782 resultados para role theory
A vast amount of temporal information is provided on the Web. Even though many facts expressed in documents are time-related, the temporal properties of Web presentations have not received much attention. In database research, temporal databases have become a mainstream topic in recent years. In Web documents, temporal data may exist as meta data in the header and as user-directed data in the body of a document. Whereas temporal data can easily be identified in the semi-structured meta data, it is more difficult to determine temporal data and its role in the body. We propose procedures for maintaining temporal integrity of Web pages and outline different approaches of applying bitemporal data concepts for Web documents. In particular, we regard desirable functionalities of Web repositories and other Web-related tools that may support the Webmasters in managing the temporal data of their Web documents. Some properties of a prototype environment are described.
BACKGROUND: While significant strides have been made in health research, the incorporation of research evidence into healthcare decision-making has been marginal. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of how the utility of health services research can be improved through the use of theory. Integrating theory into health services research can improve research methodology and encourage stronger collaboration with decision-makers. DISCUSSION: Recognizing the importance of theory calls for new expectations in the practice of health services research. These include: the formation of interdisciplinary research teams; broadening the training for those who will practice health services research; and supportive organizational conditions that promote collaboration between researchers and decision makers. Further, funding bodies can provide a significant role in guiding and supporting the use of theory in the practice of health services research. SUMMARY: Institutions and researchers should incorporate the use of theory if health services research is to fulfill its potential for improving the delivery of health care.
Latinos have the highest teen birth rate nationally. Cameron County, Texas is primarily Latino (Mexican-American). This mixed-method study (n=43) examines Mexican-American parents of adolescents' beliefs, attitudes and practices regarding communication with their adolescent children about sex. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) constructs self-efficacy, behavioral determinism, environment, outcome expectations and reciprocal determinism can be influences on frequency and quality of parent-adolescent sex communication.^ This study describes Mexican-American parents' of adolescents recollections of their own experiences associated with learning about sexuality. It also examines the attitudes and practices regarding communication about sex and the self-efficacy and behavioral capability of participants to teach their adolescent children about sex and sexually transmitted infections. ^ Negative childhood experiences (shame, lies and trauma) of the parents in this study played a key role in terms of their desire to communicate more comprehensively about sexuality with their own children than did their parents. While participants' reported low self-efficacy and behavioral capability to communicate with their adolescent children about sex, they reported relatively high frequency and quality of communication, with 75% of participants receiving a high quality score and over 44% reporting frequent communication with their adolescent children about sex. A Chi square analysis and Fisher's Exact Score revealed no association between acculturation status, gender or having a child who has mothered/fathered a baby and the frequency or quality of communication about sex with adolescent children. Study participants also gave specific recommendations for method, content and setting of sex education for their children and themselves. Promotora delivery of information and education in a comfortable, culturally appropriate neighborhood setting, as well as parent –child learning sessions were identified as possible approaches to address improve self-efficacy and behavioral capability of parents communicating with their adolescent children about sex.^ The results of this analysis provide public health practitioners and interested community entities data to identify and develop interventions that use a theoretical, evidence-based framework for culturally appropriate interventions to encourage and equip Mexican-American parents to effectively communicate with their adolescent children about sexuality, and ultimately to address the high rates of teen pregnancy in this U.S.-Mexico border community. ^
La prevalencia de las alergias está aumentando desde mediados del siglo XX, y se estima que actualmente afectan a alrededor del 2-8 % de la población, pero las causas de este aumento aún no están claras. Encontrar el origen del mecanismo por el cual una proteína inofensiva se convierte en capaz de inducir una respuesta alérgica es de vital importancia para prevenir y tratar estas enfermedades. Aunque la caracterización de alérgenos relevantes ha ayudado a mejorar el manejo clínico y a aclarar los mecanismos básicos de las reacciones alérgicas, todavía queda un largo camino para establecer el origen de la alergenicidad y reactividad cruzada. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido caracterizar las bases moleculares de la alergenicidad tomando como modelo dos familias de panalergenos (proteínas de transferencia de lípidos –LTPs- y taumatinas –TLPs-) y estudiando los mecanismos que median la sensibilización y la reactividad cruzada para mejorar tanto el diagnóstico como el tratamiento de la alergia. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo dos estrategias: estudiar la reactividad cruzada de miembros de familias de panalérgenos; y estudiar moléculas-co-adyuvantes que pudieran favorecer la capacidad alergénica de dichas proteínas. Para estudiar la reactividad cruzada entre miembros de la misma familia de proteínas, se seleccionaron LTPs y TLPs, descritas como alergenos, tomando como modelo la alergia a frutas. Por otra parte, se estudiaron los perfiles de sensibilización a alérgenos de trigo relacionados con el asma del panadero, la enfermedad ocupacional más relevante de origen alérgico. Estos estudios se llevaron a cabo estandarizando ensayos tipo microarrays con alérgenos y analizando los resultados por la teoría de grafos. En relación al estudiar moléculas-co-adyuvantes que pudieran favorecer la capacidad alergénica de dichas proteínas, se llevaron a cabo estudios sobre la interacción de los alérgenos alimentarios con células del sistema inmune humano y murino y el epitelio de las mucosas, analizando la importancia de moléculas co-transportadas con los alérgenos en el desarrollo de una respuesta Th2. Para ello, Pru p 3(LTP y alérgeno principal del melocotón) se selección como modelo para llevarlo a cabo. Por otra parte, se analizó el papel de moléculas activadoras del sistema inmune producidas por patógenos en la inducción de alergias alimentarias seleccionando el modelo kiwi-alternaria, y el papel de Alt a 1, alérgeno mayor de dicho hongo, en la sensibilización a Act d 2, alérgeno mayor de kiwi. En resumen, el presente trabajo presenta una investigación innovadora aportando resultados de gran utilidad tanto para la mejora del diagnóstico como para nuevas investigaciones sobre la alergia y el esclarecimiento final de los mecanismos que caracterizan esta enfermedad. ABSTRACT Allergies are increasing their prevalence from mid twentieth century, and they are currently estimated to affect around 2-8% of the population but the underlying causes of this increase remain still elusive. The understanding of the mechanism by which a harmless protein becomes capable of inducing an allergic response provides us the basis to prevent and treat these diseases. Although the characterization of relevant allergens has led to improved clinical management and has helped to clarify the basic mechanisms of allergic reactions, it seems justified in aspiring to molecularly dissecting these allergens to establish the structural basis of their allergenicity and cross-reactivity. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the molecular basis of the allergenicity of model proteins belonging to different families (Lipid Transfer Proteins –LTPs-, and Thaumatin-like Proteins –TLPs-) in order to identify mechanisms that mediate sensitization and cross reactivity for developing new strategies in the management of allergy, both diagnosis and treatment, in the near future. With this purpose, two strategies have been conducted: studies of cross-reactivity among panallergen families and molecular studies of the contribution of cofactors in the induction of the allergic response by these panallergens. Following the first strategy, we studied the cross-reactivity among members of two plant panallergens (LTPs , Lipid Transfer Proteins , and TLPs , Thaumatin-like Proteins) using the peach allergy as a model. Similarly, we characterized the sensitization profiles to wheat allergens in baker's asthma development, the most relevant occupational disease. These studies were performed using allergen microarrays and the graph theory for analyzing the results. Regarding the second approach, we analyzed the interaction of plant allergens with immune and epithelial cells. To perform these studies , we examined the importance of ligands and co-transported molecules of plant allergens in the development of Th2 responses. To this end, Pru p 3, nsLTP (non-specific Lipid Transfer Protein) and peach major allergen, was selected as a model to investigate its interaction with cells of the human and murine immune systems as well as with the intestinal epithelium and the contribution of its ligand in inducing an allergic response was studied. Moreover, we analyzed the role of pathogen associated molecules in the induction of food allergy. For that, we selected the kiwi- alternaria system as a model and the role of Alt a 1 , major allergen of the fungus, in the development of Act d 2-sensitization was studied. In summary, this work presents an innovative research providing useful results for improving diagnosis and leading to further research on allergy and the final clarification of the mechanisms that characterize this disease.
La gestión del tráfico aéreo (Air Traffic Management, ATM) está experimentando un cambio de paradigma hacia las denominadas operaciones basadas trayectoria. Bajo dicho paradigma se modifica el papel de los controladores de tráfico aéreo desde una operativa basada su intervención táctica continuada hacia una labor de supervisión a más largo plazo. Esto se apoya en la creciente confianza en las soluciones aportadas por las herramientas automatizadas de soporte a la decisión más modernas. Para dar soporte a este concepto, se precisa una importante inversión para el desarrollo, junto con la adquisición de nuevos equipos en tierra y embarcados, que permitan la sincronización precisa de la visión de la trayectoria, basada en el intercambio de información entre ambos actores. Durante los últimos 30 a 40 años las aerolíneas han generado uno de los menores retornos de la inversión de entre todas las industrias. Sin beneficios tangibles, la industria aérea tiene dificultades para atraer el capital requerido para su modernización, lo que retrasa la implantación de dichas mejoras. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo responder a la pregunta de si las capacidades actualmente instaladas en las aeronaves comerciales se pueden aplicar para lograr la sincronización de la trayectoria con el nivel de calidad requerido. Además, se analiza en ella si, conjuntamente con mejoras en las herramientas de predicción trayectorias instaladas en tierra en para facilitar la gestión de las arribadas, dichas capacidades permiten obtener los beneficios esperados en el marco de las operaciones basadas en trayectoria. Esto podría proporcionar un incentivo para futuras actualizaciones de la aviónica que podrían llevar a mejoras adicionales. El concepto operacional propuesto en esta tesis tiene como objetivo permitir que los aviones sean pilotados de una manera consistente con las técnicas actuales de vuelo optimizado. Se permite a las aeronaves que desciendan en el denominado “modo de ángulo de descenso gestionado” (path-managed mode), que es el preferido por la mayoría de las compañías aéreas, debido a que conlleva un reducido consumo de combustible. El problema de este modo es que en él no se controla de forma activa el tiempo de llegada al punto de interés. En nuestro concepto operacional, la incertidumbre temporal se gestiona en mediante de la medición del tiempo en puntos estratégicamente escogidos a lo largo de la trayectoria de la aeronave, y permitiendo la modificación por el control de tierra de la velocidad de la aeronave. Aunque la base del concepto es la gestión de las ordenes de velocidad que se proporcionan al piloto, para ser capaces de operar con los niveles de equipamiento típicos actualmente, dicho concepto también constituye un marco en el que la aviónica más avanzada (por ejemplo, que permita el control por el FMS del tiempo de llegada) puede integrarse de forma natural, una vez que esta tecnología este instalada. Además de gestionar la incertidumbre temporal a través de la medición en múltiples puntos, se intenta reducir dicha incertidumbre al mínimo mediante la mejora de las herramienta de predicción de la trayectoria en tierra. En esta tesis se presenta una novedosa descomposición del proceso de predicción de trayectorias en dos etapas. Dicha descomposición permite integrar adecuadamente los datos de la trayectoria de referencia calculada por el Flight Management System (FMS), disponibles usando Futuro Sistema de Navegación Aérea (FANS), en el sistema de predicción de trayectorias en tierra. FANS es un equipo presente en los aviones comerciales de fuselaje ancho actualmente en la producción, e incluso algunos aviones de fuselaje estrecho pueden tener instalada avionica FANS. Además de informar automáticamente de la posición de la aeronave, FANS permite proporcionar (parte de) la trayectoria de referencia en poder de los FMS, pero la explotación de esta capacidad para la mejora de la predicción de trayectorias no se ha estudiado en profundidad en el pasado. La predicción en dos etapas proporciona una solución adecuada al problema de sincronización de trayectorias aire-tierra dado que permite la sincronización de las dimensiones controladas por el sistema de guiado utilizando la información de la trayectoria de referencia proporcionada mediante FANS, y también facilita la mejora en la predicción de las dimensiones abiertas restantes usado un modelo del guiado que explota los modelos meteorológicos mejorados disponibles en tierra. Este proceso de predicción de la trayectoria de dos etapas se aplicó a una muestra de 438 vuelos reales que realizaron un descenso continuo (sin intervención del controlador) con destino Melbourne. Dichos vuelos son de aeronaves del modelo Boeing 737-800, si bien la metodología descrita es extrapolable a otros tipos de aeronave. El método propuesto de predicción de trayectorias permite una mejora en la desviación estándar del error de la estimación del tiempo de llegada al punto de interés, que es un 30% menor que la que obtiene el FMS. Dicha trayectoria prevista mejorada se puede utilizar para establecer la secuencia de arribadas y para la asignación de las franjas horarias para cada aterrizaje (slots). Sobre la base del slot asignado, se determina un perfil de velocidades que permita cumplir con dicho slot con un impacto mínimo en la eficiencia del vuelo. En la tesis se propone un nuevo algoritmo que determina las velocidades requeridas sin necesidad de un proceso iterativo de búsqueda sobre el sistema de predicción de trayectorias. El algoritmo se basa en una parametrización inteligente del proceso de predicción de la trayectoria, que permite relacionar el tiempo estimado de llegada con una función polinómica. Resolviendo dicho polinomio para el tiempo de llegada deseado, se obtiene de forma natural el perfil de velocidades optimo para cumplir con dicho tiempo de llegada sin comprometer la eficiencia. El diseño de los sistemas de gestión de arribadas propuesto en esta tesis aprovecha la aviónica y los sistemas de comunicación instalados de un modo mucho más eficiente, proporcionando valor añadido para la industria. Por tanto, la solución es compatible con la transición hacia los sistemas de aviónica avanzados que están desarrollándose actualmente. Los beneficios que se obtengan a lo largo de dicha transición son un incentivo para inversiones subsiguientes en la aviónica y en los sistemas de control de tráfico en tierra. ABSTRACT Air traffic management (ATM) is undergoing a paradigm shift towards trajectory based operations where the role of an air traffic controller evolves from that of continuous intervention towards supervision, as decision making is improved based on increased confidence in the solutions provided by advanced automation. To support this concept, significant investment for the development and acquisition of new equipment is required on the ground as well as in the air, to facilitate the high degree of trajectory synchronisation and information exchange required. Over the past 30-40 years the airline industry has generated one of the lowest returns on invested capital among all industries. Without tangible benefits realised, the airline industry may find it difficult to attract the required investment capital and delay acquiring equipment needed to realise the concept of trajectory based operations. In response to these challenges facing the modernisation of ATM, this thesis aims to answer the question whether existing aircraft capabilities can be applied to achieve sufficient trajectory synchronisation and improvements to ground-based trajectory prediction in support of the arrival management process, to realise some of the benefits envisioned under trajectory based operations, and to provide an incentive for further avionics upgrades. The proposed operational concept aims to permit aircraft to operate in a manner consistent with current optimal aircraft operating techniques. It allows aircraft to descend in the fuel efficient path managed mode as preferred by a majority of airlines, with arrival time not actively controlled by the airborne automation. The temporal uncertainty is managed through metering at strategically chosen points along the aircraft’s trajectory with primary use of speed advisories. While the focus is on speed advisories to support all aircraft and different levels of equipage, the concept also constitutes a framework in which advanced avionics as airborne time-of-arrival control can be integrated once this technology is widely available. In addition to managing temporal uncertainty through metering at multiple points, this temporal uncertainty is minimised by improving the supporting trajectory prediction capability. A novel two-stage trajectory prediction process is presented to adequately integrate aircraft trajectory data available through Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS) into the ground-based trajectory predictor. FANS is standard equipment on any wide-body aircraft in production today, and some single-aisle aircraft are easily capable of being fitted with FANS. In addition to automatic position reporting, FANS provides the ability to provide (part of) the reference trajectory held by the aircraft’s Flight Management System (FMS), but this capability has yet been widely overlooked. The two-stage process provides a ‘best of both world’s’ solution to the air-ground synchronisation problem by synchronising with the FMS reference trajectory those dimensions controlled by the guidance mode, and improving on the prediction of the remaining open dimensions by exploiting the high resolution meteorological forecast available to a ground-based system. The two-stage trajectory prediction process was applied to a sample of 438 FANS-equipped Boeing 737-800 flights into Melbourne conducting a continuous descent free from ATC intervention, and can be extrapolated to other types of aircraft. Trajectories predicted through the two-stage approach provided estimated time of arrivals with a 30% reduction in standard deviation of the error compared to estimated time of arrival calculated by the FMS. This improved predicted trajectory can subsequently be used to set the sequence and allocate landing slots. Based on the allocated landing slot, the proposed system calculates a speed schedule for the aircraft to meet this landing slot at minimal flight efficiency impact. A novel algorithm is presented that determines this speed schedule without requiring an iterative process in which multiple calls to a trajectory predictor need to be made. The algorithm is based on parameterisation of the trajectory prediction process, allowing the estimate time of arrival to be represented by a polynomial function of the speed schedule, providing an analytical solution to the speed schedule required to meet a set arrival time. The arrival management solution proposed in this thesis leverages the use of existing avionics and communications systems resulting in new value for industry for current investment. The solution therefore supports a transition concept from mixed equipage towards advanced avionics currently under development. Benefits realised under this transition may provide an incentive for ongoing investment in avionics.
Scytalone dehydratase (EC catalyzes the dehydration of two important intermediates in the biosynthesis of melanin, and it functions without metal ions or any cofactors. Using molecular orbital theory, we have examined the role of a critical water molecule in the mechanism of scytalone dehydratase. The water, together with an internal hydrogen bonding, contributes significantly to the stabilization of the transition state (or the enolate intermediate). The role of two active site tyrosines (Tyr-50 and Tyr-30) is (i) to hold the critical water in place so that it may stabilize the transition state without much structural rearrangement during the catalytic reaction, and (ii) to polarize the water, making it a better general acid. The stereochemistry of the scytalone dehydratase-catalyzed dehydration is also discussed.
Little is known about the division of eukaryotic cell organelles and up to now neither in animals nor in plants has a gene product been shown to mediate this process. A cDNA encoding a homolog of the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ, an ancestral tubulin, was isolated from the eukaryote Physcomitrella patens and used to disrupt efficiently the genomic locus in this terrestrial seedless plant. Seven out of 51 transgenics obtained were knockout plants generated by homologous recombination; they were specifically impeded in plastid division with no detectable effect on mitochondrial division or plant morphology. Implications on the theory of endosymbiosis and on the use of reverse genetics in plants are discussed.
Graphs of second harmonic generation coefficients and electro-optic coefficients (measured by ellipsometry, attenuated total reflection, and two-slit interference modulation) as a function of chromophore number density (chromophore loading) are experimentally observed to exhibit maxima for polymers containing chromophores characterized by large dipole moments and polarizabilities. Modified London theory is used to demonstrated that this behavior can be attributed to the competition of chromophore-applied electric field and chromophore–chromophore electrostatic interactions. The comparison of theoretical and experimental data explains why the promise of exceptional macroscopic second-order optical nonlinearity predicted for organic materials has not been realized and suggests routes for circumventing current limitations to large optical nonlinearity. The results also suggest extensions of measurement and theoretical methods to achieve an improved understanding of intermolecular interactions in condensed phase materials including materials prepared by sequential synthesis and block copolymer methods.
The role of intrinsic cortical connections in processing sensory input and in generating behavioral output is poorly understood. We have examined this issue in the context of the tuning of neuronal responses in cortex to the orientation of a visual stimulus. We analytically study a simple network model that incorporates both orientation-selective input from the lateral geniculate nucleus and orientation-specific cortical interactions. Depending on the model parameters, the network exhibits orientation selectivity that originates from within the cortex, by a symmetry-breaking mechanism. In this case, the width of the orientation tuning can be sharp even if the lateral geniculate nucleus inputs are only weakly anisotropic. By using our model, several experimental consequences of this cortical mechanism of orientation tuning are derived. The tuning width is relatively independent of the contrast and angular anisotropy of the visual stimulus. The transient population response to changing of the stimulus orientation exhibits a slow "virtual rotation." Neuronal cross-correlations exhibit long time tails, the sign of which depends on the preferred orientations of the cells and the stimulus orientation.
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Research has shown that over-emphasis on winning is the number one reason why approximately seventy percent of the forty million children who participate in youth sports will quit by age 13. This study utilized a constructivist grounded theory approach to investigate the role of parent-child communication within the context of youth sports. A total of 22 athletes and 20 parents were recruited through a Western university to discuss messages exchanged during youth sport participation. The results suggest that the delineation between messages of support and pressure is largely dependent on discursive work done by both parent and child. Parents who employed competent communicative strategies to avoid miscommunications regarding participation and sports goals were able to provide support and strengthen the relationship despite pressurized situations. The present study frames the youth sport dilemma within a developing conceptualization of communicative (in)competence and offers theoretical implications for sport related parent-child communication competency (SRPCCC).
Leading With the Relationship: The Role of the Therapeutic Relationship in Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a brief evidence-based treatment that is most commonly used to treat addictive behaviors and to encourage diet and lifestyle changes and treatment adherence in health care settings. In recent years MI's use has been expanded to multiple other client populations in clinical psychology, as well as to other sectors, such as in education, and international non-profit work (Hettema at al., 2005). MI was inspired by research that demonstrated a high correlation between therapist application of the client-centered skill of accurate empathy and a reduction in drinking behaviors (Miller et al., 1980). MI contains both relational and technical components that are intended to operate synergistically. Despite a large body of research on MI treatment outcomes, variation in effectiveness has been found among studies, and the active ingredients of MI, particularly the relational aspects, are not well understood. As a result, the use of MI in many treatment settings is limited to the technical components of MI without a theory-based integration of the therapeutic relationship. This paper focuses on the contribution of the relational component to the effectiveness of MI, and explores the synergistic relationship between the technical and relational components of MI. A literature review of MI and the trans-theoretical literature on the therapeutic relationship is followed by two case illustrations. The paper concludes with recommendations for the field.
Attempts to address the ever increasing achievement gap among students have failed to explain how and why educational traditions and teaching practices perpetuate the devaluing of some and the overvaluing of others. This predicament, which plagues our educational system, has been of increased concern, given the growing racial diversity among college students and the saturation of White faculty in the academy. White faculty make up the majority, 79%, of all faculty in the academy. White faculty, whether consciously or unconsciously, are less likely to interrogate how race and racism both privilege them within the academy and influence their faculty behaviors. The result of this cyclical, highly cemented process suggests that there is a relationship between racial consciousness and White faculty members' ability to employ behaviors in their classroom that promote equitable educational outcomes for racially minoritized students. An investigation of the literature revealed that racial consciousness and the behaviors of White faculty in the classroom appeared to be inextricably linked. A conceptual framework, Racial Consciousness and Its Influence on the Behaviors of White Faculty in the Classroom was developed by the author and tested in this study. Constructivist grounded theory was used to explore the role White faculty believe they play in the dismantling of the white supremacy embedded in their classrooms through their faculty behaviors. A substantive theory subsequently emerged. Findings indicate that White faculty with a higher level of racial consciousness employ behaviors in their classroom reflective of a more expansive view of equality in their pursuit of social justice, which they consider synonymous with excellence in teaching. This research bears great significance to higher education research and practice, as it is the first of its kind to utilize critical legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw's (1988) restrictive and expansive views of equality framework to empirically measure and describe excellence in college teaching. Implications for faculty preparation and continued education are also discussed.
Tourism is the main economic activity in many towns in the province of Alicante in southeast Spain and has turned this area into a paradigmatic example of mass tourism on the Mediterranean coast. Since the 1960s, the province's coastal towns have opted for a development model centred on what is known as 'residential tourism' or 'second-home tourism', with few exceptions, such as Benidorm. We wish to put forward the argument that the main social agents in the tourism sector have not perceived the 'search for authenticity' as a factor that may attract tourists to this area. To this end, we will start by reviewing critically the theoretical discourse about the role played by authenticity in the motivation of tourists. Then we will discuss some of the results obtained from empirical, qualitative research that included 37 in-depth interviews. As a guide for our empirical research, we use a model based on the stakeholder theory. The epistemological difficulties faced by researchers do not justify certain critical arguments that try to highlight the impossibility of operationalising essential concepts and approaches such as that of authenticity. Therefore, it is necessary that empirical research continues to delve into the sociological keys that determine the 'search for authenticity' in the tourists' experience.
Forest plantations have been extensively used to combat desertification. In drylands, harsh climate conditions and unfertile soils often preclude seedling establishment. The improvement in seedling quality by manipulating nutrient availability could contribute to increase planting success. However, morpho-functional traits defining optimum seedling quality in drylands, and the fertilization schemes to achieve them, are still under discussion. Several studies suggest that well fertilized seedlings may perform better than nutrient limited seedlings in these environments. However, recent works have shown opposite results. In this review, we discuss the concept of seedling quality in drylands based on an evaluation of the effects of nutrient manipulation on seedling morpho-functional traits and field performance. According to existing data, we hypothesize that nutrient-limited small seedlings may be better adapted to arid environments and unfavorable microsites, where access to water is uncertain and a conservative water use strategy may be advantageous. In contrast, in dry sub-humid areas, areas with deep soils, protected from excess radiation, and areas where irrigation is feasible, well-fertilized big seedlings with high root growth potential may have more chances of success. We discuss this theory in the context of the multiple objectives of dryland restoration and the environmental constrains posed by these areas, and identify knowledge gaps that should be targeted to test our hypothesis.