536 resultados para 1202
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón en 2q3v
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón en 2q3v
Hojas imp. por ambas caras
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
The Software Engineering (SE) community has historically focused on working with models to represent functionality and persistence, pushing interaction modelling into the background, which has been covered by the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) community. Recently, adequately modelling interaction, and specifically usability, is being considered as a key factor for success in user acceptance, making the integration of the SE and HCI communities more necessary. If we focus on the Model-Driven Development (MDD) paradigm, we notice that there is a lack of proposals to deal with usability features from the very first steps of software development process. In general, usability features are manually implemented once the code has been generated from models. This contradicts the MDD paradigm, which claims that all the analysts? effort must be focused on building models, and the code generation is relegated to model to code transformations. Moreover, usability features related to functionality may involve important changes in the system architecture if they are not considered from the early steps. We state that these usability features related to functionality can be represented abstractly in a conceptual model, and their implementation can be carried out automatically.
Obra premiada por la Real Sociedad de Amigos del Pais de Valencia en 1802
Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Funding The study was funded by TENOVUS Scotland (G12/14). Jan Jansen is in receipt of salary support through the NHS Research Scotland (NRS) fellowship scheme. Acknowledgements The authors are extremely grateful for the expert assistance and contributions of Dr Neil Scott (Medical Statistician, University of Aberdeen), Win Culley (Research Nurse, Woodend Hospital), Dr Karen Cranfield (Consultant Anaesthetist), and Ms Sharon Wood, (Research Technician, Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health) for fibrinogen measurement.
El río Segura en su tramo final, la Vega Baja en la provincia de Alicante, atraviesa las ciudades de Orihuela y Rojales, que se caracterizan por ser las dos únicas de esta zona en las que el cauce recorre su casco urbano. Se parte de las obras de remodelación del cauce con el Plan de Defensa contra Avenidas en la Cuenca del Río Segura, concluido en 1994, en el que la solución adoptada para el encauzamiento en los tramos urbanos es similar en ambos municipios. Esta investigación expone en qué medida dichas actuaciones han tenido un refl ejo directo en la imagen de la ciudad, en las actividades en el espacio público urbano y en la manera que es percibido por los ciudadanos. Finalmente, se ponen en evidencia resultados coincidentes y divergentes, pese a la similitud del contexto de las actuaciones.
De acordo com os últimos dados fornecidos pelo GAVE - Gabinete de Avaliação Educacional do Ministério da Educação, os resultados das provas de aferição, do 4º ano de escolaridade do 1º ciclo do ensino básico, revelam um fraco desempenho das crianças portuguesas nas tarefas de leitura e de escrita. A Inteligência, a Consciência Fonológica, e as Operações Lógicas assumem um papel de relevo na aprendizagem da leitura, porém não são conhecidos estudos para o pré-escolar que contemplem estes preditores em simultâneo. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o nível das crianças nestes 3 preditores bem como a sua interligação e, complementarmente, a sua influência no conhecimento das letras do alfabeto. Neste estudo participaram 116 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os cinco e seis anos de idade e que frequentavam o ensino pré-escolar, prevenientes de estabelecimentos de ensino público da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). Os instrumentos utilizados foram as Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven, a Prova de Consciência Fonológica e as Provas Piagetianas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem, ainda, que realmente existe uma estreita relação entre estas três variáveis (Inteligência, Consciência Fonológica e Operações Lógicas) em algumas das tarefas, como bons preditores na aquisição da leitura. Verificou-se, ainda, que as habilitações dos pais influenciam positivamente na aquisição desta habilidade metalinguística. Sugere-se a continuação deste estudo, possivelmente numa perspetiva longitudinal e albergando outros níveis, variáveis ou preditores e estabelecimentos de ensino.
Laboratory measurements on sediment samples and density well logs run at DSDP Site 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin were used to establish an in situ velocity and density structure. Synthetic seismograms were generated for comparison to reprocessed seismic reflection data in the vicinity of the Site. Uncertainties in the relative positions of the hole and seismic reflection data, velocity corrections, and the composition of the unrecovered section were evaluated. In light of the errors and compressed section, no unique correlation of the seismic reflection data to the drill hole is completely defensible either in this chapter or elsewhere. The preferred correlation resulting from this exercise is as follows, with the Site 534 report correlation shown in parentheses where different. Horizon beta', 887 m; Horizon beta, 950 m (975 m); Horizon C , 1202 m (1250 m); Horizon C, 1268 m (1340 m); Horizon D', 1342 m (1432 m); Horizon D, 1550 m (1552 m). The major differences in these correlations arise from the use of slightly different velocities and hole location relative to the seismic profiles. The Site 534 report results rely on hole placement on a basement flank, whereas in this chapter we locate it within a basement depression still within the uncertainty of the navigation. The Site 534 report also uses drilling rates, CDP velocity analyses, sonobuoy data, and previous similar drilling correlation methods used at Site 391, along with other geologic considerations in arriving at differing results. Although the correlation method used in this investigation is more objective and the hole location uncertainties better defined, in order to have confidence in any results we will require drilling in areas where reflections are either more widely spaced or where we have better vertical velocity control in the hole.