989 resultados para 2014-2016
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Riverdale, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Joice, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Martensdale, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
Audit report on America’s Agricultural Industrial Heritage Landscape, Inc., d/b/a Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area and Silos and Smokestacks Natural Heritage Area Foundation in Waterloo, Iowa for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014
Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Cambridge’s Periodic Examination Report dated September 5, 2014 for the period June 1, 2015 through November 30, 2015
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Lansing, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Monroe, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Princeton, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Moravia, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
The Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network (IISN) was established in 2004, though surveillance has been conducted at the Iowa Department of Public Health. Schools and long-term care facilities report data weekly into a Web-based reporting system. Schools report the number of students absent due to illness and the total enrolled. Long-term care facilities report cases of influenza and vaccination status of each case. Both passively report outbreaks of illness, including influenza, to IDPH.
In a 2000 report entitled "Trust in government. Ethics measures in OECD countries," OECD Secretary-General Donald J. Johnston emphasized the fact that public ethics are considered as a keystone of good governance. Moreover, public ethics are a prerequisite to public trust, which is in turn vital not only to any public service, but also to any society in general. At the same time, transparency reforms have flourished over the last few years and have several times been designed as a response to public distrust. Therefore, ethics, transparency and trust are closely linked together in a supposed virtuous circle where transparency works as a factor of better public ethics and leads to more trust in government on the citizens' side. This article explores the links between transparency and levels of trust in 10 countries between 2007 and 2014, using open data indexes and access to information requests as proxies for transparency. A national ranking of transparency, based on requests submitted by citizens to the administration and open data indexes, is then proposed. Key findings show that there is no sharp decline of trust in government in all countries considered in this article, and that transparency and trust in government are not systematically positively associated. Therefore, this article challenges the common assumption, mostly found in the normative literature, about a positive interrelation between the two, where trust in government is conceived as a beneficial effect of administrative transparency.
Sur mandat du médecin cantonal, les interventions effectuées dans le canton de Vaud font l'objet d'un monitorage continu et détaillé effectué par l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive. En 2014, 1520 interruptions de grossesse ont été déclarées dans le canton de Vaud, soit deux de plus que l'année précédente. Dans un peu plus de huit cas sur dix, la femme enceinte était domiciliée sur le territoire vaudois, soit un total de 1298 femmes. Dans l'ensemble, les statistiques restent très stables. Rapporté à la population féminine en âge de procréer, le taux d'interruption de grossesse chez les résidentes vaudoises est de 6.8 pour mille femmes âgées de 15 à 49 ans (8.5 pour mille femmes âgées de 15 à 44 ansa). L'écart entre femmes de nationalité étrangère et femmes de nationalité suisse continue à diminuer légèrement avec un taux respectivement de 8.50/00 et 5.60/00, contre 9.20/00 et 5.50/00 respectivement en 2013. En 2014, comme en 2013, on enregistre environ une interruption de grossesse pour six naissances. Les deux tiers des interruptions de grossesse concernent des femmes entre 20 et 34 ans, ainsi l'âge médian au moment de l'intervention est de 28 ans. Dix femmes avaient moins de 16 ans.