954 resultados para zygotic embryos
Plant morphogenesis in vitro can be achieved via two pathways, somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis. Relationships between the culture medium and explant leading to morphogenesis are complex and, despite extensive study, remain poorly understood. Primarily the composition and ratio of plant growth regulators are manipulated to optimize the, quality and numbers of embryos or organs initiated. However, many species and varieties do not respond to this classical approach and require further optimization by the variation of other chemical or physical factors. Mineral nutrients form a significant component of culture media but are often overlooked as possible morphogenic elicitors. The combination of minerals for a particular plant species and developmental pathway are usually determined by the empirical manipulation of one or a combination of existing published formulations. Often only one medium type is used for the duration of culture even though this formulation may not be optimal for the different stages of explant growth and development. Furthermore, mineral studies have often focused on growth rather than morphogenesis with very little known of the relationships between mineral uptake and morphogenesis. This article examines the present knowledge of the main effects that mineral nutrients have on plant morphogenesis in vitro. In particular, the dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium supply during development are discussed.
Recent developments in evolutionary physiology have seen many of the long-held assumptions within comparative physiology receive rigorous experimental analysis. Studies of the adaptive significance of physiological acclimation exemplify this new evolutionary approach. The beneficial acclimation hypothesis (BAH) was proposed to describe the assumption that all acclimation changes enhance the physiological performance or fitness of an individual organism. To the surprise of most physiologists, all empirical examinations of the BAH have rejected its generality. However, we suggest that these examinations are neither direct nor complete tests of the functional benefit of acclimation. We consider them to be elegant analyses of the adaptive significance of developmental plasticity, a type of phenotypic plasticity that is very different from the traditional concept of acclimation that is used by comparative physiologists.
Morphological studies of development of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma australicum Girault in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), were conducted to provide benchmarks for assessing developmental rates in both natural hosts and artificial diets. Observations of living embryos and histological sections show that embryos proceed rapidly through cleavage and blastoderm formation and show a characteristic pinching or rotation 8 h after deposition. Eggs progressively increase in volume, primarily by increasing in diameter at the widest point. At 29 rectangle 1 C the duration of the egg stage is 22-24 h, the larval stage 27 h, the prepupal stage 50-52 h, and pupa 85 h. Larvae undergo dramatic shape changes as they ingest food but do not show signs of larval moults, reinforcing observations that there is only one larval instar. Criteria for staging the embryonic and postembryonic development in natural hosts will be used for future studies aimed at developing and refining artificial diets for Trichogramma.
The homeotic genes are instrumental in establishing segment-specific characteristics. In Drosophila embryos there is ample evidence that the homeotic genes are involved in establishing the differences in the pattern of sense organs between segments. The chordotonal organs are compound sense organs made up of several stretch receptive sensilla. A set of serially homologous chordotonal organs, Ich3 in the 1(st) thoracic segment, dch3 in the 2(nd) and 3(rd) thoracic segments and Ich5 in abdominal segments 1 to 7, is composed of different numbers of sensilla with different positions and orientations. Here we examine this set of sense organs and a companion set, vchA/B and vch 1, in the wild type and mutants for Sex combs reduced, Antennapedia, Ultrabithorax, and abdominal-A, using immunostaining. Mutant phenotypes indicate that Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A in particular influence the formation of these sense organs. Differential expression of abdominal-A and Ultrabithorax within compartments of individual parasegments can precisely modulate the types of sense organs that will arise from a segment.
The first chordates appear in the fossil record at the time of the Cambrian explosion, nearly 550 million years ago. The modern ascidian tadpole represents a plausible approximation to these ancestral chordates. To illuminate the origins of chordate and vertebrates, we generated a draft of the protein-coding portion of the genome of the most studied ascidian, Ciona intestinalis. The Ciona genome contains similar to16,000 protein-coding genes, similar to the number in other invertebrates, but only half that found in vertebrates. Vertebrate gene families are typically found in simplified form in Ciona, suggesting that ascidians contain the basic ancestral complement of genes involved in cell signaling and development. The ascidian genome has also acquired a number of lineage-specific innovations, including a group of genes engaged in cellulose metabolism that are related to those in bacteria and fungi.
Available evidence suggests that there are at least two locations for dormancy mechanisms in primary dormant seeds: mechanisms based within the embryo covering structures, and mechanisms based within the embryo. Mechanisms within the covering structures may involve mechanical, permeability and chemical barriers to germination. Mechanisms within the embryo may involve the expression of certain genes, levels of certain plant growth regulators, the activity of important respiratory pathways or the mobilisation and utilisation of food reserves. In addition, some embryos may be too immature to germinate immediately and must undergo a further growth phase before germination is possible. An individual species could have one or several of these various dormancy mechanisms and these mechanisms need to be understood when selecting treatments to overcome dormancy. The way in which certain dormancy breaking agents are thought to work is discussed and practical applications of such agents in field situations are explained.
A successful embryo-rescue and culture protocol was developed for use with several indigenous Vigna species and mungbean cultivars grown in Australia. Germination of Vigna immature embryos and their subsequent development into plants was influenced by the time at which the embryos were isolated and by which medium additives were placed in the embryo-rescue medium. A medium containing MS basal nutrients with sucrose (88 mM), casein hydrolysate (500 mg L-1) and agar (8 g L-1) but devoid of plant-growth regulators was found to be the best for germination of immature embryos for all four Vigna species investigated. The protocol for successful germination of non-hybrid immature embryos was applied to the recovery of interspecific hybrids involving mungbean and five native Vigna species that had previously been found difficult to hybridise. Several putative hybrid plants were obtained including a confirmed interspecific cross between V. luteola (Jacq.) Benth and V. marina (Burm.) Merrill.
The zebrafish has a number of distinct advantages as an experimental model in developmental biology. For example, large numbers of embryos can be generated in each lay, development proceeds rapidly through a very precise temporal staging which exhibits minimal batch-to-batch variability, embryos are transparent and imaging of wholemounts negates the need for tedious histological preparation while preserving three-dimensional spatial relationships. The zebrafish nervous system is proving a convenient model for studies of axon guidance because of its small size and highly stereotypical trajectory of axons. Moreover, a simple scaffold of axon tracts and nerves is established early and provides a template for subsequent development. The ease with which this template can be visualized as well as the ability to spatially resolve individual pioneer axons enables the role of specific cell-cell and molecular interactions to be clearly deciphered. We describe here the morphology and development of the earliest axon pathways in the embryonic zebrafish central nervous system and highlight the major questions that remain to be addressed with regard to axon guidance.
Cadherin cell-cell adhesion molecules are important determinants of morphogenesis and tissue patterning. C-cadherin plays a key role in the cell-upon-cell movements seen during Xenopus gastrulation. In particular, regulated changes in C-cadherin adhesion critically influence convergence-extension movements, thereby determining organization of the body plan. It is also predicted that remodelling of cadherin adhesive contacts is important for such cell-on-cell movements to occur. The recent demonstration that Epithelial (E-) cadherin is capable of undergoing endocytic trafficking to and from the cell surface presents a potential mechanism for rapid remodelling of such adhesive contacts. To test the potential role for C-cadherin endocytosis during convergence-extension, we expressed in early Xenopus embryos a dominantly-inhibitory mutant of the GTPase, dynamin, a key regulator of clathrin-mediated endocytosis. We report that this dynamin mutant significantly blocked the elongation of animal cap explants in response to activin, accompanied by inhibition of C-cadherin endocytosis. We propose that dynamin-dependent endocytosis of C-cadherin plays an important role in remodelling adhesive contacts during convergence-extension movements in the early Xenopus embryo.
hlx1 is a related homeobox gene expressed in a dynamic spatiotemporal expression pattern during development of the zebrafish brain. The homologues of hlx1, mouse dbx1 and Xenopus Xdbx, are known to play a role in the specification of neurons in the spinal cord. However, the role of these molecules in the brain is less well known. We have used two different approaches to elucidate a putative function for hlx1 in the developing zebrafish brain. Blastomeres were injected with either synthetic hlx1 mRNA in gain-of-function experiments or with antisense morpholino oligonucleotides directed against hlx1 in loss-of-function experiments. Mis-expression of hlx1 produced severe defects in brain morphogenesis as a result of abnormal ventricle formation, a phenotype we referred to as fused-brain. These animals also showed a reduction in the size of forebrain neuronal clusters as well as abnormal axon pathfinding. hlx1 antisense morpholinos specifically perturbed hindbrain morphogenesis leading to defects in the integrity of the neuroepithelium. While hindbrain patterning was in the most part unaffected there were select disruptions to the expression pattern of the neurogenic gene Zash1B in specific rhombomeres. Our results indicate multiple roles for hlx1 during zebrafish brain morphogenesis.
The potential to use a GnRH agonist bioimplant and injection of exogenous LH to control the time of ovulation in a multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) protocol was examined in buffalo. Mixed-parity buffalo (Bubalus bubalis; 4-15-year-old; 529 13 kg LW) were randomly assigned to one of five groups (n = 6): Group 1, conventional MOET protocol; Group 2, conventional MOET with 12 It delay in injection of PGF(2alpha); Group 3, implanted with GnRH agonist to block the pre-ovulatory surge release of LH; Group 4, implanted with GnRH agonist and injected with exogenous LH (Lutropin(R), 25 mg) 24 h after 4 days of superstimulation with FSH; Group 5, implanted with GnRH agonist and injected with LH 36 h after superstimulation with FSH. Ovarian follicular growth in all buffaloes was stimulated by treatment with FSH (Folltropin-V(R), 200 mg) administered over 4 days, and was monitored by ovarian ultrasonography. At the time of estrus, the number of follicles greater than or equal to8 mm. was greater (P < 0.05) for buffaloes in Group 2 (12.8) than for buffaloes in Groups 1 (8.5), 3 (7.3), 4 (6.1) and 5 (6.8), which did not differ. All buffaloes were mated by AI after spontaneous (Groups 1-3) or induced (Groups 4 and 5) ovulation. The respective number of buffalo that ovulated, number of corpora lutea, ovulation rate (%), and embryos + oocytes recovered were: Group 1 (2, 1.8 +/- 1.6, 18.0 +/- 13.6, 0.2 +/- 0.2); Group 2 (4, 6.1 +/- 2.9, 40.5 +/- 17.5, 3.7 +/- 2.1); Group 3 (0, 0, 0, 0); Group 4 (6, 4.3 +/- 1.2, 69.3 +/- 14.2, 2.0 +/- 0.9); and Group 5 (1, 2.5 +/- 2.5, 15.5 +/- 15.5, 2.1 +/- 2.1). All buffaloes in Group 4 ovulated after injection of LH and had a relatively high ovulation rate (69%) and embryo recovery (46%). It has been shown that the GnRH agonist-LH protocol can be used to improve the efficiency of MOET in buffalo. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
We review investigations that have lead to a model of how the ventral spinal cord of higher vertebrate embryos is patterned during development. Central to this model is the secreted morphogen protein, Sonic hedgehog. There is now considerable evidence that this molecule acts in a concentration-dependent manner to direct the development of the spinal cord. Recent studies have suggested that two classes of homeodomain proteins are induced by threshold concentrations of Sonic hedgehog. Reciprocal inhibition between the two classes acts to convert the continuous gradient of Sonic hedgehog into defined domains of transcription factor expression. However, a number of aspects of ventral spinal cord patterning remain to be elucidated. Some issues currently under investigation involve temporal aspects of Shh-signalling, the role of other signals in ventral patterning and the characterisation of ventral interneurons. In this review, we discuss the current state of knowledge of these issues and present some preliminary studies aimed at furthering understanding of these processes in spinal cord patterning.
The decision of the embryonic gonad to differentiate as either a testis or an ovary is a critical step in vertebrate development. The molecular basis of this decision has been the focus of much study, particularly over the past decade. Here we contrast the knowledge of early gonadal development and the switch to testis differentiation with the lack of molecular understanding of ovarian development at early stages. We review current knowledge regarding mechanisms of ovarian morphogenesis and propose a model for the hierarchical control of development of the fetal ovary, incorporating the few genes already known to be important and several signals or factors that are hypothesised to exist in the early ovary.
Cestodes (tapeworms) are a derived, parasitic clade of the phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms). The cestode body wall represents an adaptation to its endoparasitic lifestyle. The epidermis forms a nonciliated syncytium, and both muscular and nervous system are reduced. Morphological differences between cestodes and free-living flatworms become apparent already during early embryogenesis. Cestodes have a complex life cycle that begins with an infectious larva, called the oncosphere. In regard to cell number, cestode oncospheres are among the simplest multicellular organisms, containing in the order of 50-100 cells. As part of our continuing effort to analyze embryonic development in flatworms, we describe here the staining pattern obtained with acTub in embryos and larvae of the cestode Hymenolepis diminuta and, briefly, the monogenean Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis. In addition, we labeled the embryonic musculature of Hymenolepis with phalloidin. In Hymenolepis embryos, two different cell types that we interpret as neurons and epidermal gland cells express acTub. There exist only two neurons that develop close to the midline at the anterior pole of the embryo. The axons of these two neurons project posteriorly into the center of the oncosphere, where they innervate the complex of muscles that is attached to the booklets. In addition to neurons, acTub labels a small and invariant set of epidermal gland cells that develop at superficial positions, anteriorly adjacent to the neurons, in the dorsal midline, and around the posteriorly located hooklets. During late stages of embryogenesis they spread and form a complete covering of the embryo. We discuss these data in the broader context of platyhelminth embryology.
Several anomalies occur in the developing neural and visceral head skeleton of young specimens of Neoceratodus forsteri that have been reared under laboratory conditions. These include anomalies of the basicranium and its derivatives, aberrations of the anterior mandible and hyoid apparatus, and abnormalities in the articulation of the jaws and the elements that produce them. Apart from the occasional absence of the basihyal, and failure of the quadrate processes to form, the anomalies are not deficiencies. Most involve malformations of parts of the neurocranium and visceral skeleton, inappropriate articulations or fusions between elements, disunity in structures that are normally fused and the appearance of supernumerary elements. The incidence of chondral anomalies, generally higher than aberrations that occur in the dermal skeleton in juvenile lungfish, ranges from 1-10% in laboratory reared individuals that have not been subjected to experimental interference. The anomalies differ from those found in many amphibian populations, in the field and in the laboratory, because they involve the cranium, and not the limbs, and the lungfish have not been exposed to the factors that cause anomalies in the amphibians. It is unlikely that the existence of those anomalies, if it is reflected in the wild population, places a selective pressure on the lungfish, because, in a normal season, less than 1% of the total number of eggs produced survive to be recruited into the adult population.