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Introduction : Les carcinomes de la conjonctive sont les tumeurs oculaires épithéliales des plus fréquentes. Ces tumeurs peuvent se limiter à la membrane basale ou l'envahir pour devenir des tumeurs invasifs. Le diagnostic différentiel entre tumeurs intra‐épithéliales (CIN) et invasifs est exclusivement fait histologiquement. Le but de la présente étude est de définir les caractéristiques cliniques qui sont en faveur du diagnostic d'une CIN ou d'un carcinome invasif afin de améliorer le traitement. Méthode : étude rétrospective des carcinomes de la conjonctive examinés et traités à la Clinique Ophtalmologique Universitaire de Lausanne. Au total 100 dossiers de patients sont étudiés : divers signes cliniques sont notés et analysé selon le type de tumeur (intra‐épithélial et invasif). Résultats : 20 des tumeurs étudié étaient invasifs et 80 intra‐épihteliales, avec une moyenne d'âge de 65 ans. La lésion conjonctivale était localisée pour 40 cas sur 100 dans la région nasale, 22 temporale, 7 inférieures, 3 supérieurs. La forme gélatineuse de la tumeur se présente dans 36 cas sur 100 avec une fréquence relative de 17% en tumeur invasive et 83% en CIN. La forme nodulaire apparait dans 26 cas sur 100 avec 15% en tumeurs invasive et 85% en CIN. La forme papillaire elle se trouve dans 17 cas sur 100 avec 24% invasif et 76% CIN. 21 cas sur 100 sont de type diffus avec 29% invasif et 71% CIN. La kératine était présente dans 40 cas sur 100 avec 23% dans la tumeur invasive et 77% dans CIN. La cornée était touchée dans 74 cas sur 100 avec 20% des cas invasifs et 80% CIN. La taille la plus commune avec 57 cas sur 100 cas est la petite, 21 cas étaient de taille moyenne et 22 cas de taille volumineuse. La grande partie des tumeurs se présente avec un vasodilatation et 45 tumeurs avaient un vascularisation des muscles rectilignes VxR (18% invasif et 82% CIN), 25 cas avaient une vascularisation conjonctivale VxC (0% invasif et 100% CIN), et 30 cas plutôt une vascularisation mixte VxM (33% invasif et 67% CIN). On a trouvé qu'une vasodilatation de la vascularisation mixte (P=0,0294) est statistiquement significative pour caractériser une tumeur invasive et une vasodilatation de la vascularisation de la conjonctive est indicatif pour diagnostiquer un CIN (P=0,0159). La taille de la tumeur joue aussi un rôle important ; dans notre cas la taille volumineuse est statistiquement significative pour déterminer le risque d'avoir une tumeur invasive (P=0,0234). Conclusion : Pour le moment l'excision de la lésion est la méthode la plus plausible pour différencier les carcinomes de la conjonctive. Différents critères permettent de suspecter si la tumeur est invasive ou un CIN, mais ils ne sont pas suffisamment forts pour baser la décision thérapeutique là dessus.
Kuparipinnan hapettuminen on viimevuosina ollut suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteissä kuparin laajan teollisuuskäytön vuoksi. Teollisuussovellusten, kuten suojaavien pintaoksidien kehittäminen vaatii kuitenkin syvällistä tuntemusta hapettumisprosessista ja toisaalta myös normaaliolosuhteissa materiaalissa esiintyvien hilavirheiden vaikutuksesta siihen. Tässä työssä keskitytäänkin tutkimaan juuri niitä mekanismeja, joilla erilaiset pintavirheet ja porrastettu pintarakenne vaikuttavathapen adsorptioprosessiin kuparipinnalla. Tutkimus on tehty käyttämällä laskennallisia menetelmiä sekä VASP- ja SIESTA-ohjelmistoja. Työssätutkittiin kemiallisia ja rakenteellisia virheitä Cu(100)-pinnalla, joka on reaktiivisin matalanMillerin indeksin pinta ja porrastetun pinnan tutkimuksessa käytettiin Cu(211)-pintaa, joka puolestaan on yksinkertainen, stabiili ja aiemmissa tutkimuksissa usein käytetty pintarakenne. Työssä tutkitut hilavirheet, adatomit, vähentävät molekyylin dissosiaatiota kuparipinnalla, kun taas vakanssit toimivat dissosiaation keskuksina. Kemiallisena epäpuhtautena käytetty hopeakerros ei estä kuparin hapettumista, sillä happi aiheuttaa mielenkiintoisen segregaatioilmiön, jossa hopeatyöntyy syvemmälle pinnassa jättäen kuparipinnan suojaamattomaksi. Porrastetulla pinnalla (100)-hollow on todennäköisin paikka molekyylin dissosiaatiolle, kun taas portaan bridge-paikka on suotuisin molekulaariselle adsorptiolle. Lisäksi kuparin steppipinnan todettiin olevan reaktiivisempi kuin tasaiset kuparipinnat.
Geological processes and ecological adaptation are major drivers of diversification on oceanic islands. Although diversification in these islands is often interpreted as resulting from dispersal or island hopping rather than vicariance, this may not be the case in islands with complex geological histories. The island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, emerged in the late Miocene as 3 precursor islands that were subsequently connected and reisolated by volcanic cycles. The spider Dysdera verneaui is endemic to the island of Tenerife, where it is widely distributed throughout most island habitats, providing an excellent model to investigate the role of physical barriers and ecological adaptation in shaping within-island diversity. Here, we present evidence that the phylogeographic patterns of this species trace back to the independent emergence of the protoislands. Molecular markers (mitochondrial genes cox1, 16S, and nad1 and the nuclear genes ITS-2 and 28S) analyzed from 100 specimens (including a thorough sampling of D. verneaui populations and additional outgroups) identify 2 distinct evolutionary lineages that correspond to 2 precursor islands, each with diagnostic genital characters indicative of separate species status. Episodic introgression events between these 2 main evolutionary lineages explain the observed incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, probably as a result of the homogenization of their ITS-2 sequence types. The most widespread lineage exhibits a complex population structure, which is compatible with either secondary contact, following connection of deeply divergent lineages, or alternatively, a back colonization from 1 precursor island to another.
Geological processes and ecological adaptation are major drivers of diversification on oceanic islands. Although diversification in these islands is often interpreted as resulting from dispersal or island hopping rather than vicariance, this may not be the case in islands with complex geological histories. The island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, emerged in the late Miocene as 3 precursor islands that were subsequently connected and reisolated by volcanic cycles. The spider Dysdera verneaui is endemic to the island of Tenerife, where it is widely distributed throughout most island habitats, providing an excellent model to investigate the role of physical barriers and ecological adaptation in shaping within-island diversity. Here, we present evidence that the phylogeographic patterns of this species trace back to the independent emergence of the protoislands. Molecular markers (mitochondrial genes cox1, 16S, and nad1 and the nuclear genes ITS-2 and 28S) analyzed from 100 specimens (including a thorough sampling of D. verneaui populations and additional outgroups) identify 2 distinct evolutionary lineages that correspond to 2 precursor islands, each with diagnostic genital characters indicative of separate species status. Episodic introgression events between these 2 main evolutionary lineages explain the observed incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, probably as a result of the homogenization of their ITS-2 sequence types. The most widespread lineage exhibits a complex population structure, which is compatible with either secondary contact, following connection of deeply divergent lineages, or alternatively, a back colonization from 1 precursor island to another.
Geological processes and ecological adaptation are major drivers of diversification on oceanic islands. Although diversification in these islands is often interpreted as resulting from dispersal or island hopping rather than vicariance, this may not be the case in islands with complex geological histories. The island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, emerged in the late Miocene as 3 precursor islands that were subsequently connected and reisolated by volcanic cycles. The spider Dysdera verneaui is endemic to the island of Tenerife, where it is widely distributed throughout most island habitats, providing an excellent model to investigate the role of physical barriers and ecological adaptation in shaping within-island diversity. Here, we present evidence that the phylogeographic patterns of this species trace back to the independent emergence of the protoislands. Molecular markers (mitochondrial genes cox1, 16S, and nad1 and the nuclear genes ITS-2 and 28S) analyzed from 100 specimens (including a thorough sampling of D. verneaui populations and additional outgroups) identify 2 distinct evolutionary lineages that correspond to 2 precursor islands, each with diagnostic genital characters indicative of separate species status. Episodic introgression events between these 2 main evolutionary lineages explain the observed incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, probably as a result of the homogenization of their ITS-2 sequence types. The most widespread lineage exhibits a complex population structure, which is compatible with either secondary contact, following connection of deeply divergent lineages, or alternatively, a back colonization from 1 precursor island to another.
Fabrique nationale d'armes de guerre. Herstal Liège. Cycles de luxe... : [affiche] / [non identifié]
Background: Intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase for ischemic stroke is fixed at a maximal dose of 90 mg for safety reasons. Little is known about the clinical outcomes of stroke patients weighing >100 kg, who may benefit less from thrombolysis due to this dose limitation. Methods: Prospective data on 1,479 consecutive stroke patients treated with intravenous alteplase in six Swiss stroke units were analyzed. Presenting characteristics and the frequency of favorable outcomes, defined as a modified Rankin scale (mRS) score of 0 or 1, a good outcome (mRS score 0-2), mortality and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (SICH) were compared between patients weighing >100 kg and those weighing ≤100 kg. Results: Compared to their counterparts (n = 1,384, mean body weight 73 kg), patients weighing >100 kg (n = 95, mean body weight 108 kg) were younger (61 vs. 67 years, p < 0.001), were more frequently males (83 vs. 60%, p < 0.001) and more frequently suffered from diabetes mellitus (30 vs. 13%, p < 0.001). As compared with patients weighing ≤100 kg, patients weighing >100 kg had similar rates of favorable outcomes (45 vs. 48%, p = 0.656), good outcomes (58 vs. 64%, p = 0.270) and mortality (17 vs. 12%, p = 0.196), and SICH risk (1 vs. 5%, p = 0.182). After multivariable adjustment, body weight >100 kg was strongly associated with mortality (p = 0.007) and poor outcome (p = 0.007). Conclusion: Our data do not suggest a reduced likehood of favorable outcomes in patients weighing >100 kg treated with the current dose regimen. The association of body weight >100 kg with mortality and poor outcome, however, demands further large-scale studies to replicate our findings and to explore the underlying mechanisms.
InDret presenta, por sexto año consecutivo, una selección de veinte sentencias sobre responsabilidad civil dictadas por el Tribunal Supremo que tratan cuestiones centrales del derecho de daños. El lector también encontrará en este trabajo las selecciones de 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 y 2008 publicadas en números anteriores.