994 resultados para 179
[ES] La evolución fluvial del río Ebro ha sido analizada de forma desigual, siendo más numerosas las investigaciones centradas en su curso medio y bajo. En este trabajo se describe el sistema de terrazas fluviales elaborado por el río Ebro a su paso por la Cuenca de Miranda de Ebro (Álava – Burgos). Se han reconocido cinco niveles de terrazas (T1-T5) mediante su análisis estratigráfico, morfológico y sedimentológico. Las terrazas se sitúan a unas alturas que oscilan entre los 68 y los 5 m sobre el nivel actual del río Ebro. El relleno sedimentario de los niveles más elevados (T1-T4) está compuesto por gravas poligénicas bien clasificadas y muy redondeadas con presencia puntual de niveles de arenas; mientras que el nivel más bajo (T5) está constituido enteramente por partículas finas. Los resultados apuntan hacia variaciones de caudal y aportes sedimentarios, en relación con las oscilaciones climáticas cuaternarias, como los factores que gobiernan la evolución fluvial en la Cuenca de Miranda de Ebro, en coherencia con los modelos de evolución propuestos para otros puntos de la cuenca hidrográfica
The impact of acute exposure of Gammalin 20 (an organochlorine pesticide) was investigated in a static bioassay test over a 96-(4-day) period on the fingerlings of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (lacepede). The 96-hLC sub(50) of Gammalin 20 was determined as 2.31 Ug/l with lower and upper limits of toxicities as 2.10 and 4.44 Ug/l respectively. At higher concentrations, the colour of the exposed fish became darker, opercular movement slowed down while pigmentation pattern increased and respiratory distress was observed, erratic swimming, tonic convulsion and no response to gentle prodding, and finally death. The implications of these results were discussed with a suggestion of the total ban on the use of Gammalin 20 in capture fisheries due to its harmful and persistence nature in the aquatic environment
Germany is planning to construct a new herring factory on the Island of Rügen. This factory will need about 50 000 t of herring per year. For the German fishery this would mean to increase the past 10w 1andings of less than 15 000 t per year to a level which had a1ready been reached by the GDR before the reunification. News of less herring in the Baltic and a decline of German landings in 1998 compared to the years before have led to discussions whether the planned increase in landings could be reached and kept in the future. Information is given in view of German fishery interests about: • the actual assessed herring stock units and the corresponding recent stock development in the Baltic Sea • the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) values for the western and central Baltic Sea in 1998 and in 1999 • the German landings during spring of the years 1993 to 1998 in the Greifswalder Bodden, main German fishery ground in the Baltic Sea
179 p.
The decline in fishermen catches of Lake kainji, which went down from 28,639.6t in 1970 to 6.048t in 1974 (Ita 1982) prompted the promulgation of fisheries edict banning beach seines and other obnoxious fishing gear by Kebbi and Niger State governments in 1997 as a measure to prevent depletion of fisheries resources in the lake. Radio as a medium of communication was adopted as the method to disseminate information in the fisheries edict to the fisherfolks in order to bring about positive changes. Radio Niger, Koro station, was involved in the broadcast. Fisherfolk listened to the broadcast 32 times a week. Frame survey data and radio impact assessment studies were used to assess the effect of the broadcast on the number of beach seines and other obnoxious fishing gears on the lake which were banned in the fisheries edicts. It was revealed that the number of beach decreased drastically from 582 in 1997 to 122 in 1999 and to only 17 in 2001
Superprotonic phase transitions and thermal behaviors of three complex solid acid systems are presented, namely Rb3H(SO4)2-RbHSO4 system, Rb3H(SeO4)2-Cs3H(SeO4)2 solid solution system, and Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4. These material systems present a rich set of phase transition characteristics that set them apart from other, simpler solid acids. A.C. impedance spectroscopy, high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction, and thermal analysis, as well as other characterization techniques, were employed to investigate the phase behavior of these systems.
Rb3H(SO4)2 is an atypical member of the M3H(XO4)2 class of compounds (M = alkali metal or NH4+ and X = S or Se) in that a transition to a high-conductivity state involves disproportionation into two phases rather than a simple polymorphic transition [1]. In the present work, investigations of the Rb3H(SO4)2-RbHSO4 system have revealed the disproportionation products to be Rb2SO4 and the previously unknown compound Rb5H3(SO4)4. The new compound becomes stable at a temperature between 25 and 140 °C and is isostructural to a recently reported trigonal phase with space group P3̅m of Cs5H3(SO4)4 [2]. At 185 °C the compound undergoes an apparently polymorphic transformation with a heat of transition of 23.8 kJ/mol and a slight additional increase in conductivity.
The compounds Rb3H(SeO4)2 and Cs3H(SeO4)2, though not isomorphous at ambient temperatures, are quintessential examples of superprotonic materials. Both adopt monoclinic structures at ambient temperatures and ultimately transform to a trigonal (R3̅m) superprotonic structure at slightly elevated temperatures, 178 and 183 °C, respectively. The compounds are completely miscible above the superprotonic transition and show extensive solubility below it. Beyond a careful determination of the phase boundaries, we find a remarkable 40-fold increase in the superprotonic conductivity in intermediate compositions rich in Rb as compared to either end-member.
The compound Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4 is unusual amongst solid acid compounds in that it has a complex cubic structure at ambient temperature and apparently transforms to a simpler cubic structure of the CsCl-type (isostructural with CsH2PO4) at its transition temperature of 100-120 °C [3]. Here it is found that, depending on the level of humidification, the superprotonic transition of this material is superimposed with a decomposition reaction, which involves both exsolution of (liquid) acid and loss of H2O. This reaction can be suppressed by application of sufficiently high humidity, in which case Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4 undergoes a true superprotonic transition. It is proposed that, under conditions of low humidity, the decomposition/dehydration reaction transforms the compound to Cs6(H2-0.5xSO4)3(H1.5PO4)4-x, also of the CsCl structure type at the temperatures of interest, but with a smaller unit cell. With increasing temperature, the decomposition/dehydration proceeds to greater and greater extent and unit cell of the solid phase decreases. This is identified to be the source of the apparent negative thermal expansion behavior.
[1] L.A. Cowan, R.M. Morcos, N. Hatada, A. Navrotsky, S.M. Haile, Solid State Ionics 179 (2008) (9-10) 305.
[2] M. Sakashita, H. Fujihisa, K.I. Suzuki, S. Hayashi, K. Honda, Solid State Ionics 178 (2007) (21-22) 1262.
[3] C.R.I. Chisholm, Superprotonic Phase Transitions in Solid Acids: Parameters affecting the presence and stability of superprotonic transitions in the MHnXO4 family of compounds (X=S, Se, P, As; M=Li, Na, K, NH4, Rb, Cs), Materials Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (2003).
The investigations on the fecundity of cod from different areas of the Baltic Sea started in 1992. The samples were collected in ICES Sub-divisions 25 (Bornholm Sea). 24 (Arkona Sea) and 22 (Mecklenburg and Kiel Bay). This article surnmarizes the results of 435 analysed gonads from females of age groups 1 to 8 with total length of 24 - 116 cm of the years 1992 to 1995. The gonads were prepared and analysed according to the methods which were deseribed in Bleil and Oeberst (1993). The aim of the investigations is to estimate the reproduction potential of cod for different areas and years. For this reason the absolute and relative fecundity were analysed for estimating the dependence on the total length, for age groups and the weight of females. These data were estimated for the populations Gadus morhua morhua and Gadus morhua callarias. Preliminary results have shown that the absolute fecundity (fabs) is dependent on whole weight of the females. The influence of sub-divisions (SD) and years to the fecundity are very low. Additional to this data was calculated the population fecundity for the western Baltic Sea stock (SD 22 and 24). The numbers of produced ripe eggs within the western Baltic were estimated with 4055.59 x 10(9) for 1993 and 6949.85 x 10(9) for 1994.
The aim of this paper is to explore the potential role that quality objectives, particularly when backed by statutory force, may play in the sustainable management of river water quality. Economic valuation techniques are discussed, as well as the theory of "critical natural capital". A brief history of water quality legislation includes the implementation of the National Water Council classification in 1979, and the statutory water quality objectives introduced under the Water Resources Act 1991.
Aurkibidea: - Hitzaurrea (Salvatore Aricò). - Aurkezpena (Miren Onaindia, Iosu Madariaga, Igone Palacios eta Xabier Arana). - Mezu gakoak. - Milurteko Ekosistemen Ebaluazioa Bizkaian proiektua: sarrera, helburuak eta kontzeptu orokorrak. - Zer zerbitzu ematen dizkigute Bizkaiko ekosistemek? - Nola banatzen dira lurraldean ekosistemen zerbitzuak? - Zer joera izan dute Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuek azken hamarkadetan? - Azterketa-kasuak: Bilboaldeko ingurune berdea, Urdaibai Biosfera Erreserba, Lea ibaiaren arroa eta Urkiolako Parke Naturala. - Murriztu daiteke lurraldeak kanpo-ekosistemen zerbitzuekiko duen mendekotasuna? - Nolakoa nahi genuke izatea Bizkaia 2050. urtean? - Zer erantzun-aukera ditugu eta zer erabaki har ditzakegu? - Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuen katalogoa. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten argitalpenak. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten webguneak. - Glosarioa.
Índice: - Prólogo (Salvatore Aricò). - Presentación (Miren Onaindia, Iosu Madariaga, Igone Palacios y Xabier Arana). - Mensajes claves. - Proyecto Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de Bizkaia: introducción, objetivos y conceptos generales. - ¿Cuáles son los servicios que nos proporcionan los ecosistemas de Bizkaia? - ¿Cómo se distribuyen los servicios de los ecosistemas en el territorio? - ¿Cuál es la tendencia descrita por los servicios de los ecosistemas de Bizkaia en las últimas décadas? - Casos de estudio: Cinturón Verde del Bilbao Metropolitano, Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai, Cuenca del río Lea y Parque Natural de Urkiola. - ¿Es posible reducir la dependencia del territorio de servicios de los ecosistemas externos? - ¿Cómo nos gustaría que fuese Bizkaia en el 2050? - ¿Cuáles son nuestras opciones de respuesta y las decisiones que se pueden tomar? - Catálogo de servicios de los ecosistemas de Bizkaia. - Publicaciones vinculadas a la Evaluación de Bizkaia. - Webs vinculadas a la Evaluación de Bizkaia. - Glosario.