999 resultados para seleção de clones


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RESUMO A podridão floral dos citros (PFC), causada por Colletotrichum acutatum Simmons e C. gloeosporioides, é a doença fúngica mais importante em limeira-ácida ‘Tahiti’, pois, leva à queda prematura de flores e frutos, acarretando a redução da produção. Avaliou-se a suscetibilidade à PFC dos clones de lima-ácida ‘Tahiti’ “IAC 5”, “IAC 5-1”, “CNPMF/EECB”, “CNPMF 2000” e “CNPMF 2001”, em Bebedouro-SP. Todos os clones são suscetíveis à doença. A maior incidência de PFC em plantas do clone “IAC 5-1” indica que este clone apresenta maior suscetibilidade. Mesmo com sintomas, plantas do clone “CNPMF/EECB” apresentam maior fixação de frutos.


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AbstractObjective:In the present study, the authors investigated the in vitrobehavior of radio-resistant breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cells line and radiosensitive peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as a function of different radiation doses, dose rates and postirradiation time kinetics, with a view to the interest of clinical radiotherapy.Materials and Methods:The cells were irradiated with Co-60, at 2 and 10 Gy and two different exposure rates, 339.56 cGy.min–1 and the other corresponding to one fourth of the standard dose rates, present over a 10-year period of cobalt therapy. Post-irradiation sampling was performed at pre-established kinetics of 24, 48 and 72 hours. The optical density response in viability assay was evaluated and a morphological analysis was performed.Results:Radiosensitive PBMC showed decrease in viability at 2 Gy, and a more significant decrease at 10 Gy for both dose rates. MDAMB- 231 cells presented viability decrease only at higher dose and dose rate. The results showed MDA-MB-231 clone expansion at low dose rate after 48–72 hours post-radiation.Conclusion:Low dose rate shows a possible potential clinical impact involving decrease in management of radio-resistant and radiosensitive tumor cell lines in cobalt therapy for breast cancer.


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Genetic algorithm was used for variable selection in simultaneous determination of mixtures of glucose, maltose and fructose by mid infrared spectroscopy. Different models, using partial least squares (PLS) and multiple linear regression (MLR) with and without data pre-processing, were used. Based on the results obtained, it was verified that a simpler model (multiple linear regression with variable selection by genetic algorithm) produces results comparable to more complex methods (partial least squares). The relative errors obtained for the best model was around 3% for the sugar determination, which is acceptable for this kind of determination.


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This paper describes an experimental design technique, known as variables search, developed to expose the critical variables and screen out the irrelevant ones. It is easy to learn and use and clearly dissociates the main and interactions effects from each other. An example of air separation process by pressure swing adsorption was used to demonstrate how the variables search technique works. The phases of identification of the critical variables is shown, step by step,.


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The process of building mathematical models in quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies is generally limited by the size of the dataset used to select variables from. For huge datasets, the task of selecting a given number of variables that produces the best linear model can be enormous, if not unfeasible. In this case, some methods can be used to separate good parameter combinations from the bad ones. In this paper three methodologies are analyzed: systematic search, genetic algorithm and chemometric methods. These methods have been exposed and discussed through practical examples.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by cognite impairment and personality changes. The development of drugs for the treatment of the cognitive deficits of AD has focused on agents which counteract loss in cholinergic activities. These symptons of AD have been successfully treated with acetylcholinesterase (AchE) inhibitors (eg. galanthamine). There still is great interest in finding better AchE inhibitors. We use Ellmann's microplate assay and silica gel thin-layer chromatography (TLC) to screen natural products from plants as new sources of AchE inhibitors.


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The teaching of general chemistry involves both the choice and the organization of its concepts. Although College Teachers make their choices, frequently the text books play an important role in this selection. In the present project we intend to show what are Teachers' perceptions of conceptual organization and selection as well as their perceptions of how to teach general chemistry. This demonstration is carried out through the use of metaphors from new information technologies.


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The indan ring system is present in several compounds with important pharmacological properties. In this account recent examples of selected methods (Friedel-Crafts acylation, cycloaddition reactions, ring contraction, cyclization and resolution) for the synthesis of indans are discussed.


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Mercury (Hg) occurs in the environment as a natural and anthropogenic element, and through the years the accumulation of mercury has affected the integrity of ecosystems and human health. This study presents a screening of microorganisms resistant to organic and inorganic mercury, the determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of Hg, the estimation of the mercury volatilization by selected microorganisms and the dynamics of volatilization. Eight Gram-negative bacteria resistant to high concentrations of mercury (60 to 210 mg L-1) were selected, and these isolates showed ability to volatilize the metal. The dynamics of the volatilization of the Proteus mirabilis M50C demonstrated that in only 4 h of incubation it was possible to volatilize 72% of the mercury present in the culture. The results showed promising application for bioremediation strategies.


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This work evaluated the use of the Hildebrand/Hansen solubility parameters for selection of solvents for extraction of the organochlorine pesticides pp' DDT, pp' DDE, Aldrin and a-Endossulfan from soil using columns packed with Al2O3. The mixtures hexane:dichloromethane (7:3; v/v), hexane:acetonitrile (1:1; v/v), hexane:acetone (1:1; v/v) and pure hexane were chosen as extracting solutions. In the addition and recovery tests, different extraction solutions provided high recoveries percentages (>75%) with coefficients of variation below 15%. The recoveries are in agreement with the Hildebrand/Hansen parameters, demonstrating its applicability in the selection of extracting solution and in the replacement of toxic solvents, as dichloromethane


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Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is the most prevalent virus on soybeans (Glycine max) throughout the world. It causes mottling on seeds and has been associated with yield reduction. Recently, a new strain (SMV 95-1) was found infecting resistant cultivars, causing dwarfing and systemic necrosis. In a screening test carried out with the strains SMV 95-1 and SMV 95-2 on the germplasm collection, several resistant cvs. Embrapa 60, Embrapa 61, Embrapa 62, Embrapa 66 , Embrapa 133, Embrapa 134, Embrapa 135, and Embrapa 136 were identified as resistant to both strains. The resistant genotypes may serve in future soybean breeding programs in Brazil.


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Foi estudado o processo de infecção de Colletotrichum guaranicola em clones de guaranazeiro (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis) resistente e suscetível, por meio de microscopia de luz. Avaliaram-se quantitativamente os eventos de pré-penetração em folhas novas e velhas dos clones. Observou-se diferença quantitativa quanto à formação de apressório em folhas novas e velhas dos clones, sendo maior em folhas novas do clone suscetível. Estruturas de pré-penetração e infecção foram semelhantes nos dois clones. O processo de infecção teve inicio após a germinação do fungo e formação de apressório na superfície do hospedeiro, seguido de penetração direta da cutícula e da parede celular das células epidérmicas. Dentro da célula, a hifa de infecção deu origem a uma vesícula, que em seguida formou a hifa primária que se ramificou, originando a hifa secundária, que colonizou intra e intercelularmente a epiderme e o parênquima, causando desorganização dos tecidos e necrose. Observou-se uma diferença temporal na colonização dos tecidos dos clones. No clone suscetível, com 48 h após a inoculação, as células da epiderme e do parênquima estavam colonizadas por hifas intra e intercelulares. No quinto dia após a inoculação, observou-se o surgimento dos sintomas. No clone resistente, a colonização só foi observada no quarto dia após a inoculação. Somente no sétimo dia após a inoculação, foram observados os primeiros sintomas típicos da doença.


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Os níveis de fenóis solúveis totais e a atividade das enzimas oxidativas polifenoloxidases e peroxidases foram estudados em tecidos foliares sadios dos clones de cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao) SCA 6, TSH 1188, TSH 565, TSH 516, EET 397, EET 62, TSA 641, SIAL 505, RIM 106, RIM 52, SIC 24 e UF 613, com o objetivo de estudar possível(is) mecanismo(s) de resistência de cacaueiro a Crinipellis perniciosa. Os níveis de fenóis solúveis totais foram mais elevados em clones de cacaueiro com resistência a C. perniciosa, e podem estar contribuindo na resposta de defesa contra o patógeno. A atividade de polifenoloxidases foi menor nos clones resistentes do que nos clones suscetíveis. A atividade de peroxidases em folhas maduras foi menor nos clones resistentes, mas em folhas jovens não foi possível estabelecer uma relação da atividade de peroxidase com os clones resistentes. Os níveis de fenóis e a atividade das enzimas oxidativas correlacionaram-se de forma inversa na maioria dos clones estudados, o que pode indicar uma inibição das enzimas peroxidases e polifenoloxidases pelos compostos fenólicos.