996 resultados para 17. und 18. Jahrhundert


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Resumindo as observações feitas sobre a biologia e a ecologia das espécies Apinagia Accorsii Toledo e Mniopsis Glazioviana Warmg., Podostemonaceae que vivem incrustadas às rochas diabásicas do Salto de Piracicaba, durante os anos de 1943, 1944 e 1945, cheguei às conclusões seguintes: a) Com o início do período de enchente do Salto de Piracicaba, variável de ano para ano, mas que, no geral, começa com as primeiras chuvas de outubro e se prolonga até fins de março, processa-se o desenvolvimento vegetativo das Podostemonaceae, com a formação de estolhos (Fig. 15-B) dotados de gemas produtoras de novos rizomas (Fig. 16-A, C, D, E) e regeneração dos rizomas primitivos (Fig. 15-B), quando em determinadas condições, em Apinagia Accorsii; raízes hemicilindricas com produções faliáceas, dispostas aos pares. (Fig. 19-A,B, C,D,E,F,G,H), provenientes de gemas, em Mniops's Glazioviana, Demais, em ambas as espécies realiza-se ainda a germinação das sementes nos seguintes substratos : placentas, cápsulas e pedicelos de frutos (Figs. 16, 17, 18 e 20), resíduos orgânicos de várias procedências, inclusive os provenientes das próprias Podostemonaceae, que se acumulam em quantidade apreciável entre as plantas e sobre as rochas, etc. A Ap-nagia Accorsii, além desses meios, conta ainda com os resíduos rizomáticos, com os caules e mesmo com a superficies dos rizomas (Fig. 21-H). A massa rizomática constitui excelente meio para a retenção germinação das sementes. b) A deiscência dos frutos dá-se ao contacto do ar seco. As sementes podem fixar-se aos substratos citados, devido à transformação do tegumento externo em mucilagem. c) Dentre os substratos para a germinação das sementes, o mais importante e mesmo decisivo, em determinadas circunstâncias, para a garantia da espécie no habitat, é o fruto. Após a deiscência, algumas sementes podem colar-se às paredes internas da cápsula e aos pedicelos, graças à mucilagem do tegumento externo, ao passo que outras permanecem sôbre a placenta. d) Os "seedlings" não apresentam raiz principal. Todavia, à volta de toda a extremidade do hipocótilo, produz-se enorme quantidade de pêlos radiculares, cuja principal função é servir de órgãos de fixação. A incrustação das plantas ao substrato é feita por meio de pêlos radiculares, ou, mais freqüentemente, por "haptera". Segundo WILLIS (1915), "os "haptera" são órgãos adesivos especiais, provavelmente de natureza radicular, que aparecem como protuberância exógenas da raiz ou do caule e se curvam para a rocha, onde se fixam e se achatam, segregando uma substância viscosa". e) Os "seedlings", que se desenvolvem sobre as cápsulas, pedicelos, etc., encontrando condições ecológicas favoráveis, transformam-se rapidamente em plantas jovens; os novos rizomas já começam a produzir caules e em tudo se assemelham aos rizomas provenientes dos estolhos. É o que se observa no habitat, por ocasião da germinação das sementes. f) As transferência das plantinhas, que so desenvolvem nos substratos citados para a superfície da rocha, realiza-se quando elas alcançarem o peso suficiente para curvar o pedicelo do fruto. (Figs. 17 e 18), promovendo, assim, o contacto da cápsula com a rocha. Daí por diante, o novo rizoma vai aderindo ao substrato natural, através da produção dos órgãos especiais de fixação, isto é, pêlos radiculares e "haptera". O mecanismo da Devido a um pequeno engano na feitura dos clichés, os aumentos das figuras 15, 16, 19 e 20, constantes da legenda, passarão a ser respectivamente :- 1,9 - 1,65 - 2,3 e 2,9. 39 transferência das plantas jovens que, inicialmente, se desenvolvem sobre cápsulas, pedicelos, etc., para o substrato definitivo - a rocha - foi verificado, freqüentes vezes, em farto material que incluia vários estágios de desenvolvimento vegetativo (Figs. 16, 17, 18, 20). g) As cápsulas, compreendendo, além da placenta (em certos casos), as paredes internas e externas, e os pedicelos dos frutos de ambas as espécies estudadas constituem excelentes e importantes meios para a fixação das sementes. Após os longos periodos de seca, quando toda a parte vegetativa se destroi, tornam-se os únicos substratos apropriados para o fenômeno da germinação. h) Iniciada a fase vegetativa e, à medida que progride a submersão das plantas, acentuam-se, cada vez mais, o crescimento e o desenvolvimento. É precisamente durante a época de submersão que as Podostemonaceae encontram o ambiente mais adequado ao seus desenvolvimento vegetativo, alcançando, ao mesmo tempo, a máxima distribuição local, mormente a espécie Apinagia Accorsii Toledo, que chega a cobrir todas as rochas situadas da região frontal da cachoeira. i) O declínio das águas começa, aproximadamente, em fins de março, com as últimas chuvas. Pode-se, então, avaliar a extensão do desenvolvimento vegetativo que as plantas alcançaram, durante a fase de enchente. O nível da correnteza vai, daí por diante, baixando gradativamente, até fins de setembro, quando atinge o mínimo, ocasião em que o Salto se apresenta com o máximo de rochas expostas. j) Durante todo o período de vazante, que é variável e dependente do regime de chuvas que vigorar, as plantas vão paulatinamente emergindo, ao mesmo tempo que cessa o desenvol-vimnto vegetativo, para entrar em atividade o ciclo floral. Antes, porém, os caules de Apinagia que estiveram submetidos às fortes vibrõações da correnteza se destacam (Fig. 21-A,C,F,G, H,I). Todavia, as plantas, que se desenvolveram em regiões de correnteza mais branda, não chegam a perder os seus caules. k) As gemas floríferas, à medida que vão emergindo, desabrochan!. As flores desenvolvem-se rapidamente; a polinização que é direta efetua-se em plena atmosfera, quando as anteras enxutas e suficientemente dessecadas sofrem a deiscência, libertando o pólen. Realizada a fecundação, as sementes atingem depressa a maturidade. Como todo o desenvolvimento compreendido entre o desabrochar das gemas e a frutificação se processa fora da água e como a exposição das plantas é gradativa, em virtude do lento declínio das águas, compreende-se que no Salto existam, a um tempo, todos os estágios do ciclo vegetativo ao lado de todas as fases do desenvolvimento floral. l) Os rizomas, em contacto com o ar e sob a ação solar, dessecam-se, transformando-se em placas duras, fortemente inscrustadas às rochas. Mas, se durante a dessecação forem umidecidos, de quando em quando, passam a constituir excelente meio para a retenção e germinação das sementes. m) No período seguinte de enchente e vazante, repetem-se, para as espécies estudadas, todas as fases do desenvolvimento vegetativo e floral, assinaladas nesta contribuição.


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Com o objetivo de fornecer dados para o esclarecimento do controvertido problema da natureza de Cytamoeba bacterifera freqüentemente encontrada nos eritrócitos de Leptodactylus ocellatus, realizamos alguns testes citoquímicos. Demonstramos a presença do ácido ribonucleico e polissacarídeos não digeríveis pela ptialina em sua estrutura. Com o método de Feulgen, teste de referência para a caracterização do ácido desoxirribonucleico, obtivemos principlemnte resultados negativos; porém, um parasito com fraca e difusa positividade e algumas reações duvidosas também foram encontrados. Ao emrpegarmos o Verde Metila-Pironina, mesmo após o tratamento pela ribonuclease, e o Azul de Toluidina, também depois da ação desta enzima, não conseguimos confimar a presença de ADN. Como os elementos constituintes de C. bacterifera são minúsculos e, às vezes, não evidenciáveis, é possível que seu teor de ADN, porventura existente, seja muito pequeno e, conseqüentemente, de difícil demonstração por métodos cujos resultados são observados sob microscopia ótica, além de poder ficar facilmente encoberto por outras substâncias. Não estamos propensos a admitir uma provável natureza virótica para Cytamoeba baseados, principalmente, em alguns de seus aspectos estruturais (figs. 8, 15, 17 e 18) e na ausência de alteração no núcleo das células parasitadas. Apesar de não termos comprovado a presença de ADN, achamos possível que C. bacterifera seja um aglomerado intracitoplasmático de organismos modificados, cujas dimensões situam-se nas proximidades do limite de resolução do microscópio ótico, relacionados com as bactérias, assim como são, por exemplo, os Clamídios e as Riquétsias. Observamos o desenvolvimento de Cytamoeba em rã mantida em cativeiro por três meses e semanalmente examinada; constatamos decréscimo paulatino da parasitemia inicial e também que os seus tipos estruturais e medidas não estavam relacionadas com a etapa da infecção. Não conseguimos transmitir, por inoculação intra-peritoneal, Cytamoeba de L. ocellatus para Bufo crucifer.


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C4 photosynthesis is an adaptation derived from the more common C3 photosynthetic pathway that confers a higher productivity under warm temperature and low atmospheric CO2 concentration [1, 2]. C4 evolution has been seen as a consequence of past atmospheric CO2 decline, such as the abrupt CO2 fall 32-25 million years ago (Mya) [3-6]. This relationship has never been tested rigorously, mainly because of a lack of accurate estimates of divergence times for the different C4 lineages [3]. In this study, we inferred a large phylogenetic tree for the grass family and estimated, through Bayesian molecular dating, the ages of the 17 to 18 independent grass C4 lineages. The first transition from C3 to C4 photosynthesis occurred in the Chloridoideae subfamily, 32.0-25.0 Mya. The link between CO2 decrease and transition to C4 photosynthesis was tested by a novel maximum likelihood approach. We showed that the model incorporating the atmospheric CO2 levels was significantly better than the null model, supporting the importance of CO2 decline on C4 photosynthesis evolvability. This finding is relevant for understanding the origin of C4 photosynthesis in grasses, which is one of the most successful ecological and evolutionary innovations in plant history.


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AIM: The first pathogenetic step in multiple myeloma is the emergence of a limited number of clonal plasma cells, clinically known as monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). Patients with MGUS do not have symptoms or end-organ damage but they do have a 1% annual risk of progression to multiple myeloma or related malignant disorders. With progression of MGUS to multiple myeloma, complex genetic events occur in the neoplastic plasma cell. Karyotyping and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) were shown to be of prognostic value in patients with multiple myeloma. Tc-sestamibi imaging reflects myeloma disease activity in bone marrow with very high sensitivity and specificity predicting disease evolution. This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of Tc-sestamibi imaging and cytogenetic analysis in prognosis prediction of MGUS and multiple myeloma. METHODS: We enrolled 30 consecutive patients with a confirmed diagnosis of multiple myeloma or MGUS. Bone marrow biopsy and biochemical staging according to the International Staging System (ISS) were performed in all cases. Karyotype analysis and FISH were performed in 11 of 12 patients with MGUS and in 17 of 18 patients with multiple myeloma having adequate metaphases. RESULTS: The karyotype was abnormal in four of 11 MGUS and in six of 17 multiple myeloma. Abnormalities of chromosome 13 were present in one case of MGUS and in six cases of multiple myeloma whereas the involvement of immunoglobulin was observed in one case of multiple myeloma. An abnormal FISH panel was found in four MGUS and nine multiple myeloma patients. All patients with MGUS showed a normal MIBI scan (score 0). Among patients with multiple myeloma only three, all with ISS stage I, showed a normal scan while a positive scan was obtained in others (score range, 1-7). The MIBI uptake was strongly related to the bone marrow plasma cell infiltration and to cytogenetic abnormalities. Particularly, a MIBI uptake score above 5 identified patients with poor prognosis encompassing all stage III multiple myeloma and three of seven stage II multiple myeloma. On the other hand all stage I and II patients having a MIBI score less than 5 showed a good prognosis. CONCLUSION: Both cytogenetic analysis and a MIBI scan add no relevant prognostic information to the ISS in patients with stage I and III multiple myeloma. The MIBI scan was of prognostic value in stage II multiple myeloma patients. Additionally, MIBI imaging may be useful to guide bone marrow biopsy in order to obtain adequate samples for cytogenetic analysis.


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Oocysts of Eimeria porphyrulae n. sp. are described in faeces of Porphyrula martinica (Aves: Gruiformes: Rallidae). They are ellipsoidal to oval, 22.4 x 17.7 (20.0-23.7 x 16.2-18.7) µm, shape-index (length/width) 1.3. Oocyst wall about 1.25 µm thick, colourless, with two layers: inner one prominently striated. Micropyle and sub-micropylar granule present: no oocyst residuum. Sporocysts 17.5 x 9.0 (17.0-19.0 x 8.0-10.0) µm, shape-index 1.9, with inconspicuous Stieda/sub-Stieda bodies. Sporocyst residuum of scattered granules, sometimes a compact mass: sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Eimeria crypturelli n. sp. is described in faeces of Crypturellus soiu (Tinamiformes: Tinamidae). Oocysts ellipsoidal-oval, 20.75 x 14.5 (17.5-25.0 x 11.25-21.25) µm, shape-index 1.4. Oocysts wall about 1.25 µm thick and bi-layered: inner layer faintly striated. Micropyle present, with oocyst residuum immediately below: single polar body rarely present. Sporocysts 13.0 x 7.5 (12.5-13.75 x 7,5-8.1) µm, shape-index 1.7, with a Stieda body but seemingly no sub-Stieda. Sporocyst residuum compact: sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Isospora cacici n. sp. is recorded from faeces of Cacicus cela cela (Passeriformes: Icteridae). Oocysts subspherical-spherical, 26.5 x 23.7 (22.5-27.5 x 20.0-26.2) µm, shape-index 1.1. Wall a single, colourless layer about 1.5 µm thick. No micropyle or oocyst residuum: 1-2 polar bodies. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 17.7 x 12.5 (17.5-18.75 x 11.25-13.75) µm, shape-index 1.4, with pronounced Stieda/sub-Stieda bodies: residuum compact and sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Isospora thraupis n. sp. is described from faeces of Thraupis palmarum melanoptera (Passeriformes: Thraupidae). Oocysts subspherial-spherical, 19.9 x 19.0 (18.7-21.2 x 18.75-20.0) µm, shape-index 1.0. Wall about 0.6 µm thick, smooth, colourless and a single layer: no micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar bodies. Sporocysts 14.2 x 9.2 (13.7-16.2 x 8.7-10.0) µm, shape-index 1.5: Stied/sub-Stieda bodies inconspicuous. Residuum compact: sporozoites with two refractile bodies.


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The oocyst is described of Eimeria peltocephali n.sp. from faeces of the freshwater turtle Peltocephalus dumerilianus from Barcelos, State of Amazonas, Brazil. Sporulation is exogenous and fully developed oocysts are elongate, ellipsoidal or cylindrical, frequently curved to a banana-shape, 54.4 x19.1 (37.5 - 68.7 x 18.7-20.0 µm), shape-index 2.8 (1.8 -3.9). The oocyst wall is a single thin, colourless layer about 1 µm thick, with no micropyle. There is a bulky oocyst residuum, at first spherical to ellipsoidal, 19 x 16 (16. 2 -26.2 x 16 - 21.5µm) , but becoming dispersed on maturation. There are no polar bodies. The sporocysts, 19.1 x 6.8 ( 17.5 -21.2 x 6.2 -7.5 µm), shape- index 2.8 (2.3 -3.2), are usually disposed in pairs at each end of the oocyst, and bear an inconspicuous Stieda body in the form of a flat cap. The sporozoites are elongate and slightly curved around the residuum. No refractile bodies were seen. Eimeria molossi n.sp., is described from the molossid bat Molossus ater. Sporulation is exogenous and the mature oocysts are predominantly broadly ellipsoidal, 23.4 x 17.5 (18-30 x 15-22.5 µm), shape-index 1.3 (1-1.6). The oocyst wall is about 2 µm thick, and of three layers: an inner thin, colourless one and two outer layers which are thicker, yellowish-brown, prominently striated and in close apposition. There is no micropyle or oocyst residuum, but one and occasionally two polar bodies are usually present. Sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 10.2 x 7.5 (10-12.5 x 7.5 µm), shape-index 1.4 (1.3-1.7) with an inconspicuous Stieda body. Endogenous stages are described in the epithelial cells of the small intestine


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Neurons projecting transitorily into the corpus callosum from area 17 of the cat were retrogradely labeled by the fluorescent tracer Fast Blue (FB) injected into contralateral areas 17 and 18 on postnatal days 1-5. During the second postnatal month these neurons were still labeled by the early injection, although they had eliminated their callosal axon. At this time, 15-20% of these neurons could be retrogradely relabeled by injections of Diamidino Yellow (DY) into ipsilateral areas 17 and 18, but few or none by similar injections in the other areas that receive from area 17 (19, 21a, PMLS, 20a, 20b, DLS). Similarly, area 17 neurons projecting transitorily to contralateral area PMLS during the first postnatal week could be relabeled by DY injections in ipsilateral areas 17 and 18 but not in PMLS. Already around birth, many transitorily callosal neurons in area 17 send bifurcating axons both to contralateral areas 17 and 18 and ipsilateral area 18. It is probable that during postnatal development some of these neurons selectively eliminate their callosal axon collaterals and maintain the projection to ipsilateral area 18. In fact, some transitorily callosal neurons in area 17 can be double-labeled by simultaneous perinatal injections of FB in contralateral areas 17 and 18 and of a new long-lasting retrograde tracer, rhodamine-conjugated latex microspheres, in ipsilateral area 18. The same neurons can then be relabeled by reinjecting ipsilateral area 18 with DY during the second postnatal month. This finding, however, does not exclude the possibility that some transitorily callosal neurons send an axon to ipsilateral area 18 after eliminating their callosal axon. In conclusion, area 17 neurons that project transitorily through the corpus callosum later participate, probably permanently, in ipsilateral corticocortical projections but selectively to areas 17-18. The mechanism responsible for this selectivity is unknown, but it may be related to the differential radial distribution (i.e., to birth date) of area 17 neurons engaged in the various corticocortical projections. The problems raised by the use of long-lasting retrograde fluorescent tracers in neurodevelopmental studies and by the quantification of results of double- and triple-labeling paradigms are also discussed.


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Introduction: Nasal continuous positive airways pressure (n-CPAP) is an effective treatment in premature infants with respiratory distress. The cardio-pulmonary interactions secondary to n-CPAP are well studied in adults, but less well described in premature infants. We postulated that there could be important interactions with regard to the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Methods: Prospective study, approved by the local ethic committee. Premature infants less than 32 weeks gestation, _7 days-old, needing n-CPAP for respiratory distress, but without the need of additional oxygen were included in the study. Every patient had a first echocardiography with n-CPAP and then n-CPAP was retrieved. 3 hours later the echocardiography was repeated by the same investigator and then the patient replaced on n-CPAP. Results: 14 premature newborn were included, mean gestational age of 28 _ 2 weeks, mean weight 1.1 _ 0.3 Kg and height 39 _ 3 cm. Echocardiographic measurements are depicted in Table 1. Significant finding were observed between measurement on n- CPAP or without n-CPAP: on end diastolic left ventricular diameter (12.8 _ 1.6 mm vs. 13.5 _ 2 mm), on end systolic left ventricular diameter (8.4 _ 1.3 mm vs. 9.1 _ 1.5 mm), left atrium diameter (8.9 _ 2.2 mm vs. 10.4 _ 2.5 mm), maximal velocity on tricuspid valve (46 _ 10 cm/s vs. 51 _ 9 cm/s), calculated Qp (3.7 _ 0.8 L/min/m2 vs. 4.3 _ 0.8 L/min/m2). Only three patients have demonstrated a PDA during the study. Conclusion: Positive end expiratory pressure (Peep) has hemodynamic effects which are: reduction of systemic and pulmonary venous return as shown by the changes on tricuspid valve inflow,on the calculated Qp and finally on the diameter of the left atrium and left ventricle.We found in premature infants the same hemodynamic effects than those described in adults but with lower Peep values. This could be due to the particular elasticity and weakness of the thoracic wall of premature infants. Interestingly the flow through a PDA seems also to be diminished with Peep, but the number of patients is insufficient to conclude. Further investigation will be needed to better understand these interactions. Table 1. Echocardiographic measurement (mean (SD)). With n-CPAP Without n-CPAP p value RV ED diameter (mm) 6.3 (1.7) 6.04 (1.1) NS LV ED diameter (mm) 12.8 (1.6) 13.5 (2.0) _0.05 LV ES diameter (mm) 8.4 (1.3) 9.1 (1.5) _0.05 SF (%) 34 (5) 33 (6) NS Ao valve diameter (mm) 7.4 (1.3) 7.4 (1.2) NS LA diameter (mm) 8.9 (2.2) 10.4 (2.5) _0.05 Vmax Ao (cm/s) 70 (16) 71 (18) NS Vmax PV (cm/s) 69 (15) 72 (16) NS Vmax TV (cm/s) 46 (10) 51 (9) _0.05 Vmax MV (cm/s) 53 (17) 54 (18) NS Qp (L/min/m2) 3.7 (0.8) 4.3 (0.8) _0.05 Qs (L/min/m2) 4.0 (0.8) 4.0 (0.7) NS Qp/Qs 0.92 (0.14) 1.09 (0.23) _0.05 RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle, ED: end diastolic, ES: end systolic, SF: shortening fraction,Ao: aortic valve, LA: left atrium,Vmax: maximum Doppler Velocity, Qp: pulmonary output, Qs: systemic output, NS: non significant.


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Trata-se de um estudo descritivo em abordagem quantitativa tendo como objeto as gestantes atendidas na consulta de pré-natal e o objetivo de identificar esta clientela traçando seu perfil epidemiológico. O Ambulatório de Obstetrícia de um Hospital público do município do Rio de Janeiro foi o cenário, onde foram investigadas 118 fichas de atendimento cadastradas de janeiro a junho de 2003. A análise dos resultados evidenciou que a maioria das mulheres estudadas concentra-se na faixa etária de 19 - 25 anos (39,8%); casadas (38,9%); com ensino fundamental (29,6%); ocupação do lar (33,8%); multíparas (58,4%); iniciaram o pré-natal com idade gestacional entre 14 e 17 semanas (18,6%); tiveram anteriormente partos vaginais (79) e não referiram queixas na primeira consulta (39%). Podemos concluir que o atendimento obstétrico contribui de maneira significativa para a redução da morbi-mortalidade das gestantes, possibilitando a orientação de intercorrências no ciclo grávido-puerperal e a prevenção de complicações.


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Aquest projecte ha consistit en la realització d'un informe actualitzat i ampli sobre la situació dels fills i filles de famílies immigrades a Catalunya en dos grups d’edat (0-17 i 18-29) i s'ha centrat en els àmbits socio-demogràfic, educatiu i jurídic, des d’una perspectiva comparativa internacional proporcionada pel projecte UNICEF Innocenti Children of Immigrant Families in 8 Affluent Countries (2009). S’ha treballat amb dades quantitatives, qualitatives i bibliogràfiques de diverses fonts primàries i secundàries. Per realitzar aquest informe, s’han ampliat els indicadors d’Innocenti en dos sentits: a) afegint, quan ha estat possible, els ja elaborats i experimentats per l’equip investigador al I i II Informes sobre Infància i Immigració a Catalunya en el marc del CIIMU els anys 2002 i 2005, així com els desenvolupats als capítols “Infancia e Inmigración” dels dos volums La Infancia en Cifras en España (Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales) els anys 2006 i el 2007 sobre una mostra del padró 2005 i amb projecció pel conjunt de l’estat; b) afegint una anàlisi jurídica transversal dels diferents marcs que regulen la situació dels fills i filles de famílies immigrades a la Unió Europea, Espanya, Catalunya i les cartes de drets internacionals, i s’ha contrastat aquestes regulacions amb l’anàlisi de casos obtinguts amb treball de camp etnogràfic a dues comarques (de Barcelona i Girona) que han permès il•lustrar les contradiccions de la seva aplicació. D’altra banda, seguint amb la perspectiva aplicada en estudis i informes precedents, l’abordatge ha permès analitzar comparativament la situació dels fills i filles de famílies immigrades amb els seus coetanis d’origen autòcton, pel que fa a les condicions de vida i les oportunitats socials en un sentit ampli. La Memòria que s’annexa consta de 4 grans apartats: 1) Sociodemografia, 2) Educació, 3) Marc jurídic, 4) Joves de famílies immigrades.


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The paleomagnetic investigations carried out in the 70's on Oligo-Miocene volcanics of Sardinia have demonstrated that the island was turned by 35-30 degrees clockwise from 33 Ma up to 3-1-20.5 Ma and rotated counterclockwise in a few million years [De Jong et al., 1969, 1973; Bobier et Coulon, 1970; Coulon et al., 1974; Manzoni, 1974, 1975; Bellon rr nl.. 1977: Edel et Lortscher, 1977; Edel, 1979, 1980]. Since then, the end of the rotation fixed at 19 Ma by Montigny er al. [1981] was the subject of discussions and several studies associating paleomagnetism and radiometric dating were undertaken [Assorgia er al., 1994: Vigliotti et Langenheim, 1995: Deino et al., 1997; Gattacceca rt Deino, 1999]. This is a contribution to this debate that is hampered by thr important secular variation recorded in the volcanics. The only way to get our of this problem is to sample series of successive flows as completely as possible, and to reduce the effect of secular variation by the calculation of means. Sampling was performed north of Bonorva in 5 pyroclastic flows that belong to the upper ignimbritic series SI2 according to Coulon rr nl. [1974] or LBLS according to Assorgia et al. [1997] (fig. I). Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of biotites from the debris flow (MDF) has yielded an age or 18.35 +/- 0.03 Ma [Dubois, 2000]. Five of the investigated sites are located beneath the debris flow ITV, TVB, TVD, SPM85, SPM86), one site was cured in the matrix of the debris flow (MDF) and one in 4 metric blocks included in the flow (DFC). Another site was sampled in the upper ash flow (PDM) that marks the end of the pyroclastic activity, just before the marine transgression. According to micropaleontological and radiometric dating this transgression has occurred between 18.35 and 17.6 Ma [Dubois, 2000]. After removal of a soft viscous component, the thermal demagnetization generally shows a univectorial behaviour of the remanent magnetization (fig. 2a). The maximum unblocking temperatures of 580-620 degrees (tab. I) and a rapid saturation below 100 mT (fig. 3) indicate that the carrier of the characteristic magnetization is magnetite. The exception comes: from the upper site PDM in which were found two characteristic components, one with a normal polarity and low unblocking temperatures up to 350 degreesC and one with a reversed polarity and maximum unblocking temperatures at 580-600 degreesC of magnetite. After calculation of a mean direction for each flow, the mean << Al >> direction 4 degrees /57 degrees (alpha (95) = 13 degrees) computed with the mean directions for the 5 flows may be considered as weakly affected by secular variation. But the results require a more careful examination. The declinations are N to NNW beneath the debris flow. NNW in the debris flow. and NNE (or SSW) above the debris flow, The elongated distribution of the directions obtained at sites TVB and TVD. scattered from the mean direction of TV to the mean direction of MDF is interpreted as due to partial overprinting during the debris How volcanic episode, The low temperature component PDMa is likely related to the alteration seen on thin sections and is also viewed as an overprint. As NNE/SSW directions occur as well below (mean direction << B >> : 5 degrees /58 degrees) as above the debris flow (PDMb : 200 degrees/-58 degrees). the NNW directions (<< C >> : 337 degrees /64 degrees) associated with the debris flow volcanism may be interpreted as resulting from a magnetic field excursion. According to the polarity scale of Cande and Kent [1992, 1995] and the radiometric age of MDF, the directions with normal polarity (TV, TVB, TVD, SPM85. SPM86a. MDF. DFC) may represent the period 5En. while the directions with reversed polarity PDMb and SPM86b were likely acquired during the period 5Dr. Using the mean << Al >> direction, the mean << B >>, or the PDM direction (tab. I). the deviation in declination with the direction of stable Europe 6.4 degrees /58.7 degrees (alpha (95) = 8 degrees) for a selection of 4 middle Tertiary poles by Besse et Courtillot [1991] or 7 degrees /56 degrees (alpha (95) = 3 degrees) for 19 poles listed by Edel [1980] can be considered as negligible. Using the results from the uppermost ignimbritic layer of Anglona also emplaced around 18.3 Ma [Odin rt al.. 1994]. the mean direction << E >> (3 degrees /51.5 degrees) leads to the same conclusion. On the contrary, when taking into account all dated results available for the period 5En (mean direction << D >> 353 degrees /56 degrees for 45 sites) (tab. II). the deviation 13 degrees is much more significant. As the rotation of Sardinia started around 21-20.5 Ma. the assumption of a constant velocity of rotation and the deviations of the Sardinia directions with respect to the stable Europe direction locate the end of the motion between 18.3 and 17.2 or 16.7 Ma (fig. 4). During the interval 18.35-17.5 Ma, the marine transgression took place. At the same period a NE-SW shortening interpreted as resulting from the collision of Sardinia with Apulia affected different parts of the island [Letouzey et al., 1982]. Consequently, the new paleomagnetic results and the tectono-sedimentary evolution are in favour of an end of the rotation at 17.5-18 Ma.


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