912 resultados para vertically vibrated beds
A directory of Direct Care Entities in Iowa, by type of service, number of facilities and number of beds available.
The Iowa Railway Finance Authority (IRFA) was created in 1980 by the 68th General Assembly to provide for the financing of rail facilities and to enhance and continue the operation of essential rail facilities. IRFA was authorized to offer financial assistance for the acquisition, rehabilitation, construction, refinancing, extension, replacement, maintenance, repair, or leasing of any rail facility. Rail Revolving Loan and Grant Program The 2005 legislative session amended Iowa Code 327H.20 by assigning all repayments of IRFA and other Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) rail assistance loans to the Rail Revolving Loan and Grant Program (RRLGP). In addition, the following annual appropriations were allocated to the fund: • FY 2007: $235,000 • FY 2008: $2 million • FY 2009: $2 million Since the creation of the RRLGP in 2005, IRFA has awarded funding to 23 projects totaling over $7.2 million in grants and loans in its three rounds of competitive funding. These projects have pledged to create 1,672 jobs within two years of project completion and 1,361 jobs have been retained. Funded projects are associated with over $2 billion in total private capital investment. In 2008, the IRFA Board directed all available funds be used to help repair railroads devastated by summer flooding. On July 31, $3.9 million in deferred payment loans were offered to seven Iowa based railroads to allow for immediate repair of rail beds, including the cost of materials, labor and equipment.
This paper provides some first empirical evidence on the relationshipbetween R&D spillovers and R&D cooperation. The results suggest disentangling different aspects of know-how flows. Firms which rate incoming spillovers more importantly and who can limit outgoing spillovers by a more effective protection of know-how, are more likely to cooperate in R&D. Our analysis also finds that cooperating firms have higher incoming spillovers and higher protection of know-how, indicating that cooperation may serve as a vehicle to manage information flows. Our results thus suggest that on the one hand the information sharing and coordination aspects of incoming spillovers are crucial in understanding cooperation, while on the other hand, protection against outgoing spillovers is important for firms to engage in stable cooperative agreements by reducing free-rider problems. Distinguishing different types of cooperative partners reveals that while managing outgoing spillovers is less critical in alliances with non-commercial research partners than between vertically related partners, the incoming spillovers seem to be more critical in understanding the former type of R&D cooperation.
In the NE part of the Aiguilles Rouges Massif near Martigny, at the eastern contact of the Variscan Vallorcine granite to adjacent gneisses, a series of pitchblende (UO2)-veins occur. This paper determines the level of enrichment and mobility of uranium in soils situated in the vicinity of such a UO2-vein 7 km west of Martigny. Within an area of 50 x 100 m, situated on a relatively steep slope and characterized by a strong gramma-ray anomaly, six soil profiles including their plant cover and a reference soil profile outside the influence of the UO2-vein have been examined. The soil shows pH-values between 4 and 5 and is colluvial. The applied analytical methods for the metal contents include extraction methods, common for soil studies, and bulk analysis performed with X-ray fluorescence and ICP-MS. Uranium contents found in the uppermost 20 cm of the soil profiles vary from 2,500 ppm close to the vein to 15 ppm at the lowermost point of the study area. The reference soil has around 3 ppm uranium. At greater depth (20 to 40 cm) the U-content decreases to about half of the surface values, indicating a vertical transport of uranium within the soil profile. No systematic dependance of uranium-contents to grain size (amount of clay) nor to the amount of organic matter has been found. However, the good correlation between uranium and free iron oxide concentration suggests adsorption of uranium on iron oxy-hydroxides. The ashes of grass and mosses contain up to 90 ppm U, the blueberry and redwood only up to 3 ppm. Our observations suggest that at the surface the uranium is transported by downhill creep (solifluxion) of uranium-rich rock fragments. Liberated by oxidation of the uppermost fragments in a given soil column, the uranium migrates vertically until the conditions are favourable to adsorption onto Fe-oxy-hydroxides. However, as high U-contents of local surface water show, this adsorption does not lead to a significant retention of the uranium.
Executive Summary The use of full-body restraint devices is a widespread practice in Iowa’s county jails. Full-body restraints come in the form of restraint chairs, boards, and beds, including two such devices manufactured in Iowa. Iowa law, which refers to these as four- and fivepoint restraints, states they are only to be used when an inmate is a threat to self, others, or jail security. However, the Ombudsman found they were also used on inmates who caused minor disruptions or in response to an inmate’s verbal abuse. In some cases, the restraints were used on inmates with known mental illness who were acting out, though no attempts were made to seek medical or mental health reviews for those inmates while restrained, leading to extended use of the restraint device.
Nest plasticity of Cornitermes silvestrii (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae) in response to flood pulse in the Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The Pantanal is one of the largest wetlands in the world. Since many areas in Pantanal are flooded during part of the year, it is expected that plants and animals would have mechanisms for their survival during the flooded period. This study investigated the existence of differences in nest shape and inquilines of Cornitermes silvestrii in areas influenced by the flood pulse. We measured the volume, height, width, and height/width ratio of 32 nests in flooded areas and 27 in dry areas, and performed an one-way-Anova with the quasi-Poisson distribution to determine if there were differences in the nest measurements between the points. To analyze the relationship of nest inquilines to flood pulse and nest shape, we performed a regression with a Poisson distribution with the inquiline richness and flood pulse, and the above measurements. The nests of C. silvestrii in flooded areas were significantly higher than nests in dry areas, and had a larger height/width ratio. Colonies in periodically flooded areas would probably make a larger effort to extend their nests vertically, to maintain at least some portion of the structure out of the water and prevent the entire colony from being submerged. Neither the size of the nest nor the flood pulses influenced the assemblage of 11 species found in nests of C. silvestrii.
In this paper we show some sedimentological characteristics of Assilina beds from Armancies Fm. (middle Eocene) and their lateral equivalents that let us to remark some aspects of their genesis. We arrive to the conclusion that, in occidental sector (Bagá-Campdevanol), ‘las barras de Assilinas’ from the Armancies Fm. are grain flow channels, first sedimented at W of Terrades and after slided, from E to W in a turbidite basin, without any coarse clastic
A extracção clandestina de areia, nas faixas costeiras e nos leitos das ribeiras, tem sido prática de muitos agregados familiares cabo-verdianos. Nas últimas décadas, a praia de Calhetona (Ilha de Santiago) foi um dos muitos locais que sofreram degradação ambiental significativa, devido à realização desta actividade sem quaisquer planos de extracção e de posterior recuperação das áreas degradadas. Este trabalho, através da conjugação de recolha de dados por inquérito, observação directa e pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, teve como objectivos a caracterização da comunidade (que habita no bairro de Ponta Calhetona) que se dedica à extracção de areia na praia de Calhetona, a descrição da dinâmica da actividade extractiva, a avaliação da percepção que a comunidade tem relativamente às consequências da sua actividade e a descrição do impacte ambiental resultante da extracção de areia. Da análise dos inquéritos, efectuados em Fevereiro de 2012, a 25 chefes de agregados familiares que efectuam a extracção de areia na praia de Calhetona, constata-se que estes são maioritariamente mulheres, predominantemente com idade compreendida entre os 40 e os 59 anos, domésticas, com baixa escolaridade, com famílias numerosas e/ou alargadas a seu cargo e dedicando-se à extração de areia à mais de 10 anos. Os inquiridos, face à situação de vulnerabilidade económica, à falta de emprego e à grande procura de areia para a construção civil, vêem nesta actividade uma fonte de rendimento. Contudo, o proveito obtido desta actividade difícil e potencialmente perigosa é reduzido. Quem efectivamente beneficia são os camionistas que compram a areia a quem procede à extracção e a vendem ao consumidor final pelo dobro do preço. Os inquiridos demonstram uma consciência generalizada dos diversos impactes ambientais negativos resultantes da sua actividade, mas alegam que a extracção de areia é uma das poucas alternativas existentes para providenciar o sustento dos seus agregados familiares. Com base na comparação do estado actual da praia de Calhetona com relatos de habitantes locais, relativos às características da mesma no passado, verifica-se que nos últimos 40-50 anos, desde que se iniciou a intensa extracção de areia nesta praia, o seu aspecto físico se degradou claramente. Essa degradação caracteriza-se principalmente pelo recuo da linha de costa, pela quase ausência de areia e pela salinização dos solos localizados nas proximidades da praia, para além dos consequentes impactes negativos sobre a desova das tartarugas e o turismo balnear.
The mass extinction at the Permian-Triassic Boundary (PTB) is said to have been abrupt and probably caused by an extraterrestrial impact. However, evidence from the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the base of the Induan at Meishan, China, shows that the biotic crisis began prior to the level, in beds 25 and 26 at which the postulated impact event occurred. Evidence of such an earlier biotic crisis occurs in other sections in South China, and in central and western Tethyan regions. This event is characterized by the extinction of a range of faunas, including corals, deep-water radiolarians, most fusulinids and pseudotirolitidammonoids, and many Permian brachiopods. In all sections, this extinction level is usually a few decimeters to meters below that of the main mass extinction in the event beds (25 and 26) at Meishan, and their correlatives elsewhere. This earlier extinction event happened before the postulated bolide impact at the level of beds 25 and 26, and constrains interpretation of the mechanisms that brought about this greatest mass extinction.
The Gets nappe, a decollement cover nappe located at the top of the Prealps, is characterized by the occurrence of ophiolitic rocks. The metamorphic grade in the Gets nappe was determined using illite crystallinity and clay mineral assemblages. Samples from the same locality were analyzed to estimate variations in illite crystallinity values and in the parageneses of clay minerals, both in sedimentary elements of a breccia and in the embedding shaly flysch. For samples from one and the same locality, the range in illite crystallinity data between breccia elements and the shaly flysch is comparable to the variation between different shaly beds. Two S-N transects along the Gets nappe reveal the same metamorphic gradient, with the internal parts of the nappe being characterized by middle anchizonal metamorphism and the external parts showing diagenetic conditions. The metamorphic grade is higher within the Gets nappe than in its hangingwall (i.e. the Breche and Simme nappes), suggesting that the metamorphism in the Gets unit is transported. The timing and conditions of thrusting of the Gets Nappe onto the Br che and the Simme nappes is constrained by stratigraphic and metamorphic data.
Volumetric soil water content (theta) can be evaluated in the field by direct or indirect methods. Among the direct, the gravimetric method is regarded as highly reliable and thus often preferred. Its main disadvantages are that sampling and laboratory procedures are labor intensive, and that the method is destructive, which makes resampling of a same point impossible. Recently, the time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique has become a widely used indirect, non-destructive method to evaluate theta. In this study, evaluations of the apparent dielectric number of soils (epsilon) and samplings for the gravimetrical determination of the volumetric soil water content (thetaGrav) were carried out at four sites of a Xanthic Ferralsol in Manaus - Brazil. With the obtained epsilon values, theta was estimated using empirical equations (thetaTDR), and compared with thetaGrav derived from disturbed and undisturbed samples. The main objective of this study was the comparison of thetaTDR estimates of horizontally as well as vertically inserted probes with the thetaGrav values determined by disturbed and undisturbed samples. Results showed that thetaTDR estimates of vertically inserted probes and the average of horizontally measured layers were only slightly and insignificantly different. However, significant differences were found between the thetaTDR estimates of different equations and between disturbed and undisturbed samples in the thetaGrav determinations. The use of the theoretical Knight et al. model, which permits an evaluation of the soil volume assessed by TDR probes, is also discussed. It was concluded that the TDR technique, when properly calibrated, permits in situ, nondestructive measurements of q in Xanthic Ferralsols of similar accuracy as the gravimetric method.
Alleviation of Al rhizotoxicity by Ca and Mg can differ among species and genotypes. Root elongation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] line N93-S-179 and cvs. Young and Ransom exposed to varying concentrations of Al, Ca and Mg were compared in two experiments using a vertically split root system. Roots extending from a surface compartment with limed soil grew for 12 days into a subsurface compartment with nutrient solution treatments maintained at pH 4.6 with either 0 or 15 µmol L-1 Al. Calcium and Mg concentrations in treatments ranging from 0 to 20 mmol L-1. Although an adequate supply of Mg was provided in the surface soil compartment for soybean top growth, an inclusion of Mg was necessary in the subsurface solutions to promote root elongation in both the presence and absence of Al. In the absence of Al in the subsurface solution, tap root length increased by 74 % and lateral root length tripled when Mg in the solutions was increased from 0 to either 2 or 10 mmol L-1. In the presence of 15 µmol L-1 Al, additions of 2 or 10 mmol L-1 Mg increased tap root length fourfold and lateral root length by a factor of 65. This high efficacy of Mg may have masked differences in Al tolerance between genotypes N93 and Young. Magnesium was more effective than Ca in alleviating Al rhizotoxicity, and its ameliorative properties could not be accounted for by estimated electrostatic changes in root membrane potential and Al3+ activity at the root surface. The physiological mechanisms of Mg alleviation of Al injury in roots, however, are not known.
Abstract:During my doctoral research, I focused on deciphering the interactions between sea-level and climate change during the Late Barremian-Early Aptian, their expression in the Tethys basin and in the Helvetic carbonate platform. The research highlights are summarized here in three points: In the Helvetic Alps, the transition between the Lower Schrattenkalk (Upper Barremian) and the Rawil Member (Lowermost Aptian) is characterized by a change from a predominantly photozoan to a heterozoan carbonate-producing system, which coincides in time with a general increase in detrital and nutrient input. The clay mineral record shows the appearance of kaolinite within the Rawil Member, whereas this mineral is absent from the uppermost Lower and lowermost Upper Schrattenkalk Members. This indicates the installation of a warmer and more humid climate during this time period. A negative peak in 513C is recorded at the top of the Lower Schrattenkalk Member, and correlates with the well-known negative excursion of -l%o occurring in other basins and dated as latest Barremian, thus confirming a latest Barremian and earliest Aptian age for the Lower Schrattenkalk and Rawil Members, respectively. Furthermore, a sequence stratigraphie framework has been defined for the Rawil Member, based on both the ecology of faunal and floral assemblages, and their palaeoenvironmental interpretation, as well as on the stacking pattern of limestone beds observed during field prospection. The presence of a sequence boundary is postulated near the top of the Lower Schrattenkalk Member, which is correlated with the earliest Aptian SbAl defined in Vercors (France). The SbAl is characterized by a maximum of proximal assemblages and by the disappearance of several benthic foraminiferal species. Within the Rawil Member itself, the stacking pattern and microfacies trends are interpreted to represent the TST of the first Aptian sequence. With regards to the pelagic setting in the Tethyan realm, I investigated the Gorgo a Cerbara section (central Italy). There, thin organic-rich layers occur episodically in pelagic carbonates of the upper Barremian portion of the Maiolica Formation. They are associated with high Corg:Ptot ratios, which indicate the presence of intermittent dysoxic to anoxic conditions. Coarse correlations are also observed between TOC, Ρ and biogenic silica contents, indicating links between Ρ availability, productivity, and organic matter preservation. The corresponding 813Ccarb and δ180 records remain, however, quite stable, indicating that these brief periods of enhanced TOC preservation did not have sufficient impact on the marine carbon household to deviate 6,3C records, and are probably not the consequence of major climate change. On the other hand, organic-rich layers become more frequent around the Barremian-Aptian boundary in both pelagic and hemi-pelagic environments (Gorgo a Cerbara and La Bédoule, France), which are correlated with negative excursions in 6l3Ccarb and 613Corg records. During the earliest Aptian, at Gorgo a Cerbara, the frequency of organic-rich intervals progressively increases and redox-sensitive trace-element enrichments become more frequent, until the highest TOC-enriched level just below the "Livello Selli", indicator of Oceanic Anoxic Event la (OAEla). The latter is associated with the well-known negative spike in 613Ccarb and S,3Corg records, a diminution in the δ,80 record interpreted as the consequence of a wanning interval, an important peak in Ρ accumulation and high Cor::Ptot ratios indicating the prevalence of anoxic conditions. The Selli Level (OAEla) documents a general cooling phase and coincides with maximum RSTE enrichments as well as high Corg:Ptot ratios, which confirm the importance of anoxic conditions during OAE1 a at this site.During the Early Aptian, environmental change on the platform is expressed by orbitolinids proliferation that may be induced by both climate change and sea-level rise. In the basin, the successive black shales horizons from the Late Barremian until the OAE la are interpreted as the progressive impact of palaeoenvironmental change probably linked to the formation of the Ontong- Java plate-basalt plateau.RésuméCe travail de thèse a permis d'investiguer les interactions entre les variations du niveau marin et les changements climatiques sur la plate-forme helvétique ainsi qu'en domaine pélagique à la limite Barrémien-Aptien (Crétacé).Dans les Alpes helvétiques, la limite Barrémien-Aptien est marquée par la transition du Schrattenkalk inférieur, caractérisé par des carbonates photozaires, au Membre de Rawil caractérisé par des carbonates héterozoaires. Cette transition est marquée par une arrivée massive d'éléments détritiques et un apport de nutriments ayant entraîné la prolifération de foraminifères agglutinés tels que les orbitolines. L'analyse des minéraux argileux indique l'apparition de la kaolinite durant le Membre de Rawil, interprétée comme l'installation d'un climat plus chaud et humide. Un pic négatif en 513C est enregistré au sommet du Schrattenkalk inférieur correspond à l'excursion négative de -1%0 bien connue en domaine pélagique et datée comme Barrémien terminal. Cette corrélation apporte un contrôle chronostratigraphique supplémentaire permettant de dater le Schrattenkalk inférieur du Barrémien sup. et le Membre de Rawil de l'Aptien inf. D'autre part, une étude stratigraphique, basée sur des observations de terrain et sur l'interprétation d'assemblages floristiques et faunistiques en terme de paléoenvironnement a permis de mettre en évidence une limite de séquence au sommet du Schrattenkalk inf., corrélable avec la SbAl définie dans le Vercors. Durant la mise en place du Membre de Rawil, l'évolution des microfaciès est interprétée comme le « Transgressive System Tract » de la première séquence aptienne.En domaine pélagique, de minces couches riches en matière organique (MO) apparaissent dès le Barrémien sup. dans la coupe de Gorgo a Cerbara (Italie). Elles sont associées à un ratio C:P élevé indiquant des conditions épisodiquement dysoxiques à anoxiques. De plus, une corrélation nette entre Carbone Organique Total (TOC), phosphore (P) et silice biogénique est observée correspondant à un lien entre Ρ disponible, productivité et préservation de la MO. Pourtant, dans le même temps, le ÔI3C et le δ1βΟ restent constants indiquant des conditions environnementales stables et un cycle du carbone non perturbé par la préservation de MO qui ne serait pas la conséquence d'un changement climatique global mais juste d'un effet local.Ala limite Barrémien-Aptien, en domaine hémi-pélagique (La Bédoule, France) et pélagique (Gorgo a Cerbara), les couches riches en MO sont plus fréquentes et plus épaisses, elles se sont déposées en même temps qu'un pic négatif en 513CCARB et ô13Coib probablement dû à un épisode volcanique. A l'Aptien inf. le TOC des niveaux riches en MO augmente progressivement en même temps que la teneur en éléments traces jusqu'au dernier enrichissement avant l'événement anoxique océanique la (OAE la) correspondant au « niveau critique inf. », indiquant des conditions anoxiques moins restreintes. Celui-ci est également caractérisé par le fameux pic négatif en Ô13C (C3), une diminution du δ180 interprétée comme un réchauffement, par un pic en Ρ et un ratio C:P élevé. L'OAE 1 a, quant à lui, enregistre un refroidissement et coïncide avec le maximum en éléments traces ainsi qu'un fort ratio C:P mettant en valeur l'importance des conditions anoxiques pendant 1ΌΑΕ la dans cette coupe alors qu'aucune perturbation n'est enregistrés à La Bédoule probablement à cause de conditions paléogéographiques locales.Durant l'Aptien inf., les changements environnementaux sur la plate-forme se marquent par la prolifération d'orbitolines due à un changement climatique et une hausse du niveau marin. En domaine profond, la succession de niveaux riches en MO du Barrémien sup. jusqu'à l'OAE la documente l'impact progressif de changements paléoenvironnementaux, probablement liés à la formation du plateau d'Ontong Java à l'ouest de l'océan Pacifique.
Background and aims: The extent and molecular mechanisms governing plasma extravasation and formation of ascites in cirrhosis are unknown. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) are endogenous substances with powerful vascular permeability effects. We assessed regional blood flow, vascular leakage, mRNA and tissular expression of VEGF-A and Ang-2 and vascular permeability following VEGF receptor 2 blockade in control and cirrhotic rats to define the vascular territories showing altered vascular permeability in cirrhosis and to determine whether VEGF-A and Ang-2 are involved in this phenomenon. Methods: Arterial blood flow was analysed with the coloured microsphere method. Vascular leakage was measured and visualised with the dye Evan¿s Blue and colloidal carbon techniques, respectively. VEGF-A and Ang-2 expression were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunohistochemistry and western blot. The effect on vascular permeability induced by VEGFR2 blockade was assessed by administration of the receptor inhibitor SU11248. Results: Arterial blood flow was increased in the mesentery, pancreas and small intestine but not in the kidney and spleen of cirrhotic rats as compared to controls. Increased vascular leakage was observed in the mesentery and liver, where colloidal carbon spread from microvessels to the adjacent fibrotic tracts. Increased hepatic and mesenteric expression of VEGF-A and Ang-2 was found in cirrhotic rats as compared to controls. Blockade of VEGFR2 markedly reduced hepatic and mesenteric vascular leakage in cirrhotic rats. Conclusions: Enhanced endothelial permeability is restricted to the hepatic and mesenteric vascular beds in cirrhotic rats with ascites and VEGF-A and Ang-2 are key factors in the signalling pathways regulating this dysfunction.
BACKGROUND: Few studies have examined plaque characteristics among multiple arterial beds in vivo. The purpose of this study was to compare the plaque morphology and arterial remodeling between coronary and peripheral arteries using gray-scale and radiofrequency intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) at clinical presentation. METHODS AND RESULTS: IVUS imaging was performed in 68 patients with coronary and 93 with peripheral artery lesions (29 carotid, 50 renal, and 14 iliac arteries). Plaques were classified as fibroatheroma (VH-FA) (further subclassified as thin-capped [VH-TCFA] and thick-capped [VH-ThCFA]), fibrocalcific plaque (VH-FC) and pathological intimal thickening (VH-PIT). Plaque rupture (13% of coronary, 7% of carotid, 6% of renal, and 7% of iliac arteries; P = NS) and VH-TCFA (37% of coronary, 24% of carotid, 16% of renal, and 7% of iliac arteries; P = 0.02) were observed in all arteries. Compared with coronary arteries, VH-FA was less frequently observed in renal (P < 0.001) and iliac arteries (P < 0.006). Lesions with positive remodeling demonstrated more characteristics of VH-FA in coronary (84% vs. 25%, P < 0.001), carotid (72% vs. 20%, P = 0.001), and renal arteries (42% vs. 4%, P = 0.001) compared with those with intermediate/negative remodeling. There was positive relationship between remodeling index and percent necrotic area in all four arteries. CONCLUSIONS: Atherosclerotic plaque phenotypes were heterogeneous among four different arteries; renal and iliac arteries had more stable phenotypes compared with coronary artery. In contrast, the associations of remodeling pattern with plaque phenotype and composition were similar among the various arterial beds.