860 resultados para pay-as-you-go
Consumers today have many choices when it comes to considering long-term care – whether they wish to remain in their home or community or move into an assisted living program or nursing home. Choosing a long-term care option that best fits your individual situation can depend on the level of care you need, your location preferences, your lifestyle needs and your ability to pay. The best time to begin exploring your options is long before the need arises. That way, you can communicate your preferences to your loved ones and create a plan that meets your needs as well as your wishes.
Treball que obté com a resultat un producte de programari per a plataforma Android. Es tracta d'una aplicació que ha de permetre posar en contacte persones que realitzen trajectes semblants per tal de poder compartir recursos. També s'obté un programari de suport per a l'aplicació que consisteix en un web service.
One of the major changes introduced in the GPLv3 and LGPLv3 is the clause preventing "tivoisation". Richard Stallman defines Tivoisation as "the practice of designing hardware so that a modified version cannot function properly". In this presentation we will go through the reasons of why the information installation requirement was introduced, how you can comply with this requirement and why you may want to think about it now rather than later.
Hand hygiene compliance of patients receiving hemodialysis treatment is a contemporary discussion topic among health care professionals in the Nephrology Clinic of Helsinki University City Hospital. The purpose of the Final Thesis is to review patient hand hygiene in terms of risks its lack entails and based on the evidence based findings to design an end product as a poster. The poster can be utilised in the Nephrology Clinic's nursing environment to educate and motivate patients to pay specifid attention to the importance of hand hygiene. The method used was a systematic literature review. The most important evidence based findings were extracted from the chosen thirteen scientific articles. All articles were searched from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature electronic database. The gathered information was then used to build the content of a patient education tool that for this project was defined as a Poster. The findings in this study showed that transmission of bloodborne infections, like Hepatitis B or C virus can occur through a vascular access and that the consequences of this can be very fatal. Additionally, environmental surfaces such as furniture, door knobs and dialysis machine control knobs were all possible infection sources for the patient receiving hemodialysis treatment. Adherence to good hand hygiene behaviour lowered the risk for infections. The end product of this study is a poster that is targeted to patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. Using a health promotion agenda in the Poster, it is hoped that patients will pay more attention to the importance of hand hygiene and that they will be more motivated to use aseptic methods such as alcohol based hand rubs in the hemodialysis setting.
A eficiência na comercialização de frutas necessita de estudos constantes nos mercados para fornecer informações que possam servir de suporte à elaboração de estratégias e execuções de ações para melhorias do contexto mercadológico. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar levantamento do mercado de frutas frescas no município de Mineiros-GO, a fim de fornecer informações de mercado que possam auxiliar em ações específicas ao setor. Para isso, foram realizadas pesquisas em estabelecimentos comerciais (equipamentos varejistas: supermercados, quitandas/sacolões e feira-livre), entre dezembro de 2005 e janeiro de 2006, mediante aplicação de questionários em cada equipamento. Dentre as frutas relacionadas pelos resultados da pesquisa, a laranja foi a que apresentou o maior volume de comercialização (7.196 kg semana-1), seguida da banana (2.812 kg semana-1) e maçã (2.526 kg semana-1). Os resultados demonstraram que os supermercados e as quitandas são os principais responsáveis pelo comércio de frutas em Mineiros. A deficiência na produção local de frutas em Mineiros pôde ser sugerida quando ficou demonstrado que 93,3% dos estabelecimentos de frutas comercializadas neste município são abastecidos pelos Ceasas e apenas 6,7% por produtores locais.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar levantamento das perdas de frutas frescas nos mercados varejistas do município de Mineiros-GO, bem como suas causas e providências a serem tomadas. Para isso, foram realizadas pesquisas mediante visitação aos equipamentos varejistas (supermercados, quitandas/sacolões e feira livre) para aplicação de questionário. Os resultados demonstraram que, semanalmente, são perdidos 3,2% do volume de frutas comercializado em Mineiros e que os supermercados, por serem os principais mercados varejistas, são predominantes no volume de perdas. Os mercados varejistas citaram o armazenamento inadequado (falta de refrigeração) e as más condições de transporte (rodovias sob condições ruins de conservação) como as principais causas das perdas de frutas frescas. O controle de estoque, a educação do consumidor final e a melhoria da qualidade das frutas são medidas prioritárias a serem tomadas conforme a rede varejista. Conclui-se que os mercados varejistas de Mineiros precisam desenvolver ações mais enérgicas e apresentar atitudes a fim de diminuir as perdas dos produtos frutícolas.
The phototropin 1 (phot1) blue light receptor mediates a number of adaptive responses, including phototropism, that generally serve to optimize photosynthetic capacity. Phot1 is a plasma membrane-associated protein, but upon irradiation, a fraction is internalized into the cytoplasm. Although this phenomenon has been reported for more than a decade, its biological significance remains elusive. Here, we use a genetic approach to revisit the prevalent hypotheses regarding the functional importance of receptor internalization. Transgenic plants expressing lipidated versions of phot1 that are permanently anchored to the plasma membrane were used to analyse the effect of internalization on receptor turnover, phototropism and other phot1-mediated responses. Myristoylation and farnesylation effectively prevented phot1 internalization. Both modified photoreceptors were found to be fully functional in Arabidopsis, rescuing phototropism and all other phot1-mediated responses tested. Light-mediated phot1 turnover occurred as in the native receptor. Furthermore, our work does not provide any evidence of a role of phot1 internalization in the attenuation of receptor signalling during phototropism. Our results demonstrate that phot1 signalling is initiated at the plasma membrane. They furthermore indicate that release of phot1 into the cytosol is not linked to receptor turnover or desensitization.
The purpose of the research is to develop a go-to-market strategy with pharmacies. As it was agreed with the client of the study, Reckitt Benckiser, the focus is solely on non-prescription products. Therefore, prescription medicines are not considered in the study. The main objective of the research is to clarify consumer and pharmacy personnel behavior concerning non-prescription products. These issues are observed with surveys, which are provided to consumers and pharmacy personnel. The go-to-market strategy is based on the survey results and is comprised by utilizing the marketing-mix model. Legislation and the present state & trends are additional minor research problems of the study. The results of the research provide many descriptive insights about consumer and pharmacy personnel behavior. It is concluded that the consumers’ level of involvement with non-prescription products is low and the type of behavior is habitual. It is also demonstrated that several decision-making criteria are very different among different age groups and genders. Concerning pharmacy personnel, the factors that they base their product recommendations are revealed. In addition, the sources of medicine information for both consumers and pharmacy personnel are found out.
"This paper will discuss the major developments in the area of fingerprint" "identification that followed the publication of the National Research Council (NRC, of the US National Academies of Sciences) report in 2009 entitled: Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward. The report portrayed an image of a field of expertise used for decades without the necessary scientific research-based underpinning. The advances since the report and the needs in selected areas of fingerprinting will be detailed. It includes the measurement of the accuracy, reliability, repeatability and reproducibility of the conclusions offered by fingerprint experts. The paper will also pay attention to the development of statistical models allow- ing assessment of fingerprint comparisons. As a corollary of these developments, the next challenge is to reconcile a traditional practice domi- nated by deterministic conclusions with the probabilistic logic of any statistical model. There is a call for greater candour and fingerprint experts will need to communicate differently on the strengths and limitations of their findings. Their testimony will have to go beyond the blunt assertion" "of the uniqueness of fingerprints or the opinion delivered ispe dixit."
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e a produção de seis genótipos de bananeira nas condições bioclimáticas do Sudoeste Goiano. O experimento foi conduzido em área experimental na Fazenda Aroeira localizada no Município de Jataí-GO, microrregião do sudoeste Goiano. Em dois ciclos de produção, foram avaliados os genótipos 'Caipira' (AAA), 'Thap Maeo' (AAB), 'FHIA-01' (AAAB), 'FHIA-21' (AAAB), 'FHIA-18' (AAAB), descritos pela Embrapa como resistentes à Sigatoka, e a 'Terra' (AAB - subgrupo Terra), cultivada tradicionalmente pelos produtores da região. O experimento foi montado num delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com seis tratamentos (genótipos) e seis repetições, em condições de sequeiro com espaçamento de 3 x 2 m. A caracterização do desenvolvimento e do rendimento dos genótipos foi realizada com as seguintes avaliações: NDPC - número de dias do plantio à colheita; MC - massa do cacho (kg); NP - número de pencas; CE - comprimento do engaço (cm); Ø - diâmetro do engaço (mm); ME - massa do engaço (kg); Ø2ªP - diâmetro do fruto da segunda penca (mm); C2ªP - comprimento do fruto da segunda penca (mm); M2ªP - massa da segunda penca (kg); N2ªP - número de frutos da segunda penca; ØPSFL - diâmetro do pseudocaule na floração (cm), NFC - número de folhas na colheita, e APF - altura da planta na floração. Observou-se um regime hídrico bem definido, com uma estação chuvosa de outubro a março e um período seco de abril a setembro. Considerando que diferentes ambientes influenciam no desempenho dos genótipos de banana e na manifestação dos caracteres, o bom desenvolvimento desses genótipos indica a adaptação às condições climáticas da região. De acordo com os dados de produção do segundo ciclo, os genótipos 'FHIA-18', 'FHIA-01' e 'FHIA-21' apresentaram características agronômicas favoráveis e podem ser indicados como alternativas de cultivo aos produtores da região. As baixas temperaturas e a altitude contribuíram para o alongamento do ciclo em todas as cultivares, com maiores ciclos produtivos para 'FHIA-21' e 'Terra'.