997 resultados para population reinforcement


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Competition between seeds within a fruit for parental resources is described using one-locus-two-allele models. While a �normal� allele leads to an equitable distribution of resources between seeds (a situation which also corresponds to the parental optimum), the �selfish� allele is assumed to cause the seed carrying it to usurp a higher proportion of the resources. The outcome of competition between �selfish� alleles is also assumed to lead to an asymmetric distribution of resources, the �winner� being chosen randomly. Conditions for the spread of an initially rare selfish allele and the optimal resource allocation corresponding to the evolutionarily stable strategy, derived for species with n-seeded fruits, are in accordance with expectations based on Hamilton�s inclusive fitness criteria. Competition between seeds is seen to be most intense when there are only two seeds, and decreases with increasing number of seeds, suggesting that two-seeded fruits would be rarer than one-seeded or many-seeded ones. Available data from a large number of plant species are consistent with this prediction of the model.


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We propose, for the first time, a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm with function approximation for traffic signal control. Our algorithm incorporates state-action features and is easily implementable in high-dimensional settings. Prior work, e. g., the work of Abdulhai et al., on the application of RL to traffic signal control requires full-state representations and cannot be implemented, even in moderate-sized road networks, because the computational complexity exponentially grows in the numbers of lanes and junctions. We tackle this problem of the curse of dimensionality by effectively using feature-based state representations that use a broad characterization of the level of congestion as low, medium, or high. One advantage of our algorithm is that, unlike prior work based on RL, it does not require precise information on queue lengths and elapsed times at each lane but instead works with the aforementioned described features. The number of features that our algorithm requires is linear to the number of signaled lanes, thereby leading to several orders of magnitude reduction in the computational complexity. We perform implementations of our algorithm on various settings and show performance comparisons with other algorithms in the literature, including the works of Abdulhai et al. and Cools et al., as well as the fixed-timing and the longest queue algorithms. For comparison, we also develop an RL algorithm that uses full-state representation and incorporates prioritization of traffic, unlike the work of Abdulhai et al. We observe that our algorithm outperforms all the other algorithms on all the road network settings that we consider.


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This paper presents an assessment of the flexural behavior of 15 fully/partially prestressed high strength concrete beams containing steel fibers investigated using three-dimensional nonlinear finite elemental analysis. The experimental results consisted of eight fully and seven partially prestressed beams, which were designed to be flexure dominant in the absence of fibers. The main parameters varied in the tests were: the levels of prestressing force (i.e, in partially prestressed beams 50% of the prestress was reduced with the introduction of two high strength deformed bars instead), fiber volume fractions (0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%), fiber location (full depth and partial depth over full length and half the depth over the shear span only). A three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis was conducted using ANSYS 5.5 [Theory Reference Manual. In: Kohnke P, editor. Elements Reference Manual. 8th ed. September 1998] general purpose finite element software to study the flexural behavior of both fully and partially prestressed fiber reinforced concrete beams. Influence of fibers on the concrete failure surface and stress-strain response of high strength concrete and the nonlinear stress-strain curves of prestressing wire and deformed bar were considered in the present analysis. In the finite element model. tension stiffening and bond slip between concrete and reinforcement (fibers., prestressing wire, and conventional reinforcing steel bar) have also been considered explicitly. The fraction of the entire volume of the fiber present along the longitudinal axis of the prestressed beams alone has been modeled explicitly as it is expected that these fibers would contribute to the mobilization of forces required to sustain the applied loads across the crack interfaces through their bridging action. A comparison of results from both tests and analysis on all 15 specimens confirm that, inclusion of fibers over a partial depth in the tensile side of the prestressed flexural structural members was economical and led to considerable cost saving without sacrificing on the desired performance. However. beams having fibers over half the depth in only the shear span, did not show any increase in the ultimate load or deformational characteristics when compared to plain concrete beams. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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This paper formulates the automatic generation control (AGC) problem as a stochastic multistage decision problem. A strategy for solving this new AGC problem formulation is presented by using a reinforcement learning (RL) approach This method of obtaining an AGC controller does not depend on any knowledge of the system model and more importantly it admits considerable flexibility in defining the control objective. Two specific RL based AGC algorithms are presented. The first algorithm uses the traditional control objective of limiting area control error (ACE) excursions, where as, in the second algorithm, the controller can restore the load-generation balance by only monitoring deviation in tie line flows and system frequency and it does not need to know or estimate the composite ACE signal as is done by all current approaches. The effectiveness and versatility of the approaches has been demonstrated using a two area AGC model. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study examines the population genetic structure of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) across India, which harbours over half the world's population of this endangered species. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and allele frequencies at six nuclear DNA microsatellite markers obtained from the dung of free-ranging elephants reveal low mtDNA and typical microsatellite diversity. Both known divergent clades of mtDNA haplotypes in the Asian elephant are present in India, with southern and central India exhibiting exclusively the β clade of Fernando et al. (2000), northern India exhibiting exclusively the α clade and northeastern India exhibiting both, but predominantly the α clade. A nested clade analysis revealed isolation by distance as the principal mechanism responsible for the observed haplotype distributions within the α and β clades. Analyses of molecular variance and pairwise population FST tests based on both mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA suggest that northern-northeastern India, central India, Nilgiris (in southern India) and Anamalai-Periyar (in southern India) are four demographically autonomous population units and should be managed separately. In addition, evidence for female philopatry, male-mediated gene flow and two possible historical biogeographical barriers is described.


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This study updates the status and conservation of the Endangered Asian elephant Elephas maximus in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam. Line transect indirect surveys, block surveys for elephant signs, village surveys of elephant-human conflict incidents, guard-post surveys for records of sightings, and surveys of elephant food plants were undertaken during the dry and wet seasons of 2001. A minimum of 11 elephants and a maximum of 15-17 elephants was estimated for c. 500 km2 of the Park and its vicinity. The elephants are largely confined to the southern boundary of the Park and make extensive use of the adjoining La Nga State Forest Enterprises. During the dry season the elephants depend on at least 26 species of wild and cultivated plants, chiefly the fruits of cashew. Most of the villages surveyed reported some elephant-human conflict. Two adult male elephants seem to cover a large area to raid crops, whereas the family groups restrict themselves to a few villages; overall, the conflict is not serious. Since 2001 there have been no reports of any deaths or births of elephants in the Park. We make recommendations for habitat protection and management, increasing the viability of the small population, reducing elephant-human conflicts, and improving the chances of survival of the declining elephants of this Park. The Government has now approved an Action Plan for Urgent Conservation Areas in Vietnam that calls for the establishment of three elephant conservation areas in the country, including Cat Tien National Park.


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The methods of design available for geocell-supported embankments are very few. Two of the earlier methods are considered in this paper and a third method is proposed and compared with them. The first method is the slip line method proposed by earlier researchers. The second method is based on slope stability analysis proposed by this author earlier and the new method proposed is based on the finite element analyses. In the first method, plastic bearing failure of the soil was assumed and the additional resistance due to geocell layer is calculated using a non-symmetric slip line field in the soft foundation soil. In the second method, generalpurpose slope stability program was used to design the geocell mattress of required strength for embankment using a composite model to represent the shear strength of geocell layer. In the third method proposed in this paper, geocell reinforcement is designed based on the plane strain finite element analysis of embankments. The geocell layer is modelled as an equivalent composite layer with modified strength and stiffness values. The strength and dimensions of geocell layer is estimated for the required bearing capacity or permissible deformations. These three design methods are compared through a design example.


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We propose for the first time two reinforcement learning algorithms with function approximation for average cost adaptive control of traffic lights. One of these algorithms is a version of Q-learning with function approximation while the other is a policy gradient actor-critic algorithm that incorporates multi-timescale stochastic approximation. We show performance comparisons on various network settings of these algorithms with a range of fixed timing algorithms, as well as a Q-learning algorithm with full state representation that we also implement. We observe that whereas (as expected) on a two-junction corridor, the full state representation algorithm shows the best results, this algorithm is not implementable on larger road networks. The algorithm PG-AC-TLC that we propose is seen to show the best overall performance.


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The analysis of propagation of a normal shock wave in CO2‐N2‐He or H2 or H2O system seeded with solid particles is presented. The variation of translational and vibrational temperatures of gas phase and the particle temperatures in the relaxation zone behind the shock front are given in graphical form. These results show that the peak value of population inversion and the width of the inversion zone are highest for He catalyst and lowest for H2O catalyst.


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A new structured discretization of 2D space, named X-discretization, is proposed to solve bivariate population balance equations using the framework of minimal internal consistency of discretization of Chakraborty and Kumar [2007, A new framework for solution of multidimensional population balance equations. Chem. Eng. Sci. 62, 4112-4125] for breakup and aggregation of particles. The 2D space of particle constituents (internal attributes) is discretized into bins by using arbitrarily spaced constant composition radial lines and constant mass lines of slope -1. The quadrilaterals are triangulated by using straight lines pointing towards the mean composition line. The monotonicity of the new discretization makes is quite easy to implement, like a rectangular grid but with significantly reduced numerical dispersion. We use the new discretization of space to automate the expansion and contraction of the computational domain for the aggregation process, corresponding to the formation of larger particles and the disappearance of smaller particles by adding and removing the constant mass lines at the boundaries. The results show that the predictions of particle size distribution on fixed X-grid are in better agreement with the analytical solution than those obtained with the earlier techniques. The simulations carried out with expansion and/or contraction of the computational domain as population evolves show that the proposed strategy of evolving the computational domain with the aggregation process brings down the computational effort quite substantially; larger the extent of evolution, greater is the reduction in computational effort. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.