973 resultados para server java android logica
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Afferent nerves carrying signals from mechanoreceptors in the aortic arch and carotid sinus terminate predominantly in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). Signal transduction and neurotransmission in the NTS are critical for central cardiovascular reflex control, but little was known about either until the late 1970's. None of the numerous neuroactive chemicals found in the NTS had met strict criteria as a neurotransmitter in the baroreflex arc until data suggested that the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate (GLU) might be released from baroreceptor afferent terminals in the NTS. In anesthetized animals microinjection into the NTS of GLU, which can be demonstrated in terminals in the NTS, produces cardiovascular responses like those seen with activation of the baroreceptor reflex. Similar responses occur in awake animals if the chemoreceptor reflex is eliminated; otherwise, in conscious animals responses mimic those of chemoreceptor reflex activation. GLU is released in the NTS upon selective activation of the baroreceptor, and possibly the chemoreceptor, reflex. Responses to selective agonists as well as baroreflex responses are eliminated by GLU antagonists microinjected into the NTS. Non-NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid) receptors seem to predominate at primary baroreceptor synapses in the NTS while NMDA receptors may be involved at later synapses. Although inhibition of soluble guanylate cyclase attenuates responses to ionotropic glutamate agonists in the NTS, nitric oxide does not seem to play a role in glutamate transmission in the NTS. GLU may also participate in transmission at cardiovascular neurons beyond the NTS. For example, a role has been suggested for GLU in the ventrolateral medulla and spinal cord. Work continues concerning GLU signal transduction and mechanisms that modulate that transduction both at the NTS and at other cardiovascular nuclei
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
This thesis introduces heat demand forecasting models which are generated by using data mining algorithms. The forecast spans one full day and this forecast can be used in regulating heat consumption of buildings. For training the data mining models, two years of heat consumption data from a case building and weather measurement data from Finnish Meteorological Institute are used. The thesis utilizes Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services data mining tools in generating the data mining models and CRISP-DM process framework to implement the research. Results show that the built models can predict heat demand at best with mean average percentage errors of 3.8% for 24-h profile and 5.9% for full day. A deployment model for integrating the generated data mining models into an existing building energy management system is also discussed.
É de interesse prático, quando se dispõe de diferentes lotes de sementes, conhecer a qualidade fisiológica intrínseca a cada um. Objetivou-se determinar a qualidade fisiológica de lotes de sementes da leguminosa forrageira tropical, Macrotyloma axillare cv. Java, com utilização de diferentes metodologias para realização dos testes germinação e vigor. Determinou-se a pureza física dos lotes, o peso de mil sementes, a germinação com e sem escarificação (TG) e o vigor (índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), primeira contagem, envelhecimento acelerado e condutividade elétrica) de três lotes de sementes. Diferenças na qualidade fisiológica inicial de sementes escarificadas foram observadas pelo teste de germinação. Pelos resultados dos testes de primeira contagem e IVG não foi possível detectar diferenças na qualidade fisiológica das sementes; o envelhecimento acelerado das sementes escarificadas pode ser realizado a 41º C por 72 horas ou a 45º C por 48 horas; o teste de condutividade elétrica mostrou-se adequado para diferenciar os lotes, a partir de 48 horas de embebição.
The vast majority of our contemporary society owns a mobile phone, which has resulted in a dramatic rise in the amount of networked computers in recent years. Security issues in the computers have followed the same trend and nearly everyone is now affected by such issues. How could the situation be improved? For software engineers, an obvious answer is to build computer software with security in mind. A problem with building software with security is how to define secure software or how to measure security. This thesis divides the problem into three research questions. First, how can we measure the security of software? Second, what types of tools are available for measuring security? And finally, what do these tools reveal about the security of software? Measuring tools of these kind are commonly called metrics. This thesis is focused on the perspective of software engineers in the software design phase. Focus on the design phase means that code level semantics or programming language specifics are not discussed in this work. Organizational policy, management issues or software development process are also out of the scope. The first two research problems were studied using a literature review while the third was studied using a case study research. The target of the case study was a Java based email server called Apache James, which had details from its changelog and security issues available and the source code was accessible. The research revealed that there is a consensus in the terminology on software security. Security verification activities are commonly divided into evaluation and assurance. The focus of this work was in assurance, which means to verify one’s own work. There are 34 metrics available for security measurements, of which five are evaluation metrics and 29 are assurance metrics. We found, however, that the general quality of these metrics was not good. Only three metrics in the design category passed the inspection criteria and could be used in the case study. The metrics claim to give quantitative information on the security of the software, but in practice they were limited to evaluating different versions of the same software. Apart from being relative, the metrics were unable to detect security issues or point out problems in the design. Furthermore, interpreting the metrics’ results was difficult. In conclusion, the general state of the software security metrics leaves a lot to be desired. The metrics studied had both theoretical and practical issues, and are not suitable for daily engineering workflows. The metrics studied provided a basis for further research, since they pointed out areas where the security metrics were necessary to improve whether verification of security from the design was desired.
Ammattimaisessa ohjelmistokehityksessä pyritään tuottamaan ohjelmia, jotka ovat ylläpidettäviä ja uudelleenkäytettäviä. Näiden piirteiden aikaansaamiseksi ohjelmistokehittäjien on hyvä tuntea ohjelmointiperiaatteita, joita noudattamalla kehittäjät voivat luoda parempia ratkaisuja ohjelmointiongelmiin. Tutkielmassa perehdytään ohjelmointiperiaatteista kertovaan kirjallisuuteen, ja esitetään yleisiä olio-ohjelmoinnin ohjelmointiperiaatteita sekä Robert C. Martinin (2002) kehittämä SOLID-malli. Tutkimusaihe rajataan luokkatason ohjelmointiperiaatteisiin. SOLID-malli sisältää viisi luokkatason ohjelmointiperiaatetta, jotka auttavat ohjelmoijia parantamaan ohjelman ylläpidettävyyttä ja uudelleenkäyttöä. Ohjelmointiperiaatteet esitetään Java-kielellä yksinkertaisten esimerkkitapausten avulla. Tutkielmassa esitetyt ohjelmointiperiaatteet eivät ole sidottuja ainoastaan Javaan, vaan ne on suunniteltu yleishyödyllisiksi olio-ohjelmoinnin periaatteiksi riippumatta käytettävästä ohjelmointikielestä.
Passé entre les mains du chanoine Bernard Collot, principal du collège de Fortet de 1704 à 1735 et donné par lui à la Bibliothèque du roi en 1751; cf. notice du latin 8869; — château d'Anet
Ex-libris : f.1 : « ex bibliotheca Corbeiensis Monasterii » ; — « Sti Germani a Pratis »
Algazelis logica, metaphysica (16), physica (52v), de quinque essentiis (71), de unitate et uno (73)
Fonds non déterminé.