532 resultados para quotient intellectuel
This paper investigates the current situation of industrial agglomeration in Costa Rica, utilizing firm-level panel data for the period 2008-2012. We calculated Location Quotient and Theil Index based on employment by industry and found that 14 cantons have the industrial agglomerations for 9 industries. The analysis is in line with the nature of specific industries, the development of areas of concentration around free zones, and the evolving participation of Costa Rica in GVCs.
Esta tesis trata sobre métodos de corrección que compensan la variación de las condiciones de iluminación en aplicaciones de imagen y video a color. Estas variaciones hacen que a menudo fallen aquellos algoritmos de visión artificial que utilizan características de color para describir los objetos. Se formulan tres preguntas de investigación que definen el marco de trabajo de esta tesis. La primera cuestión aborda las similitudes que se dan entre las imágenes de superficies adyacentes en relación a su comportamiento fotométrico. En base al análisis del modelo de formación de imágenes en situaciones dinámicas, esta tesis propone un modelo capaz de predecir las variaciones de color de la región de una determinada imagen a partir de las variaciones de las regiones colindantes. Dicho modelo se denomina Quotient Relational Model of Regions. Este modelo es válido cuando: las fuentes de luz iluminan todas las superficies incluídas en él; estas superficies están próximas entre sí y tienen orientaciones similares; y cuando son en su mayoría lambertianas. Bajo ciertas circunstancias, la respuesta fotométrica de una región se puede relacionar con el resto mediante una combinación lineal. No se ha podido encontrar en la literatura científica ningún trabajo previo que proponga este tipo de modelo relacional. La segunda cuestión va un paso más allá y se pregunta si estas similitudes se pueden utilizar para corregir variaciones fotométricas desconocidas en una región también desconocida, a partir de regiones conocidas adyacentes. Para ello, se propone un método llamado Linear Correction Mapping capaz de dar una respuesta afirmativa a esta cuestión bajo las circunstancias caracterizadas previamente. Para calcular los parámetros del modelo se requiere una etapa de entrenamiento previo. El método, que inicialmente funciona para una sola cámara, se amplía para funcionar en arquitecturas con varias cámaras sin solape entre sus campos visuales. Para ello, tan solo se necesitan varias muestras de imágenes del mismo objeto capturadas por todas las cámaras. Además, este método tiene en cuenta tanto las variaciones de iluminación, como los cambios en los parámetros de exposición de las cámaras. Todos los métodos de corrección de imagen fallan cuando la imagen del objeto que tiene que ser corregido está sobreexpuesta o cuando su relación señal a ruido es muy baja. Así, la tercera cuestión se refiere a si se puede establecer un proceso de control de la adquisición que permita obtener una exposición óptima cuando las condiciones de iluminación no están controladas. De este modo, se propone un método denominado Camera Exposure Control capaz de mantener una exposición adecuada siempre y cuando las variaciones de iluminación puedan recogerse dentro del margen dinámico de la cámara. Los métodos propuestos se evaluaron individualmente. La metodología llevada a cabo en los experimentos consistió en, primero, seleccionar algunos escenarios que cubrieran situaciones representativas donde los métodos fueran válidos teóricamente. El Linear Correction Mapping fue validado en tres aplicaciones de re-identificación de objetos (vehículos, caras y personas) que utilizaban como caracterísiticas la distribución de color de éstos. Por otra parte, el Camera Exposure Control se probó en un parking al aire libre. Además de esto, se definieron varios indicadores que permitieron comparar objetivamente los resultados de los métodos propuestos con otros métodos relevantes de corrección y auto exposición referidos en el estado del arte. Los resultados de la evaluación demostraron que los métodos propuestos mejoran los métodos comparados en la mayoría de las situaciones. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se puede decir que las respuestas a las preguntas de investigación planteadas son afirmativas, aunque en circunstancias limitadas. Esto quiere decir que, las hipótesis planteadas respecto a la predicción, la corrección basada en ésta y la auto exposición, son factibles en aquellas situaciones identificadas a lo largo de la tesis pero que, sin embargo, no se puede garantizar que se cumplan de manera general. Por otra parte, se señalan como trabajo de investigación futuro algunas cuestiones nuevas y retos científicos que aparecen a partir del trabajo presentado en esta tesis. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the correction methods used to compensate the variation of lighting conditions in colour image and video applications. These variations are such that Computer Vision algorithms that use colour features to describe objects mostly fail. Three research questions are formulated that define the framework of the thesis. The first question addresses the similarities of the photometric behaviour between images of dissimilar adjacent surfaces. Based on the analysis of the image formation model in dynamic situations, this thesis proposes a model that predicts the colour variations of the region of an image from the variations of the surrounded regions. This proposed model is called the Quotient Relational Model of Regions. This model is valid when the light sources illuminate all of the surfaces included in the model; these surfaces are placed close each other, have similar orientations, and are primarily Lambertian. Under certain circumstances, a linear combination is established between the photometric responses of the regions. Previous work that proposed such a relational model was not found in the scientific literature. The second question examines whether those similarities could be used to correct the unknown photometric variations in an unknown region from the known adjacent regions. A method is proposed, called Linear Correction Mapping, which is capable of providing an affirmative answer under the circumstances previously characterised. A training stage is required to determine the parameters of the model. The method for single camera scenarios is extended to cover non-overlapping multi-camera architectures. To this extent, only several image samples of the same object acquired by all of the cameras are required. Furthermore, both the light variations and the changes in the camera exposure settings are covered by correction mapping. Every image correction method is unsuccessful when the image of the object to be corrected is overexposed or the signal-to-noise ratio is very low. Thus, the third question refers to the control of the acquisition process to obtain an optimal exposure in uncontrolled light conditions. A Camera Exposure Control method is proposed that is capable of holding a suitable exposure provided that the light variations can be collected within the dynamic range of the camera. Each one of the proposed methods was evaluated individually. The methodology of the experiments consisted of first selecting some scenarios that cover the representative situations for which the methods are theoretically valid. Linear Correction Mapping was validated using three object re-identification applications (vehicles, faces and persons) based on the object colour distributions. Camera Exposure Control was proved in an outdoor parking scenario. In addition, several performance indicators were defined to objectively compare the results with other relevant state of the art correction and auto-exposure methods. The results of the evaluation demonstrated that the proposed methods outperform the compared ones in the most situations. Based on the obtained results, the answers to the above-described research questions are affirmative in limited circumstances, that is, the hypothesis of the forecasting, the correction based on it, and the auto exposure are feasible in the situations identified in the thesis, although they cannot be guaranteed in general. Furthermore, the presented work raises new questions and scientific challenges, which are highlighted as future research work.
Mixtures of polynomials (MoPs) are a non-parametric density estimation technique especially designed for hybrid Bayesian networks with continuous and discrete variables. Algorithms to learn one- and multi-dimensional (marginal) MoPs from data have recently been proposed. In this paper we introduce two methods for learning MoP approximations of conditional densities from data. Both approaches are based on learning MoP approximations of the joint density and the marginal density of the conditioning variables, but they differ as to how the MoP approximation of the quotient of the two densities is found. We illustrate and study the methods using data sampled from known parametric distributions, and we demonstrate their applicability by learning models based on real neuroscience data. Finally, we compare the performance of the proposed methods with an approach for learning mixtures of truncated basis functions (MoTBFs). The empirical results show that the proposed methods generally yield models that are comparable to or significantly better than those found using the MoTBF-based method.
Genetic and phenotypic instability are hallmarks of cancer cells, but their cause is not clear. The leading hypothesis suggests that a poorly defined gene mutation generates genetic instability and that some of many subsequent mutations then cause cancer. Here we investigate the hypothesis that genetic instability of cancer cells is caused by aneuploidy, an abnormal balance of chromosomes. Because symmetrical segregation of chromosomes depends on exactly two copies of mitosis genes, aneuploidy involving chromosomes with mitosis genes will destabilize the karyotype. The hypothesis predicts that the degree of genetic instability should be proportional to the degree of aneuploidy. Thus it should be difficult, if not impossible, to maintain the particular karyotype of a highly aneuploid cancer cell on clonal propagation. This prediction was confirmed with clonal cultures of chemically transformed, aneuploid Chinese hamster embryo cells. It was found that the higher the ploidy factor of a clone, the more unstable was its karyotype. The ploidy factor is the quotient of the modal chromosome number divided by the normal number of the species. Transformed Chinese hamster embryo cells with a ploidy factor of 1.7 were estimated to change their karyotype at a rate of about 3% per generation, compared with 1.8% for cells with a ploidy factor of 0.95. Because the background noise of karyotyping is relatively high, the cells with low ploidy factor may be more stable than our method suggests. The karyotype instability of human colon cancer cell lines, recently analyzed by Lengnauer et al. [Lengnauer, C., Kinzler, K. W. & Vogelstein, B. (1997) Nature (London) 386, 623–627], also corresponds exactly to their degree of aneuploidy. We conclude that aneuploidy is sufficient to explain genetic instability and the resulting karyotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity of cancer cells, independent of gene mutation. Because aneuploidy has also been proposed to cause cancer, our hypothesis offers a common, unique mechanism of altering and simultaneously destabilizing normal cellular phenotypes.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a key atmospheric greenhouse gas that contributes to global climatic change through radiative warming and depletion of stratospheric ozone. In this report, N2O flux was monitored simultaneously with photosynthetic CO2 and O2 exchanges from intact canopies of 12 wheat seedlings. The rates of N2O-N emitted ranged from <2 pmol⋅m−2⋅s−1 when NH\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{4}^{+}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} was the N source, to 25.6 ± 1.7 pmol⋅m−2⋅s−1 (mean ± SE, n = 13) when the N source was shifted to NO\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}. Such fluxes are among the smallest reported for any trace gas emitted by a higher plant. Leaf N2O emissions were correlated with leaf nitrate assimilation activity, as measured by using the assimilation quotient, the ratio of CO2 assimilated to O2 evolved. 15N isotopic signatures on N2O emitted from leaves supported direct N2O production by plant NO\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} assimilation and not N2O produced by microorganisms on root surfaces and emitted in the transpiration stream. In vitro production of N2O by both intact chloroplasts and nitrite reductase, but not by nitrate reductase, indicated that N2O produced by leaves occurred during photoassimilation of NO\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} in the chloroplast. Given the large quantities of NO\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} assimilated by plants in the terrestrial biosphere, these observations suggest that formation of N2O during NO\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} photoassimilation could be an important global biogenic N2O source.
A nearly complete skull of Parapithecus grangeri from the early Oligocene of Egypt is described. The specimen is relatively undistorted and is undoubtedly the most complete higher primate skull yet found in the African Oligocene, which also makes it the most complete Oligocene primate cranium worldwide. Belonging in superfamily Parapithecoidea, a group regarded by some as the sister group to all other Anthropoidea, this skull reveals important information about the radiation of stem anthropoideans. This cranium is about 15% larger than size estimates based on a fragmentary cranium of its contemporary and close relative Apidium phiomense. It is about the same size as that of the gray gentle lemur, Hapalemur griseus, or of platyrrhines such as the owl monkey, Aotus trivirgatus, or the titi monkey, Callicebus torquatus. Comparatively small orbits and size differences in jaws and teeth show it was both diurnal and dimorphic. This is the only specimen of the species that shows (from sockets) that there were four small upper incisors. Several mandibular specimens of the species establish that there were no permanent lower incisors and that the symphysis was fused. Like other early anthropoideans this species possessed a lower encephalization quotient and less-developed orbital frontality than later anthropoideans. There is full postorbital closure and fusion of the metopic suture, and the ectotympanic forms a rim to the auditory aperture. A probable frontal/alisphenoid contact is a potentially derived resemblance to Catarrhini. A proposed separate genus for the species P. grangeri is not sustained.
La presente tesis doctoral está constituida por tres estudios independientes pero relacionados entre sí: 1) Estimation of the intelligence quotient using Wechsler intelligence scales in children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome (SA), 2) Executive function is affected in autism spectrum disorder, but does not correlate with intelligence, y 3) Reduced gyrification is related to reduced interhemispheric connectivity in autism spectrum disorders. El objetivo general es estudiar las alteraciones cognitivas en niños y adolescentes con un Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) sin discapacidad intelectual (SDI) asociada, particularmente en cuanto a sus aspectos en funcionamiento general (puntuaciones en escala de inteligencia Wechsler) y funciones ejecutivas, y estudiar la girificación y conectividad en el córtex prefrontal teniendo en cuenta su relación con las funciones ejecutivas. Como objetivos específicos: i) Medir los perfiles de inteligencia en niños y adolescentes con SA; ii) Evaluar la validez de cinco formas abreviadas de las escalas Wechsler de inteligencia en niños y adolescentes con SA, frente a la versión completa, teniendo en cuenta los criterios propuestos por Resnick & Entin, (1971); iii) Evaluar las funciones ejecutivas en una muestra homogénea de niños y adolescentes con TEA-SDI y comparar sus puntuaciones con las obtenidas por un grupo de niños y adolescentes sanos pareados por edad, años de educación, sexo, estatus socioeconómico y cociente intelectual (CI); iv) Evaluar si los déficits en funciones ejecutivas correlacionan con déficits en inteligencia general; v) Evaluar si los déficits en funcionamiento ejecutivo en los niños y adolescentes con TEA-SDI correlacionan con su nivel de funcionamiento o con la gravedad de los síntomas que presentan; vi) Estudiar la relación entre girificación y conectividad de la sustancia blanca, prestando especial atención a los cambios relacionados con la edad en una muestra de pacientes con TEA de alto funcionamiento; vii) Estudiar la girificación y conectividad en el córtex prefrontal teniendo en cuenta su relación con las funciones ejecutivas; y viii) Replicar los resultados obtenidos en nuestra muestra con los datos procedentes de una base independiente de niños y adolescentes con autismo de alto funcionamiento (Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange, ABIDE)...
A qualidade óssea, bem como a estabilidade inicial dos implantes, está diretamente relacionada com o sucesso das reabilitações na implantodontia. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a correlação entre índices radiomorfométricos de densidade óssea por meio de radiografias panorâmicas, perfil de qualidade óssea com o auxílio de Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC) com o uso do software de imagens OsiriX, Análise da Frequência de Ressonância (RFA) e Torque de Inserção do implante. Foram avaliados 160 implantes de 72 indivíduos, com média etária de 55,5 (±10,5) anos. Nas radiografias panorâmicas foram obtidos os índices IM, IPM e ICM, e nas tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico, os valores de pixels e a espessura da cortical da crista óssea alveolar, além da estabilidade primária por meio do torque de inserção e análise da frequência de ressonância. Os resultados foram analisados pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, para p<= 0,01 foi obtido entre o torque de inserção e valores de pixels (0.330), o torque de inserção e a espessura da cortical da crista alveolar (0.339), o torque de inserção e o ISQ vestibulo-lingual (0.193), os valores de pixels e espessura da cortical da crista alveolar (0.377), as duas direções vestíbulo-lingual e mesio-distal do ISQ (0.674), o ISQ vestíbulo-lingual e a espessura da cortical da crista alveolar (0.270); os índices radiomorfométricos foram correlacionados entre eles e para p<= 0,05 foi obtido entre torque de inserção e ISQ mesio-distal (0.131), entre o ISQ vestibulo-lingual e os valores de pixels (0.156) e ISQ mesio-distal e IPMI esquerdo (0.149) e ISQ mesio-distal e IPMS esquerdo (0.145). Existe correlação entre a TCFC, o torque de inserção e a RFA na avaliação da qualidade óssea. É possível utilizar, pré-cirurgicamente, os exames de TCFC para avaliar a qualidade e quantidade óssea, tendo em vista as correlações obtidas neste estudo.
A dinâmica ambiental possui capacidade limitada de reciclagem e a crescente utilização resíduos agroindustriais, especialmente na agricultura, pode levar a situações de poluição do solo e demais componentes ambientais. A manutenção da produtividade de ecossistemas agrícolas e naturais depende do processo de transformação da matéria orgânica e, por conseguinte, da biomassa microbiana do solo, e que é responsável pela decomposição e mineralização de resíduos no mesmo. A dinâmica natural dos microrganismos do solo, em constante mudança e adaptação, os torna um indicador sensível às mudanças resultantes de diferentes práticas de manejo agrícola. Sendo assim, conhecer essas alterações e suas interferências é fundamental para identificar estratégias adequadas de manejo, apontando técnicas de utilização adequadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de um solo agrícola, cultivado com três variedades de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.), comparando a utilização de adubação mineral frente à utilização de fertilizante orgânico composto no período final de formação dos perfilhos (120 dias após o plantio). Foi implantado, em condições de campo, o cultivo de cana-de-açúcar (cana planta), utilizando as variedades RB 867515, RB 962869 e RB 855453, onde cada variedade foi cultivada de três formas distintas, sendo elas: plantio controle (CT) sem aplicação de insumos para adubação; plantio orgânico (OG) com aplicação de fertilizante orgânico; e plantio convencional (CV) com aplicação de adubação mineral, seguindo recomendações de adubação após análise química inicial do solo local. Cada parcela possuía 37 m2, com 5 sulcos de 5,0 m de comprimento e espaçamento de 1,5 m entrelinhas, sendo os três sulcos centrais formando a área útil. De acordo com a variedade e o tipo de adubação, foram formados nove tratamentos: T1 86CT, T2 96CT, T3 85CT, T4 6OG, T5 96OG, T6 85OG, T7 86CV, T8 96CV e T9 85CV, com delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso e quatro repetições. Os parâmetros químicos do solo analisados foram macronutrientes e micronutrientes; os parâmetros microbiológicos foram carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM), respiração basal do solo (RBS), quociente metabólico (qCO2), número mais provável de fungos e bactérias do solo (NMP); e, por fim, a produtividade agrícola (t/ha). Os resultados foram submetidos a análise de variância (ANOVA) e à comparação das médias através do teste de Tukey (10%). Também foi realizada a análise de variância dos dados e correlação cofenética de Pearson para formação de dendogramas. Com base no período estudado, considerado como fase crítica da formação do canavial, concluiu-se que os parâmetros químicos que evidenciaram alterações no solo foram pH e os macronutrientes Mg, Al e SB, sendo os tratamentos orgânicos equivalentes e/ou melhores que os tratamentos convencionais. Para os parâmetros microbiológicos, o NMP de fungos apresentou os maiores valores nos tratamentos convencionais e controle. A produtividade agrícola não foi influenciada pelos diferentes tratamentos e insumos utilizados, independente da variedade de cana-de-açúcar utilizada. Por fim, foram observadas correlações positivas entre as variáveis CTC e quociente metabólico (qCO2) apontando potencial melhoria da qualidade do solo, com o emprego de insumos orgânicos
La conservation des groupements à Pistacia atlantica dans la région de Béchar est actuellement menacée par une forte pression humaine et animale. Ce travail consiste à proposer une analyse phyto-écologique fine en se basant sur la dynamique de végétation et les inventaires floristiques. Les explications sont étayées par une analyse statistique (AFC) afin de mieux cerner les facteurs écologiques prépondérants. Nous savons très bien que Pistacia atlantica est une espèce d’avenir pour l’Algérie occidentale, son adaptation au stress écologique lui permet une dynamique et une remontée biologique certaine. Cette espèce peut vivre dans des endroits très secs, de 700 à 1200m d’altitude où la pluviométrie ne dépasse guère les 100 mm/an, avec une température maximale de 42°C et un quotient pluviothermique (Q2) supérieur à 7. La diversité floristique du groupement à Pistacia atlantica est très particulière du fait de sa caractérisation biologique, systématique et phytogéographique. Cet examen fait ressortir l’importance des espèces Saharienne-Endémiques grâce à une adaptation et une résistance plus favorables sous bioclimat typiquement saharien.
Background: It has been shown that gender equity has a positive impact on the everyday activities of people (decision making, income allocation, application and observance of norms/rules) which affect their health. Gender equity is also a crucial determinant of health inequalities at national level; thus, monitoring is important for surveillance of women’s and men’s health as well as for future health policy initiatives. The Gender Equity Index (GEI) was designed to show inequity solely towards women. Given that the value under scrutiny is equity, in this paper a modified version of the GEI is proposed, the MGEI, which highlights the inequities affecting both sexes. Methods: Rather than calculating gender gaps by means of a quotient of proportions, gaps in the MGEI are expressed in absolute terms (differences in proportions). The Spearman’s rank coefficient, calculated from country rankings obtained according to both indexes, was used to evaluate the level of concordance between both classifications. To compare the degree of sensitivity and obtain the inequity by the two methods, the variation coefficient of the GEI and MGEI values was calculated. Results: Country rankings according to GEI and MGEI values showed a high correlation (rank coef. = 0.95). The MGEI presented greater dispersion (43.8%) than the GEI (19.27%). Inequity towards men was identified in the education gap (rank coef. = 0.36) when using the MGEI. According to this method, many countries shared the same absolute value for education but with opposite signs, for example Azerbaijan (−0.022) and Belgium (0.022), reflecting inequity towards women and men, respectively. This also occurred in the empowerment gap with the technical and professional job component (Brunei:-0.120 vs. Australia, Canada Iceland and the U.S.A.: 0.120). Conclusion: The MGEI identifies and highlights the different areas of inequities between gender groups. It thus overcomes the shortcomings of the GEI related to the aim for which this latter was created, namely measuring gender equity, and is therefore of great use to policy makers who wish to understand and monitor the results of specific equity policies and to determine the length of time for which these policies should be maintained in order to correct long-standing structural discrimination against women.
Primary productivity (14C) and mass flux measurements using a free-drifting sediment trap deployed at 900 m were made at four stations in the Pacific Ocean between 12°N and 6°S at 153°W. The latitudinal variations in productivity were consistent with historical patterns showing the equator as a zone of high production and the oligotrophic waters north of the equatorial region as an area of low productivity. The correlation coefficient between the two sets of independent measurements was 0.999, indicating that in this oceanic area the activity of the primary producers was closely related to the total mass flux. A re-examination of historical data suggests that the downward flux of particulate organic carbon varies in direct proportion to the quotient of surface primary production raised to the 1.4 power and depth raised to the 0.63 power.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Stanford Binet: Fourth Edition (SB:IV) assessments have been collected longitudinally for 195 individuals with Down syndrome. This article discusses individual assessments which were selected for their ability to highlight major concerns that practitioners need to consider when interpreting intelligence test scores with this population. In this study, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) changed substantially for many individuals, demonstrating changes in classification from a mild level of intellectual impairment on initial assessment to a severe level on later assessment. Subtests used in calculating composite scores were found to have a dramatic effect on IQ. There was up to 9 IQ points difference depending on whether only the “core” subtests or all subtests used by the assessor were included in the calculations. Thirty-seven percent of the assessments were at “floor level” (i.e., IQ of 36), despite obvious divergent abilities illustrated by age equivalent scores. Mean Age Equivalent (MAE) scores were also problematic as they failed to adequately represent either the range, or divergence, of abilities of the individuals whose data are presented. Directions for future research are discussed.