929 resultados para transdermal patch
Intensive agriculture, in which detrimental farming practices lessen food abundance and/or reduce food accessibility for many animal species, has led to a widespread collapse of farmland biodiversity. Vineyards in central and southern Europe are intensively cultivated; though they may still harbour several rare plant and animal species, they remain little studied. Over the past decades, there has been a considerable reduction in the application of insecticides in wine production, with a progressive shift to biological control (integrated production) and, to a lesser extent, organic production. Spraying of herbicides has also diminished, which has led to more vegetation cover on the ground, although most vineyards remain bare, especially in southern Europe. The effects of these potentially positive environmental trends upon biodiversity remain mostly unknown as regards vertebrates. The Woodlark (Lullula arborea) is an endangered, short-distance migratory bird that forages and breeds on the ground. In southern Switzerland (Valais), it occurs mostly in vineyards. We used radiotracking and mixed effects logistic regression models to assess Woodlark response to modern vineyard farming practices, study factors driving foraging micro-habitat selection, and determine optimal habitat profile to inform management. The presence of ground vegetation cover was the main factor dictating the selection of foraging locations, with an optimum around 55% at the foraging patch scale. These conditions are met in integrated production vineyards, but only when grass is tolerated on part of the ground surface, which is the case on ca. 5% of the total Valais vineyard area. In contrast, conventionally managed vineyards covering a parts per thousand yen95% of the vineyard area are too bare because of systematic application of herbicides all over the ground, whilst the rare organic vineyards usually have a too-dense sward. The optimal mosaic with ca. 50% ground vegetation cover is currently achieved in integrated production vineyards where herbicide is applied every second row. In organic production, ca. 50% ground vegetation cover should be promoted, which requires regular mechanical removal of ground vegetation. These measures are likely to benefit general biodiversity in vineyards.
Introduction Le cadre conceptuel de l'analyse économique considère que l'individu prend des décisions en mettant en balance les avantages et les inconvénients que ces décisions présentent pour lui. En s'appuyant sur ses préférences et en intégrant ses contraintes (matérielles, physiques, externes, etc.), il choisit d'effectuer ou non une action, d'adopter ou pas un comportement, de façon à ce que les conséquences de ses choix maximisent sa satisfaction. Le fait qu'un individu adopte un certain comportement révèle donc le caractère positif pour lui des conséquences de ce comportement. C'est le postulat méthodologique de rationalité du consommateur, fondement de toute analyse économique. L'adoption par un individu d'un comportement qui implique un risque pour son bien-être physique ou mental suit le même schéma d'analyse. Il résulte d'un arbitrage inter temporel entre la satisfaction que procure ce comportement et le coût du risque associé. Ce risque se définit par la combinaison de la probabilité d'occurrence de l'événement redouté avec la gravité de ses conséquences. En adoptant un comportement à risque, l'individu révèle donc que ce comportement a pour lui un impact net positif. Certains comportements à risque, comme la consommation de tabac et, plus largement, de psychotropes, engendrent une dépendance à même de brider le libre-arbitre du consommateur. Un individu peut être amené à consommer un produit alors même que sa raison lui dicte de ne pas le faire. Ces comportements ont longtemps été considérés par les économistes comme extérieurs au champ d'analyse de leur discipline, la dépendance paraissant antinomique avec le concept de rationalité du consommateur. Par son modèle de dépendance rationnelle, Gary Stanley Becker prend le contre-pied de cette approche en montrant qu'un comportement de dépendance pouvait parfaitement s'expliquer par la maximisation de la fonction de satisfaction d'un individu rationnel et informé. Il postule que les consommateurs de stupéfiants sont conscients des conséquences futures de leurs décisions présentes, tant du point de vue de leur santé que de celui de la dépendance. Dans ce modèle, la dépendance implique deux effets le renforcement et la tolérance. Le renforcement signifie que plus un bien a été consommé dans le passé, plus l'augmentation de sa consommation courante est valorisée. En d'autres termes, l'utilité marginale de la consommation courante augmente avec la consommation antérieure. La tolérance traduit le fait qu'un individu habitué à la consommation d'un bien tirera d'une consommation donnée une satisfaction inférieure par rapport à un individu qui a peu consommé par le passé. Dans l'exemple du tabagisme, l'effet de renforcement implique qu'un grand fumeur ressent une forte envie de fumer, mais que plus il a fumé dans le passé, plus le plaisir qu'il ressent en fumant une quantité donnée de cigarettes diminue. Le premier effet explique le phénomène de manque et le second explique pourquoi la satisfaction qu'un fumeur retire de sa consommation de cigarettes tend à diminuer avec le temps. Selon Becker, l'individu choisit de devenir dépendant : il sait que sa consommation présente de cigarettes contraint ses choix futurs et il détermine au départ sa consommation sur l'ensemble de sa vie. Cependant, ce modèle n'est pas compatible avec les regrets exprimés par de nombreux fumeurs et les tentatives infructueuses de sevrage souvent concomitantes. Un fumeur qui anticiperait parfaitement le phénomène de dépendance arrêterait de fumer à la date voulue, à sa première tentative. Partant de ce constat, Athanasios Orphanides a construit un modèle dans lequel les fumeurs peuvent se retrouver prisonniers de leur consommation par des anticipations imparfaites du pouvoir addictif du tabac. Leur théorie suppose que les individus ne sont pas tous sujets de la même manière à la dépendance, que chacun a une perception subjective de son risque de dépendance et que cette perception évolue constamment durant la période de consommation du bien addictif. Dans ce contexte, un individu qui maximise des préférences stables, mais qui sous-estime le potentiel addictif d'un produit peut devenir dépendant par accident et regretter ensuite cette dépendance. Le modèle de Becker ou celui d'Orphanides ont des conséquences très différentes sur l'action régulatrice que doit ou non jouer l'État sur le marché d'un bien addictif. Si, comme Becker, on considère que les consommateurs sont rationnels et parfaitement informés des conséquences de leurs actes, l'action du régulateur devrait se limiter à l'internalisation du coût externe que les fumeurs font peser sur la société. Si le fumeur est conscient du risque qu'il prend et que pour lui le plaisir qu'il retire de cette consommation dépasse le déplaisir engendré par ses conséquences, une intervention du régulateur reposerait sur une base paternaliste, l'État posant alors un jugement de valeur sur les préférences des individus. En revanche, si on considère, comme dans la modélisation d'Orphanides, que les fumeurs sous-estiment le phénomène de dépendance lorsqu'ils décident de se mettre à fumer, un marché non régulé conduit à une consommation supérieure à celle qui prévaudrait en information parfaite. Certains fumeurs peuvent ainsi se retrouver accrochés à leur consommation de tabac, sans que cela ait été leur but. Dans cette perspective, l'État est légitimé à intervenir par des politiques de lutte contre le tabagisme, afin de compenser les erreurs d'anticipation des individus. Cette thèse propose d'appliquer les outils de l'analyse économique à des problématiques de santé publique dans le domaine des comportements à risque et en particulier du tabagisme. Elle a pour finalité d'apporter de nouveaux éléments de connaissance permettant d'éclairer certains choix de régulation dans ce domaine. Le premier chapitre est une analyse coût-efficacité des thérapies médicamenteuses de soutien à la désaccoutumance tabagique. Comme nous l'avons vu plus haut, certains fumeurs se trouvent piégés dans leur consommation par le phénomène de dépendance et ont des difficultés à arrêter de fumer. Ces dernières années, plusieurs médicaments de soutien au fumeur en phase de sevrage ont fait leur apparition. Parmi eux, on compte des substituts nicotiniques sous forme de gomme, patch, spray ou inhalateur, mais aussi un antidépresseur ne contenant pas de nicotine. Ces traitements présentent des efficacités et des coûts différents. L'évaluation économique en santé permet de calculer un indicateur unique d'efficience qui synthétise l'efficacité d'un traitement et son coût. Cette méthode permet de comparer différents types de prises en charge médicales d'une même pathologie, mais aussi de comparer des interventions thérapeutiques dans des domaines différents. Nous développons un modèle de Markov pour estimer le gain en année de vie d'une stratégie de prévention du tabagisme. Ce modèle permet de simuler le devenir d'une cohorte de fumeurs en fonction du type de soutien à la désaccoutumance qui leur est proposé. Sur cette base, nous calculons le coût par année de vie gagnée de chaque type d'intervention. Les résultats permettent de classer les cinq types de prise en charge selon leur efficience, mais aussi de les comparer à d'autres interventions de prévention dans des domaines différents. Le deuxième chapitre traite des corrélations entre le niveau de formation des individus et leur consommation de tabac. Sur un plan épidémiologique, on constate que les personnes qui atteignent un niveau de formation plus élevé ont une propension à fumer plus faible que les autres. Peut-on en conclure qu'il existe une relation causale inverse entre formation et tabagisme ? Sous l'angle de la théorie économique, il existe deux principales hypothèses à même d'expliquer cette corrélation. La première hypothèse repose sur le modèle de capital santé développé par Michael Grossman au début des années 1970. Dans ce modèle, l'individu dispose d'un stock de santé qui se déprécie avec le temps. Ce stock peut être augmenté grâce à des dépenses en soins médicaux ou à des investissements en temps consacré à l'amélioration de sa santé. La formation a pour effet d'augmenter l'efficacité des investissements en santé. Dans le cas du tabac, Grossman considère que des individus mieux formés auront une meilleurs information sur les méfaits du tabac sur la santé, ce qui tendra à diminuer leur consommation de tabac. La seconde hypothèse ne considère pas un lien causal entre la formation et la santé, mais repose sur l'existence d'une tierce variable qui influencerait parallèlement, et dans un sens opposé, le niveau de formation et la propension à fumer. Cette tierce variable est le taux de préférence pour le présent. Pour un individu fortement tourné vers le présent, l'investissement en temps de formation a un coût relativement élevé dans la mesure où il doit sacrifier du revenu aujourd'hui pour obtenir un revenu plus élevé demain. Parallèlement, il pondère moins fortement la santé future et a donc une plus forte propension à fumer. Nous développons une méthode économétrique qui permet de séparer l'effet de causalité de l'effet de sélection. Le troisième chapitre traite du rôle des interactions sociales dans les comportements à risque des adolescents. La théorie économique considère que chaque individu définit seul ses choix de consommation en maximisant sa fonction d'utilité. Cela ne signifie pas pour autant qu'il soit insensible aux influences extérieures, notamment au comportement de son entourage. Dans certaines situations et pour certains produits, l'utilité que procure la consommation d'un bien est corrélée avec le nombre de personnes qui consomment ce même bien dans l'entourage. En d'autres termes, la consommation des autres, augmente la valeur que l'on attribue à un bien. Ce mécanisme est souvent appliqué à l'analyse des comportements à risque des adolescents et du rôle que peut y jouer le groupe des pairs. Si cet impact est bien connu du point de vue théorique, il est beaucoup plus difficile de le quantifier sur un plan empirique. Pour identifier cet effet, nous développons une méthodologie économétrique, originale dans ce contexte, qui permet de séparer l'effet individuel de l'effet d'influence des pairs dans l'adoption d'un comportement à risque. Nous appliquons cette méthode aux trois comportements à risque que sont la consommation de tabac, d'alcool et de cannabis chez les adolescents.
We study spacetime diffeomorphisms in the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalisms of generally covariant systems. We show that the gauge group for such a system is characterized by having generators which are projectable under the Legendre map. The gauge group is found to be much larger than the original group of spacetime diffeomorphisms, since its generators must depend on the lapse function and shift vector of the spacetime metric in a given coordinate patch. Our results are generalizations of earlier results by Salisbury and Sundermeyer. They arise in a natural way from using the requirement of equivalence between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of the system, and they are new in that the symmetries are realized on the full set of phase space variables. The generators are displayed explicitly and are applied to the relativistic string and to general relativity.
BACKGROUND: We aimed to assess the value of a structured clinical assessment and genetic testing for refining the diagnosis of abacavir hypersensitivity reactions (ABC-HSRs) in a routine clinical setting. METHODS: We performed a diagnostic reassessment using a structured patient chart review in individuals who had stopped ABC because of suspected HSR. Two HIV physicians blinded to the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing results independently classified these individuals on a scale between 3 (ABC-HSR highly likely) and -3 (ABC-HSR highly unlikely). Scoring was based on symptoms, onset of symptoms and comedication use. Patients were classified as clinically likely (mean score > or =2), uncertain (mean score > or = -1 and < or = 1) and unlikely (mean score < or = -2). HLA typing was performed using sequence-based methods. RESULTS: From 131 reassessed individuals, 27 (21%) were classified as likely, 43 (33%) as unlikely and 61 (47%) as uncertain ABC-HSR. Of the 131 individuals with suspected ABC-HSR, 31% were HLA-B*5701-positive compared with 1% of 140 ABC-tolerant controls (P < 0.001). HLA-B*5701 carriage rate was higher in individuals with likely ABC-HSR compared with those with uncertain or unlikely ABC-HSR (78%, 30% and 5%, respectively, P < 0.001). Only six (7%) HLA-B*5701-negative individuals were classified as likely HSR after reassessment. CONCLUSIONS: HLA-B*5701 carriage is highly predictive of clinically diagnosed ABC-HSR. The high proportion of HLA-B*5701-negative individuals with minor symptoms among individuals with suspected HSR indicates overdiagnosis of ABC-HSR in the era preceding genetic screening. A structured clinical assessment and genetic testing could reduce the rate of inappropriate ABC discontinuation and identify individuals at high risk for ABC-HSR.
On en parle ! Il est question de la suppression des règles par l'administration de contraceptifs oestro-progestatifs (pilule, patch ou anneau vaginal) en cycles longs (cycles prolongés ; cycles étendus ; extended cycles) entraînant des périodes d'aménorrhée, rythmées par des intervalles libres de sept jours sans administration hormonale. L'indication à ce mode de prescription est presque unanimement reconnue pour le traitement des pathologies bénéficiant de la suppression des règles et des fluctuations hormonales inhérentes à l'activité ovarienne. Ce traitement suscite cependant également de l'intérêt pour une indication du type mode de vie. Les modalités thérapeutiques, les avantages et inconvénients sont examinés à la lumière de l'attente des femmes et de leur droit au choix éclairé et libre. Let's talk about it ! Suppression of menstruation, by extending the duration of contraceptives containing estro-progestins (oral contraception, patch or vaginal ring) to long cycles, is a new approach in the field of contraception. These extended cycles aim at obtaining prolonged amenorrhea, interrupted periodically by a free interval of 7 days without hormone intake and thus causing breakthrough bleeding. Pathologies, which are supposed to get some benefit from the suppression of menstruation and of hormone level variations related to ovarian activity, are widely recognized as an indication. Some interest is also coming up for so called life style indications. Treatment issues, advantages and disadvantages are examined in the light of women's expectations and right to access to informed consent and independent choice.
Cortical folding (gyrification) is determined during the first months of life, so that adverse events occurring during this period leave traces that will be identifiable at any age. As recently reviewed by Mangin and colleagues(2), several methods exist to quantify different characteristics of gyrification. For instance, sulcal morphometry can be used to measure shape descriptors such as the depth, length or indices of inter-hemispheric asymmetry(3). These geometrical properties have the advantage of being easy to interpret. However, sulcal morphometry tightly relies on the accurate identification of a given set of sulci and hence provides a fragmented description of gyrification. A more fine-grained quantification of gyrification can be achieved with curvature-based measurements, where smoothed absolute mean curvature is typically computed at thousands of points over the cortical surface(4). The curvature is however not straightforward to comprehend, as it remains unclear if there is any direct relationship between the curvedness and a biologically meaningful correlate such as cortical volume or surface. To address the diverse issues raised by the measurement of cortical folding, we previously developed an algorithm to quantify local gyrification with an exquisite spatial resolution and of simple interpretation. Our method is inspired of the Gyrification Index(5), a method originally used in comparative neuroanatomy to evaluate the cortical folding differences across species. In our implementation, which we name local Gyrification Index (lGI(1)), we measure the amount of cortex buried within the sulcal folds as compared with the amount of visible cortex in circular regions of interest. Given that the cortex grows primarily through radial expansion(6), our method was specifically designed to identify early defects of cortical development. In this article, we detail the computation of local Gyrification Index, which is now freely distributed as a part of the FreeSurfer Software (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital). FreeSurfer provides a set of automated reconstruction tools of the brain's cortical surface from structural MRI data. The cortical surface extracted in the native space of the images with sub-millimeter accuracy is then further used for the creation of an outer surface, which will serve as a basis for the lGI calculation. A circular region of interest is then delineated on the outer surface, and its corresponding region of interest on the cortical surface is identified using a matching algorithm as described in our validation study(1). This process is repeatedly iterated with largely overlapping regions of interest, resulting in cortical maps of gyrification for subsequent statistical comparisons (Fig. 1). Of note, another measurement of local gyrification with a similar inspiration was proposed by Toro and colleagues(7), where the folding index at each point is computed as the ratio of the cortical area contained in a sphere divided by the area of a disc with the same radius. The two implementations differ in that the one by Toro et al. is based on Euclidian distances and thus considers discontinuous patches of cortical area, whereas ours uses a strict geodesic algorithm and include only the continuous patch of cortical area opening at the brain surface in a circular region of interest.
The stable co-existence of two haploid genotypes or two species is studied in a spatially heterogeneous environment submitted to a mixture of soft selection (within-patch regulation) and hard selection (outside-patch regulation) and where two kinds of resource are available. This is analysed both at an ecological time-scale (short term) and at an evolutionary time-scale (long term). At an ecological scale, we show that co-existence is very unlikely if the two competitors are symmetrical specialists exploiting different resources. In this case, the most favourable conditions are met when the two resources are equally available, a situation that should favour generalists at an evolutionary scale. Alternatively, low within-patch density dependence (soft selection) enhances the co-existence between two slightly different specialists of the most available resource. This results from the opposing forces that are acting in hard and soft regulation modes. In the case of unbalanced accessibility to the two resources, hard selection favours the most specialized genotype, whereas soft selection strongly favours the less specialized one. Our results suggest that competition for different resources may be difficult to demonstrate in the wild even when it is a key factor in the maintenance of adaptive diversity. At an evolutionary scale, a monomorphic invasive evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) always exists. When a linear trade-off exists between survival in one habitat versus that in another, this ESS lies between an absolute adjustment of survival to niche size (for mainly soft-regulated populations) and absolute survival (specialization) in a single niche (for mainly hard-regulated populations). This suggests that environments in agreement with the assumptions of such models should lead to an absence of adaptive variation in the long term.
The Late Triassic and Jurassic platform and the oceanic complexes in Evvoia, Greece, share a complementary plate-tectonic evolution. Shallow marine carbonate deposition responded to changing rates of subsidence and uplift, whilst the adjacent ocean underwent spreading, and then convergence, collision and finally obduction over the platform complex. Late Triassic ocean spreading correlated with platform subsidence and the formation of a long-persisting peritidal passive-margin platform. Incipient drowning occurred from the Sinemurian to the late Middle Jurassic. This subsidence correlated with intra-oceanic subduction and plate convergence that led to supra-subduction calc-alkaline magmatism and the formation of a primitive volcanic arc. During the Middle Jurassic, plate collision caused arc uplift above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) in the oceanic realm, and related thrust-faulting, on the platform, led to sub-aerial exposures. Patch-reefs developed there during the Late Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian. Advanced oceanic nappe-loading caused platform drowning below the CCD during the Tithonian, which is documented by intercalations of reefal turbidites with non-carbonate radiolarites. Radiolarites and bypass-turbidites, consisting of siliciclastic greywacke, terminate the platform succession beneath the emplaced oceanic nappe during late Tithonian to Valanginian time.
Structural repairs of bridges piers and abutments require patching concrete or mortar be placed at various thickness. Whether concrete or mortar is use depends upon the depth of the patch to be made. In some instances, the use of a liquid bonding agent has been specified in the mixes as well as in a grout scrubbed onto the surface to be patched prior to the mix placement. Most of the bonding agents presently approved by the Iowa D.O.T. are polyvinyl acetate (PVA) or some type of latex. In a general discussion with a consultant about various types of bridge repair materials and processes, the subject of bonding agents was discussed at some length. It was the opinion of the consultant that the usage of polyvinyl acetates should be discontinued because of possible deterioration of this material with time. Some of these materials apparently re-emulsify in a high - moisture environment causing serious patch deterioration. As a result of this information, a study was initiated to determine the durability of these materials.
Chronic hepatitis C is a major healthcare problem. The response to antiviral therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C has previously been defined biochemically and by PCR. However, changes in the hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) may be considered as an adjunctive end point for the therapeutic evaluation of antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C. It is a validated technique which is safe, well tolerated, well established, and reproducible. Serial HVPG measurements may be the best way to evaluate response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C.
The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of posterior wall repair with a synthetic absorbable mesh. Between January and September 1996, five posterior repairs using absorbable synthetic meshes were performed. Five posterior wall repairs in patients matched for age, parity, and rectocele degree were performed according to usual procedures during the same period, and were used as controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff or posterior vaginal wall infections, thrombophlebitis, rectal injury, or hemorrhagic complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, posterior wall repair can be easily performed with an absorbable soft tissue patch, theoretically preserving sexual activity, and probably offers better functional results with longer experience, thus providing a safe and useful procedure in sexually active women.
We present a new lab-on-a-chip system for electrophysiological measurements on Xenopus oocytes. Xenopus oocytes are widely used host cells in the field of pharmacological studies and drug development. We developed a novel non-invasive technique using immobilized non-devitellinized cells that replaces the traditional "two-electrode voltage-clamp" (TEVC) method. In particular, rapid fluidic exchange was implemented on-chip to allow recording of fast kinetic events of exogenous ion channels expressed in the cell membrane. Reducing fluidic exchange times of extracellular reagent solutions is a great challenge with these large millimetre-sized cells. Fluidic switching is obtained by shifting the laminar flow interface in a perfusion channel under the cell by means of integrated poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microvalves. Reagent solution exchange times down to 20 ms have been achieved. An on-chip purging system allows to perform complex pharmacological protocols, making the system suitable for screening of ion channel ligand libraries. The performance of the integrated rapid fluidic exchange system was demonstrated by investigating the self-inhibition of human epithelial sodium channels (ENaC). Our results show that the response time of this ion channel to a specific reactant is about an order of magnitude faster than could be estimated with the traditional TEVC technique.
Changes in intracellular Na(+) concentration underlie essential neurobiological processes, but few reliable tools exist for their measurement. Here we characterize a new synthetic Na(+)-sensitive fluorescent dye, Asante Natrium Green (ANG), with unique properties. This indicator was excitable in the visible spectrum and by two-photon illumination, suffered little photobleaching and located to the cytosol were it remained for long durations without noticeable unwanted effects on basic cell properties. When used in brain tissue, ANG yielded a bright fluorescent signal during physiological Na(+) responses both in neurons and astrocytes. Synchronous electrophysiological and fluorometric recordings showed that ANG produced accurate Na(+) measurement in situ. This new Na(+) indicator opens innovative ways of probing neuronal circuits.
Rockfall is an extremely rapid process involving long travel distances. Due to these features, when an event occurs, the ability to take evasive action is practically zero and, thus, the risk of injury or loss of life is high. Damage to buildings and infrastructure is quite likely. In many cases, therefore, suitable protection measures are necessary. This contribution provides an overview of previous and current research on the main topics related to rockfall. It covers the onset of rockfall and runout modelling approaches, as well as hazard zoning and protection measures. It is the aim of this article to provide an in-depth knowledge base for researchers and practitioners involved in projects dealing with the rockfall protection of infrastructures, who may work in the fields of civil or environmental engineering, risk and safety, the earth and natural sciences.
Epoxy coatings have been used on the embedded reinforcing bars of bridge decks since the mid-1970s to mitigate deterioration caused by chloride-induced corrosion. The use of chloride-based deicers became common in the early 1960s and caused corrosion of conventional uncoated bars in bridge decks within 5 to 10 years of commencement of deicer applications. In response to this rapid deterioration, the National Bureau of Standards researched coatings to protect the reinforcement (National Bureau of Standards, 1975), resulting in the development of epoxy-coated reinforcing bars, which were used in bridge decks beginning in 1973. While corrosion-related deterioration has been prevalent on bridge decks with uncoated reinforcing bars in northern climates where the use of deicing salts is common, bridge decks constructed after 1973 with epoxy-coated reinforcing have shown good corrosion resistance with only limited exceptions. On the whole, previous laboratory and field studies regarding the performance of epoxy-coated reinforcing bars are very promising; however, some laboratory and field studies have yielded differing results. In recent years, maintenance personnel for the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) have reportedly performed patch repairs to some bridge decks reinforced with epoxy-coated bars. At one such bridge, the southbound US 65 bridge (Bridge No. 7788.5L065) over the Union Pacific Railroad near Bondurant in Polk County, Iowa, deck repairs were performed by Iowa DOT maintenance personnel in the Spring of 2010, based on our communications regarding this topic with Mr. Gordon Port of the Iowa DOT. These repairs were observed by engineers from the Iowa DOT Office of Bridges and Structures, who reported that significant corrosion was found at a number of epoxy-coated reinforcing bars uncovered during this patch work. These repairs were reportedly performed at spalls and delaminated areas corresponding to cracks over transverse reinforcing bars, and involved careful removal of the concrete from over the bars. Figures 1 through 4 contain photographs provided by Iowa DOT personnel showing the removal process (Figure 1), the conditions encountered (Figures 2 and 3), and close-up views of the corroded reinforcing (Figure 4). As a result of these observations, the Iowa Department of Transportation has requested this study to gain further understanding of the long-term performance of bridge decks reinforced with epoxy-coated bars. The two main objectives of this study are to determine the long-term effectiveness of the epoxy coatings and to determine the potential causes for the deterioration at locations where corrosion has occurred. Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) and the Iowa DOT identified eight different bridge decks across Iowa for this study that were constructed using epoxy-coated reinforcing bars. A field investigation consisting of visual inspections, a delamination survey, a concrete cover survey, electrical testing for susceptibility to corrosion, and concrete sampling was conducted within a survey area deemed to be representative of the condition of each bridge deck. Laboratory testing, including chloride ion content testing, characterization of the extracted bars, petrographic examination of the concrete, and carbonation testing, was conducted on the core samples taken from each bridge deck.