931 resultados para renewable energy production


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on selvittää mahdollisuutta hyödyntää lunta tilojen jäähdytykseen Koneen Hyvinkään tehdasalueella. Työssä kerrotaan myös yleisesti eri jäähdytysmuodoista ja tuotantotavoista. Eri kirjallisuuslähteiden pohjalta tutkittiin erilaisia lumijäähdytysjärjestelmiä, joiden energiataseiden pohjalta tehtiin sopiva malli kohdealueelle. Mallin avulla selvitettiin lumesta hyödynnettävä jäähdytysenergian määrä. Esitetylle varastolle hahmoteltiin investointi- ja käyttökustannukset kirjallisuuslähteiden ja asiantuntijoiden avulla. Kustannuksien ja jäähdytysenergiamäärien avulla laskettiin lumijäähdytyksen tuotantokustannukset, joita verrattiin perinteiseen kompressorijäähdyttimeen. Lopuksi pohdittiin vielä takaisinmaksuaikoja lumivaraston liittyessä nykyisiin jäähdytysjärjestelmiin ja kokonaan uuteen jäähdytysverkostoon. Tuloksien mukaan lumijäähdytys ei ole taloudellisesti kannattavaa Koneen Hyvinkään tehdasalueella. Ongelmaksi muodostui investointikustannusten suuruus verrattuna saatuihin säästöihin. Ympäristöllisesti ja yrityksellisesti hanketta voidaan pitää kannattavana. Lumijäähdytyksestä voidaan saada kannattavampi suuremmilla lumimäärillä, mikä vaatisi myös suuremmat jäähdytysenergiankulutukset kuin Koneella on. Myös hyödyntämällä luonnon omia rakenteita voidaan parantaa kannattavuutta.


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Tutkimus kuvaa tiedon, osaamisen ja teknologian siirtoa Suomesta ja Itävallasta Puolaan, Romaniaan ja Slovakiaan hajautetussa puupohjaisessa sähkö- ja lämpöenergian tuotannossa. Metsävaroiltaan rikas ja bioenergia-asioissa toimintatavoiltaan edistynyt Suomi toimi Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen (nykyisin Luonnonvarakeskus) johdolla tutkimuksen empiirisen aineiston tuottaneen kehittäjäverkostohankkeen pääkoordinaattorina vuosina 2011-2014. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin hankkeen dokumentaation sisällönanalyysiä. Itävalta on tunnettu edistyksellisistä bioenergia-alan tuki- ja ohjausjärjestelmistä. Suomi ja Itävalta kuuluvat EU:n viiden edistyneimmän maan joukkoon uusiutuvien energialähteiden hyödyntämisessä. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten Suomessa ja Itävallassa hyvin toimivia liiketoimintamalleja voidaan siirtää kohdemaihin puupohjaisen uusiutuvan energian tuotannossa hyödynnettäviksi. Työssä kuvataan tiedonsiirtäjämaiden eli Suomen ja Itävallan ydinosaaminen kiinteän biomassan energiantuotannossa politiikkatasolta käytännön liiketoiminnan tasolle. Lisäksi työssä analysoidaan poliittisen ohjauksen merkitystä alan kehittämisessä, missä käydään läpi maakohtaiset uusiutuvan energian toimintasuunnitelmat vuodelta 2010. Lopuksi arvioidaan tiedonsiirtäjä- ja tiedonhyödyntäjämaiden välisiä eroavaisuuksia kyseisellä liiketoiminta-alueella, ja onko olemassa sellaisia tekijöitä, mitkä estävät tiedonsiirtoa tai hyväksi todettujen liiketoimintamallien soveltamista kohdemaissa. Kussakin maassa metsänomistusolosuhteet ratkaisevat kiinteän biomassan tarjonnan toimivuuden eli tilanteen toimitusketjun alkupäässä. Tuotannon ohjauksen pyrkimys on myös hyödyntää mekaanisen puunjalostuksen sivutuotevirrat mahdollisimman tarkoin energiantuotannon tarpeisiin. Yleiset taloudelliset suhdanteet vaikuttavat ketjun toimivuuteen ja tehokkuuteen. Yksin energiantuotannon tarpeisiin puunkorjuuta ei kannata suunnitella, koska se harvemmin erikseen toteutettuna on kannattavaa liiketoimintaa. Puun käyttö energiantuotantoon tarvitsee hyvin suunniteltua tuki- ja ohjausjärjestelmää, joista kansalliset hallitukset vastaavat. Suomalainen tuotannon suunnittelun ja ohjauksen ajattelutapa sekä itävaltalainen energiapuun varastointi biomassan logistiikkakeskuksiin koettiin kohdemaiden yrittäjäkunnassa varteenotettavimpina liiketoiminnan kehittämisvaihtoehtoina paikallisissa toimintaympäristöissä. Lean-tuotantoajatteluun kuuluva hukan poistaminen toimitusketjusta liittyy mm. varastonhallinnan järjestelyihin ja sivutuotevirtojen hyödyntämiseen. Näitä piirteitä oli myös löydettävissä tiedonhyödyntäjämaiden yritysten toiminnassa hankkeen toteutuksen aikana.


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Finland, other Nordic countries and European Union aim to decarbonize their energy production by 2050. Decarbonization requires large scale implementation of non-emission energy sources, i.e. renewable energy and nuclear power. Stochastic renewable energy sources present a challenge to balance the supply and demand for energy. Energy storages, non-emissions fuels in mobility and industrial processes are required whenever electrification is not possible. Neo-Carbon project studies the decarbonizing the energy production and the role of synthetic gas in it. This thesis studies the industrial processes in steel production, oil refining, cement manufacturing and glass manufacturing, where natural gas is already used or fuel switch to SNG is possible. The technical potential for fuel switching is assessed, and economic potential is necessary after this. All studied processes have potential for fuel switching, but total decarbonization of steel production, oil refining requires implementation of other zero-emission technologies.


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Renewable energy investments play a key role in energy transition. While studies have suggested that social acceptance may form a barrier for renewable energy investments, the ways in which companies perceive and attempt to gain the acceptance have received little attention. This study aims to fill the gap by exploring how large electric utilities justify their strategic investments in their press releases and how do the justifications differ between renewable and non-renewable energy investments. The study bases on legitimacy theory and aims at contributing to the research on legitimation in institutional change. As its research method, the study employs an inductive mixed method content analysis. The study has two parts: a qualitative content analysis that explores and identifies the themes and legitimation strategies of the press releases and a quantitative computer-aided analysis that compares renewable and non-renewable energy investments. The sample of the study consists of 396 press releases representing the strategic energy investments of 34 electric utilities from the list of the world’s 250 largest and financially most successful energy companies. The data is collected from the period of 2010–2014. The study reveals that most important justifications for strategic energy investments are fit with the strategy and environmental and social benefits. Justifications address especially the expectations of market. Investments into non-renewable energy are justified more and they use more arguments addressing the proprieties and performance of power plants whereas renewable energy investments are legitimized by references to past actions and commonly accepted morals and norms. The findings support the notion that validity-addressing and propriety-addressing legitimation strategies are used differently in stable and unstable institutional settings.


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Abstract In search for renewable energy sources, the Brazilian residual biomasses stand out due to their favorable physical and chemical properties, low cost, and their being less pollutant. Therefore, they are likely to be used in biorefineries in the production of chemical inputs to substitute fossil fuels. This substitution is possible due to the high contents of carbohydrates (>40%), low contents of extractives (<20%), ashes (<8%) and moisture (<8%) found in these residual biomasses. High calorific values of all residues also offer them the chance to be used in combustion. A principal components analysis (PCA) was performed for better understanding of the samples and their hysic-chemical properties. Thus, this study aimed to characterize biomasses from the north (babassu residues, such as mesocarp and endocarp; pequi and Brazil nut) and northeast (agave and coconut) regions of Brazil, in order to contribute to the preservation of the environment and strengthen the economy of the region.


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Climatic impacts of energy-peat extraction are of increasing concern due to EU emissions trading requirements. A new excavation-drier peat extraction method has been developed to reduce the climatic impact and increase the efficiency of peat extraction. To quantify and compare the soil GHG fluxes of the excavation drier and the traditional milling methods, as well as the areas from which the energy peat is planned to be extracted in the future (extraction reserve area types), soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes were measured during 2006–2007 at three sites in Finland. Within each site, fluxes were measured from drained extraction reserve areas, extraction fields and stockpiles of both methods and additionally from the biomass driers of the excavation-drier method. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), described at a principal level in ISO Standards 14040:2006 and 14044:2006, was used to assess the long-term (100 years) climatic impact from peatland utilisation with respect to land use and energy production chains where utilisation of coal was replaced with peat. Coal was used as a reference since in many cases peat and coal can replace each other in same power plants. According to this study, the peat extraction method used was of lesser significance than the extraction reserve area type in regards to the climatic impact. However, the excavation-drier method seems to cause a slightly reduced climatic impact as compared with the prevailing milling method.


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Tämä raportti käsittelee ”Torrefioidun biohiilipelletin laatu ja varastoitavuus” hankkeen tuloksia. Hankkeen tavoitteena oli tutkia torrefioidun biohiilipelletin prosessiteknologiaa, markkinoita ja tuotantokustannuksia kirjallisuustutkimusosiossa. Hankkeen päätutkimus keskittyi koeajoihin pilottilaitoksella, jossa valmistettiin biohiilipellettiä erilaisista puuraaka-aineista. Pilottilaitos oli perustettu Torrec Oy:n toimesta Etelä-Savon Energian Pursialan voimalaitoksen yhteyteen Mikkelissä ja sen tuotanto oli käynnistynyt kesällä 2014. Kaikki koe-erät valmistettiin vain käyttämällä sidonta-aineena lauhdevettä, jota oli tiivistynyt säiliön pohjalle torrefiointiprosessin aikana. Näin ollen erillistä lisäsidonta-aineita ei tarvittu, jolloin voidaan säästää tuotantokustannuksissa jatkossakin. Euroopan Unioni on asettanut 20 % tavoitteen uusiutuvien energioiden käytölle vuoteen 2020, josta biomassalla voidaan kattaa kaksi kolmannesta. Tutkimushankkeen tavoitteena oli metsään perustuvan bioenergiatuotannon lisääminen ja tuontienergian korvaaminen kotimaisella polttoaineella. Hankkeen tarkoituksena oli tutkimusanalyysien kautta kehittää uutta kilpailukykyistä teknologiavaihtoehtoa puupolttoaineiden hyödyntämiseksi. Torrefiointiteknologiaa ollaan kaupallistamassa ympäri Eurooppaa parasta aikaa ja uusia biohiilen tuotantolaitoksia on kehitteillä ja rakenteilla. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että biohiilipelletillä on mahdollisuudet suurimittakaavaiseen energiantuotantoon laadun suhteen, kunhan sen käyttäminen tulee edullisemmaksi laitoksissa. Toisaalta, tämä kehitys vaatii tukimekanismeja valtion puolelta, jotta pelletit lähtisivät todella liikkeelle markkinoilla.


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The thesis interprets the caveat of Article 194(2) TFEU in order to assess the use of the Article as a legal basis for energy provisions provided by the European Union. The research subject is the Energy Title in the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union and the possibilities of the application of the legal basis provided therein. The purpose is analysis of the possibilities for providing of provisions within the scope of the caveat found in Article 194(2) TFEU with special regard to the possibilities of providing renewable energy legislation. The purpose of the thesis is on one hand to provide an overview of the premises for providing of energy provisions in the EU, and on the other hand to analyse the Treaty text in order to determine the legal basis for energy provisions. The ultimate objective is to determine the correct legal basis for renewable energy provisions, aimed at the mitigation of climate change. According to Article 194(2) TFEU, the practice of the shared legislative powers in the field of energy are restricted by the retention of certain energy matters within the power of the Member States. The wording of the caveat containing the restrictions is open to interpretation and has been a subject of extensive discussion. Many scholars have argued that the caveat in Article 194(2) TFEU might obstruct decision-making in energy matters. This argument is contested, and the factual impact of the codification of the energy competences is analysed. The correct legal basis for energy provisions depends on the final interpretation of the text of the caveat and the level of significance of the effect of the measure. The use of Article 194(2) TFEU as a legal basis might not be the only option. There is a possibility that the legal bases within the Environmental Title might be used as legal bases for energy provisions in addition to Article 194(2) TFEU.


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Hydrogen (H2) fuel cells have been considered a promising renewable energy source. The recent growth of H2 economy has required highly sensitive, micro-sized and cost-effective H2 sensor for monitoring concentrations and alerting to leakages due to the flammability and explosiveness of H2 Titanium dioxide (TiO2) made by electrochemical anodic oxidation has shown great potential as a H2 sensing material. The aim of this thesis is to develop highly sensitive H2 sensor using anodized TiO2. The sensor enables mass production and integration with microelectronics by preparing the oxide layer on suitable substrate. Morphology, elemental composition, crystal phase, electrical properties and H2 sensing properties of TiO2 nanostructures prepared on Ti foil, Si and SiO2/Si substrates were characterized. Initially, vertically oriented TiO2 nanotubes as the sensing material were obtained by anodizing Ti foil. The morphological properties of tubes could be tailored by varying the applied voltages of the anodization. The transparent oxide layer creates an interference color phenomena with white light illumination on the oxide surface. This coloration effect can be used to predict the morphological properties of the TiO2 nanostructures. The crystal phase transition from amorphous to anatase or rutile, or the mixture of anatase and rutile was observed with varying heat treatment temperatures. However, the H2 sensing properties of TiO2 nanotubes at room temperature were insufficient. H2 sensors using TiO2 nanostructures formed on Si and SiO2/Si substrates were demonstrated. In both cases, a Ti layer deposited on the substrates by a DC magnetron sputtering method was successfully anodized. A mesoporous TiO2 layer obtained on Si by anodization in an aqueous electrolyte at 5°C showed diode behavior, which was influenced by the work function difference of Pt metal electrodes and the oxide layer. The sensor enabled the detection of H2 (20-1000 ppm) at low operating temperatures (50–140°C) in ambient air. A Pd decorated tubular TiO2 layer was prepared on metal electrodes patterned SiO2/Si wafer by anodization in an organic electrolyte at 5°C. The sensor showed significantly enhanced H2 sensing properties, and detected hydrogen in the range of a few ppm with fast response/recovery time. The metal electrodes placed under the oxide layer also enhanced the mechanical tolerance of the sensor. The concept of TiO2 nanostructures on alternative substrates could be a prospect for microelectronic applications and mass production of gas sensors. The gas sensor properties can be further improved by modifying material morphologies and decorating it with catalytic materials.


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The thesis interprets the caveat of Article 194(2) TFEU in order to assess the use of the Article as a legal basis for energy provisions provided by the European Union. The research subject is the Energy Title in the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union and the possibilities of the application of the legal basis provided therein. The purpose is analysis of the possibilities for providing of provisions within the scope of the caveat found in Article 194(2) TFEU with special regard to the possibilities of providing renewable energy legislation. The purpose of the thesis is on one hand to provide an overview of the premises for providing of energy provisions in the EU, and on the other hand to analyse the Treaty text in order to determine the legal basis for energy provisions. The ultimate objective is to determine the correct legal basis for renewable energy provisions, aimed at the mitigation of climate change. According to Article 194(2) TFEU, the practice of the shared legislative powers in the field of energy are restricted by the retention of certain energy matters within the power of the Member States. The wording of the caveat containing the restrictions is open to interpretation and has been a subject of extensive discussion. Many scholars have argued that the caveat in Article 194(2) TFEU might obstruct decision-making in energy matters. This argument is contested, and the factual impact of the codification of the energy competences is analysed. The correct legal basis for energy provisions depends on the final interpretation of the text of the caveat and the level of significance of the effect of the measure. The use of Article 194(2) TFEU as a legal basis might not be the only option. There is a possibility that the legal bases within the Environmental Title might be used as legal bases for energy provisions in addition to Article 194(2) TFEU.


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Increasing amount of renewable energy source based electricity production has set high load control requirements for power grid balance markets. The essential grid balance between electricity consumption and generation is currently hard to achieve economically with new-generation solutions. Therefore conventional combustion power generation will be examined in this thesis as a solution to the foregoing issue. Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology is known to have sufficient scale to acts as a large grid balancing unit. Although the load change rate of the CFB unit is known to be moderately high, supplementary repowering solution will be evaluated in this thesis for load change maximization. The repowering heat duty is delivered to the CFB feed water preheating section by smaller gas turbine (GT) unit. Consequently, steam extraction preheating may be decreased and large amount of the gas turbine exhaust heat may be utilized in the CFB process to reach maximum plant electrical efficiency. Earlier study of the repowering has focused on the efficiency improvements and retrofitting to maximize plant electrical output. This study however presents the CFB load change improvement possibilities achieved with supplementary GT heat. The repowering study is prefaced with literature and theory review for both of the processes to maximize accuracy of the research. Both dynamic and steady-state simulations accomplished with APROS simulation tool will be used to evaluate repowering effects to the CFB unit operation. Eventually, a conceptual level analysis is completed to compare repowered plant performance to the state-of-the-art CFB performance. Based on the performed simulations, considerably good improvements to the CFB process parameters are achieved with repowering. Consequently, the results show possibilities to higher ramp rate values achieved with repowered CFB technology. This enables better plant suitability to the grid balance markets.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten aurinkovoimalainvestointiin liittyviä tekijöitä sekä erityispiirteitä. Tutkielmassa pk-yritykset on rajattu alueellisesti Etelä-Suomeen ja tekijöitä tarkastellaan investoinnin sekä päätöksenteon näkökulmasta. Keskeisenä asiana tutkielmassa on aurinkosähkömarkkinoiden nykytila sekä mahdollisuudet. Osatavoitteena on tutkia aurinkosähkön hyödyntämistä ja käyttöönottoa Suomessa sekä luoda aurinkosähkön mahdollisuuksista selkeämpi kokonaiskuva. Tutkielman tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään laadullista tutkimusta. Tutkielma koostuu teoreettisesta katsauksesta sekä empiirisestä osuudesta. Teoreettinen osuus tarkastelee investointeja ja rahoitusvaihtoehtoja. Empiirinen osuus pitää sisällään kolmen kohdeyrityksen haastattelut. Haastattelut toteutettiin marraskuussa 2015 aurinkosähkömarkkinoilla toimiville ratkaisuntarjoajille. Haastatteluiden avulla kartoitettiin alalla toteutettujen aurinkovoimalainvestointien taustatekijöitä ja erityispiirteitä. Tutkimustuloksina havaittiin selkeitä aurinkovoimalainvestointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä muutamia erityispiirteitä. Taloudellista kannattavuutta voidaan pitää investointien lähtökohtana. Tähän vaikuttaa uusiutuvan energian investointeihin saatavilla oleva energiatuki, jolla on merkittävä vaikutus pk-yrityksen päätöksentekoon. Lisäksi ekologinen sähkön tuotanto sekä omavaraisuus nousivat haastatteluissa esiin. Johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta aurinkosähkön sisältävän useita tekijöitä ja erityispiirteitä, joita investoijien sekä ratkaisuntarjoajien tulee ottaa huomioon. Aurinkosähkömarkkinoiden suurta potentiaalia voidaan hyödyntää tehokkaammin kehittämällä alan tiedonjakoa esille nousseiden tekijöiden ja erityispiirteiden osalta.


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä selvitetään aurinkosähköjärjestelmän rakentamisen kannattavuutta, teknisiä ratkaisuja sekä vaatimuksia pientaloon. Tutkimus suoritetaan tarkasteltavaan kiinteistöön aurinkosähköjärjestelmän teknisten ratkaisumahdollisuuksien sekä taloudellisesti kannattavimman mallin löytämiseksi. Työssä käydään läpi järjestelmän teknisten komponenttien rakennetta ja ominaisuuksia, niille määriteltyjä vaatimuksia sekä hintaa. Työssä myös simuloidaan eri voimalakokonaisuuksien tuotantoa voimalan koon optimoimiseksi kohteelle. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voimalan hankkiminen on vielä kallista ja takaisinmaksuajat pitkiä johtuen järjestelmän kalliista hinnasta. Tulevaisuudessa aurinkosähkö tulee olemaan kannattava investointi samalla, kun yhä enenevissä määrin energistyvässä maailmassa luovutaan fossiilisista polttoaineista niiden ympäristövaikutusten ja resurssien puutteen vuoksi. Aurinkosähkö on yksi potentiaalisista korvaajista tulevaisuudessa ja voimme odottaa järjestelmien hintojen laskevan kilpailun lisääntyessä. Myös valtion tuki tulevaisuudessa on mahdollinen pientuottajillekin.


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The present world energy production is heavily relying on the combustion of solid fuels like coals, peat, biomass, municipal solid waste, whereas the share of renewable fuels is anticipated to increase in the future to mitigate climate change. In Finland, peat and wood are widely used for energy production. In any case, the combustion of solid fuels results in generation of several types of thermal conversion residues, such as bottom ash, fly ash, and boiler slag. The predominant residue type is determined by the incineration technology applied, while its composition is primarily relevant to the composition of fuels combusted. An extensive research has been conducted on technical suitability of ash for multiple recycling methods. Most of attention was drawn to the recycling of the coal combustion residues, as coal is the primary solid fuel consumed globally. The recycling methods of coal residues include utilization in a cement industry, in concrete manufacturing, and mine backfilling, to name few. Biomass combustion residues were also studied to some extent with forest fertilization, road construction, and road stabilization being the predominant utilization options. Lastly, residues form municipal solid waste incineration attracted more attention recently following the growing number of waste incineration plants globally. The recycling methods of waste incineration residues are the most limited due to its hazardous nature and varying composition, and include, among others, landfill construction, road construction, mine backfilling. In the study, environmental and economic aspects of multiple recycling options of thermal conversion residues generated within a case-study area were studied. The case-study area was South-East Finland. The environmental analysis was performed using an internationally recognized methodology — life cycle assessment. Economic assessment was conducted applying a widely used methodology — cost-benefit analysis. Finally, the results of the analyses were combined to enable easier comparison of the recycling methods. The recycling methods included the use of ash in forest fertilization, road construction, road stabilization, and landfill construction. Ash landfilling was set as a baseline scenario. Quantitative data about the amounts of ash generated and its composition was obtained from companies, their environmental reports, technical reports and other previously published literature. Overall, the amount of ash in the case-study area was 101 700 t. However, the data about 58 400 t of fly ash and 35 100 t of bottom ash and boiler slag were included in the study due to lack of data about leaching of heavy metals in some cases. The recycling methods were modelled according to the scientific studies published previously. Overall, the results of the study indicated that ash utilization for fertilization and neutralization of 17 600 ha of forest was the most economically beneficial method, which resulted in the net present value increase by 58% compared to ash landfilling. Regarding the environmental impact, the use of ash in the construction of 11 km of roads was the most attractive method with decreased environmental impact of 13% compared to ash landfilling. The least preferred method was the use of ash for landfill construction since it only enabled 11% increase of net present value, while inducing additional 1% of negative impact on the environment. Therefore, a following recycling route was proposed in the study. Where possible and legally acceptable, recycle fly and bottom ash for forest fertilization, which has strictest requirements out of all studied methods. If the quality of fly ash is not suitable for forest fertilization, then it should be utilized, first, in paved road construction, second, in road stabilization. Bottom ash not suitable for forest fertilization, as well as boiler slag, should be used in landfill construction. Landfilling should only be practiced when recycling by either of the methods is not possible due to legal requirements or there is not enough demand on the market. Current demand on ash and possible changes in the future were assessed in the study. Currently, the area of forest fertilized in the case-study are is only 451 ha, whereas about 17 600 ha of forest could be fertilized with ash generated in the region. Provided that the average forest fertilizing values in Finland are higher and the area treated with fellings is about 40 000 ha, the amount of ash utilized in forest fertilization could be increased. Regarding road construction, no new projects launched by the Center of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in the case-study area were identified. A potential application can be found in the construction of private roads. However, no centralized data about such projects is available. The use of ash in stabilization of forest roads is not expected to increased in the future with a current downwards trend in the length of forest roads built. Finally, the use of ash in landfill construction is not a promising option due to the reducing number of landfills in operation in Finland.


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The issue of energy efficiency is attracting more and more attention of academia, business and policy makers worldwide due to increasing environmental concerns, depletion of non-renewable energy resources and unstable energy prices. The significant importance of energy efficiency within gold mining industry is justified by considerable energy intensity of this industry as well as by the high share of energy costs in the total operational costs. In the context of increasing industrial energy consumption energy efficiency improvement may provide significant energy savings and reduction of CO2 emission that is highly important in order to contribute to the global goal of sustainability. The purpose of this research is to identify the ways of energy efficiency improvement relevant for a gold mining company. The study implements single holistic case study research strategy focused on a Russian gold mining company. The research involves comprehensive analysis of company’s energy performance including analysis of energy efficiency and energy management practices. This study provides following theoretical and managerial contributions. Firstly, it proposes a methodology for comparative analysis of energy performance of Russian and foreign gold mining companies. Secondly, this study provides comprehensive analysis of main energy efficiency challenges relevant for a Russian gold mining company. Finally, in order to overcome identified challenges this research conceives a guidance for a gold mining company for implementation of energy management system based on the ISO standard.