878 resultados para workshop design and preparation


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The research activities described in the present thesis have been oriented to the design and development of components and technological processes aimed at optimizing the performance of plasma sources in advanced in material treatments. Consumables components for high definition plasma arc cutting (PAC) torches were studied and developed. Experimental activities have in particular focussed on the modifications of the emissive insert with respect to the standard electrode configuration, which comprises a press fit hafnium insert in a copper body holder, to improve its durability. Based on a deep analysis of both the scientific and patent literature, different solutions were proposed and tested. First, the behaviour of Hf cathodes when operating at high current levels (250A) in oxidizing atmosphere has been experimentally investigated optimizing, with respect to expected service life, the initial shape of the electrode emissive surface. Moreover, the microstructural modifications of the Hf insert in PAC electrodes were experimentally investigated during first cycles, in order to understand those phenomena occurring on and under the Hf emissive surface and involved in the electrode erosion process. Thereafter, the research activity focussed on producing, characterizing and testing prototypes of composite inserts, combining powders of a high thermal conductibility (Cu, Ag) and high thermionic emissivity (Hf, Zr) materials The complexity of the thermal plasma torch environment required and integrated approach also involving physical modelling. Accordingly, a detailed line-by-line method was developed to compute the net emission coefficient of Ar plasmas at temperatures ranging from 3000 K to 25000 K and pressure ranging from 50 kPa to 200 kPa, for optically thin and partially autoabsorbed plasmas. Finally, prototypal electrodes were studied and realized for a newly developed plasma source, based on the plasma needle concept and devoted to the generation of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasmas for biomedical applications.


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This research work presents the design and implementation of a FFT pruning block, which is an extension to the FFT core for OFDM demodulation, enabling run-time 8 pruning of the FFT algorithm, without any restrictions on the distribution pattern of the active/inactive sub-carriers. The design and implementation of FFT processor core is not the part of this work. The whole design was prototyped on an ALTERA STRATIX V FPGA to evaluate the performance of the pruning engine. Synthesis and simulation results showed that the logic overhead introduced by the pruning block is limited to a 10% of the total resources utilization. Moreover, in presence of a medium-high scattering of the sub-carriers, power and energy consumption of the FFT core were reduced by a 30% factor.


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The PhD activity described in the document is part of the Microsatellite and Microsystem Laboratory of the II Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna. The main objective is the design and development of a GNSS receiver for the orbit determination of microsatellites in low earth orbit. The development starts from the electronic design and goes up to the implementation of the navigation algorithms, covering all the aspects that are involved in this type of applications. The use of GPS receivers for orbit determination is a consolidated application used in many space missions, but the development of the new GNSS system within few years, such as the European Galileo, the Chinese COMPASS and the Russian modernized GLONASS, proposes new challenges and offers new opportunities to increase the orbit determination performances. The evaluation of improvements coming from the new systems together with the implementation of a receiver that is compatible with at least one of the new systems, are the main activities of the PhD. The activities can be divided in three section: receiver requirements definition and prototype implementation, design and analysis of the GNSS signal tracking algorithms, and design and analysis of the navigation algorithms. The receiver prototype is based on a Virtex FPGA by Xilinx, and includes a PowerPC processor. The architecture follows the software defined radio paradigm, so most of signal processing is performed in software while only what is strictly necessary is done in hardware. The tracking algorithms are implemented as a combination of Phase Locked Loop and Frequency Locked Loop for the carrier, and Delay Locked Loop with variable bandwidth for the code. The navigation algorithm is based on the extended Kalman filter and includes an accurate LEO orbit model.


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Among the scientific objectives addressed by the Radio Science Experiment hosted on board the ESA mission BepiColombo is the retrieval of the rotational state of planet Mercury. In fact, the estimation of the obliquity and the librations amplitude were proven to be fundamental for constraining the interior composition of Mercury. This is accomplished by the Mercury Orbiter Radio science Experiment (MORE) via a strict interaction among different payloads thus making the experiment particularly challenging. The underlying idea consists in capturing images of the same landmark on the surface of the planet in different epochs in order to observe a displacement of the identified features with respect to a nominal rotation which allows to estimate the rotational parameters. Observations must be planned accurately in order to obtain image pairs carrying the highest information content for the following estimation process. This is not a trivial task especially in light of the several dynamical constraints involved. Another delicate issue is represented by the pattern matching process between image pairs for which the lowest correlation errors are desired. The research activity was conducted in the frame of the MORE rotation experiment and addressed the design and implementation of an end-to-end simulator of the experiment with the final objective of establishing an optimal science planning of the observations. In the thesis, the implementation of the singular modules forming the simulator is illustrated along with the simulations performed. The results obtained from the preliminary release of the optimization algorithm are finally presented although the software implemented is only at a preliminary release and will be improved and refined in the future also taking into account the developments of the mission.


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The aim of this thesis was to synthesize multipotent drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), two diseases that affect the elderly. AD is a neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized, among other factors, by loss of cholinergic neurons. Selective activation of M1 receptors through an allosteric site could restore the cholinergic hypofunction, improving the cognition in AD patients. We describe here the discovery and SAR of a novel series of quinone derivatives. Among them, 1 was the most interesting, being a high M1 selective positive allosteric modulator. At 100 nM, 1 triplicated the production of cAMP induced by oxotremorine. Moreover, it inhibited AChE and it displayed antioxidant properties. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicated that 1 acts at an allosteric site involving residue F77. Thus, 1 is a promising drug because the M1 activation may offer disease-modifying properties that could address and reduce most of AD hallmarks. BPH is an enlargement of the prostate caused by increased cellular growth. Blockade of α1-ARs is the predominant form of medical therapy for the treatment of the symptoms associated with BPH. α1-ARs are classified into three subtypes. The α1A- and α1D-AR subtypes are predominant in the prostate, while α1B-ARs regulate the blood pressure. Herein, we report the synthesis of quinazoline-derivatives obtained replacing the piperazine ring of doxazosin and prazosin with (S)- or (R)-3-aminopiperidine. The presence of a chiral center in the 3-C position of the piperidine ring allowed us to exploit the importance of stereochemistry in the binding at α1-ARs. It turned out that the S configuration at the 3-C position of the piperidine increases the affinity of the compounds at all three α1-AR subtypes, whereas the configuration at the benzodioxole ring of doxazosin derivatives is not critical for the interaction with α1-ARs.


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Data Distribution Management (DDM) is a core part of High Level Architecture standard, as its goal is to optimize the resources used by simulation environments to exchange data. It has to filter and match the set of information generated during a simulation, so that each federate, that is a simulation entity, only receives the information it needs. It is important that this is done quickly and to the best in order to get better performances and avoiding the transmission of irrelevant data, otherwise network resources may saturate quickly. The main topic of this thesis is the implementation of a super partes DDM testbed. It evaluates the goodness of DDM approaches, of all kinds. In fact it supports both region and grid based approaches, and it may support other different methods still unknown too. It uses three factors to rank them: execution time, memory and distance from the optimal solution. A prearranged set of instances is already available, but we also allow the creation of instances with user-provided parameters. This is how this thesis is structured. We start introducing what DDM and HLA are and what do they do in details. Then in the first chapter we describe the state of the art, providing an overview of the most well known resolution approaches and the pseudocode of the most interesting ones. The third chapter describes how the testbed we implemented is structured. In the fourth chapter we expose and compare the results we got from the execution of four approaches we have implemented. The result of the work described in this thesis can be downloaded on sourceforge using the following link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ddmtestbed/. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3).


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Hyperverzweigte Polymere erfuhren in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Beachtung, da sie im Vergleich zu ihren linearen Analoga besondere Eigenschaften besitzen. Im Jahre 2002 wurde die erste enzymkatalysierte Darstellung hyperverzweigter Poly(epsilon-caprolacton)e (hb-PCL) beschrieben. Hier ermöglichte das Konzept der konkurrierenden ringöffnenden Polymerisation und Polykondensation die Kontrolle der Eigenschaften des dargestellten Polymers. Detaillierte Untersuchungen in Hinblick auf Grenzen und Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Synthese im Technikumsmaßstab sind wesentliche Aspekte dieser Arbeit. Außerdem wird ein neues Konzept eingeführt, das Reknitting genannt wurde. Ziel desselben ist das Recycling kommerziellen, linearen PCLs mittels Umesterung zu hb-PCL durch Enzymkatalyse. Diese hb-PCLs zeigen vergleichbare Eigenschaften zu den aus den Comonomeren dargestellten. Ausgehend von hb-PCL sollte eine geeignete Route zu methacrylierten Vernetzerverbindungen entwickelt werden. Aus Mischungen derselben mit 2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylat wurden komplexe Netzwerkarchitekturen durch Copolymerisation erhalten. Diese Netzwerke wurden in Hinblick auf ihre mechanisch physikalischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Zuletzt wurden Screeningexperimente an anderen zyklischen Estern durchgeführt, da ein Transfer des oben vorgestellten Konzepts angestrebt wurde. Zwei neue hyperverzweigte Polymerklassen, hb-Poly(delta-valerolacton) und hb-Polytrimethylencarbonat wurden detaillierter untersucht und in Ihren Eigenschaften mit hb-PCL verglichen.


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Fra i sistemi di propulsione elettrica per satelliti, il Pulsed Plasma Thruster, PPT, è quello dal design più semplice. È anche il primo sistema di propulsione elettrica utilizzato in un satellite artificiale, ossia ZOND-2 lanciato nel 1964 dall’Unione Sovietica. Tuttavia, dopo circa 50 anni di ricerca, la comprensione teorica e sperimentale di questo dispositivo rimane limitata. Questo elaborato di tesi magistrale indaga sul sottosistema di accensione del PPT, cercando di mettere in luce alcuni aspetti legati al lifetime della spark plug, SP. Tale SP, o candela, è l’attuatore del sottosistema di accensione. Questa produce una scintilla sulla sua superficie, la quale permette la realizzazione della scarica elettrica principale fra i due elettrodi del motore. Questa scarica crea una sottile parete di plasma che, per mezzo della forza elettromagnetica di Lorentz, produce la spinta del PPT. Poiché la SP si trova all’interno del catodo del motore e si affaccia nella camera di scarica, questa soffre di fenomeni di corrosione e di deposizione carbonacea proveniente dal propellente. Questi fenomeni possono limitare notevolmente il lifetime della SP. I parametri connessi alla vita operativa della SP sono numerosi. In questo elaborato si è analizzata la possibilità di utilizzare una elettronica di accensione della candela alternativa alla classica soluzione che utilizza un trasformatore. Il sottosistema di accensione classico e quello nuovo sono stati realizzati e testati, per metterne in luce le differenze ed i possibili vantaggi/svantaggi.


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The present PhD thesis exploits the design skills I have been improving since my master thesis’ research. A brief description of the chapters’ content follows. Chapter 1: the simulation of a complete front–end is a very complex problem and, in particular, is the basis upon which the prediction of the overall performance of the system is possible. By means of a commercial EM simulation tool and a rigorous nonlinear/EM circuit co–simulation based on the Reciprocity Theorem, the above–mentioned prediction can be achieved and exploited for wireless links characterization. This will represent the theoretical basics of the entire present thesis and will be supported by two RF applications. Chapter 2: an extensive dissertation about Magneto–Dielectric (MD) materials will be presented, together with their peculiar characteristics as substrates for antenna miniaturization purposes. A designed and tested device for RF on–body applications will be described in detail. Finally, future research will be discussed. Chapter 3: this chapter will deal with the issue regarding the exploitation of renewable energy sources for low–energy consumption devices. Hence the problem related to the so–called energy harvesting will be tackled and a first attempt to deploy THz solar energy in an innovative way will be presented and discussed. Future research will be proposed as well. Chapter 4: graphene is a very promising material for devices to be exploited in the RF and THz frequency range for a wide range of engineering applications, including those ones marked as the main research goal of the present thesis. This chapter will present the results obtained during my research period at the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT) in Bucharest, Romania. It will concern the design and manufacturing of antennas and diodes made in graphene–based technology for detection/rectification purposes.


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This thesis presents a new approach for the design and fabrication of bond wire magnetics for power converter applications by using standard IC gold bonding wires and micro-machined magnetic cores. It shows a systematic design and characterization study for bond wire transformers with toroidal and race-track cores for both PCB and silicon substrates. Measurement results show that the use of ferrite cores increases the secondary self-inductance up to 315 µH with a Q-factor up to 24.5 at 100 kHz. Measurement results on LTCC core report an enhancement of the secondary self-inductance up to 23 µH with a Q-factor up to 10.5 at 1.4 MHz. A resonant DC-DC converter is designed in 0.32 µm BCD6s technology at STMicroelectronics with a depletion nmosfet and a bond wire micro-transformer for EH applications. Measures report that the circuit begins to oscillate from a TEG voltage of 280 mV while starts to convert from an input down to 330 mV to a rectified output of 0.8 V at an input of 400 mV. Bond wire magnetics is a cost-effective approach that enables a flexible design of inductors and transformers with high inductance and high turns ratio. Additionally, it supports the development of magnetics on top of the IC active circuitry for package and wafer level integrations, thus enabling the design of high density power components. This makes possible the evolution of PwrSiP and PwrSoC with reliable highly efficient magnetics.


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Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering attempt to repair or improve the biological functions of tissues that have been damaged or have ceased to perform their role through three main components: a biocompatible scaffold, cellular component and bioactive molecules. Nanotechnology provide a toolbox of innovative scaffold fabrication procedures in regenerative medicine. In fact, nanotechnology, using manufacturing techniques such as conventional and unconventional lithography, allows fabricating supports with different geometries and sizes as well as displaying physical chemical properties tunable over different length scales. Soft lithography techniques allow to functionalize the support by specific molecules that promote adhesion and control the growth of cells. Understanding cell response to scaffold, and viceversa, is a key issue; here we show our investigation of the essential features required for improving the cell-surface interaction over different scale lengths. The main goal of this thesis has been to devise a nanotechnology-based strategy for the fabrication of scaffolds for tissue regeneration. We made four types of scaffolds, which are able to accurately control cell adhesion and proliferation. For each scaffold, we chose properly designed materials, fabrication and characterization techniques.


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Abstract (US) Composite material components design and production techniques are discussed in the present graduation paper. In particular, this paper covers the design process and the production process of a carbon-fiber composite material component for a high performance car, more specifically, the Dallara T12 race car. This graduation paper is split in two. After a brief introduction on existing composite materials (their origins and applications), the first part of the present paper covers the main theoretical concepts behind the design of composite material components: particular focus will be given to carbon-fiber composites. The second part of the present paper covers the whole design and production process that the candidate carried out to create the new front mainplane of the Dallara T12 race car. This graduation paper is the result of a six-months-long internship that the candidate conducted as Design Office Trainee inside Dallara Automobili S.p.A. Abstract (ITA) La presente tesi di laurea discute le metodologie progettuali e produttive legate alla realizzazione di un componente in materiale composito. Nello specifico, viene discussa la progettazione e la produzione di un componente in fibra di carbonio destinato ad una vettura da competizione. La vettura in esame è la Dallara T12. Il lavoro è diviso in due parti. Nella prima parte, dopo una breve introduzione sull’origine e le tipologie di materiali compositi esistenti, vengono trattati i concetti teorici fondamentali su cui si basa la progettazione di generici componenti in materiale composito, con particolare riguardo ai materiali in fibra di carbonio. Nella seconda parte viene discusso tutto il processo produttivo che il candidato ha portato a termine per realizzare il nuovo alettone anteriore della Dallara T12. La presente tesi di laurea è il risultato del lavoro di progettazione che il candidato ha svolto presso l’Ufficio Tecnico di Dallara Automobili S.p.A. nel corso di un tirocinio formativo di sei mesi.


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A flexure hinge is a flexible connector that can provide a limited rotational motion between two rigid parts by means of material deformation. These connectors can be used to substitute traditional kinematic pairs (like bearing couplings) in rigid-body mechanisms. When compared to their rigid-body counterpart, flexure hinges are characterized by reduced weight, absence of backlash and friction, part-count reduction, but restricted range of motion. There are several types of flexure hinges in the literature that have been studied and characterized for different applications. In our study, we have introduced new types of flexures with curved structures i.e. circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. These flexures have been utilized for both planar applications (e.g. articulated robotic fingers) and spatial applications (e.g. spherical compliant mechanisms). We have derived closed-form compliance equations for both circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. Each element of the spatial compliance matrix is analytically computed as a function of hinge dimensions and employed material. The theoretical model is then validated by comparing analytical data with the results obtained through Finite Element Analysis. A case study is also presented for each class of flexures, concerning the potential applications in the optimal design of planar and spatial compliant mechanisms. Each case study is followed by comparing the performance of these novel flexures with the performance of commonly used geometries in terms of principle compliance factors, parasitic motions and maximum stress demands. Furthermore, we have extended our study to the design and analysis of serial and parallel compliant mechanisms, where the proposed flexures have been employed to achieve spatial motions e.g. compliant spherical joints.


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In a world focused on the need to produce energy for a growing population, while reducing atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide, organic Rankine cycles represent a solution to fulfil this goal. This study focuses on the design and optimization of axial-flow turbines for organic Rankine cycles. From the turbine designer point of view, most of this fluids exhibit some peculiar characteristics, such as small enthalpy drop, low speed of sound, large expansion ratio. A computational model for the prediction of axial-flow turbine performance is developed and validated against experimental data. The model allows to calculate turbine performance within a range of accuracy of ±3%. The design procedure is coupled with an optimization process, performed using a genetic algorithm where the turbine total-to-static efficiency represents the objective function. The computational model is integrated in a wider analysis of thermodynamic cycle units, by providing the turbine optimal design. First, the calculation routine is applied in the context of the Draugen offshore platform, where three heat recovery systems are compared. The turbine performance is investigated for three competing bottoming cycles: organic Rankine cycle (operating cyclopentane), steam Rankine cycle and air bottoming cycle. Findings indicate the air turbine as the most efficient solution (total-to-static efficiency = 0.89), while the cyclopentane turbine results as the most flexible and compact technology (2.45 ton/MW and 0.63 m3/MW). Furthermore, the study shows that, for organic and steam Rankine cycles, the optimal design configurations for the expanders do not coincide with those of the thermodynamic cycles. This suggests the possibility to obtain a more accurate analysis by including the computational model in the simulations of the thermodynamic cycles. Afterwards, the performance analysis is carried out by comparing three organic fluids: cyclopentane, MDM and R245fa. Results suggest MDM as the most effective fluid from the turbine performance viewpoint (total-to-total efficiency = 0.89). On the other hand, cyclopentane guarantees a greater net power output of the organic Rankine cycle (P = 5.35 MW), while R245fa represents the most compact solution (1.63 ton/MW and 0.20 m3/MW). Finally, the influence of the composition of an isopentane/isobutane mixture on both the thermodynamic cycle performance and the expander isentropic efficiency is investigated. Findings show how the mixture composition affects the turbine efficiency and so the cycle performance. Moreover, the analysis demonstrates that the use of binary mixtures leads to an enhancement of the thermodynamic cycle performance.