955 resultados para zeros of polynomials
We consider a generalized discriminant associated to a symmetric space which generalizes the discriminant of real symmetric matrices, and note that it can be written as a sum of squares of real polynomials. A method to estimate the minimum number of squares required to represent the discrimininant is developed and applied in examples.
This paper proposes a general class of regression models for continuous proportions when the data contain zeros or ones. The proposed class of models assumes that the response variable has a mixed continuous-discrete distribution with probability mass at zero or one. The beta distribution is used to describe the continuous component of the model, since its density has a wide range of different shapes depending on the values of the two parameters that index the distribution. We use a suitable parameterization of the beta law in terms of its mean and a precision parameter. The parameters of the mixture distribution are modeled as functions of regression parameters. We provide inference, diagnostic, and model selection tools for this class of models. A practical application that employs real data is presented. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this paper is to model variations in test-day milk yields of first lactations of Holstein cows by RR using B-spline functions and Bayesian inference in order to fit adequate and parsimonious models for the estimation of genetic parameters. They used 152,145 test day milk yield records from 7317 first lactations of Holstein cows. The model established in this study was additive, permanent environmental and residual random effects. In addition, contemporary group and linear and quadratic effects of the age of cow at calving were included as fixed effects. Authors modeled the average lactation curve of the population with a fourth-order orthogonal Legendre polynomial. They concluded that a cubic B-spline with seven random regression coefficients for both the additive genetic and permanent environment effects was to be the best according to residual mean square and residual variance estimates. Moreover they urged a lower order model (quadratic B-spline with seven random regression coefficients for both random effects) could be adopted because it yielded practically the same genetic parameter estimates with parsimony. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to estimate (co)variance components using random regression on B-spline functions to weight records obtained from birth to adulthood. A total of 82 064 weight records of 8145 females obtained from the data bank of the Nellore Breeding Program (PMGRN/Nellore Brazil) which started in 1987, were used. The models included direct additive and maternal genetic effects and animal and maternal permanent environmental effects as random. Contemporary group and dam age at calving (linear and quadratic effect) were included as fixed effects, and orthogonal Legendre polynomials of age (cubic regression) were considered as random covariate. The random effects were modeled using B-spline functions considering linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials for each individual segment. Residual variances were grouped in five age classes. Direct additive genetic and animal permanent environmental effects were modeled using up to seven knots (six segments). A single segment with two knots at the end points of the curve was used for the estimation of maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects. A total of 15 models were studied, with the number of parameters ranging from 17 to 81. The models that used B-splines were compared with multi-trait analyses with nine weight traits and to a random regression model that used orthogonal Legendre polynomials. A model fitting quadratic B-splines, with four knots or three segments for direct additive genetic effect and animal permanent environmental effect and two knots for maternal additive genetic effect and maternal permanent environmental effect, was the most appropriate and parsimonious model to describe the covariance structure of the data. Selection for higher weight, such as at young ages, should be performed taking into account an increase in mature cow weight. Particularly, this is important in most of Nellore beef cattle production systems, where the cow herd is maintained on range conditions. There is limited modification of the growth curve of Nellore cattle with respect to the aim of selecting them for rapid growth at young ages while maintaining constant adult weight.
The thesis consists of three independent parts. Part I: Polynomial amoebas We study the amoeba of a polynomial, as de ned by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. A central role in the treatment is played by a certain convex function which is linear in each complement component of the amoeba, which we call the Ronkin function. This function is used in two di erent ways. First, we use it to construct a polyhedral complex, which we call a spine, approximating the amoeba. Second, the Monge-Ampere measure of the Ronkin function has interesting properties which we explore. This measure can be used to derive an upper bound on the area of an amoeba in two dimensions. We also obtain results on the number of complement components of an amoeba, and consider possible extensions of the theory to varieties of codimension higher than 1. Part II: Differential equations in the complex plane We consider polynomials in one complex variable arising as eigenfunctions of certain differential operators, and obtain results on the distribution of their zeros. We show that in the limit when the degree of the polynomial approaches innity, its zeros are distributed according to a certain probability measure. This measure has its support on the union of nitely many curve segments, and can be characterized by a simple condition on its Cauchy transform. Part III: Radon transforms and tomography This part is concerned with different weighted Radon transforms in two dimensions, in particular the problem of inverting such transforms. We obtain stability results of this inverse problem for rather general classes of weights, including weights of attenuation type with data acquisition limited to a 180 degrees range of angles. We also derive an inversion formula for the exponential Radon transform, with the same restriction on the angle.
[EN]We present a new strategy for constructing tensor product spline spaces over quadtree and octree T-meshes. The proposed technique includes some simple rules for inferring local knot vectors to define spline blending functions. These rules allow to obtain for a given T-mesh a set of cubic spline functions that span a space with nice properties: it can reproduce cubic polynomials, the functions are C2-continuous, linearly independent, and spaces spanned by nested T-meshes are also nested. In order to span spaces with these properties applying the proposed rules, the T-mesh should fulfill the only requirement of being a 0-balanced quadtree or octree. ..
[EN]We present a new strategy for constructing tensor product spline spaces over quadtree and octree T-meshes. The proposed technique includes some simple rules for inferring local knot vectors to define spline blending functions. These rules allow to obtain for a given T-mesh a set of cubic spline functions that span a space with nice properties: it can reproduce cubic polynomials, the functions are C2-continuous, linearly independent, and spaces spanned by nested T-meshes are also nested. In order to span spaces with these properties applying the proposed rules, the T-mesh should fulfill the only requirement of being a 0-balanced quadtree or octree. ..
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics is a broad subject. Grossly speaking, it deals with systems which have not yet relaxed to an equilibrium state, or else with systems which are in a steady non-equilibrium state, or with more general situations. They are characterized by external forcing and internal fluxes, resulting in a net production of entropy which quantifies dissipation and the extent by which, by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, time-reversal invariance is broken. In this thesis we discuss some of the mathematical structures involved with generic discrete-state-space non-equilibrium systems, that we depict with networks in all analogous to electrical networks. We define suitable observables and derive their linear regime relationships, we discuss a duality between external and internal observables that reverses the role of the system and of the environment, we show that network observables serve as constraints for a derivation of the minimum entropy production principle. We dwell on deep combinatorial aspects regarding linear response determinants, which are related to spanning tree polynomials in graph theory, and we give a geometrical interpretation of observables in terms of Wilson loops of a connection and gauge degrees of freedom. We specialize the formalism to continuous-time Markov chains, we give a physical interpretation for observables in terms of locally detailed balanced rates, we prove many variants of the fluctuation theorem, and show that a well-known expression for the entropy production due to Schnakenberg descends from considerations of gauge invariance, where the gauge symmetry is related to the freedom in the choice of a prior probability distribution. As an additional topic of geometrical flavor related to continuous-time Markov chains, we discuss the Fisher-Rao geometry of nonequilibrium decay modes, showing that the Fisher matrix contains information about many aspects of non-equilibrium behavior, including non-equilibrium phase transitions and superposition of modes. We establish a sort of statistical equivalence principle and discuss the behavior of the Fisher matrix under time-reversal. To conclude, we propose that geometry and combinatorics might greatly increase our understanding of nonequilibrium phenomena.
By using a symbolic method, known in the literature as the classical umbral calculus, a symbolic representation of Lévy processes is given and a new family of time-space harmonic polynomials with respect to such processes, which includes and generalizes the exponential complete Bell polynomials, is introduced. The usefulness of time-space harmonic polynomials with respect to Lévy processes is that it is a martingale the stochastic process obtained by replacing the indeterminate x of the polynomials with a Lévy process, whereas the Lévy process does not necessarily have this property. Therefore to find such polynomials could be particularly meaningful for applications. This new family includes Hermite polynomials, time-space harmonic with respect to Brownian motion, Poisson-Charlier polynomials with respect to Poisson processes, Laguerre and actuarial polynomials with respect to Gamma processes , Meixner polynomials of the first kind with respect to Pascal processes, Euler, Bernoulli, Krawtchuk, and pseudo-Narumi polynomials with respect to suitable random walks. The role played by cumulants is stressed and brought to the light, either in the symbolic representation of Lévy processes and their infinite divisibility property, either in the generalization, via umbral Kailath-Segall formula, of the well-known formulae giving elementary symmetric polynomials in terms of power sum symmetric polynomials. The expression of the family of time-space harmonic polynomials here introduced has some connections with the so-called moment representation of various families of multivariate polynomials. Such moment representation has been studied here for the first time in connection with the time-space harmonic property with respect to suitable symbolic multivariate Lévy processes. In particular, multivariate Hermite polynomials and their properties have been studied in connection with a symbolic version of the multivariate Brownian motion, while multivariate Bernoulli and Euler polynomials are represented as powers of multivariate polynomials which are time-space harmonic with respect to suitable multivariate Lévy processes.
This thesis provides efficient and robust algorithms for the computation of the intersection curve between a torus and a simple surface (e.g. a plane, a natural quadric or another torus), based on algebraic and numeric methods. The algebraic part includes the classification of the topological type of the intersection curve and the detection of degenerate situations like embedded conic sections and singularities. Moreover, reference points for each connected intersection curve component are determined. The required computations are realised efficiently by solving quartic polynomials at most and exactly by using exact arithmetic. The numeric part includes algorithms for the tracing of each intersection curve component, starting from the previously computed reference points. Using interval arithmetic, accidental incorrectness like jumping between branches or the skipping of parts are prevented. Furthermore, the environments of singularities are correctly treated. Our algorithms are complete in the sense that any kind of input can be handled including degenerate and singular configurations. They are verified, since the results are topologically correct and approximate the real intersection curve up to any arbitrary given error bound. The algorithms are robust, since no human intervention is required and they are efficient in the way that the treatment of algebraic equations of high degree is avoided.
Sei $\pi:X\rightarrow S$ eine \"uber $\Z$ definierte Familie von Calabi-Yau Varietaten der Dimension drei. Es existiere ein unter dem Gauss-Manin Zusammenhang invarianter Untermodul $M\subset H^3_{DR}(X/S)$ von Rang vier, sodass der Picard-Fuchs Operator $P$ auf $M$ ein sogenannter {\em Calabi-Yau } Operator von Ordnung vier ist. Sei $k$ ein endlicher K\"orper der Charaktetristik $p$, und sei $\pi_0:X_0\rightarrow S_0$ die Reduktion von $\pi$ \uber $k$. F\ur die gew\ohnlichen (ordinary) Fasern $X_{t_0}$ der Familie leiten wir eine explizite Formel zur Berechnung des charakteristischen Polynoms des Frobeniusendomorphismus, des {\em Frobeniuspolynoms}, auf dem korrespondierenden Untermodul $M_{cris}\subset H^3_{cris}(X_{t_0})$ her. Sei nun $f_0(z)$ die Potenzreihenl\osung der Differentialgleichung $Pf=0$ in einer Umgebung der Null. Da eine reziproke Nullstelle des Frobeniuspolynoms in einem Teichm\uller-Punkt $t$ durch $f_0(z)/f_0(z^p)|_{z=t}$ gegeben ist, ist ein entscheidender Schritt in der Berechnung des Frobeniuspolynoms die Konstruktion einer $p-$adischen analytischen Fortsetzung des Quotienten $f_0(z)/f_0(z^p)$ auf den Rand des $p-$adischen Einheitskreises. Kann man die Koeffizienten von $f_0$ mithilfe der konstanten Terme in den Potenzen eines Laurent-Polynoms, dessen Newton-Polyeder den Ursprung als einzigen inneren Gitterpunkt enth\alt, ausdr\ucken,so beweisen wir gewisse Kongruenz-Eigenschaften unter den Koeffizienten von $f_0$. Diese sind entscheidend bei der Konstruktion der analytischen Fortsetzung. Enth\alt die Faser $X_{t_0}$ einen gew\ohnlichen Doppelpunkt, so erwarten wir im Grenz\ubergang, dass das Frobeniuspolynom in zwei Faktoren von Grad eins und einen Faktor von Grad zwei zerf\allt. Der Faktor von Grad zwei ist dabei durch einen Koeffizienten $a_p$ eindeutig bestimmt. Durchl\auft nun $p$ die Menge aller Primzahlen, so erwarten wir aufgrund des Modularit\atssatzes, dass es eine Modulform von Gewicht vier gibt, deren Koeffizienten durch die Koeffizienten $a_p$ gegeben sind. Diese Erwartung hat sich durch unsere umfangreichen Rechnungen best\atigt. Dar\uberhinaus leiten wir weitere Formeln zur Bestimmung des Frobeniuspolynoms her, in welchen auch die nicht-holomorphen L\osungen der Gleichung $Pf=0$ in einer Umgebung der Null eine Rolle spielen.
The diameters of traditional dish concentrators can reach several tens of meters, the construction of monolithic mirrors being difficult at these scales: cheap flat reflecting facets mounted on a common frame generally reproduce a paraboloidal surface. When a standard imaging mirror is coupled with a PV dense array, problems arise since the solar image focused is intrinsically circular. Moreover, the corresponding irradiance distribution is bell-shaped in contrast with the requirement of having all the cells under the same illumination. Mismatch losses occur when interconnected cells experience different conditions, in particular in series connections. In this PhD Thesis, we aim at solving these issues by a multidisciplinary approach, exploiting optical concepts and applications developed specifically for astronomical use, where the improvement of the image quality is a very important issue. The strategy we propose is to boost the spot uniformity acting uniquely on the primary reflector and avoiding the big mirrors segmentation into numerous smaller elements that need to be accurately mounted and aligned. In the proposed method, the shape of the mirrors is analytically described by the Zernike polynomials and its optimization is numerically obtained to give a non-imaging optics able to produce a quasi-square spot, spatially uniform and with prescribed concentration level. The freeform primary optics leads to a substantial gain in efficiency without secondary optics. Simple electrical schemes for the receiver are also required. The concept has been investigated theoretically modeling an example of CPV dense array application, including the development of non-optical aspects as the design of the detector and of the supporting mechanics. For the method proposed and the specific CPV system described, a patent application has been filed in Italy with the number TO2014A000016. The patent has been developed thanks to the collaboration between the University of Bologna and INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics).
The excitation spectrum is one of the fundamental properties of every spatially extended system. The excitations of the building blocks of normal matter, i.e., protons and neutrons (nucleons), play an important role in our understanding of the low energy regime of the strong interaction. Due to the large coupling, perturbative solutions of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are not appropriate to calculate long-range phenomena of hadrons. For many years, constituent quark models were used to understand the excitation spectra. Recently, calculations in lattice QCD make first connections between excited nucleons and the fundamental field quanta (quarks and gluons). Due to their short lifetime and large decay width, excited nucleons appear as resonances in scattering processes like pion nucleon scattering or meson photoproduction. In order to disentangle individual resonances with definite spin and parity in experimental data, partial wave analyses are necessary. Unique solutions in these analyses can only be expected if sufficient empirical information about spin degrees of freedom is available. The measurement of spin observables in pion photoproduction is the focus of this thesis. The polarized electron beam of the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) was used to produce high-intensity, polarized photon beams with tagged energies up to 1.47 GeV. A "frozen-spin" Butanol target in combination with an almost 4π detector setup consisting of the Crystal Ball and the TAPS calorimeters allowed the precise determination of the helicity dependence of the γp → π0p reaction. In this thesis, as an improvement of the target setup, an internal polarizing solenoid has been constructed and tested. A magnetic field of 2.32 T and homogeneity of 1.22×10−3 in the target volume have been achieved. The helicity asymmetry E, i.e., the difference of events with total helicity 1/2 and 3/2 divided by the sum, was determined from data taken in the years 2013-14. The subtraction of background events arising from nucleons bound in Carbon and Oxygen was an important part of the analysis. The results for the asymmetry E are compared to existing data and predictions from various models. The results show a reasonable agreement to the models in the energy region of the ∆(1232)-resonance but large discrepancies are observed for energy above 600 MeV. The expansion of the present data in terms of Legendre polynomials, shows the sensitivity of the data to partial wave amplitudes up to F-waves. Additionally, a first, preliminary multipole analysis of the present data together with other results from the Crystal Ball experiment has been as been performed.
Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) delivers airway pressure (P(aw)) in proportion to the electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi) using an adjustable proportionality constant (NAVA level, cm·H(2)O/μV). During systematic increases in the NAVA level, feedback-controlled down-regulation of the EAdi results in a characteristic two-phased response in P(aw) and tidal volume (Vt). The transition from the 1st to the 2nd response phase allows identification of adequate unloading of the respiratory muscles with NAVA (NAVA(AL)). We aimed to develop and validate a mathematical algorithm to identify NAVA(AL). P(aw), Vt, and EAdi were recorded while systematically increasing the NAVA level in 19 adult patients. In a multistep approach, inspiratory P(aw) peaks were first identified by dividing the EAdi into inspiratory portions using Gaussian mixture modeling. Two polynomials were then fitted onto the curves of both P(aw) peaks and Vt. The beginning of the P(aw) and Vt plateaus, and thus NAVA(AL), was identified at the minimum of squared polynomial derivative and polynomial fitting errors. A graphical user interface was developed in the Matlab computing environment. Median NAVA(AL) visually estimated by 18 independent physicians was 2.7 (range 0.4 to 5.8) cm·H(2)O/μV and identified by our model was 2.6 (range 0.6 to 5.0) cm·H(2)O/μV. NAVA(AL) identified by our model was below the range of visually estimated NAVA(AL) in two instances and was above in one instance. We conclude that our model identifies NAVA(AL) in most instances with acceptable accuracy for application in clinical routine and research.
A general approach is presented for implementing discrete transforms as a set of first-order or second-order recursive digital filters. Clenshaw's recurrence formulae are used to formulate the second-order filters. The resulting structure is suitable for efficient implementation of discrete transforms in VLSI or FPGA circuits. The general approach is applied to the discrete Legendre transform as an illustration.