996 resultados para 1898.
[Left to right: William Malley, Thad Farnham, Giovanni Villa, ?, Gustave Ferbert']
Top Row: Thomas Flournoy, Robert Dye, Charles Tryon, John Bennett, Junius Boyd Wood, Fred Tryon
3rd Row: H. Russell, Clayton Teetzel, Albert Webster, Arthur Brookfield, Herbert Lehr, Julian H. Thompson, Frank Hatch, st. mngr. Allan Campbell
2nd Row: Herbert Runnels, Cuthbert Adams, trainer Dr. C.A. Rabethge, captain Joseph Thomas, John McLean, Fred Turner
Front Row: Howard Hayes, William Westfall, Fred Hartsburg, Elisha Case, Wareham Baldwin, Henry Baker, John C. Spaulding
[Scoreboard was first used at the October 23 Notre Dame game.]
(crop from 1932 team photo)
[Letter to Charles Baird, May 23, 1898]