885 resultados para piezoelectric ceramic element
Thermal characterization of alumina–zirconia and zirconia ceramic tapes using a photoacoustic technique is presented. A transmission-mode geometry is employed for the measurement of thermal diffusivity while a reflection-mode geometry is used for the measurement of thermal effusivity. In both these geometries, the same open photoacoustic cell is used. From the measured values of thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity, the thermal conductivity value has also been evaluated.
Warships are generally sleek, slender with V shaped sections and block coefficient below 0.5, compared to fuller forms and higher values for commercial ships. They normally operate in the higher Froude number regime, and the hydrodynamic design is primarily aimed at achieving higher speeds with the minimum power. Therefore the structural design and analysis methods are different from those for commercial ships. Certain design guidelines have been given in documents like Naval Engineering Standards and one of the new developments in this regard is the introduction of classification society rules for the design of warships.The marine environment imposes subjective and objective uncertainties on ship structure. The uncertainties in loads, material properties etc.,. make reliable predictions of ship structural response a difficult task. Strength, stiffness and durability criteria for warship structures can be established by investigations on elastic analysis, ultimate strength analysis and reliability analysis. For analysis of complicated warship structures, special means and valid approximations are required.Preliminary structural design of a frigate size ship has been carried out . A finite element model of the hold model, representative of the complexities in the geometric configuration has been created using the finite element software NISA. Two other models representing the geometry to a limited extent also have been created —- one with two transverse frames and the attached plating alongwith the longitudinal members and the other representing the plating and longitudinal stiffeners between two transverse frames. Linear static analysis of the three models have been carried out and each one with three different boundary conditions. The structural responses have been checked for deflections and stresses against the permissible values. The structure has been found adequate in all the cases. The stresses and deflections predicted by the frame model are comparable with those of the hold model. But no such comparison has been realized for the interstiffener plating model with the other two models.Progressive collapse analyses of the models have been conducted for the three boundary conditions, considering geometric nonlinearity and then combined geometric and material nonlinearity for the hold and the frame models. von Mises — lllyushin yield criteria with elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain curve has been chosen. ln each case, P-Delta curves have been generated and the ultimate load causing failure (ultimate load factor) has been identified as a multiple of the design load specified by NES.Reliability analysis of the hull module under combined geometric and material nonlinearities have been conducted. The Young's Modulus and the shell thickness have been chosen as the variables. Randomly generated values have been used in the analysis. First Order Second Moment has been used to predict the reliability index and thereafter, the probability of failure. The values have been compared against standard values published in literature.
The present thesis develops from the point of view of titania sol-gel chemistry and an attempt is made to address the modification of the process for better photoactive titania by selective doping and also demonstration of utilization of the process for the preparation of supported membranes and self cleaning films.A general introduction to nanomaterials, nanocrystalline titania and sol-gel chemistry are presented in the first chapter. A brief and updated literature review on sol-gel titania, with special emphasis on catalytic and photocatalytic properties and anatase to rutile transformation are covered. Based on critical assessment of the reported information the present research problem has been defined.The second chapter describes a new aqueous sol-gel method for the preparation of nanocrystalline titania using titanyl sulphate as precursor. This approach is novel since no earlier work has been reported in the same lines proposed here. The sol-gel process has been followed at each step using particle size, zeta potential measurements on the sol and thermal analysis of the resultant gel. The prepared powders were then characterized using X-ray diffraction, FTIR, BET surface area analysis and transmission electron microscopy.The third chapter presents a detailed discussion on the physico-chemical characterization of the aqueous sol-gel derived doped titania. The effect of dopants such as tantalum, gadolinium and ytterbium on the anatase to rutile phase transformation, surface area as well as their influence on photoactivity is also included. The fourth chapter demonstrates application of the aqueous sol-gel method in developing titania coatings on porous alumina substrates for controlling the poresize for use as membrane elements in ultrafiltration. Thin coatings having ~50 nm thickness and transparency of ~90% developed on glass surface were tested successfully for self cleaning applications.
The main objective of the study is primarily to determine the magnitude of selected trace elements, the concentrations of which would possibly accelerate growth resulting in larger biomass and sustained period of exponential phase for economically viable harvest. The study on the effect of three trace elements namely Cu, Mn and Zn on two species of algae,ISOChrySiS galbana Parke and Synechocystib salina Wislouch under different conditions of salinity, PH and temperature involves several combinations for each metal, from which the relative set of conditions has been adduced. The scheme of the experiments was statistically designed for interpretation of data and factors were assessed and graded according to relative importance. The methodology adopted for data interpretation is analysis of variance by split-plot design method. The thesis has been divided into five chapters. The introductory chapter explains the relevance of the research work undertaken. Chapter 11 gives a review on the work pertaining to the above mentioned three trace elements in relation to nutrition as well as on the toxic aspects about which there is an abundance of literature. Chapter Ill presents a detailed description of the material and specialised methods followed for the study. The results and conclusions of the various experiments on effect of metals on growth and other physiological activities are discussed in Chapters IV and V.
This paper presents the design and analysis of a 400-step hybrid stepper motor for spacecraft applications. The design of the hybrid stepper motor for achieving a specific performance requires the choice of appropriate tooth geometry. In this paper, a detailed account of the results of two-dimensional finite-element (FE) analysis conducted with different tooth shapes such as square and trapezoidal, is presented. The use of % more corresponding increase in detent torque and distorted static torque profile. For the requirements of maximum torque density, less-detent torque, and better positional accuracy and smooth static torque profile, different pitch slotting with equal tooth width has to be provided. From the various FE models subjected to analysis trapezoidal teeth configuration with unequal tooth pitch on the stator and rotor is found to be the best configuration and is selected for fabrication. The designed motor is fabricated and the experimental results is compared with the FE results
The first chapter of the thesis gives a general introduction about flexible electronics, dielectrics and composites. The recent developments in flexible electronics also discussed in this chapter. The preparation and characterization techniques used for the butyl rubber ceramic composites are given in chapter 2. The synthesis and characterization of butyl rubber filled with low permittivity ceramic composites are described in chapter 3. The chapter 4 deals with the synthesis and characterization of butyl rubber-high permittivity ceramic composites. The effect of high permittivity ceramic fillers such as TiO2, Sr2Ce2Ti5O15 and SrTiO3 on dielectric, thermal and mechanical properties was studied. The present investigation deals with synthesis, characterization and properties of butyl rubber composites with low, high and very high ceramic fillers and also the effect of particle size on dielectric, thermal and mechanical properties of selected composites.
The present work emphasises on the synthesis and characterization of electro-active polymer-ceramic nanocomposites which can be used for pyroelectric thermal/infrared detection applications. Two sets of samples belong to polymer-microcrystalline composites have also been investigated in the work. The polymers used in the work have been commercially available ones, but the nanoceramics have been synthesized following simple chemical routes and aqueous organic gel routes. After characterizing the nanoceramics for their structure by powder XRD, they have been dispersed in liquid polymer and sonicated for uniform dispersion. The viscous mixture so formed was cast in the form of films for experimentation. Samples with volume fraction of the ceramic phase varied from 0 to 0.25 have been prepared. Solution growth was followed to prepare microcrystalline samples for the polymer-microcrystalline composites. The physical properties that determine the pyroelectric sensitivity of a material are dielectric constant, dielectric loss, pyroelectric coefficient, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity. These parameters have been determined for all the samples and compositions reported in this work.The pyroelectric figures of merit for all the samples were determined. The pyroelectric figures of merit that determine the pyroelectric sensitivity of a material are current sensitivity, voltage responsivity and detectivity. All these have been determined for each set of samples and reported in the thesis. In order to assess the flexibility and mouldability of the composites we have measured the Shore hardness of each of the composites by indentation technique and compared with the pyroelectric figures of merit. Some important factors considered during the material fabrication stages were maximum flexibility and maximum figures of merit for pyroelectric thermal/IR detection applications. In order to achieve these goals, all the samples are synthesized as composites of polymers and nano/microcrystalline particles and are prepared in the form of freestanding films. The selected polymer matrices and particle inclusions possess good pyroelectric coefficients, low thermal and dielectric properties, so that good pyroelectric figures of merit could be achieved. The salient features of the work include the particle size of the selected ceramic materials. Since they are in nanometer size it was possible to achieve high flexibility and moldability with high figures of merit for even low volume fractions of inclusions of the prepared nanocrystalline composites. In the case of microcrystalline TGS and DTGS, their composites in PU matrix protect them from fragility and humidity susceptibility and made them for environmental friendly applications.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden magneto-optische Speicherschichten und ihre Kopplungen untereinander untersucht. Hierzu wurden zum Einen die für die magneto-optische Speichertechnologie "klassischen" Schichten aus RE/TM-Legierungen verwendet, zum Anderen aber auch erfolgreich Granate integriert, die bisher nicht in diesem Anwendungsgebiet verwendet wurden. Einleitend werden die magneto-optischen Verfahren, die resultierenden Anforderungen an die dünnen Schichten und die entsprechenden physikalischen Grundlagen diskutiert. Außerdem wird auf das Hochfrequenz-Sputtern von RE/TM-Legierungen eingegangen und die verwendeten magneto-optischen Messverfahren werden erläutert [Kap. 2 & 3]. Die Untersuchungen an RE/TM-Schichten bestätigen die aus der Literatur bekannten Eigenschaften. Sie lassen sich effektiv, und für magneto-optische Anwendungen geeignet, über RF-Sputtern herstellen. Die unmittelbaren Schicht-Parameter, wie Schichtdicke und Terbium-Konzentration, lassen sich über einfache Zusammenhänge einstellen. Da die Terbium-Konzentration eine Änderung der Kompensationstemperatur bewirkt, lässt sich diese mit Messungen am Kerr-Magnetometer überprüfen. Die für die Anwendung interessante senkrechte magnetische Anisotropie konnte ebenfalls mit den Herstellungsbedingungen verknüpft werden. Bei der Herstellung der Schichten auf einer glatten Glas-Oberfläche (Floatglas) zeigt die RE/TM-Schicht bereits in den ersten Lagen ein Wachstumsverhalten, das eine senkrechte Anisotropie bewirkt. Auf einer Quarzglas- oder Keramik-Oberfläche wachsen die ersten Lagen in einer durch das Substrat induzierten Struktur auf, danach ändert sich das Wachstumsverhalten stetig, bis eine senkrechte Anisotropie erreicht wird. Dieses Verhalten kann auch durch verschiedene Pufferschichten (Aluminium und Siliziumnitrid) nur unwesentlich beeinflusst werden [Kap. 5 & Kap. 6]. Bei der direkten Aufbringung von Doppelschichten, bestehend aus einer Auslese-Schicht (GdFeCo) auf einer Speicherschicht (TbFeCo), wurde die Austausch-Kopplung demonstriert. Die Ausleseschicht zeigt unterhalb der Kompensationstemperatur keine Kopplung an die Speicherschicht, während oberhalb der Kompensationstemperatur eine direkte Kopplung der Untergitter stattfindet. Daraus ergibt sich das für den MSR-Effekt erwünschte Maskierungsverhalten. Die vorher aus den Einzelschichten gewonnen Ergebnisse zu Kompensationstemperatur und Wachstumsverhalten konnten in den Doppelschichten wiedergefunden werden. Als Idealfall erweist sich hier die einfachste Struktur. Man bringt die Speicherschicht auf Floatglas auf und bedeckt diese direkt mit der Ausleseschicht [Kap. 7]. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass es möglich ist, den Faraday-Effekt einer Granatschicht als verstärkendes Element zu nutzen. Im anwendungstauglichen, integrierten Schichtsystem konnten die kostengünstig, mit dem Sol-Gel-Verfahren produzierten, Granate die strukturellen Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, da sich während der Herstellung Risse und Löcher gebildet haben. Bei der experimentellen Realisierung mit einer einkristallinen Granatschicht und einer RE/TM-Schicht konnte die prinzipielle Eignung des Schichtsystems demonstriert werden [Kap. 8].
Während der letzten 20 Jahre hat sich das Periodensystem bis zu den Elementen 114 und 116 erweitert. Diese sind kernphysikalisch nachgewiesen, so dass jetzt die chemische Untersuchung an erster Selle steht. Nachdem sich das Periodensystem bis zum Element 108 so verhält, wie man es dem Periodensystem nach annimmt, wird in dieser Arbeit die Chemie des Elements 112 untersucht. Dabei geht es um die Adsorptionsenergie auf einer Gold-Ober fläche, weil dies der physikalisch/chemische Prozess ist, der bei der Analyse angewandt wird. Die Methode, die in dieser Arbeit angwandt wird, ist die relativistische Dichtefunktionalmethode. Im ersten Teil wird das Vielkörperproblem in allgemeiner Form behandelt, und im zweiten die grundlegenden Eigenschaften und Formulierungen der Dichtefunktionaltheorie. Die Arbeit beschreibt zwei prinzipiell unterschiedliche Ansätze, wie die Adsorptionsenergie berechnet werden kann. Zum einen ist es die sogenannte Clustermethode, bei der ein Atom auf ein relativ kleines Cluster aufgebracht und dessen Adsorptionsenergie berechnet wird. Wenn es gelingt, die Konvergenz mit der Größe des Clusters zu erreichen, sollte dies zu einem Wert für die Adsorptionsenergie führen. Leider zeigt sich in den Rechnungen, dass aufgrund des zeitlichen Aufwandes die Konvergenz für die Clusterrechnungen nicht erreicht wird. Es werden sehr ausführlich die drei verschiedenen Adsorptionsplätze, die Top-, die Brücken- und die Muldenposition, berechnet. Sehr viel mehr Erfolg erzielt man mit der Einbettungsmethode, bei der ein kleiner Cluster von vielen weiteren Atomen an den Positionen, die sie im Festkörpers auf die Adsorptionsenergie soweit sichergestellt ist, dass physikalisch-chemisch gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Alle hier gennanten Rechnungen sowohl mit der Cluster- wie mit der Einbettungsmethode verlangen sehr, sehr lange Rechenzeiten, die, wie oben bereits erwähnt, nicht zu einer Konvergenz für die Clusterrechnungen ausreichten. In der Arbeit wird bei allen Rechnungen sehr detailliert auf die Abhängigkeit von den möglichen Basissätzen eingegangen, die ebenfalls in entscheidender Weise zur Länge und Qualität der Rechnungen beitragen. Die auskonvergierten Rechnungen werden in der Form von Potentialkurven, Density of States (DOS), Overlap Populations sowie Partial Crystal Overlap Populations analysiert. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Adsoptionsenergie für das Element 112 auf einer Goldoberfläche ca. 0.2 eV niedriger ist als die Adsorption von Quecksilber auf der gleichen Ober fläche. Mit diesem Ergebnis haben die experimentellen Kernchemiker einen Wert an der Hand, mit dem sie eine Anhaltspunkt haben, wo sie bei den Messungen die wenigen zu erwartenden Ereignisse finden können.
A detailed study of the electronic structure and bonding of the pentahalides of group 5 elements V, Nb, Ta, and element 105, hahnium (and Pa) has been carried out using relativistic molecular cluster Dirac-Slater discrete-variational method. A number of calculations have been performed for different geometries and molecular bond distances. The character of the bonding has been analyzed using the Mulliken population analysis of the molecular orbitals. It is shown that hahnium is a typical group 5 element. In a great number of properties it continues trends in the group. Some peculiarities in the electronic structure of HaCl_5 result from relativistic effects.
Relativistic self-consistent charge Dirac-Slater discrete variational method calculations have been done for the series of molecules MBr_5, where M = Nb, Ta, Pa, and element 105, Ha. The electronic structure data show that the trends within the group 5 pentabromides resemble those for the corresponding pentaclorides with the latter being more ionic. Estimation of the volatility of group 5 bromides has been done on the basis of the molecular orbital calculations. According to the results of the theoretical interpretation HaBr_5 seems to be more volatile than NbBr_5 and TaBr_5.
Electronic structures of MOCl_3 and MOBr_3 molecules, where M = V, Nb, Ta, Pa, and element 105, hahnium, have been calculated using the relativistic Dirac-Slater discrete variational method. The character of bonding has been analyzed using the Mulliken population analysis of the molecular orbitals. It was shown that hahnium oxytrihalides have similar properties to oxytrihalides of Nb and Ta and that hahnium has the highest tendency to form double bond with oxygen. Some peculiarities in the electronic structure of HaOCl_3 and HaOBr_3 result from relativistic effects. Volatilities of the oxytrihalides in comparison with the corresponding pentahalides were considered using results of the present calculations. Higher ionic character and lower covalency as well as the presence of dipole moments in MOX_3 (X = Cl, Br) molecules compared to analogous MX_5 ones are the factors contributing to their lower volatilities.
The finite element method (FEM) is now developed to solve two-dimensional Hartree-Fock (HF) equations for atoms and diatomic molecules. The method and its implementation is described and results are presented for the atoms Be, Ne and Ar as well as the diatomic molecules LiH, BH, N_2 and CO as examples. Total energies and eigenvalues calculated with the FEM on the HF-level are compared with results obtained with the numerical standard methods used for the solution of the one dimensional HF equations for atoms and for diatomic molecules with the traditional LCAO quantum chemical methods and the newly developed finite difference method on the HF-level. In general the accuracy increases from the LCAO - to the finite difference - to the finite element method.
A fully numerical two-dimensional solution of the Schrödinger equation is presented for the linear polyatomic molecule H^2+_3 using the finite element method (FEM). The Coulomb singularities at the nuclei are rectified by using both a condensed element distribution around the singularities and special elements. The accuracy of the results for the 1\sigma and 2\sigma orbitals is of the order of 10^-7 au.