1000 resultados para síndrome vestibular


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El Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica presenta muchas perturbaciones *multidimensionales que afectan de forma *holística a las personas que sufren esta enfermedad y que el tratamiento actual de la fatiga, dolor, ansiedad-depresión y alteraciones del sueño, presentes en esta entidad clínica, es insatisfactorio. La hipótesis de partida de este ensayo consiste a contrastar que la acupuntura resulta más útil que el placebo. Proponemos la realización de un estudio clínico, aleatorio y controlado con placebo, de la técnica de acupuntura, orientado al aumento de la sensación del paciente de bienestar, al alivio del dolor y de la rigidez, la acupuntura es eficaz para reducir la fatiga, ansiedad-depresión y alteraciones del sueño, en el paciente diagnosticado, del Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a suscetibilidade à síndrome ascítica de machos e fêmeas em linhagens comerciais de frango de corte. Todas as aves receberam ração ad libitum com 3.050 kcal/ME. Foram comparadas as linhagens comerciais representadas pela Cobb, Hubbard e Ross, machos e fêmeas. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial. As aves foram aleatoriamente alojadas em um galpão experimental de 8x76 m, com 18 boxes de 3x3,5 m cada e 100 aves por divisão, num total de 1.800 aves. Os resultados revelaram que a incidência de ascite independe da linhagem comercial dos frangos de corte, entretanto, os machos foram mais suscetíveis.


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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal la valoración de los beneficios que la equinoterapia tiene en niñas afectadas con síndrome de Rett, y se llevará a cabo en un centro hípico que reúna las condiciones e instalaciones necesarias para poder realizar las sesiones de tratamiento. Será un estudio cualitativo y transversal, en el que participarán tanto fisioterapeutas expertos en el ámbito de la equinoterapia como niñas con síndrome de Rett que estén siendo tratadas con ella. Mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas de respuesta abierta a los profesionales y a los familiares cercanos de las niñas, se podrá recopilar la información necesaria para la elaboración de los resultados finales. La utilización de la equinoterapia debería ser una útil herramienta más de la que pudiera disponer la medicina y, concretamente, la fisioterapia para el tratamiento de los trastornos neurológicos o de muchos otros. Las posibles limitaciones de este estudio pueden ser la falta de niñas que cumplan los requisitos necesarios para participar en el proyecto, debido a que el síndrome de Rett es una enfermedad minoritaria.


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Presentem una anàlisi qualitativa sobre l’evolució de la simptomatologia i la intervenció en àmbit escolar d’un adolescent de 15 anys diagnosticat de síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette i de síndrome d’Asperger. En aquests dos trastorns la comorbiditat no ha estat prou investigada. Realitzem una observació directa del comportament de l’adolescent en l’ambient escolar durant dos trimestres. S’utilitza una agenda del dia a dia acadèmic on s’apunten totes les dades rellevants referents a la conducta del subjecte, recull de dibuixos o narracions personals amb la finalitat de confeccionar un llistat de les conductes patró. Amb l’objectiu d’augmentar el nivell d’autoconsciència del subjecte en quant al control i descontrol de les seves conductes, se li aplica: reforç positiu permanent i contenció en situacions amb conductes més violentes. Observem que, independentment del diferent origen psicogenètic i psiconeurològic d’ambdues síndromes, les conductes resultants son similars, i que la intervenció aplicada dóna uns resultats favorables. Els resultats ens porten a afirmar que en aquest cas la intervenció cognitiu- conductual esdevé més eficaç que la intervenció conductual.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the dynamic properties of the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (h-VOR) in the acute stage of two common labyrinthine diseases that provoke severe attacks of vertigo with spontaneous nystagmus: vestibular neuritis (vestibular loss alone) and viral labyrinthitis (cochleovestibular loss). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty-three patients were investigated: 42 were diagnosed with vestibular neuritis and 21 with viral labyrinthitis. The h-VOR function was evaluated by conventional caloric and impulsive testing. A simplified model of vestibular function was used to analyze the vestibulo-ocular response to rotational stimulation. RESULTS: The results showed a significant difference in h-VOR characteristics between the two pathologies. Patients with vestibular neuritis exhibited a strong horizontal semicircular canal deficit, but no h-VOR asymmetry between the two rotational directions. In contrast, patients with viral labyrinthitis demonstrated moderate canal paresis and a marked h-VOR deficit in rotation toward the affected ear. CONCLUSION: These findings support the hypothesis that the h-VOR dynamic asymmetry that occurs after an acute unilateral inner ear lesion is not due to canal dysfunction alone, but involves complex adaptive changes in the central VOR that may implicate the otolith system. Based on histopathologic and clinical differences in the two pathologies reported in the literature, we postulate that this otolith-canal interaction is mainly linked to the loss of saccular function.


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La millora en la qualitat de vida ha afavorit considerablement l'augment de la longevitat de les persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual i amb síndrome de Down (SD) en particular i, per aquesta raó, és important descriure les característiques que presenta el seu procés d'envelliment. Per tant, és molt important aconseguir una major precisió en la detecció inicial dels canvis cognitius i emocionals, per tal de dur a terme una bona prevenció i/o intervenció ajustada a les necessitats de cada persona. És per tant, fonamental una bona prevenció i detecció de l’inici del deteriorament per així, millorar la intervenció en la seva qualitat de vida durant el procés d’envelliment. En aquest sentit i degut a què hi ha encara pocs estudis sobre el deteriorament cognitiu en l’envelliment de les persones amb SD, cal fomentar la realització d’estudis que permetin un millor coneixement del seu procés d’envelliment. Per aquest motiu, s’ha iniciat un estudi multicèntric amb diferents institucions que treballen amb persones amb SD, amb la finalitat de determinar si existeix un patró de deteriorament i l’evolució dels canvis cognitius i emocionals en el procés d’envelliment en les persones amb SD.


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INTRODUCTION: Gamma knife surgery (GKS) for vestibular schwannomas (VS) has a long-term clinical and scientific track record. After a period of de-escalation of dose prescription, results show a high rate of tumor control with improvement of clinical outcome (less than 1% facial palsy, 50-70% hearing preservation). Régis et al. (J Neurosurg 2013;119 Suppl.:105-11) suggested recently that proactive GKS management in intracanalicular tumors is better than a « wait and see » strategy when hearing is still useful at the time of diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on these previous findings, we prospectively analyzed 190 vestibular schwannomas (VS), treated with GKS as first intention over a period of 4 years (2010-2014). We concentrated on patient, tumor and dosimetric characteristics. Special attention was given on the dose to the cochlea and its impact in maintaining serviceable hearing. RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 1.3years (range 0.6-3.6). Preoperative serviceable hearing was present in 63.11% patients. The mean maximal diameter was 15.1mm (range 5-29.5). The size and volume of the tumor corresponded to Koos grade I, II, III and IV in 15.9%, 34.8%, 45.4% and 3.8% of the cases, respectively. The mean target volume was 1.24cm(3) (0.017-7.8). The mean prescription isodose volume was 1.6 cc (0.032-8.5). The mean marginal dose was 12Gy (11-12). The mean maximal dose received by the cochlea in patients with GR class 1 and 2 was 4.1Gy (1.5-7.6). Our preliminary neuroradiological follow-up shows 97% tumor control, with 45% shrinkage. Patients presenting with GR class 1 and class 2 at baseline retained serviceable hearing in 85% of cases. Among the patients with a follow-up of at least one year, those with Koos I tumors had the highest probability to maintain identical level of hearing after GKS. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data suggest that Koos I patients should be treated early with GKS, before tumor growth and/or hearing deterioration, as they have the highest probability of hearing preservation.


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Purpose: The management of vestibular schwanommas (VS) is challenging, with microsurgery remaining the main treatment option. Planned subtotal resection is now being increasingly considered to reduce the risk of neurological deficits following complete resection. The residual part of the tumor can then be treated with Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) to achieve long-term growth control. Methods: This case series of 11 patients documents early results with planned subtotal resection followed by GKS in Lausanne University Hospital, between July 2010 and March 2012. We analyzed clinical symptoms and signs for all cases, as well as MRI and audiograms. Results: Mean age in this series was 50.3 years (range 24.1-73.4). Two patients (18.2%) had a stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy, which had failed to ensure tumor control, before the microsurgical intervention. The lesions were solid in 9 cases (81.8%), and mixed (solid and cystic) in 2 patients (18.2%). Presurgical tumor volume was of a mean of 18.5 cm3 (range 9.7-34.9 cm3). The mean duration between microsurgery and GKS was 10.5 months (range 4-22.8). The mean tumor volume at the time of GKS treatment was 4.9 cm3 (range 0.5- 12.8). A mean number of 20.7 isocenters was used (range 8-31). Nine patients received 12 Gy and 2 patients with 11 Gy at the periphery (at the 50% prescription isodose). We did not have any major complications in our series. Postoperative status showed no facial nerve deficits. Four patients with useful pre-operative hearing underwent surgery aiming to preserve the cochlear nerve function. Of these patients, the patient who had Gardner-Robertson (GR) class 1 before surgery, remained in GR class 1. Two patients improved after surgery, one changing from GR 5 to GR 3 and the other with slight improvement, remaining in the same GR 3 class. Mean follow-up after surgery was 15.4 months (range 4-31.2). One patient, who presented with secondary trigeminal neuralgia before surgery, had transitory facial hypoesthesia following surgery. No other neurological deficits were encountered. Following GKS, the patients had a mean follow-up of 5.33 months (range 1-13). No new neurological deficits were encountered. Conclusions: Our data suggest that planned subtotal resection followed by GKS has an excellent clinical outcome with respect to preservation of cranial nerves, and other neurological functions, and a good possibility of recovery of many of the pre-operative cranial nerve dysfunctions


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Introducción. El estudio parte de la hipótesis que sostiene que la dificultad para identificar y describir emociones y sentimientos, y para diferenciar los sentimientos de las sensaciones corporales que los acompañan, se configuran en denominador común del constructo de alexitimia y del síndrome de Asperger (SA). Pacientes y métodos. La investigación evalúa los niveles de alexitimia en nueve varones adultos con SA. Resultados. Los resultados se clasifican en función de si la fuente de información es el propio sujeto con SA (nivel de alexitimia significativo en dos tercios de los sujetos encuestados) o si dicha fuente es un familiar (puntuación final en relación a la presencia de alexitima el doble que en la población neurotípica). Conclusión. En base a los adultos estudiados se confirma una comorbilidad significativa entre alexitimia y SA que conduce al cuestionamiento de si la alexitimia es un rasgo idiosincrásico de los sujetos con SA.


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Individuals with vestibular dysfunction may experience visual vertigo (VV), in which symptoms are provoked or exacerbated by excessive or disorientating visual stimuli (e.g. supermarkets). VV can significantly improve when customized vestibular rehabilitation exercises are combined with exposure to optokinetic stimuli. Virtual reality (VR), which immerses patients in realistic, visually challenging environments, has also been suggested as an adjunct to VR to improve VV symptoms. This pilot study compared the responses of sixteen patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder randomly allocated to a VR regime incorporating exposure to a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) VR environment. Participants practiced vestibular exercises, twice weekly for four weeks, inside a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) virtual crowded square environment, presented in an immersive projection theatre (IPT), and received a vestibular exercise program to practice on days not attending clinic. A third Group D1 completed both the static and dynamic VR training. Treatment response was assessed with the Dynamic Gait Index and questionnaires concerning symptom triggers and psychological state. At final assessment, significant betweengroup differences were noted between Groups D (p = 0.001) and D1 (p = 0.03) compared to Group S for VV symptoms with the former two showing a significant 59.2% and 25.8% improvement respectively compared to 1.6% for the latter. Depression scores improved only for Group S (p = 0.01) while a trend towards significance was noted for Group D regarding anxiety scores (p = 0.07). Conclusion: Exposure to dynamic VR environments should be considered as a useful adjunct to vestibular rehabilitation programs for patients with peripheral vestibular disorders and VV symptoms.


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El síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) se conoce también como boca escaldada, ardor bucal, glosodinia, glosopirosis, estomatodinia, estomatopirosis o disestesia oral. Se caracteriza por dolor o sensación de ardor, escozor o picazón, a veces aspereza, sobre todo en la lengua, paladar duro y labio inferior, en ausencia de datos clínicos o de laboratorio que justifiquen estos síntomas. Puede acompañarse de disgeusia (trastornos del gusto) y de xerostomía (boca seca), constituyendo la tríada clásica. Su etiología, poco precisa, es multifactorial. La evolución del cuadro tiende a ser crónica, alternando períodos de exacerbación y mejoría durante meses o años. Es más frecuente en mujeres perimenopáusicas o posmenopáusicas. Los episodios de SBA aparecen de forma espontánea y presentan un abanico variable en la gravedad de los síntomas. Mientras algunos pacientes refieren malestar leve o moderado, otros manifiestan dolor insoportable. Los síntomas suelen ser menos intensos...


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El síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) se conoce también como boca escaldada, ardor bucal, glosodinia, glosopirosis, estomatodinia, estomatopirosis o disestesia oral. Se caracteriza por dolor o sensación de ardor, escozor o picazón, a veces aspereza, sobre todo en la lengua, paladar duro y labio inferior, en ausencia de datos clínicos o de laboratorio que justifiquen estos síntomas. Puede acompañarse de disgeusia (trastornos del gusto) y de xerostomía (boca seca), constituyendo la tríada clásica. Su etiología, poco precisa, es multifactorial. La evolución del cuadro tiende a ser crónica, alternando períodos de exacerbación y mejoría durante meses o años. Es más frecuente en mujeres perimenopáusicas o posmenopáusicas. Los episodios de SBA aparecen de forma espontánea y presentan un abanico variable en la gravedad de los síntomas. Mientras algunos pacientes refieren malestar leve o moderado, otros manifiestan dolor insoportable. Los síntomas suelen ser menos intensos...


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Individuals with vestibular dysfunction may experience visual vertigo (VV), in which symptoms are provoked or exacerbated by excessive or disorientating visual stimuli (e.g. supermarkets). VV can significantly improve when customized vestibular rehabilitation exercises are combined with exposure to optokinetic stimuli. Virtual reality (VR), which immerses patients in realistic, visually challenging environments, has also been suggested as an adjunct to VR to improve VV symptoms. This pilot study compared the responses of sixteen patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder randomly allocated to a VR regime incorporating exposure to a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) VR environment. Participants practiced vestibular exercises, twice weekly for four weeks, inside a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) virtual crowded square environment, presented in an immersive projection theatre (IPT), and received a vestibular exercise program to practice on days not attending clinic. A third Group D1 completed both the static and dynamic VR training. Treatment response was assessed with the Dynamic Gait Index and questionnaires concerning symptom triggers and psychological state. At final assessment, significant betweengroup differences were noted between Groups D (p = 0.001) and D1 (p = 0.03) compared to Group S for VV symptoms with the former two showing a significant 59.2% and 25.8% improvement respectively compared to 1.6% for the latter. Depression scores improved only for Group S (p = 0.01) while a trend towards significance was noted for Group D regarding anxiety scores (p = 0.07). Conclusion: Exposure to dynamic VR environments should be considered as a useful adjunct to vestibular rehabilitation programs for patients with peripheral vestibular disorders and VV symptoms.