599 resultados para ubiquitin


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The proteasome is responsible for degradation of substrates of the ubiquitin pathway. 20S proteasomes are cylindrical particles with subunits arranged in a stack of four heptameric rings. The outer rings are composed of α subunits, and the inner rings are composed of β subunits. A well-characterized archaeal proteasome has a single type of each subunit, and the N-terminal threonine of the β subunit is the active-site nucleophile. Yeast proteasomes have seven different β subunits and exhibit several distinct peptidase activities, which were proposed to derive from disparate active sites. We show that mutating the N-terminal threonine in the yeast Pup1 β subunit eliminates cleavage after basic residues in peptide substrates, and mutating the corresponding threonine of Pre3 prevents cleavage after acidic residues. Surprisingly, neither mutation has a strong effect on cell growth, and they have at most minor effects on ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. We show that Pup1 interacts with Pup3 in each β subunit ring. Our data reveal that different proteasome active sites contribute very differently to protein breakdown in vivo, that contacts between particular subunits in each β subunit ring are critical for active-site formation, and that active sites in archaea and different eukaryotes are highly similar.


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When lipid synthesis is limited in HepG2 cells, apoprotein B100 (apoB100) is not secreted but rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. To investigate apoB100 biosynthesis and secretion further, the physical and functional states of apoB100 destined for either degradation or lipoprotein assembly were studied under conditions in which lipid synthesis, proteasomal activity, and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) lipid-transfer activity were varied. Cells were pretreated with a proteasomal inhibitor (which remained with the cells throughout the experiment) and radiolabeled for 15 min. During the chase period, labeled apoB100 remained associated with the microsomes. Furthermore, by crosslinking sec61β to apoB100, we showed that apoB100 remained close to the translocon at the same time apoB100–ubiquitin conjugates could be detected. When lipid synthesis and lipoprotein assembly/secretion were stimulated by adding oleic acid (OA) to the chase medium, apoB100 was deubiquitinated, and its interaction with sec61β was disrupted, signifying completion of translocation concomitant with the formation of lipoprotein particles. MTP participates in apoB100 translocation and lipoprotein assembly. In the presence of OA, when MTP lipid-transfer activity was inhibited at the end of pulse labeling, apoB100 secretion was abolished. In contrast, when the labeled apoB100 was allowed to accumulate in the cell for 60 min before adding OA and the inhibitor, apoB100 lipidation and secretion were no longer impaired. Overall, the data imply that during most of its association with the endoplasmic reticulum, apoB100 is close to or within the translocon and is accessible to both the ubiquitin-proteasome and lipoprotein-assembly pathways. Furthermore, MTP lipid-transfer activity seems to be necessary only for early translocation and lipidation events.


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Cell cycle progression is monitored by checkpoint mechanisms that ensure faithful duplication and accurate segregation of the genome. Defects in spindle assembly or spindle-kinetochore attachment activate the mitotic checkpoint. Once activated, this checkpoint arrests cells prior to the metaphase-anaphase transition with unsegregated chromosomes, stable cyclin B, and elevated M phase promoting factor activity. However, the mechanisms underlying this process remain obscure. Here we report that upon activation of the mitotic checkpoint, MAD2, an essential component of the mitotic checkpoint, associates with the cyclin B-ubiquitin ligase, known as the cyclosome or anaphase-promoting complex. Moreover, purified MAD2 causes a metaphase arrest in cycling Xenopus laevis egg extracts and prevents cyclin B proteolysis by blocking its ubiquitination, indicating that MAD2 functions as an inhibitor of the cyclosome. Thus, MAD2 links the mitotic checkpoint pathway to the cyclin B destruction machinery which is critical in controlling the metaphase-anaphase transition.


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The split-ubiquitin technique was used to detect transient protein interactions in living cells. Nub, the N-terminal half of ubiquitin (Ub), was fused to Sec62p, a component of the protein translocation machinery in the endoplasmic reticulum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cub, the C-terminal half of Ub, was fused to the C terminus of a signal sequence. The reconstitution of a quasi-native Ub structure from the two halves of Ub, and the resulting cleavage by Ub-specific proteases at the C terminus of Cub, serve as a gauge of proximity between the two test proteins linked to Nub and Cub. Using this assay, we show that Sec62p is spatially close to the signal sequence of the prepro-α-factor in vivo. This proximity is confined to the nascent polypeptide chain immediately following the signal sequence. In addition, the extent of proximity depends on the nature of the signal sequence. Cub fusions that bore the signal sequence of invertase resulted in a much lower Ub reconstitution with Nub-Sec62p than otherwise identical test proteins bearing the signal sequence of prepro-α-factor. An inactive derivative of Sec62p failed to interact with signal sequences in this assay. These in vivo findings are consistent with Sec62p being part of a signal sequence-binding complex.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Doa4 deubiquitinating enzyme is required for the rapid degradation of protein substrates of the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Previous work suggested that Doa4 functions late in the pathway, possibly by deubiquitinating (poly)-ubiquitin-substrate intermediates associated with the 26S proteasome. We now provide evidence for physical and functional interaction between Doa4 and the proteasome. Genetic interaction is indicated by the mutual enhancement of defects associated with a deletion of DOA4 or a proteasome mutation when the two mutations are combined. Physical association of Doa4 and the proteasome was investigated with a new yeast 26S proteasome purification procedure, by which we find that a sizeable fraction of Doa4 copurifies with the protease. Another yeast deubiquitinating enzyme, Ubp5, which is related in sequence to Doa4 but cannot substitute for it even when overproduced, does not associate with the proteasome. DOA4-UBP5 chimeras were made by a novel PCR/yeast recombination method and used to identify an N-terminal 310-residue domain of Doa4 that, when appended to the catalytic domain of Ubp5, conferred Doa4 function, consistent with Ubp enzymes having a modular architecture. Unlike Ubp5, a functional Doa4-Ubp5 chimera associates with the proteasome, suggesting that proteasome binding is important for Doa4 function. Together, these data support a model in which Doa4 promotes proteolysis through removal of ubiquitin from proteolytic intermediates on the proteasome before or after initiation of substrate breakdown.


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We have studied components of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proofreading and degradation system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using a der3–1 mutant defective in the degradation of a mutated lumenal protein, carboxypeptidase yscY (CPY*), a gene was cloned which encodes a 64-kDa protein of the ER membrane. Der3p was found to be identical with Hrd1p, a protein identified to be necessary for degradation of HMG-CoA reductase. Der3p contains five putative transmembrane domains and a long hydrophilic C-terminal tail containing a RING-H2 finger domain which is oriented to the ER lumen. Deletion of DER3 leads to an accumulation of CPY* inside the ER due to a complete block of its degradation. In addition, a DER3 null mutant allele suppresses the temperature-dependent growth phenotype of a mutant carrying the sec61–2 allele. This is accompanied by the stabilization of the Sec61–2 mutant protein. In contrast, overproduction of Der3p is lethal in a sec61–2 strain at the permissive temperature of 25°C. A mutant Der3p lacking 114 amino acids of the lumenal tail including the RING-H2 finger domain is unable to mediate degradation of CPY* and Sec61–2p. We propose that Der3p acts prior to retrograde transport of ER membrane and lumenal proteins to the cytoplasm where they are subject to degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Interestingly, in ubc6-ubc7 double mutants, CPY* accumulates in the ER, indicating the necessity of an intact cytoplasmic proteolysis machinery for retrograde transport of CPY*. Der3p might serve as a component programming the translocon for retrograde transport of ER proteins, or it might be involved in recognition through its lumenal RING-H2 motif of proteins of the ER that are destined for degradation.


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Proper functioning of organelles necessitates efficient protein targeting to the appropriate subcellular locations. For example, degradation in the fungal vacuole relies on an array of targeting mechanisms for both resident hydrolases and their substrates. The particular processes that are used vary depending on the available nutrients. Under starvation conditions, macroautophagy is the primary method by which bulk cytosol is sequestered into autophagic vesicles (autophagosomes) destined for this organelle. Molecular genetic, morphological, and biochemical evidence indicates that macroautophagy shares much of the same cellular machinery as a biosynthetic pathway for the delivery of the vacuolar hydrolase, aminopeptidase I, via the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway. The machinery required in both pathways includes a novel protein modification system involving the conjugation of two autophagy proteins, Apg12p and Apg5p. The conjugation reaction was demonstrated to be dependent on Apg7p, which shares homology with the E1 family of ubiquitin-activating enzymes. In this study, we demonstrate that Apg7p functions at the sequestration step in the formation of Cvt vesicles and autophagosomes. The subcellular localization of Apg7p fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) indicates that a subpopulation of Apg7pGFP becomes membrane associated in an Apg12p-dependent manner. Subcellular fractionation experiments also indicate that a portion of the Apg7p pool is pelletable under starvation conditions. Finally, we demonstrate that the Pichia pastoris homologue Gsa7p that is required for peroxisome degradation is functionally similar to Apg7p, indicating that this novel conjugation system may represent a general nonclassical targeting mechanism that is conserved across species.


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Cytosolic and peroxisomal enzymes necessary for methanol assimilation are synthesized when Pichia pastoris is grown in methanol. Upon adaptation from methanol to a glucose environment, these enzymes are rapidly and selectively sequestered and degraded within the yeast vacuole. Sequestration begins when the vacuole changes shape and surrounds the peroxisomes. The opposing membranes then fuse, engulfing the peroxisome. In this study, we have characterized a mutant cell line (glucose-induced selective autophagy), gsa7, which is defective in glucose-induced selective autophagy of peroxisomes, and have identified the GSA7 gene. Upon glucose adaptation, gsa7 cells were unable to degrade peroxisomal alcohol oxidase. We observed that the peroxisomes were surrounded by the vacuole, but complete uptake into the vacuole did not occur. Therefore, we propose that GSA7 is not required for initiation of autophagy but is required for bringing the opposing vacuolar membranes together for homotypic fusion, thereby completing peroxisome sequestration. By sequencing the genomic DNA fragment that complemented the gsa7 phenotype, we have found that GSA7 encodes a protein of 71 kDa (Gsa7p) with limited sequence homology to a family of ubiquitin-activating enzymes, E1. The knockout mutant gsa7Δ had an identical phenotype to gsa7, and both mutants were rescued by an epitope-tagged Gsa7p (Gsa7-hemagglutinin [HA]). In addition, a GSA7 homolog, APG7, a protein required for autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was capable of rescuing gsa7. We have sequenced the human homolog of GSA7 and have shown many regions of identity between the yeast and human proteins. Two of these regions align to the putative ATP-binding domain and catalytic site of the family of ubiquitin activating enzymes, E1 (UBA1, UBA2, and UBA3). When either of these sites was mutated, the resulting mutants [Gsa7(ΔATP)-HA and Gsa7(C518S)-HA] were unable to rescue gsa7 cells. We provide evidence to suggest that Gsa7-HA formed a thio-ester linkage with a 25–30 kDa protein. This conjugate was not observed in cells expressing Gsa7(ΔATP)-HA or in cells expressing Gsa7(C518S)-HA. Our results suggest that this unique E1-like enzyme is required for homotypic membrane fusion, a late event in the sequestration of peroxisomes by the vacuole.


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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Apg12p–Apg5p conjugating system is essential for autophagy. Apg7p is required for the conjugation reaction, because Apg12p is unable to form a conjugate with Apg5p in the apg7/cvt2 mutant. Apg7p shows a significant similarity to a ubiquitin-activating enzyme, Uba1p. In this article, we investigated the function of Apg7p as an Apg12p-activating enzyme. Hemagglutinin-tagged Apg12p was coimmunoprecipitated with c-myc–tagged Apg7p. A two-hybrid experiment confirmed the interaction. The coimmunoprecipitation was sensitive to a thiol-reducing reagent. Furthermore, a thioester conjugate of Apg7p was detected in a lysate of cells overexpressing both Apg7p and Apg12p. These results indicated that Apg12p interacts with Apg7p via a thioester bond. Mutational analyses of Apg7p suggested that Cys507 of Apg7p is an active site cysteine and that both the ATP-binding domain and the cysteine residue are essential for the conjugation of Apg7p with Apg12p to form the Apg12p–Apg5p conjugate. Cells expressing mutant Apg7ps, Apg7pG333A, or Apg7pC507A showed defects in autophagy and cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting of aminopeptidase I. These results indicated that Apg7p functions as a novel protein-activating enzyme necessary for Apg12p–Apg5p conjugation.


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Addition of ammonium ions to yeast cells growing on proline as the sole nitrogen source induces rapid inactivation and degradation of the general amino acid permease Gap1 through a process requiring the Npi1/Rsp5 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase. In this study, we show that NH4+ induces endocytosis of Gap1, which is then delivered into the vacuole where it is degraded. This down-regulation is accompanied by increased conversion of Gap1 to ubiquitinated forms. Ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of Gap1 are impaired in the npi1 strain. In this mutant, the amount of Npi1/Rsp5 Ub ligase is reduced >10-fold compared with wild-type cells. The C-terminal tail of Gap1 contains sequences, including a di-leucine motif, which are required for NH4+-induced internalization and degradation of the permease. We show here that mutant Gap1 permeases affected in these sequences still bind Ub. Furthermore, we provide evidence that only a small fraction of Gap1 is modified by Ub after addition of NH4+ to mutants defective in endocytosis.


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The initiation of anaphase and exit from mitosis depend on the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), which mediates the ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of anaphase-inhibiting proteins and mitotic cyclins. We have analyzed whether protein phosphatases are required for mitotic APC activation. In Xenopus egg extracts APC activation occurs normally in the presence of protein phosphatase 1 inhibitors, suggesting that the anaphase defects caused by protein phosphatase 1 mutation in several organisms are not due to a failure to activate the APC. Contrary to this, the initiation of mitotic cyclin B proteolysis is prevented by inhibitors of protein phosphatase 2A such as okadaic acid. Okadaic acid induces an activity that inhibits cyclin B ubiquitination. We refer to this activity as inhibitor of mitotic proteolysis because it also prevents the degradation of other APC substrates. A similar activity exists in extracts of Xenopus eggs that are arrested at the second meiotic metaphase by the cytostatic factor activity of the protein kinase mos. In Xenopus eggs, the initiation of anaphase II may therefore be prevented by an inhibitor of APC-dependent ubiquitination.


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The split-Ubiquitin (split-Ub) technique was used to map the molecular environment of a membrane protein in vivo. Cub, the C-terminal half of Ub, was attached to Sec63p, and Nub, the N-terminal half of Ub, was attached to a selection of differently localized proteins of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The efficiency of the Nub and Cub reassembly to the quasi-native Ub reflects the proximity between Sec63-Cub and the Nub-labeled proteins. By using a modified Ura3p as the reporter that is released from Cub, the local concentration between Sec63-Cub-RUra3p and the different Nub-constructs could be translated into the growth rate of yeast cells on media lacking uracil. We show that Sec63p interacts with Sec62p and Sec61p in vivo. Ssh1p is more distant to Sec63p than its close sequence homologue Sec61p. Employing Nub- and Cub-labeled versions of Ste14p, an enzyme of the protein isoprenylation pathway, we conclude that Ste14p is a membrane protein of the ER. Using Sec63p as a reference, a gradient of local concentrations of different t- and v-SNARES could be visualized in the living cell. The RUra3p reporter should further allow the selection of new binding partners of Sec63p and the selection of molecules or cellular conditions that interfere with the binding between Sec63p and one of its known partners.


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Exit from mitosis requires the inactivation of mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase–cyclin complexes, primarily by ubiquitin-dependent cyclin proteolysis. Cyclin destruction is regulated by a ubiquitin ligase known as the anaphase-promoting complex (APC). In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, members of a large class of late mitotic mutants, including cdc15, cdc5, cdc14, dbf2, and tem1, arrest in anaphase with a phenotype similar to that of cells expressing nondegradable forms of mitotic cyclins. We addressed the possibility that the products of these genes are components of a regulatory network that governs cyclin proteolysis. We identified a complex array of genetic interactions among these mutants and found that the growth defect in most of the mutants is suppressed by overexpression of SPO12, YAK1, and SIC1 and is exacerbated by overproduction of the mitotic cyclin Clb2. When arrested in late mitosis, the mutants exhibit a defect in cyclin-specific APC activity that is accompanied by high Clb2 levels and low levels of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1. Mutant cells arrested in G1 contain normal APC activity. We conclude that Cdc15, Cdc5, Cdc14, Dbf2, and Tem1 cooperate in the activation of the APC in late mitosis but are not required for maintenance of that activity in G1.


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The replication initiation protein Cdc6p forms a tight complex with Cdc28p, specifically with forms of the kinase that are competent to promote replication initiation. We now show that potential sites of Cdc28 phosphorylation in Cdc6p are required for the regulated destruction of Cdc6p that has been shown to occur during the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle. Analysis of Cdc6p phosphorylation site mutants and of the requirement for Cdc28p in an in vitro ubiquitination system suggests that targeting of Cdc6p for degradation is more complex than previously proposed. First, phosphorylation of N-terminal sites targets Cdc6p for polyubiquitination probably, as expected, through promoting interaction with Cdc4p, an F box protein involved in substrate recognition by the Skp1-Cdc53-F-box protein (SCF) ubiquitin ligase. However, in addition, mutation of a single, C-terminal site stabilizes Cdc6p in G2 phase cells without affecting substrate recognition by SCF in vitro, demonstrating a second and novel requirement for specific phosphorylation in degradation of Cdc6p. SCF-Cdc4p– and N-terminal phosphorylation site–dependent ubiquitination appears to be mediated preferentially by Clbp/Cdc28p complexes rather than by Clnp/Cdc28ps, suggesting a way in which phosphorylation of Cdc6p might control the timing of its degradation at then end of G1 phase of the cell cycle. The stable cdc6 mutants show no apparent replication defects in wild-type strains. However, stabilization through mutation of three N-terminal phosphorylation sites or of the single C-terminal phosphorylation site leads to dominant lethality when combined with certain mutations in the anaphase-promoting complex.


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B-type cyclins are rapidly degraded at the transition between metaphase and anaphase and their ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis is required for cells to exit mitosis. We used a novel enrichment to isolate new budding mutants that arrest the cell cycle in mitosis. Most of these mutants lie in the CDC16, CDC23, and CDC27 genes, which have already been shown to play a role in cyclin proteolysis and encode components of a 20S complex (called the cyclosome or anaphase promoting complex) that ubiquitinates mitotic cyclins. We show that mutations in CDC26 and a novel gene, DOC1, also prevent mitotic cyclin proteolysis. Mutants in either gene arrest as large budded cells with high levels of the major mitotic cyclin (Clb2) protein at 37°C and cannot degrade Clb2 in G1-arrested cells. Cdc26 associates in vivo with Doc1, Cdc16, Cdc23, and Cdc27. In addition, the majority of Doc1 cosediments at 20S with Cdc27 in a sucrose gradient, indicating that Cdc26 and Doc1 are components of the anaphase promoting complex.