-dated explosive eruptions of Hudson volcano around 1950 and 300 BC. Biogenic silica flux revealed in both lakes a climate signal and correlation with annual temperature reanalysis data (calibration 1900–2006 AD; Lago Castor r = 0.37; Laguna Escondida r = 0.42, seven years filtered data). We used a linear inverse regression plus scaling model for calibration and leave-one-out cross-validation (RMSEv = 0.56 °C) to reconstruct sub decadal-scale temperature variability for Laguna Escondida back to AD 400. The lower part of the core from Laguna Escondida prior to AD 400 and the core of Lago Castor are strongly influenced by primary and secondary tephras and, therefore, not used for the temperature reconstruction. The temperature reconstruction from Laguna Escondida shows cold conditions in the 5th century (relative to the 20th century mean), warmer temperatures from AD 600 to AD 1150 and colder temperatures from AD 1200 to AD 1450. From AD 1450 to AD 1700 our reconstruction shows a period with stronger variability and on average higher values than the 20th century mean. Until AD 1900 the temperature values decrease but stay slightly above the 20th century mean. Most of the centennial-scale features are reproduced in the few other natural climate archives in the region. The early onset of cool conditions from c. AD 1200 onward seems to be confirmed for this region.


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Long-term concentration records of carbonaceous particles (CP) are of increasing interest in climate research due to their not yet completely understood effects on climate. Nevertheless, only poor data on their concentrations and sources before the 20th century are available. We present a first long-term record of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations – the two main fractions of CP – along with the corresponding fraction of modern carbon (fM) derived from radiocarbon (14C) analysis in ice. This allows a distinction and quantification of natural (biogenic) and anthropogenic (fossil) sources in the past. CP were extracted from an ice archive, with resulting carbon quantities in the microgram range. Analysis of 14C by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was therefore highly demanding. We analysed 33 samples of 0.4 to 1 kg ice from a 150.5 m long ice core retrieved at Fiescherhorn glacier in December 2002 (46°33'3.2" N, 08°04'0.4" E; 3900 m a.s.l.). Samples were taken from bedrock up to the firn/ice transition, covering the time period 1650–1940 and thus the transition from the pre-industrial to the industrial era. Before ~1850, OC was approaching a purely biogenic origin with a mean concentration of 24 μg kg−1 and a standard deviation of 7 μg kg−1. In 1940, OC concentration was about a factor of 3 higher than this biogenic background, almost half of it originating from anthropogenic sources, i.e. from combustion of fossil fuels. The biogenic EC concentration was nearly constant over the examined time period with 6 μg kg−1 and a standard deviation of 1 μg kg−1. In 1940, the additional anthropogenic input of atmospheric EC was about 50 μg kg−1.


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Milk cortisol concentration was determined under routine management conditions on 4 farms with an auto-tandem milking parlor and 8 farms with 1 of 2 automatic milking systems (AMS). One of the AMS was a partially forced (AMSp) system, and the other was a free cow traffic (AMSf) system. Milk samples were collected for all the cows on a given farm (20 to 54 cows) for at least 1 d. Behavioral observations were made during the milking process for a subset of 16 to 20 cows per farm. Milk cortisol concentration was evaluated by milking system, time of day, behavior during milking, daily milk yield, and somatic cell count using linear mixed-effects models. Milk cortisol did not differ between systems (AMSp: 1.15 +/- 0.07; AMSf: 1.02 +/- 0.12; auto-tandem parlor: 1.01 +/- 0.16 nmol/L). Cortisol concentrations were lower in evening than in morning milkings (1.01 +/- 0.12 vs. 1.24 +/- 0.13 nmol/L). The daily periodicity of cortisol concentration was characterized by an early morning peak and a late afternoon elevation in AMSp. A bimodal pattern was not evident in AMSf. Finally, milk cortisol decreased by a factor of 0.915 in milking parlors, by 0.998 in AMSp, and increased by a factor of 1.161 in AMSf for each unit of ln(somatic cell count/1,000). We conclude that milking cows in milking parlors or AMS does not result in relevant stress differences as measured by milk cortisol concentrations. The biological relevance of the difference regarding the daily periodicity of milk cortisol concentrations observed between the AMSp and AMSf needs further investigation.


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In climate research the interest on carbonaceous particles has increased over the last years because of their influence on the radiation balance of the earth. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of available data regarding their concentrations and sources in the past. Such data would be important for a better understanding of their effects and for estimating their influence on future climate. Here, a technique is described to extract carbonaceous particles from ice core samples with subsequent separation of the two main constituents into organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) for analysis of their concentrations in the past. This is combined with further analysis of OC and EC 14C/12C ratios by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), what can be used for source apportionment studies of past emissions. We further present how 14C analysis of the OC fraction could be used in the future to date any ice core extracted from a high-elevation glacier. Described sample preparation steps to final analysis include the combustion of micrograms of water–insoluble carbonaceous particles, primary collected by filtration of melted ice samples, the graphitisation of the obtained CO2 to solid AMS target material and final AMS measurements. Possible fractionation processes were investigated for quality assurance. Procedural blanks were reproducible and resulted in carbon masses of 1.3 ± 0.6 μg OC and 0.3 ± 0.1 μg EC per filter. The determined fraction of modern carbon (fM) for the OC blank was 0.61 ± 0.13. The analysis of processed IAEA-C6 and IAEA-C7 reference material resulted in fM = 1.521 ± 0.011 and δ13C = −10.85 ± 0.19‰, and fM = 0.505 ± 0.011 and δ13C = −14.21 ± 0.19‰, respectively, in agreement with consensus values. Initial carbon contents were thereby recovered with an average yield of 93%.


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BACKGROUND: Coronary stents improve immediate and late results of balloon angioplasty by tacking up dissections and preventing wall recoil. These goals are achieved within weeks after angioplasty, but with current technology stents permanently remain in the artery, with many limitations including the need for long-term antiplatelet treatment to avoid thrombosis. We report a prospective multicentre clinical trial of coronary implantations of absorbable magnesium stents. METHODS: We enrolled 63 patients (44 men; mean age 61.3 [SD 9.5 years]) in eight centres with single de novo lesions in a native coronary artery in a multicentre, non-randomised prospective study. Follow-up included coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound at 4 months and clinical assessment at 6 months and 12 months. The primary endpoint was cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, or clinically driven target lesion revascularisation at 4 months FINDINGS: 71 stents, 10-15 mm in length and 3.0-3.5 mm in diameter, were successfully implanted after pre-dilatation in 63 patients. Diameter stenosis was reduced from 61.5 (SD 13.1%) to 12.6 (5.6%) with an acute gain of 1.41 mm (0.46 mm) and in-stent late loss of 1.08 mm (0.49 mm). The ischaemia-driven target lesion revascularisation rate was 23.8% after 4 months, and the overall target lesion revascularisation rate was 45% after 1 year. No myocardial infarction, subacute or late thrombosis, or death occurred. Angiography at 4 months showed an increased diameter stenosis of 48.4 (17.0%). After serial intravascular ultrasound examinations, only small remnants of the original struts were visible, well embedded into the intima. Neointimal growth and negative remodelling were the main operating mechanisms of restenosis. INTERPRETATION: This study shows that biodegradable magnesium stents can achieve an immediate angiographic result similar to the result of other metal stents and can be safely degraded after 4 months. Modifications of stent characteristics with prolonged degradation and drug elution are currently in development.


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AIM: Acute mountain sickness (AMS) can result in pulmonary and cerebral oedema with overperfusion of microvascular beds, elevated hydrostatic capillary pressure, capillary leakage and consequent oedema as pathogenetic mechanisms. Data on changes in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at altitudes above 5000 m are very limited. METHODS: Thirty-four healthy mountaineers, who were randomized to two acclimatization protocols, undertook an expedition on Muztagh Ata Mountain (7549 m) in China. Tests were performed at five altitudes: Zurich pre-expedition (PE, 450 m), base camp (BC, 4497 m), Camp 1 (C1, 5533 m), Camp 2 (C2, 6265 m) and Camp 3 (C3, 6865 m). Cystatin C- and creatinine-based (Mayo Clinic quadratic equation) GFR estimates (eGFR) were assessed together with Lake Louise AMS score and other tests. RESULTS: eGFR significantly decreased from PE to BC (P < 0.01). However, when analysing at changes between BC and C3, only cystatin C-based estimates indicated a significant decrease in GFR (P = 0.02). There was a linear decrease in eGFR from PE to C3, with a decrease of approx. 3.1 mL min(-1) 1.73 m(-2) per 1000 m increase in altitude. No differences between eGFR of the two groups with different acclimatization protocols could be observed. There was a significant association between eGFR and haematocrit (P = 0.01), whereas no significant association between eGFR and aldosterone, renin and brain natriuretic peptide could be observed. Finally, higher AMS scores were significantly associated with higher eGFR (P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Renal function declines when ascending from low to high altitude. Cystatin C-based eGFR decreases during ascent in high altitude expedition but increases with AMS scores. For individuals with eGFR <40 mL min(-1) 1.73 m(-2), caution may be necessary when planning trips to high altitude above 4500 m above sea level.