999 resultados para século americano na Ásia-Pacífico
Julkaisussa: Athanasii Kircheri e soc. Jesu : mundus subterraneus in XII libros digestus. Vol I
Variantti A.
Variantti B.
Com o aumento da expectativa de vida, com a melhora do arsenal terapêutico, conhecimento e controle das doenças crônicas degenerativas, a população mundial tem atingido faixas etárias elevadas. Por ser a idade avançada fator de risco para a doença renal crônica (DRC), juntamente com o bônus da maior sobrevida, vive-se hoje o ônus da maior e progressiva incidência de pacientes idosos em terapia renal substitutiva (TRS). A diálise nos pacientes idosos, que há três décadas era considerada fora de questão, hoje em dia é rotina para o nefrologista, que enfrenta o desafio de prestar atendimento a pacientes idosos com DRC em estágio 5 com indicação dialítica. Atualmente, o grupo de pacientes idosos incidentes em diálise é o que mais cresce. Apesar de não se haver chegado a um consenso, parece ser indiscutível que o importante é viver com qualidade de vida. Neste artigo, buscamos discutir a diálise no paciente idoso.
This paper deals with the financial crisis triggered after the default of subprime mortgages in the United States which expanded to a global systemic crisis. It is divided into a brief introduction and three sections. The first section sums up the dynamics of inflation and deflation of real estate and financial assets which characterizes finance-led cycles. The second section covers major effect of financial assets deflation on the American and European banks. The third section focuses on measures implemented by central banks in order to manage this financial crisis.
Recent results of presidential elections in Latin America suggest a turn to the left in various countries. In Bolivia, such a movement includes the victory of an Aymara Indian who is also a leader of coca farmers. The article proposes an interpretation of this event, describes and discusses the main actions of the new government, stressing the reactions they provoked, and explores the class, ethnic and territorial dimensions of the resulting conflicts. The regional aspects of the fights, seen in connection with the country's historical regionalism, are highlighted and their basic conditions are investigated.
This article has the gold of summarize the institutional modifications of the US housing finance system between the 60's and the end of the 90's. Those changes narrowed the bonds between this segment of the credit market and the securitized financial markets, encouraging the foundation and diffusion of financial innovations that are in the core of the current financial crises.
Foreign direct investment flow, competitiveness and technological structure of foreign trade in China in the beginning of the 21st century. China's government introduced open market reforms in 1979, mediated by industrial policies improving the ability of attracting higher quality FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), which helped China's economy developing its technological capabilities. As a result, China's share in international trade rose impressively becoming third-largest trading nation in the world, by 2004, also its export structure is significantly more sophisticated. Facing the importance of understanding the determinants of developing word specialization patterns, this paper focuses on the competitiveness and technological structure of exports and imports by China for 1994-1998 and 2001-2005.
Monetary and financial cooperation: what is good to Asian is also good to Latin America?. This article compares the Asian and Latin American experiences with monetary cooperation. It is argued that in the latter such cooperation has hardly progressed, due to low degree of regional integration, the recurrent use of multilateral institutional resources to deal with external shocks and the lack of clear objectives: monetary cooperation is some times seen as a means to foster integration, but also as a means to provide long term funds and as a source of liquidity in foreign currencies. In Asia, differently, cooperation has apparently not been so instrumental to regional integration, but has proven to be quite important as a means to build a regional capital market as well as a mechanism to deal with external shocks.
The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce. The maritime commerce consisted of the main way of circulation of the goods between the Brazilian provinces until the second half of century XIX. Although the relatively big importance of the flows of commerce with the exterior, we note significant exchange of goods by sea between the Brazilian regions since the colonial period. A part of these exchanges derived from products destined in last instance to the foreigner or imported of the exterior. However, another part elapsed of national goods that had not arrived at be exported to the international market. Many goods for the colonial and imperial consumption had circulated by the Brazilian coasts in expressive sums. From the information raised for the imperial period, especially the decades of 1860 and 1870, we verify that most of the goods commercialized between the provinces consisted of national products destined to the internal consumption.
The purpose of this study is to compare the performance of Latin America and South-Southeast Asia countries over the past three decades with respect to technological intensity of their exports. The main contribution of this paper is to construct an indicator of technological intensity to allow adequate measurement of the degree of knowledge content of exports from both regions. This indicator was calculated for all sample countries for the period 1983-2008, based on data from Comtrade/WITS and clearly show how Asian countries have a technological intensity of their exports much higher than the Latin American countries.
RESUMO Este artigo busca retratar a inserção financeira das famílias e suas implicações para a dinâmica do sistema econômico, tendo em vista a importância assumida pelo endividamento das famílias norte-americanas nas últimas décadas, em particular, na crise de 2007 nos EUA. Frente às transformações da economia norte-americana e de seu sistema financeiro, é proposto o resgate das contribuições da economia monetária de Keynes e da visão financeira de Minsky para compreender de forma adequada o comportamento das famílias, tanto na dimensão dos fluxos de renda e gastos, quanto nas decisões sobre estoques de ativos e passivos sujeitos à volatilidade e incerteza.
A produção científica e filosófica de Charles Sanders PEIRCE (1839-1914), exigindo como critério para o trabalho intelectual e para a conduta da vida do pensador o absoluto rigor na construção dos conceitos e a estrita verificação experimental, teve por conseqüência desvincular o trabalho científico e filosófico de qualquer função apologética. A afirmação de que todo conhecimento do mundo da experiência e mesmo daquele elaborado pela matemática é intrinsecamente provável e falível se opôs a todo e qualquer dogmatismo e mesmo ao "a priori" de tradição Kantiana. O interesse pela teoria evolucionista e a coerência inabalável da filosofia e das atitudes de PEIRCE, como professor e pesquisador, encontraram profunda resistência no meio universitário e editorial de seu tempo. Num momento de grave crise na Universidade norte-americana, decorrente das transformações econômicas e políticas ocorridas com a guerra da Secessão (1861-1865), o posicionamento de PEIRCE contribuiu muito provavelmente para sua demissão como professor das Universidades de Harvard e de John Hopkins; para dificultar a publicação de seus escritos e para seu total isolamento nos últimos anos de vida.