957 resultados para 923
Exoerythrocytic Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and develop to huge multinucleated schizonts inside a parasitophorous vacuole. Finally, thousands of merozoites are formed and released into the host cell cytoplasm by complete disintegration of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane. This, in turn, results in death and detachment of the infected hepatocyte, followed by the formation of merosomes. The fast growth of the parasite and host cell detachment are hallmarks of liver stage development and can easily be monitored. Here, we describe how to translate these observations into assays for characterizing parasite development. Additionally, other recently introduced techniques and tools to analyze and manipulate liver stage parasites are also discussed.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether sheep grazing communal alpine pastures with cattle can transmit Border disease virus (BDV) to cattle. A total of 1170 sheep and 923 cattle were tested for BDV using RT-PCR (sheep) and for pestivirus antibodies using an ELISA (cattle), respectively, before being moved to one of 4 pastures (A, B, C and D). Eight sheep from pasture C were viraemic. 396 of 923 cattle examined before the pasture season were seronegative. The latter were re-examined after the pasture season and 99 were seropositive or indeterminate. Antibody specificity was determined in 25 of these using a serum neutralization test (SNT). BDV infection was confirmed in 10 cattle and was considered likely in 8 others. BVDV infection was confirmed in 4 cattle and considered likely in 3 after pasturing. The study has shown that the transmission of BDV from sheep to cattle is possible on communal alpine pastures.
The presence of soluble carbohydrates in the cambial zone, either from sugars recently produced during photosynthesis or from starch remobilized from storage organs, is necessary for radial tree growth. However, considerable uncertainties on carbohydrate dynamics and the consequences on tree productivity exist. This study aims to better understand the variation in different carbon pools at intra-annual resolution by quantifying how cambial zone sugar and starch concentrations fluctuate over the season and in relation to cambial phenology. A comparison between two physiologically different species growing at the same site, i.e., the evergreen Picea abies Karst. and the deciduous Larix decidua Mill., and between L. decidua from two contrasting elevations, is presented to identify mechanisms of growth limitation. Results indicate that the annual cycle of sugar concentration within the cambial zone is coupled to the process of wood formation. The highest sugar concentration is observed when the number of cells in secondary wall formation and lignification stages is at a maximum, subsequent to most radial growth. Starch disappears in winter, while other freeze-resistant non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) increase. Slight differences in NSC concentration between species are consistent with the differing climate sensitivity of the evergreen and deciduous species investigated. The general absence of differences between elevations suggests that the cambial activity of trees growing at the treeline was not limited by the availability of carbohydrates at the cambial zone but instead by environmental controls on the growing season duration.
The contemporary intellectual property rights (IPR) system is not a simple, smoothly working block of rules but is complex and full of ambiguities, and as many argue, imperfections. Some deficits relate on the one hand to the inherent centrality of authorship, originality and mercantilism to the ‘Western’ IP model, which leaves numerous non-Western, collaborative or folkloric modes of production outside the scope of protection. On the other hand, some imperfections stem from the way IPR are granted, whereby creators acquire a temporary monopoly over their works and thus exclude the public from having access to them. In this sense, it is often uncertain whether the existent IPR model appropriately reflects the precarious balance between private and public interests, and whether the best incentives to promote creativity and innovation - the initially stated objectives of intellectual property protection - are offered. The matter becomes still more complicated when one considers that the IPR system is not domestically contained but is globalised and strongly affected by rules at the regional and international levels. The question of whether the balance between private interests and public values is sustained within the international legal framework, epitomised by the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO), is precisely the topic of the book reviewed here. Review of Intellectual Property, Public Policy, and International Trade, edited by Inge Govaere and Hanns Ullrich, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2007.
OBJECTIVE To determine the short- and long-term effects of an intensive, concentrated rehabilitation programme in patients with chronic heart failure. DESIGN Randomized controlled trial, with one-month and six-year evaluations. SETTING Residential rehabilitation centre in Switzerland. SUBJECTS Fifty patients with chronic heart failure, randomized to exercise or control groups. INTERVENTIONS A rehabilitation programme lasting one month, including educational sessions, a low-fat diet, and 2 hours of individually prescribed exercise daily. MAIN MEASURES Exercise test responses, health outcomes and physical activity patterns. RESULTS Peak Vo(2) increased 21.4% in the exercise group during the rehabilitation programme (P<0.05), whereas peak Vo(2) did not change among controls. After the six-year follow-up period, peak Vo(2) was only slightly higher than that at baseline in the trained group (7%, NS), while peak Vo(2) among controls was unchanged. During long-term follow-up, 9 and 12 patients died in the exercise and control groups, respectively (P = 0.63). At six years, physical activity patterns tended to be higher in the exercise group; the mean energy expenditure values over the last year were 2,704 +/- 1,970 and 2,085 +/- 1,522 kcal/week during recreational activities for the exercise and control groups, respectively. However, both groups were more active compared to energy expenditure prior to their cardiac event (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS Six years after participation in a residential rehabilitation programme, patients with chronic heart failure had slightly better outcomes than control subjects, maintained exercise capacity and engaged in activities that exceed the minimal amount recommended by guidelines for cardiovascular health.
OBJECTIVES To conduct a survey across European cardiac centres to evaluate the methods used for cerebral protection during aortic surgery involving the aortic arch. METHODS All European centres were contacted and surgeons were requested to fill out a short, comprehensive questionnaire on an internet-based platform. One-third of more than 400 contacted centres completed the survey correctly. RESULTS The most preferred site for arterial cannulation is the subclavian-axillary, both in acute and chronic presentation. The femoral artery is still frequently used in the acute condition, while the ascending aorta is a frequent second choice in the case of chronic presentation. Bilateral antegrade brain perfusion is chosen by the majority of centres (2/3 of cases), while retrograde perfusion or circulatory arrest is very seldom used and almost exclusively in acute clinical presentation. The same pumping system of the cardio pulmonary bypass is most of the time used for selective cerebral perfusion, and the perfusate temperature is usually maintained between 22 and 26°C. One-third of the centres use lower temperatures. Perfusate flow and pressure are fairly consistent among centres in the range of 10-15 ml/kg and 60 mmHg, respectively. In 60% of cases, barbiturates are added for cerebral protection, while visceral perfusion still receives little attention. Regarding cerebral monitoring, there is a general tendency to use near-infrared spectroscopy associated with bilateral radial pressure measurement. CONCLUSIONS These data represent a snapshot of the strategies used for cerebral protection during major aortic surgery in current practice, and may serve as a reference for standardization and refinement of different approaches.
S. 698 und 699 und S. 574-577 fehlen auch in der gedruckten Ausg.
unter der Red. von J. Winter und Aug. Wünsche
Over the last 20 years, health literacy (German: Gesundheitskompetenz/health competency) has become a popular concept in research and health policy. Initially defined as an individual's ability to understand medical information, the definition has quickly expanded to describe individual-based resources for actions or conduct relevant to health, in different socio-cultural or clinical contexts. Today, researchers and practice experts can draw on a wide variety of definitions and measurements. This article provides an overview of the definitions, briefly introduces the "structure and agency" approach as an example of theorizing health literacy, and shows different types of operationalization. The article presents the strengths and shortcomings of the available concepts and measures and provides starting points for future research in public health and health promotion.
A 78 year old patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus was hospitalized because of weakness and poor nutritional status. For several years, he suffered from an unintended weight loss and chronic, pulpy diarrhea. On examination, we found a severe loss of muscle and fat tissue as well as difficulty swallowing. An adequate nutritional therapy with combined parenteral and enteral nutrition was implemented under regular monitoring of electrolytes and volume status, under which the state of health improved noticeably, while steatorrhea improved under substitution of pancreatic enzymes.
Einleitung: Die Nachwuchsarbeit im Schweizer Fussball ist seit 1995 stark professionalisiert worden, was sich in den letzten 15 Jahren in mehrere internationale Erfolge niedergeschlagen hat. Im Hinblick auf den sportlichen Erfolg hat sich dabei gezeigt, dass sich die Karrieren der erfolgreichsten Schweizer Spieler, deren Förderung in die ersten Jahre dieser Professionalisierung fällt, bereits in der Sampling Phase (Coté, 1999) durch eine frühe Spezialisierung beschreiben lässt (Zibung & Conzelmann, 2013). Die Trainingsumfänge beinhalten v.a. Clubtraining und viel freies Spiel ausserhalb des Clubs oder fussballnahe andere sportliche Aktivitäten. In diesem Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern sich die in den folgenden Jahren nochmals akzentuierte Professionalisierung auf die sportlichen Karrieren der aktuellen Generation von talentierten Fussballspielern ausgewirkt hat. Methode: N = 32 Juniorennationalspieler mit mind. 1 Aufgebot in die U15 oder U16 Nationalmannschaft (Jg. 99; Stichprobe A) werden mit n = 151 ehemaligen Juniorennationalspielern (Jg. 81-87; Stichprobe B aus Zibung & Conzelmann, 2013) in Bezug auf relevante Indikatoren zur Frühspezialisierung verglichen. Dafür wurden die beiden Stichproben in Anlehnung an Zibung und Conzelmann (2013) mittels t-Tests (p < .05) bezüglich folgender Indikatoren für Frühspezialisierung verglichen: Alter beim Beginn freies Fussballspiel und beim ersten Clubeintritt, Trainingsstunden im Club, freies Fussballspiel sowie sportliche Aktivitäten neben dem Fussball (jeweils bis 12-jährig). Die Variablen wurden in beiden Studien retrospektiv per Fragebogen erfasst. Resultate: Die Spieler der jüngeren Generation haben bis 12 Jahre weniger Stunden frei Fussball gespielt (MA = 2016.6, SDA = 1107.1) als die Spieler der älteren Generation (MB = 2535.5, SDB = 1277.3) (t(50.1) = 2.34, p = .02, d = .66). Gleichzeitig haben sie neben dem Fussball weniger andere sportliche Aktivitäten aufzuweisen (t(68.0) = 2.53, p = .01, d = .61). In den Variablen Trainingsstunden im Club (MA = 923.0, SDA = 166.6; MB = 967.0, SDB = 287.1), Alter beim Beginn des freien Fussballspiels (MA = 4.08, SDA = 1.5; MB = 4.36, SDB = 1.2) und beim ersten Clubeintritt (MA = 5.75, SDA = 1.0; MB = 6.07, SDB = 1.3) unterscheiden sich die beiden Stichproben nicht. Diskussion: Der Vergleich der beiden Stichproben zeigt, dass es in den letzten 15 Jahren zu einer Veränderung der Trainingsumfänge von Juniorennationalspielern gekommen ist. Die aktuelle Generation von Juniorennationalspielern spielt neben dem Clubtraining weniger frei Fussball und betreibt aber auch weniger andere Sportarten als die Juniorennationalspieler vor 10-15 Jahren. Ob vermehrte schulische Anforderungen diesen Rückgang in der generellen sportlichen Aktivität verschulden, müsste in der Folge weiter untersucht werden. Ebenso bleibt offen, ob die Einschätzung der Stichprobe B, aufgrund des relativ langen Zeitraums, der zwischen der Erhebung und dem zu erfassenden Zeitraum liegt, zu einer Antwortverzerrung und damit einer Erhöhung der geschätzten Trainingsstunden geführt hat. Literatur: Côté, J. (1999). The influence of the family in the development of talent in sport. The Sport Psychologist, 13 (4), 395–417. Zibung, M. & Conzelmann, A. (2013). The role of specialisation in the promotion of young football talents: A person-oriented study. European Journal of Sport Science, 13 (5), 452–460.
Though a lot of progress has been made in the treatment, prevention, and in increasing the knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS, the CDC reports that over 21% of the people infected with HIV are unaware of their HIV serostatus. Thirty-one percent of people infected with HIV are diagnosed late in the disease progression, often too late to prevent the transmission or the progression of HIV to AIDS. CDC has set a goal to increase by the year 2010, the number of people aware of the HIV serostatus by 5%. ^ This study examined the association between decision-making and risk-taking (assessed using the decision-making confidence and risk-taking scales of the Texas Christian University Self Rating Form) and HIV testing behaviors within a population of heterosexuals at risk for HIV infections living in Harris County, Texas (N=923). Data used in the study was obtained during the first cycle of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance among heterosexuals at risk for HIV infection (NHBS-HET1), conducted from October, 2006 to June, 2007. Eighty percent of the study population reported testing for HIV at some point in their lives. The results showed that individuals who scored high (>3.3) on the decision-making confidence scale of the TCU/SRF were more likely to be tested for HIV when compared to those who scored low on the scale (OR= 2.02, 95% CI= 1.44–2.84), and that individuals who score low on the risk-taking scale of the TCU/SRF were more likely to have been tested for HIV when compared to those who scored high on the scale (OR= 1.65, 95% CI= 1.2–2.31). Several demographic factors were also assessed for their association with HIV testing behaviors. Only sex was found to be associated with HIV testing. ^ The findings suggest that risk-taking and decision-making are predictors of HIV testing behaviors such as prior HIV testing within heterosexuals living in high-risk areas of Houston, Texas, and that intervention designed to improve the risk-taking and decision-making attributes of this population might improve HIV testing within this population.^