970 resultados para rotational IMRT
The study of granular material is of great interest to many researchers in both engineering and science communities. The importance of such a study derives from its complex rheological character and also its significant role in a wide range of industrial applications, such as coal, food, plastics, pharmaceutical, powder metallurgy and mineral processing. A number of recent reports have been focused on the physics of non-cohesive granular material submitted to vertical vibration in either experimental or theoretical approaches. Such a kind of system can be used to separate, mix and dry granular materials in industries. It exhibits different instability behaviour on its surface when under vertical vibration, for example, avalanching, surface fluidization and surface wave, and these phenomena have attracted particular interest of many researchers. However, its fundamental understanding of the instability mechanism is not yet well-understood. This paper is therefore to study the dynamics of granular motion in such a kind of system using Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT), which allows the motion of a single tracer particle to be followed in a non-invasive way. Features of the solids motion such as cycle frequency and dispersion index were investigated via means of authors’ specially-written programmes. Regardless of the surface behaviour, particles are found to travel in rotational movement in horizontal plane. Particle cycle frequency is found to increase strongly with increasing vibration amplitude. Particle dispersion also increased strongly with vibration amplitude. Horizontal dispersion is observed to always exceed vertical dispersion.
IntraCavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (ICLAS) is a high-resolution, high sensitivity spectroscopic method capable of measuring line positions, linewidths, lineshapes, and absolute line intensities with a sensitivity that far exceeds that of a traditional multiple pass absorption cell or Fourier Transform spectrometer. From the fundamental knowledge obtained through these measurements, information about the underlying spectroscopy, dynamics, and kinetics of the species interrogated can be derived. The construction of an ICLA Spectrometer will be detailed, and the measurements utilizing ICLAS will be discussed, as well as the theory of operation and modifications of the experimental apparatus. Results include: i) Line intensities and collision-broadening coefficients of the A band of oxygen and previously unobserved, high J, rotational transitions of the A band, hot-band transitions, and transitions of isotopically substituted species. ii) High-resolution (0.013 cm-1) spectra of the second overtone of the OH stretch of trans-nitrous acid recorded between 10,230 and 10,350 cm-1. The spectra were analyzed to yield a complete set of rotational parameters and an absolute band intensity, and two groups of anharmonic perturbations were observed and analyzed. These findings are discussed in the context of the contribution of overtone-mediated processes to OH radical production in the lower atmosphere.
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Introducción: Las fracturas de fémur en pediatría son una causa de discapacidad por requerir una inmovilización prolongada, convirtiendo su manejo en un reto para el ortopedista. El tratamiento depende de muchos factores, como la edad, el peso, el tipo de fractura y mecanismo de trauma. El estudio evaluará los desenlaces clínicos y radiológicos del paciente pediátrico con fracturas diafisiaria de fémur manejadas quirúrgicamente con clavos elásticos endomedulares. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo, serie de casos, recolección de información a través de revisión de historias clínicas en pacientes sometidos quirúrgicamente con clavos elásticos. Resultados: Un total de 13 casos; promedio de edad de 8,2±2,86 años; relación hombre mujer es 3: 1. Principal mecanismo de trauma baja energía (9 casos). Con un seguimiento de 12.5±2,82 meses, el postoperatorio evidenció complicaciones menores relacionadas con irritación del punto de entrada del clavo (9 casos). Solo un caso presentó no unión de la fractura. No se documentaron otras complicaciones, existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la anteversión femoral del miembro fracturado y el sano (p=0,001) relacionado con problemas rotacionales, igual que la angulación en el plano sagital (p=0,030) sin repercusión para la consolidación ni la marcha. Conclusiones: El análisis de resultados clínicos y radiológicos concuerda con lo descrito en la literatura mundial, los clavos elásticos endomedulares es una técnica reproducible con resultados excelentes y satisfactorios, bajas tasas de complicaciones. Éste estudio presenta limitaciones debido al tamaño de muestra, no podemos hacer recomendaciones definitivas.
Aquí hem aplicat el Princeton Ocean Model als embassaments de Sau i Boadella, situats a Catalunya, Espanya. Les simulacions s'han realitzat a l'estació d'estiu, quan la columna d'aigua està estratificada de forma contínua, i sota un règim de brisa amb velocitats de fins a 4 m/s. Basant-nos en aquestes simulacions hem analitzat el camp d'ones internes i comparat els resultats numèrics amb dades experimentals disponibles. El model reprodueix adequadament tots els modes observats en l'espectre de la velocitat i temperatura mesurades i ajuda a identificar els diferents modes. Les simulacions mostren la importància dels modes rotacionals en el camp d'ones internes dels embassaments estratificats. En el període estudiat, el radi de Rossby per l'embassament de Sau és de l'ordre de 100 m, que és varies vegades més petit que la amplitud de l'àrea lacustre de l'embassament, i el número de Rossby és de l'ordre de 0.1, corroborant la importancia de l'efecte de Coriolis.
This thesis deals with the so-called Basis Set Superposition Error (BSSE) from both a methodological and a practical point of view. The purpose of the present thesis is twofold: (a) to contribute step ahead in the correct characterization of weakly bound complexes and, (b) to shed light the understanding of the actual implications of the basis set extension effects in the ab intio calculations and contribute to the BSSE debate. The existing BSSE-correction procedures are deeply analyzed, compared, validated and, if necessary, improved. A new interpretation of the counterpoise (CP) method is used in order to define counterpoise-corrected descriptions of the molecular complexes. This novel point of view allows for a study of the BSSE-effects not only in the interaction energy but also on the potential energy surface and, in general, in any property derived from the molecular energy and its derivatives A program has been developed for the calculation of CP-corrected geometry optimizations and vibrational frequencies, also using several counterpoise schemes for the case of molecular clusters. The method has also been implemented in Gaussian98 revA10 package. The Chemical Hamiltonian Approach (CHA) methodology has been also implemented at the RHF and UHF levels of theory for an arbitrary number interacting systems using an algorithm based on block-diagonal matrices. Along with the methodological development, the effects of the BSSE on the properties of molecular complexes have been discussed in detail. The CP and CHA methodologies are used for the determination of BSSE-corrected molecular complexes properties related to the Potential Energy Surfaces and molecular wavefunction, respectively. First, the behaviour of both BSSE-correction schemes are systematically compared at different levels of theory and basis sets for a number of hydrogen-bonded complexes. The Complete Basis Set (CBS) limit of both uncorrected and CP-corrected molecular properties like stabilization energies and intermolecular distances has also been determined, showing the capital importance of the BSSE correction. Several controversial topics of the BSSE correction are addressed as well. The application of the counterpoise method is applied to internal rotational barriers. The importance of the nuclear relaxation term is also pointed out. The viability of the CP method for dealing with charged complexes and the BSSE effects on the double-well PES blue-shifted hydrogen bonds is also studied in detail. In the case of the molecular clusters the effect of high-order BSSE effects introduced with the hierarchical counterpoise scheme is also determined. The effect of the BSSE on the electron density-related properties is also addressed. The first-order electron density obtained with the CHA/F and CHA/DFT methodologies was used to assess, both graphically and numerically, the redistribution of the charge density upon BSSE-correction. Several tools like the Atoms in Molecules topologycal analysis, density difference maps, Quantum Molecular Similarity, and Chemical Energy Component Analysis were used to deeply analyze, for the first time, the BSSE effects on the electron density of several hydrogen bonded complexes of increasing size. The indirect effect of the BSSE on intermolecular perturbation theory results is also pointed out It is shown that for a BSSE-free SAPT study of hydrogen fluoride clusters, the use of a counterpoise-corrected PES is essential in order to determine the proper molecular geometry to perform the SAPT analysis.
This paper discusses the rationale, clinical applications, advantages and disadvantages of three common balance function tests: Electronystagmography (ENG), Rotational Chair Testing (RCT), and Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP).
In this paper it is argued that rotational wind is not the best choice of leading control variable for variational data assimilation, and an alternative is suggested and tested. A rotational wind parameter is used in most global variational assimilation systems as a pragmatic way of approximately representing the balanced component of the assimilation increments. In effect, rotational wind is treated as a proxy for potential vorticity, but one that it is potentially not a good choice in flow regimes characterised by small Burger number. This paper reports on an alternative set of control variables which are based around potential vorticity. This gives rise to a new formulation of the background error covariances for the Met Office's variational assimilation system, which leads to flow dependency. It uses similar balance relationships to traditional schemes, but recognises the existence of unbalanced rotational wind which is used with a new anti-balance relationship. The new scheme is described and its performance is evaluated and compared to a traditional scheme using a sample of diagnostics.