991 resultados para travel request form


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender os símbolos atribuídos às tecnologias utilizadas na atenção obstétrica, como também conhecer as práticas femininas na busca por cuidados médicos na assistência ao parto. Para tanto, analisamos os relatos de 16 gestantes atendidas pelo setor privado e os de 13 gestantes assistidas pelo setor público. O estudo combinou duas técnicas qualitativas: a observação etnográfica e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A pesquisa encontrou, entre outros, os seguintes resultados: 1-a maioria das mulheres observadas expressou a preferência pelo parto normal. 2- o nascimento, independente do tipo de parto desejado, está associado a categorias de medo, tensão e risco. 3- o discurso médico, segundo as gestantes atendidas pela rede privada, reforça a ansiedade e medo feminino e de sua família na medida em que associa o parto normal à dor e ao risco de morte. A cesariana, por outro lado, é descrita como um parto seguro. 4- na maternidade pública, as mulheres e seus acompanhantes vivenciaram o parto normal de maneira sofrida e passiva. 5- práticas profissionais compatíveis com a humanização do parto e as orientadas pelo modelo médico hegemônico, isto é, centrado na tecnologia na atenção ao nascimento, coexistem na rede pública. Contudo, a abordagem normativa ainda está presente em ambas as práticas. 6- a participação das parturientes nas decisões sobre o parto é escassa na rede pública. Em suma, concluímos que mulheres e médicos compartilham a visão de parto normal enquanto categoria de risco e a cesariana como prática segura.


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In the Time of the Butterflies é um romance da escritora dominicana-americana Julia Alvarez sobre a vida e a morte das Borboletas, Las Mariposas, codinome das irmãs Mirabal, membros de um movimento clandestino contra o regime ditatorial de Rafael Leonidas Trujillo na República Dominicana, que se tornaram símbolos da luta contra o Trujillato depois de serem assassinadas a mando do ditador. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo expor como forma literária e contexto social estão diretamente relacionados nesse romance. Ela defende a ideia de que o borramento de três gêneros literários distintos metaficção historiográfica, autobiografia e bildungsroman reflete o questionamento das fronteiras entre o privado e o público, o pessoal e o político, o eu e o outro, o individual e o coletivo, a literatura e a história, fato e ficção e história e subjetividade. Ela também tenta mostrar como a problematização dessas dicotomias implica na contestação de noções pré-concebidas de identidade, história e nação


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Efforts to promote infill development and to raise densities are growing in many cities around the world as a way to encourage urban sustainability. However, in cities polarized along socio-economic lines, the benefits of densification are not so evident. The aim of this paper is to discuss some of the contradictions of densification in Santiago de Chile, a city characterized by socio-spatial disparities. To that end, we first use regression analysis to explain differences in density rates within the city. The regression analysis shows that dwelling density depends on the distance from the city center, socioeconomic conditions, and the availability of urban attributes in the area. After understanding the density profile, we discuss the implications for travel and the distribution of social infrastructures and the environmental services provided by green areas. While, at the metropolitan scale, densification may favor a more sustainable travel pattern, it should be achieved by balancing density rates and addressing spatial differences in the provision of social services and environmental amenities. We believe a metropolitan approach is essential to correct these spatial imbalances and to promote a more sustainable and socially cohesive growth pattern.


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Effective medium theory is useful for designing optical elements with form birefringent subwavelength structures. Thin films fabricated by oblique deposition are similar to the two-dimensional surface relief subwavelength gratings. We use the effective medium theory to calculate the anisotropic optical properties of the thin films with oblique columnar structures. The effective refractive indices and the directions are calculated from effective medium theory. It is shown that optical thin films with predetermined refractive indices and birefringence may be engineered.


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We consider the quanti fied constraint satisfaction problem (QCSP) which is to decide, given a structure and a first-order sentence (not assumed here to be in prenex form) built from conjunction and quanti fication, whether or not the sentence is true on the structure. We present a proof system for certifying the falsity of QCSP instances and develop its basic theory; for instance, we provide an algorithmic interpretation of its behavior. Our proof system places the established Q-resolution proof system in a broader context, and also allows us to derive QCSP tractability results.


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Self-amplifying RNA or RNA replicon is a form of nucleic acid-based vaccine derived from either positive-strand or negative-strand RNA viruses. The gene sequences encoding structural proteins in these RNA viruses are replaced by mRNA encoding antigens of interest as well as by RNA polymerase for replication and transcription. This kind of vaccine has been successfully assayed with many different antigens as vaccines candidates, and has been shown to be potent in several animal species, including mice, nonhuman primates, and humans. A key challenge to realizing the broad potential of self-amplifying vaccines is the need for safe and effective delivery methods. Ideally, an RNA nanocarrier should provide protection from blood nucleases and extended blood circulation, which ultimately would increase the possibility of reaching the target tissue. The delivery system must then be internalized by the target cell and, upon receptor-mediated endocytosis, must be able to escape from the endosomal compartment into the cell cytoplasm, where the RNA machinery is located, while avoiding degradation by lysosomal enzymes. Further, delivery systems for systemic administration ought to be well tolerated upon administration. They should be safe, enabling the multiadministration treatment modalities required for improved clinical outcomes and, from a developmental point of view, production of large batches with reproducible specifications is also desirable. In this review, the concept of self-amplifying RNA vaccines and the most promising lipid-based delivery systems are discussed.


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There is increasing interest in the potential impacts that fishing activities have on megafaunal benthic invertebrates occurring in continental shelf and slope ecosystems. We examined how the structure, size, and high-density aggregations of invertebrates provided structural relief for fishes in continental shelf and slope ecosystems off southern California. We made 112 dives in a submersible at 32−320 m water depth, surveying a variety of habitats from high-relief rock to flat sand and mud. Using quantitative video transect methods, we made 12,360 observations of 15 structure-form-ing invertebrate taxa and 521,898 individuals. We estimated size and incidence of epizoic animals on 9105 sponges, black corals, and gorgonians. Size variation among structure-form-ing invertebrates was significant and 90% of the individuals were <0.5 m high. Less than 1% of the observations of organisms actually sheltering in or located on invertebrates involved fishes. From the analysis of spatial associations between fishes and large invertebrates, six of 108 fish species were found more often adjacent to invertebrate colonies than the number of fish predicted by the fish-density data from transects. This finding indicates that there may be spatial associations that do not necessarily include physical contact with the sponges and corals. However, the median distances between these six fish species and the invertebrates were not particularly small (1.0−5.5 m). Thus, it is likely that these fishes and invertebrates are present together in the same habitats but that there is not necessarily a functional relationship between these groups of organisms. Regardless of their associations with fishes, these invertebrates provide structure and diversity for continental shelf ecosystems off southern California and certainly deserve the attention of scientists undertaking future conservation efforts.


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Neste trabalho investigam-se as viagens artísticas como práticas do duplo movimento de atravessar o desconhecido e ser atravessado pelas potências do imprevisível. Identifica-se a experiência viajante como uma forma de ensaio da existência e, na busca por essa compreensão, são estudados quatro movimentos distintos: narrar, atravessar, ser atravessado e bordejar. Trata-se, aqui, de apresentar relações entre a narrativa poética e a experiência viajante através daquilo que esses procedimentos provocam de desestabilizador no sujeito da razão. Busca-se investigar o que poderia haver de próprio no conhecimento do viajante, compreendendo-o como um saber adquirido na passagem pelo incógnito. Faz-se uma digressão pela margem, em uma caminhada ao redor da noção de eixo desconhecido, buscando compreender as potências das obras de arte que se dão como travessia pelo desconhecido e alguns efeitos provocados por essa forma de incursão. Chega-se, por fim, à noção de que a travessia artística implica em uma espécie de desvio, pois ser atravessado pelo incógnito não pode ser sucumbir às potências perigosas do mundo, sendo antes um exercício de bordeja-las, de deslizar por suas margens em um jogo de investidas e recuos no qual a obra de arte é criada