992 resultados para orientamento :: 365 :: Geoingegneria
建立了一个新的结构一尾流振子耦合模型, 流场近尾迹动力学特征被模化为非线性阻尼振子, 采用van der Pol方程描述.以控制体中结构与近尾迹流体间受力互为反作用关系来实现流固耦合, 采用该模型进行了二维结构涡激振动计算, 得到了合理的振幅随来流流速的变化规律和共振幅值, 并正确地预计了共振振幅值 A~*_(max) 随着质量阻尼参数(m~*+ C_A)ζ的变化规律, 给出了预测A*_(max) 值的拟合公式, 采用该模型计算了三维柔性结构在均匀来流和简谐波形来流作用下的VIV响应.结构在均匀来流作用下振动呈现由驻波向行波的变化过程, 并最后稳定为行波振动形态, 在简谐波形来流作用下, 结构呈现混合振动形态, 幅值随时间呈周期变化
We have calculated the Hugoniot properties of shocked nitromethane based on the improved Tsien's equation of state (EOS) that optimized by "exact" numerical molecular dynamic data at high temperatures and pressures. Comparison of the calculated results of the improved Tsien's EOS with the existed experimental data and the direct simulations show that the behavior of the improved Tsien's EOS is very good in many aspects. Because of its simple analytical form, the improved Tsien's EOS can be prospectively used to study the condensed explosive detonation coupling with chemical reaction.
由于各种内源和外在的因素,DNA会受到各种损伤,不过生物体已经进化出了一套保守的DNA修复系统,对损伤的DNA进行修复,确保基因组的稳定性及完整性。交联损伤是一种常见的DNA损伤,其修复过程相对复杂,主要是通过范可尼贫血症(Fanconi anemia,FA)通路来实现。FA是一种呈现基因组不稳定性的遗传综合征,其内在的病因就是FA通路的失活,因此不能有效修复交联损伤,导致DNA复制异常。
采用位置灵敏探测和散射离子 反冲离子飞行时间测量技术,测量了氧离子与氖和氦原子碰撞过程中转移电离截面与单电子俘获截面之比。通过比较发现测量结果与文献结果的趋势一致,并对测量结果进行了讨论。
在 WINDOWS环境下 ,采用面向对象程序设计方法 ,建立了 HIRFL两台回旋加速器 SFC和 SSC的圈图测量软件及相应的探针控制系统 ,实现了数据采集、探针移动、圈图显示、图形打印、数据保存等多项功能 ,使设备工作更稳定可靠 ,大大提高了加速器运行和调束工作效率。
本论文分为两部分:1)利用能量为165 Mev的飞束流,通过熔合蒸发反应118Sn(32S,1p4n),用12套BGO(AC)HPGe探测器进行了γ射线的激发函数、X-γ-t和γ-γ-t符合测量。首次建立了由50个能级、81条γ跃迁组成的145Tb的高自旋态能级纲图。基于邻近N=80同中子素能级结构的系统性,用弱祸合模型对145Tb的低位能级结构进行了解释。145Tb的低位能级可以看成是由一个hll尼价质子与偶偶核芯144Gd的2+,4+和3-激发态祸合而成。通过粒子一核芯相互作用计算很好地再现了145Tb的低位激发态。通过比较可知,(πh11/2⑧v-22+,4+)和(πh11/2×3-)多重态的激发能与相应核芯的激发态能量相差不大,这说明价质子与核芯的相互作用比较弱。本工作在多粒子壳模型组态基础上对145Th的更高激发态进行了深入讨论。为了使实验能级的组态指定更为直接方便,采用了参数无关的半经验壳模型计算。其结果清楚地揭示了球形核多准粒子的激发特性。通过与计算结果比较,明确地指定了晕态能级和部分非晕态能级的组态。 2)利用能量为90MeV的16O束流,通过144Sm(16O,3n)反应,用11套BGO(AC)HPGe探测器进行了长时间的γ-γ-t符合测量。基于γ-γ符合关系、γ射线的各向异性度和DCO系数的测量结果,首次建立了157Yb的高自旋能级纲图。确定了157Yb的13/2+同质异能态的激发能为530 keV。此同质异能态已经被前人指定,其激发能却一直未知。观测到了157Yb的vi13/2龙转动带。157Yb能级纲图中的角动量较低部分显示了轻微扁椭与长椭形变之间的共存。随着角动量增加,157Yb的vi13/2带逐渐损失其集体性,其能级结构演变为具有准振动的激发样式,最后被单粒子激发所取代。用TRs模型计算了157Yb的vi13/2转动带随着角动量增加的形状演变。计算结果很好地再现了实验观测。本工作表明,157Yb不但在核素图上连接了基态为球形(N<87)和有明显长椭球形变(N>87)的2组同位素,而且同时具有这2组同位素的结构性质。
A new poly(fullerene oxide) thin film material has been fabricated by thermal activation and electron bombardment on hexanitro[60]fullerene (HNF) film deposited on a An substrate, all under vacuum conditions. The reaction products in the polymerization process are analyzed by XPS, UPS, IR, TGA-MS and LDI-MS techniques. It is found that the main effect of thermal and radiation treatments is to induce cleavage of -NO bonds from HNF molecules resulted in the release of nitric oxide gas and the formation of fullerene-bound oxyradicals, C-60-C-6. Spectroscopic evidence strongly suggests that rearrangement of fullerenic nitro moieties into nitrito groups is involved in the HNF decomposition process prior to the generation of reactive oxyradical intermediates. Consequently, the intermolecular coupling reaction of these oxyradicals leads to carbon polymer networks containing oxygen-bridged fullerenes. The thermally generated polymeric thin film is stable up to 900 K. Electron bombardment is also effective in both the decomposition of -NO2 groups and the removal of -OH groups present in HNF films. UV irradiation at 365 nm alone is shown to be not as efficient for the polymer formation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Carboxin was synthesized and its heat capacities were measured with an automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 79 to 380K. The melting point, molar enthalpy (Delta(fus)H(m)) and entropy (Delta(fus)S(m)) of fusion of this compound were determined to be 365.29 +/- 0.06K, 28.193 +/- 0.09 kJ mol(-1) and 77.180 +/- 0.02 J mol(-1) K-1, respectively. The purity of the compound was determined to be 99.55 mol% by using the fractional melting technique. The thermodynamic functions relative to the reference temperature (298.15 K) were calculated based on the heat capacity measurements in the temperature range between 80 and 360 K. The thermal stability of the compound was further investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. The DSC curve indicates that the sample starts to decompose at ca. 290degreesC with the peak temperature at 292.7degreesC. The TG-DTG results demonstrate the maximum mass loss rate occurs at 293degreesC corresponding to the maximum decomposition rate. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The heat capacities of berberine sulphate [(C20H18NO4)(2)SO4.3H(2)O] were measured from 80 to 390 K by means of an automated adiabatic calorimeter. Smoothed heat capacities,{H-T-H-298.15} and {S-T-S-298.15} were calculated. The loss of crystalline water started at about 339.3+/-0.2 K, and its peak temperature was 365.8+/-0.6 K. The peak temperature of decomposition for berberine sulphate was at about 391.4+/-0.4 K by DSC curve. TG-DTG analysis of this material was carried out in temperature range from 310 to 970 K. TG and DSC curves show that there is no melting in the whole heating process.
分析了辽宁省中部城市群1988~1998年间的景观变化,结果表明沼泽地从景观中完全消失,沙地的变化弹性最大,耕地的变化最小。优势景观类型(耕地)的转化方向较多,非优势景观类型(沙地)转化的方向少。某些景观类型之间较稳定地相互转化(林地和耕地) ,但某些景观类型之间转化极不稳定(耕地和沼泽地)。总体上,景观的变化趋势是:居住用地面积增加,占居了周围的耕地,促进了耕地向菜地的转化。面积大的景观类型变化小(林地和耕地) ,相反,面积小的类型变化大。Kappa系数分析结果表明,位置、数量、随机和标准Kappa系数都降低,即景观在数量上丢失3.86 %的信息,位置上丢失5 .95 %的信息,丢失的综合信息为6 .89%。而且建议进行综合信息评价时用随机Kappa系数,因为它既不考虑数量,又不考虑位置的影响。虽然Kappa系数从位置、数量和综合信息方面揭示了景观变化,但是这些分析是单方面的,而且没有说明在整个图的一致率中由于空间位置、数量和偶然因子所引起的一致率和变化率。景观变化过程中,不考虑空间位置和数量的情况下,景观在空间上随机分布,某个象元属于某个类型的概率等于1/ J(J=类型总数) (8% )。随景观中类型数量的减少,偶然一致率所占的比重增加,因此建议对单个类型不要进行一致性分析。位置一致率在整个一致率中