954 resultados para software engineering: metrics


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Thomas, L., Ratcliffe, M., and Robertson, A. 2003. Code warriors and code-a-phobes: a study in attitude and pair programming. SIGCSE Bull. 35, 1 (Jan. 2003), 363-367.


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Thomas, L., Ratcliffe, M., Woodbury, J., and Jarman, E. 2002. Learning styles and performance in the introductory programming sequence. SIGCSE Bull. 34, 1 (Mar. 2002), 33-37.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa, como parte dos requisitos necessários para a obtenção do grau Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações


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The exploding demand for services like the World Wide Web reflects the potential that is presented by globally distributed information systems. The number of WWW servers world-wide has doubled every 3 to 5 months since 1993, outstripping even the growth of the Internet. At each of these self-managed sites, the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) already constitute a rudimentary basis for contributing local resources to remote collaborations. However, the Web has serious deficiencies that make it unsuited for use as a true medium for metacomputing --- the process of bringing hardware, software, and expertise from many geographically dispersed sources to bear on large scale problems. These deficiencies are, paradoxically, the direct result of the very simple design principles that enabled its exponential growth. There are many symptoms of the problems exhibited by the Web: disk and network resources are consumed extravagantly; information search and discovery are difficult; protocols are aimed at data movement rather than task migration, and ignore the potential for distributing computation. However, all of these can be seen as aspects of a single problem: as a distributed system for metacomputing, the Web offers unpredictable performance and unreliable results. The goal of our project is to use the Web as a medium (within either the global Internet or an enterprise intranet) for metacomputing in a reliable way with performance guarantees. We attack this problem one four levels: (1) Resource Management Services: Globally distributed computing allows novel approaches to the old problems of performance guarantees and reliability. Our first set of ideas involve setting up a family of real-time resource management models organized by the Web Computing Framework with a standard Resource Management Interface (RMI), a Resource Registry, a Task Registry, and resource management protocols to allow resource needs and availability information be collected and disseminated so that a family of algorithms with varying computational precision and accuracy of representations can be chosen to meet realtime and reliability constraints. (2) Middleware Services: Complementary to techniques for allocating and scheduling available resources to serve application needs under realtime and reliability constraints, the second set of ideas aim at reduce communication latency, traffic congestion, server work load, etc. We develop customizable middleware services to exploit application characteristics in traffic analysis to drive new server/browser design strategies (e.g., exploit self-similarity of Web traffic), derive document access patterns via multiserver cooperation, and use them in speculative prefetching, document caching, and aggressive replication to reduce server load and bandwidth requirements. (3) Communication Infrastructure: Finally, to achieve any guarantee of quality of service or performance, one must get at the network layer that can provide the basic guarantees of bandwidth, latency, and reliability. Therefore, the third area is a set of new techniques in network service and protocol designs. (4) Object-Oriented Web Computing Framework A useful resource management system must deal with job priority, fault-tolerance, quality of service, complex resources such as ATM channels, probabilistic models, etc., and models must be tailored to represent the best tradeoff for a particular setting. This requires a family of models, organized within an object-oriented framework, because no one-size-fits-all approach is appropriate. This presents a software engineering challenge requiring integration of solutions at all levels: algorithms, models, protocols, and profiling and monitoring tools. The framework captures the abstract class interfaces of the collection of cooperating components, but allows the concretization of each component to be driven by the requirements of a specific approach and environment.


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The proliferation of inexpensive workstations and networks has created a new era in distributed computing. At the same time, non-traditional applications such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided software engineering (CASE), geographic-information systems (GIS), and office-information systems (OIS) have placed increased demands for high-performance transaction processing on database systems. The combination of these factors gives rise to significant challenges in the design of modern database systems. In this thesis, we propose novel techniques whose aim is to improve the performance and scalability of these new database systems. These techniques exploit client resources through client-based transaction management. Client-based transaction management is realized by providing logging facilities locally even when data is shared in a global environment. This thesis presents several recovery algorithms which utilize client disks for storing recovery related information (i.e., log records). Our algorithms work with both coarse and fine-granularity locking and they do not require the merging of client logs at any time. Moreover, our algorithms support fine-granularity locking with multiple clients permitted to concurrently update different portions of the same database page. The database state is recovered correctly when there is a complex crash as well as when the updates performed by different clients on a page are not present on the disk version of the page, even though some of the updating transactions have committed. This thesis also presents the implementation of the proposed algorithms in a memory-mapped storage manager as well as a detailed performance study of these algorithms using the OO1 database benchmark. The performance results show that client-based logging is superior to traditional server-based logging. This is because client-based logging is an effective way to reduce dependencies on server CPU and disk resources and, thus, prevents the server from becoming a performance bottleneck as quickly when the number of clients accessing the database increases.


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As the commoditization of sensing, actuation and communication hardware increases, so does the potential for dynamically tasked sense and respond networked systems (i.e., Sensor Networks or SNs) to replace existing disjoint and inflexible special-purpose deployments (closed-circuit security video, anti-theft sensors, etc.). While various solutions have emerged to many individual SN-centric challenges (e.g., power management, communication protocols, role assignment), perhaps the largest remaining obstacle to widespread SN deployment is that those who wish to deploy, utilize, and maintain a programmable Sensor Network lack the programming and systems expertise to do so. The contributions of this thesis centers on the design, development and deployment of the SN Workbench (snBench). snBench embodies an accessible, modular programming platform coupled with a flexible and extensible run-time system that, together, support the entire life-cycle of distributed sensory services. As it is impossible to find a one-size-fits-all programming interface, this work advocates the use of tiered layers of abstraction that enable a variety of high-level, domain specific languages to be compiled to a common (thin-waist) tasking language; this common tasking language is statically verified and can be subsequently re-translated, if needed, for execution on a wide variety of hardware platforms. snBench provides: (1) a common sensory tasking language (Instruction Set Architecture) powerful enough to express complex SN services, yet simple enough to be executed by highly constrained resources with soft, real-time constraints, (2) a prototype high-level language (and corresponding compiler) to illustrate the utility of the common tasking language and the tiered programming approach in this domain, (3) an execution environment and a run-time support infrastructure that abstract a collection of heterogeneous resources into a single virtual Sensor Network, tasked via this common tasking language, and (4) novel formal methods (i.e., static analysis techniques) that verify safety properties and infer implicit resource constraints to facilitate resource allocation for new services. This thesis presents these components in detail, as well as two specific case-studies: the use of snBench to integrate physical and wireless network security, and the use of snBench as the foundation for semester-long student projects in a graduate-level Software Engineering course.


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An aim of proactive risk management strategies is the timely identification of safety related risks. One way to achieve this is by deploying early warning systems. Early warning systems aim to provide useful information on the presence of potential threats to the system, the level of vulnerability of a system, or both of these, in a timely manner. This information can then be used to take proactive safety measures. The United Nation’s has recommended that any early warning system need to have four essential elements, which are the risk knowledge element, a monitoring and warning service, dissemination and communication and a response capability. This research deals with the risk knowledge element of an early warning system. The risk knowledge element of an early warning system contains models of possible accident scenarios. These accident scenarios are created by using hazard analysis techniques, which are categorised as traditional and contemporary. The assumption in traditional hazard analysis techniques is that accidents are occurred due to a sequence of events, whereas, the assumption of contemporary hazard analysis techniques is that safety is an emergent property of complex systems. The problem is that there is no availability of a software editor which can be used by analysts to create models of accident scenarios based on contemporary hazard analysis techniques and generate computer code that represent the models at the same time. This research aims to enhance the process of generating computer code based on graphical models that associate early warning signs and causal factors to a hazard, based on contemporary hazard analyses techniques. For this purpose, the thesis investigates the use of Domain Specific Modeling (DSM) technologies. The contributions of this thesis is the design and development of a set of three graphical Domain Specific Modeling languages (DSML)s, that when combined together, provide all of the necessary constructs that will enable safety experts and practitioners to conduct hazard and early warning analysis based on a contemporary hazard analysis approach. The languages represent those elements and relations necessary to define accident scenarios and their associated early warning signs. The three DSMLs were incorporated in to a prototype software editor that enables safety scientists and practitioners to create and edit hazard and early warning analysis models in a usable manner and as a result to generate executable code automatically. This research proves that the DSM technologies can be used to develop a set of three DSMLs which can allow user to conduct hazard and early warning analysis in more usable manner. Furthermore, the three DSMLs and their dedicated editor, which are presented in this thesis, may provide a significant enhancement to the process of creating the risk knowledge element of computer based early warning systems.


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Motivated by accurate average-case analysis, MOdular Quantitative Analysis (MOQA) is developed at the Centre for Efficiency Oriented Languages (CEOL). In essence, MOQA allows the programmer to determine the average running time of a broad class of programmes directly from the code in a (semi-)automated way. The MOQA approach has the property of randomness preservation which means that applying any operation to a random structure, results in an output isomorphic to one or more random structures, which is key to systematic timing. Based on original MOQA research, we discuss the design and implementation of a new domain specific scripting language based on randomness preserving operations and random structures. It is designed to facilitate compositional timing by systematically tracking the distributions of inputs and outputs. The notion of a labelled partial order (LPO) is the basic data type in the language. The programmer uses built-in MOQA operations together with restricted control flow statements to design MOQA programs. This MOQA language is formally specified both syntactically and semantically in this thesis. A practical language interpreter implementation is provided and discussed. By analysing new algorithms and data restructuring operations, we demonstrate the wide applicability of the MOQA approach. Also we extend MOQA theory to a number of other domains besides average-case analysis. We show the strong connection between MOQA and parallel computing, reversible computing and data entropy analysis.


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The phrase “not much mathematics required” can imply a variety of skill levels. When this phrase is applied to computer scientists, software engineers, and clients in the area of formal specification, the word “much” can be widely misinterpreted with disastrous consequences. A small experiment in reading specifications revealed that students already trained in discrete mathematics and the specification notation performed very poorly; much worse than could reasonably be expected if formal methods proponents are to be believed.


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Use of structuring mechanisms (such as modularisation) is widely believed to be one of the key ways to improve software quality. Structuring is considered to be at least as important for specification documents as for source code, since it is assumed to improve comprehensibility. Yet, as with most widely held assumptions in software engineering, there is little empirical evidence to support this hypothesis. Also, even if structuring can be shown to he a good thing, we do not know how much structuring is somehow optimal. One of the more popular formal specification languages, Z, encourages structuring through its schema calculus. A controlled experiment is described in which two hypotheses about the effects of structure on the comprehensibility of Z specifications are tested. Evidence was found that structuring a specification into schemas of about 20 lines long significantly improved comprehensibility over a monolithic specification. However, there seems to be no perceived advantage in breaking down the schemas into much smaller components. The experiment can he fully replicated.


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The importance of patterns in constructing complex systems has long been recognised in other disciplines. In software engineering, for example, well-crafted object-oriented architectures contain several design patterns. Focusing on mechanisms of constructing software during system development can yield an architecture that is simpler, clearer and more understandable than if design patterns were ignored or not properly applied. In this paper, we propose a model that uses object-oriented design patterns to develop a core bitemporal conceptual model. We define three core design patterns that form a core bitemporal conceptual model of a typical bitemporal object. Our framework is known as the Bitemporal Object, State and Event Modelling Approach (BOSEMA) and the resulting core model is known as a Bitemporal Object, State and Event (BOSE) model. Using this approach, we demonstrate that we can enrich data modelling by using well known design patterns which can help designers to build complex models of bitemporal databases.


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There are mainly two known approaches to the representation of temporal information in Computer Science: modal logic approaches (including tense logics and hybrid temporal logics) and predicate logic approaches (including temporal argument methods and reified temporal logics). On one hand, while tense logics, hybrid temporal logics and temporal argument methods enjoy formal theoretical foundations, their expressiveness has been criticised as not power enough for representing general temporal knowledge; on the other hand, although current reified temporal logics provide greater expressive power, most of them lack of complete and sound axiomatic theories. In this paper, we propose a new reified temporal logic with a clear syntax and semantics in terms of a sound and complete axiomatic formalism which retains all the expressive power of the approach of temporal reification.


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Providing a method of transparent communication and interoperation between distributed software is a requirement for many organisations and several standard and non-standard infrastructures exist for this purpose. Component models do more than just provide a plumbing mechanism for distributed applications, they provide a more controlled interoperation between components. There are very few component models however that have support for advanced dynamic reconfigurability. This paper describes a component model which provides controlled and constrained transparent communication and inter-operation between components in the form of a hierarchical component model. At the same time, the model contains support for advanced run-time reconfigurability of components. The process and benefits of designing a system using the presented model are discussed. A way in which reflective techniques and component frameworks can work together to produce dynamic adaptable systems is explained.


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In terms of a general time theory which addresses time-elements as typed point-based intervals, a formal characterization of time-series and state-sequences is introduced. Based on this framework, the subsequence matching problem is specially tackled by means of being transferred into bipartite graph matching problem. Then a hybrid similarity model with high tolerance of inversion, crossover and noise is proposed for matching the corresponding bipartite graphs involving both temporal and non-temporal measurements. Experimental results on reconstructed time-series data from UCI KDD Archive demonstrate that such an approach is more effective comparing with the traditional similarity model based algorithms, promising robust techniques for lager time-series databases and real-life applications such as Content-based Video Retrieval (CBVR), etc.


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For seizing the potential of serious games, the RAGE project - funded by the Horizon-2020 Programme of the European Commission - will make available an interoperable set of advanced technology components (software assets) that support game studios at serious game development. This paper describes the overall software architecture and design conditions that are needed for the easy integration and reuse of such software assets in existing game platforms. Based on the component-based software engineering paradigm the RAGE architecture takes into account the portability of assets to different operating systems, different programming languages and different game engines. It avoids dependencies on external software frameworks and minimizes code that may hinder integration with game engine code. Furthermore it relies on a limited set of standard software patterns and well-established coding practices. The RAGE architecture has been successfully validated by implementing and testing basic software assets in four major programming languages (C#, C++, Java and Typescript/JavaScript, respectively). A demonstrator implementation of asset integration with an existing game engine was created and validated. The presented RAGE architecture paves the way for large scale development and application of cross-engine reusable software assets for enhancing the quality and diversity of serious gaming.