967 resultados para 1998 Election
The goal in highway construction and operation has shifted from method based specifications to specifications relating desired performance attributes to materials, mix designs, and construction methods. Shifting from method specifications to performance based specifications can work as an incentive or disincentive for the contractor to improve performance or extend pavement life. This literature search was directed at a review of existing portland cement concrete performance specification development, and the criteria that can effectively measure pavement performance. The criteria identified in the literature include concrete strength, slab thickness, air content, initial smoothness, water-cement ratio, unit weight, and slump. A description of each criterion, along with the advantages, disadvantages, and test methods for each are identified. Also included are the results from a survey that was sent out to various state, federal, and trade agencies. The responses indicated that 53% currently use or are developing a performance based specification program. Of the 47% of agencies that do not use a performance based specification program, over 34% indicated that they would consider a similar program. The most commonly measured characteristics include thickness, strength, smoothness, and air content. Lastly recommendations and conclusions are made regarding other factors that affect pavement performance and a proposed second phase of the research is suggested. The research team suggests that a regional expert task group be formed to identify performance levels and criteria. The results of that effort will guide the research team in the development of new or revised specifications.
This project was proposed as Phase I of a 2-phase program to evaluate the present use of weather information by Iowa Department of Transportation (IaDOT) personnel, recommend revised procedures, and then implement the resulting recommendations. Midway through Phase I (evaluation phase) the FORETELL project was funded. This project is a multi-state venture that engages the National Weather Service (NWS) and the Forecast Systems Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and proposes to supplant the current weather information-generation and distribution system with an advanced system based on state-of-the-art technologies. The focus of the present project was therefore refined to consider use of weather data by IaDOT personnel, and the training programs needed to more effectively use these data. Results of the survey revealed that two major areas - training of personnel on use of data from whatever source and more precise information of frost formation - are not addressed in the FORETELL project. These aspects have been the focus of the present project.
This report discusses the feasibility of using infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) as a viable technique that can quickly provide information on cement composition prior to use. The PAS technique is of interest because the cost is much lower than for other types of instrumentation used for mineral analysis, it requires virtually no sample preparation, and it can perform multi-component analysis in a matter of minutes. Feasibility of the technique was based on the ability of PAS to identify and quantify sulfate species and major cement matrix components. Strengths and limitations of the technique are presented.
This research, initiated in October 1992, was located at the intersection of Blairs Ferry Road and Lindale Drive in the City of Marion. The wall is located on the southeast corner of the intersection. Reinforced retaining wall construction started with a five inch base of roadstone with one inch of sand for leveling purposes. One and one-half to two feet of one inch clean stone was placed behind the blocks. A four inch perforated plastic pipe was placed approximately nine inches from the bottom of the one inch clean stone. The Tenswal, tensar geogrid was placed at every third layer. Openings in the Tenswal are hooked over plastic dowels in the blocks. The tenswal reaches from the face of the wall back 5' to 8'. The cost for constructing this wall was $124,400. The wall has performed well for the past five years. The wall improves the aesthetics of a high traffic volume intersection of an urban area. Many positive comments have been received by the city regarding its appearance. The City of Marion has been pleased with the wall and has used this type of wall on subsequent projects.
This publication is designed to help identify the most common trees found in Iowa. It is based on vegetative characteristics including leaves, fruit, and bark. It is neither complete nor without possible oversights. Separate species are grouped by similar characteristics, mainly based on type and arrangement of leaves. These groups are; awl- or scale like needles; single needles, flattened with rounded tips; single needles, square in cross section, with pointed tips; and needles in bundles or fascicles of two or more. Remember, vegetative characteristics are quite variable; use more than one specimen for comparison.
This publication is designed to help identify the most common hardwood or deciduous trees found in Iowa. It is based on vegetative characteristics including leaves, fruit, and bark. It is neither complete nor without possible oversights. Separate species are grouped by similar characteristics, mainly based on type and arrangement of leaves. Remember, vegetative characteristics are quite variable; use more than one specimen for comparison.
Durante o ano agrícola de 1998, na Região Nordeste do Brasil, foram realizados experimentos em rede, em blocos casualizados com três repetições, envolvendo a avaliação de 25 cultivares (cultivares e populações) e de 30 híbridos de milho em dezenove e dezesseis ambientes, respectivamente, objetivando conhecer adaptabilidade e estabilidade dessas cultivares para fins de recomendação. Os híbridos apresentaram maiores rendimentos, em média, 21,4% mais que as cultivares. Nos ensaios envolvendo cultivares e populações, o híbrido Cargill 909, utilizado como testemunha, teve um rendimento superior, tanto nos ambientes desfavoráveis quanto nos favoráveis. As cultivares AL 30, BR 5028, BR 106, BR 5011, BR 5033, Sintético Dentado, Sintético Duro e a população CMS 50 expressaram boa adaptação e estabilidade de produção no Nordeste brasileiro. Nos ensaios envolvendo híbridos, Dina 1000, Cargill 333 B, Dina 270, Braskalb XL 360, Master, AG 1051, AG 4051 e Pioneer 3041 apresentaram maior adaptação com estabilidade de produção nos ambientes considerados. Para recomendação específica a ambientes favoráveis destacaram-se os híbridos AG 4051 e Pioneer X 1296 B. Apesar de não se encontrarem híbridos com adaptação específica a ambientes desfavoráveis, a recomendação de materiais com maiores rendimentos nesses ambientes é de interesse para o agricultor, a exemplo do Dina 1000, Cargill 333 B e Braskalb XL 360.
This report documents the Iowa Department of Transportation's accomplishments and ongoing efforts in response to 39 recommendations proposed by the Governor's Blue Ribbon Transportation Task Force at the end of 1995. Governor Terry Branstad challenged the Task Force to "maximize the benefits of each dollar spent from the Road Use Tax Fund."
This report documents Phase II activities of a potentially four-phase project. The goal of the project is to study the feasibility of using advanced technologies from other industries to improve the efficiency and safety of winter highway maintenance vehicle operations. State departments of transportation from Iowa, Minnesota, and Michigan initially formed the study consortium, and several private vendors have become project partners. The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) at Iowa State University is managing project tasks
Postprint (published version)
Foram avaliadas 22 cultivares de milho (variedades, híbridos e populações) em 45 ambientes do Nordeste brasileiro, no triênio 1998 a 2000, objetivando conhecer a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade desses materiais para fins de recomendação. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com três repetições. A análise de variância conjunta mostrou inconsistência no comportamento das cultivares diante das variações ambientais. Os híbridos mostraram melhor adaptação que as variedades e populações, constituindo-se em alternativas viáveis para os produtores que investem em tecnologias modernas de produção; sobressaíram-se Cargill 333 B, AG 1051 e Zeneca 8501. As variedades Sertanejo, AL 25, São Francisco, São Vicente, Asa Branca e BR 106 são importantes nos sistemas de produção dos pequenos e médios produtores rurais da região.