886 resultados para optical coatings
In traffic accidents involving motorcycles, paint traces can be transferred from the rider's helmet or smeared onto its surface. These traces are usually in the form of chips or smears and are frequently collected for comparison purposes. This research investigates the physical and chemical characteristics of the coatings found on motorcycles helmets. An evaluation of the similarities between helmet and automotive coating systems was also performed.Twenty-seven helmet coatings from 15 different brands and 22 models were considered. One sample per helmet was collected and observed using optical microscopy. FTIR spectroscopy was then used and seven replicate measurements per layer were carried out to study the variability of each coating system (intravariability). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were also performed on the infrared spectra of the clearcoats and basecoats of the data set. The most common systems were composed of two or three layers, consistently involving a clearcoat and basecoat. The coating systems of helmets with composite shells systematically contained a minimum of three layers. FTIR spectroscopy results showed that acrylic urethane and alkyd urethane were the most frequent binders used for clearcoats and basecoats. A high proportion of the coatings were differentiated (more than 95%) based on microscopic examinations. The chemical and physical characteristics of the coatings allowed the differentiation of all but one pair of helmets of the same brand, model and color. Chemometrics (PCA and HCA) corroborated classification based on visual comparisons of the spectra and allowed the study of the whole data set at once (i.e., all spectra of the same layer). Thus, the intravariability of each helmet and its proximity to the others (intervariability) could be more readily assessed. It was also possible to determine the most discriminative chemical variables based on the study of the PCA loadings. Chemometrics could therefore be used as a complementary decision-making tool when many spectra and replicates have to be taken into account. Similarities between automotive and helmet coating systems were highlighted, in particular with regard to automotive coating systems on plastic substrates (microscopy and FTIR). However, the primer layer of helmet coatings was shown to differ from the automotive primer. If the paint trace contains this layer, the risk of misclassification (i.e., helmet versus vehicle) is reduced. Nevertheless, a paint examiner should pay close attention to these similarities when analyzing paint traces, especially regarding smears or paint chips presenting an incomplete layer system.
Interception requires precise estimation of time-to-contact (TTC) information. A long-standing view posits that all relevant information for extracting TTC is available in the angular variables, which result from the projection of distal objecs on to the retina. The diferent timing models rooted in this tradition have consequently relied on combining visual angle and its rate of expansion in diferent ways with tau being the most well-known solution for TTC...
PURPOSE: To characterize perifoveal intraretinal cavities observed around full-thickness macular holes (MH) using en face optical coherence tomography and to establish correlations with histology of human and primate maculae. DESIGN: Retrospective nonconsecutive observational case series. METHODS: Macular en face scans of 8 patients with MH were analyzed to quantify the areas of hyporeflective spaces, and were compared with macular flat mounts and sections from 1 normal human donor eye and 2 normal primate eyes (Macaca fascicularis). Immunohistochemistry was used to study the distribution of glutamine synthetase, expressed by Müller cells, and zonula occludens-1, a tight-junction protein. RESULTS: The mean area of hyporeflective spaces was lower in the inner nuclear layer (INL) than in the complex formed by the outer plexiform (OPL) and the Henle fiber layers (HFL): 5.0 × 10(-3) mm(2) vs 15.9 × 10(-3) mm(2), respectively (P < .0001, Kruskal-Wallis test). In the OPL and HFL, cavities were elongated with a stellate pattern, whereas in the INL they were rounded and formed vertical cylinders. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that Müller cells followed a radial distribution around the fovea in the frontal plane and a "Z-shaped" course in the axial plane, running obliquely in the OPL and HFL and vertically in the inner layers. In addition, zonula occludens-1 co-localized with Müller cells within the complex of OPL and HFL, indicating junctions in between Müller cells and cone axons. CONCLUSION: The dual profile of cavities around MHs correlates with Müller cell morphology and is consistent with the hypothesis of intra- or extracellular fluid accumulation along these cells.
WDM (Wavelength-Division Multiplexing) optiset verkot on tällä hetkellä suosituin tapa isojen määrän tietojen siirtämiseen. Jokaiselle liittymälle määrätään reitin ja aallonpituus joka linkin varten. Tarvittavan reitin ja aallon pituuden löytäminen kutsutaan RWA-ongelmaksi. Tämän työn kuvaa mahdollisia kustannuksen mallein ratkaisuja RWA-ongelmaan. Olemassa on paljon erilaisia optimoinnin tavoitteita. Edellä mainittuja kustannuksen malleja perustuu näillä tavoitteilla. Kustannuksen malleja antavat tehokkaita ratkaisuja ja algoritmeja. The multicommodity malli on käsitelty tässä työssä perusteena RV/A-kustannuksen mallille. Myöskin OB käsitelty heuristisia menetelmiä RWA-ongelman ratkaisuun. Työn loppuosassa käsitellään toteutuksia muutamalle mallille ja erilaisia mahdollisuuksia kustannuksen mallein parantamiseen.
Vesistöissä laivojen pintaan tarttuvat eliöt ovat sekä taloudellinen että kosmeettinen ongelma. Kontrolloimattoman eliöiden kiinnittymisen seurauksena aiheutuu kitkaa, joka puolestaan hidastaa laivan nopeutta ja aiheuttaa polttoaineen kulutuksen kasvua. Tavallisesti eliöiden kiinnittymistä ehkäistään kiinnittymisenestomaalien avulla. Niiden toiminta perustuu biosidien liukenemiseen, jolloin veden ja pinnoitteen väliselle rajapinnalle muodostuu korkea biosidipitoisuus, joka estää eliöiden kiinnittymistä pinnalle. Maailmanlaajuinen orgaanisten tinayhdisteiden käyttökielto kiinnittymisen-estomaaleissa tulee voimaan vuoden 2003 alusta. Tällä hetkellä 70 % maailman laivastoista on suojattu orgaanista tinayhdistettä sisältävällä kiinnittymisenestomaalilla. Nyt onkin kasvava tarve kehittää uusia ympäristöystävällisempiä kiinnittymisenesto-pinnoitteita. Todennäköisesti tinayhdisteet tullaan korvaamaan synteettisillä orgaanisilla yhdisteillä käytettyinä yhdessä kuparin kanssa. Työn tarkoituksena oli valmistaa ympäristöystävällisempi tyydyttämätön polyesteripinnoite, joka itsessään ehkäisisi eliöiden kiinnittymistä. Kirjallisuusosassa tutustuttiin markkinoilla oleviin biosideihin, niiden myrkyllisyyteen ja vaikutuksiin ympäristölle sekä muuttuvaan lainsäädäntöön. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös tällä hetkellä markkinoilla olevia pinnoitteita ja niiden toimintamekanismeja sekä myrkyttömiä vaihtoehtopinnoitteita kiinnittymisenestoon. Kokeellinen osa koostui kahdesta osasta. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin biosidien sopivuutta käytettäväksi yhdessä tyydyttymättömän polyesterin kanssa. Yhteensopivuutta määritettiin applikaatiotesteillä ja pinnoitteen käyttäytymisen perusteella. Toinen vaihe oli selvittää pinnoitteen tehokkuus leväntarttumista vastaan. Tyydyttymätön polyesteri gel coat kiinnittymisenesto-ominaisuuksilla valmistettiin dispergoimalla biosideja tyydyttymättömään polyesterigeeliin. Yhteensopivuustestien tulosten perusteella huomattiin, ettei biosidien lisääminen geeliin vaikuta mainittavasti applikaatio-ominaisuuksien huononemiseen. Brookfield viskositeetin stabiilisuus jopa paranee ja yksi työssä käytetyistä biosideista parantaa pinnoitteen säänkestoominaisuuksia. Tässä työssä ei pystytty määrittämään eri biosidien välisiä eroja tehokkuudessa levää vastaan.
Using mean field theory, we have studied Bose-Fermi mixtures in a one-dimensional optical lattice in the case of an attractive boson-fermion interaction. We consider that the fermions are in the degenerate regime and that the laser intensities are such that quantum coherence across the condensate is ensured. We discuss the effect of the optical lattice on the critical rotational frequency for vortex line creation in the Bose-Einstein condensate, as well as how it affects the stability of the boson-fermion mixture. A reduction of the critical frequency for nucleating a vortex is observed as the strength of the applied laser is increased. The onset of instability of the mixture occurs for a sizably lower number of fermions in the presence of a deep optical lattice.
We present a dual-trap optical tweezers setup which directly measures forces using linear momentum conservation. The setup uses a counter-propagating geometry, which allows momentum measurement on each beam separately. The experimental advantages of this setup include low drift due to all-optical manipulation, and a robust calibration (independent of the features of the trapped object or buffer medium) due to the force measurement method. Although this design does not attain the high-resolution of some co-propagating setups, we show that it can be used to perform different single molecule measurements: fluctuation-based molecular stiffness characterization at different forces and hopping experiments on molecular hairpins. Remarkably, in our setup it is possible to manipulate very short tethers (such as molecular hairpins with short handles) down to the limit where beads are almost in contact. The setup is used to illustrate a novel method for measuring the stiffness of optical traps and tethers on the basis of equilibrium force fluctuations, i.e., without the need of measuring the force vs molecular extension curve. This method is of general interest for dual trap optical tweezers setups and can be extended to setups which do not directly measure forces.
ABSTRACT Dual-trap optical tweezers are often used in high-resolution measurements in single-molecule biophysics. Such measurements can be hindered by the presence of extraneous noise sources, the most prominent of which is the coupling of fluctuations along different spatial directions, which may affect any optical tweezers setup. In this article, we analyze, both from the theoretical and the experimental points of view, the most common source for these couplings in dual-trap optical-tweezers setups: the misalignment of traps and tether. We give criteria to distinguish different kinds of misalignment, to estimate their quantitative relevance and to include them in the data analysis. The experimental data is obtained in a, to our knowledge, novel dual-trap optical-tweezers setup that directly measures forces. In the case in which misalignment is negligible, we provide a method to measure the stiffness of traps and tether based on variance analysis. This method can be seen as a calibration technique valid beyond the linear trap region. Our analysis is then employed to measure the persistence length of dsDNA tethers of three different lengths spanning two orders of magnitude. The effective persistence length of such tethers is shown to decrease with the contour length, in accordance with previous studies.
We consider the numerical treatment of the optical flow problem by evaluating the performance of the trust region method versus the line search method. To the best of our knowledge, the trust region method is studied here for the first time for variational optical flow computation. Four different optical flow models are used to test the performance of the proposed algorithm combining linear and nonlinear data terms with quadratic and TV regularization. We show that trust region often performs better than line search; especially in the presence of non-linearity and non-convexity in the model.
We report optical spectroscopic observations of a sample of 6 low-galactic latitude microquasar candidates selected by cross-identification of X-ray and radio point source catalogs for |b|<5 degrees. Two objects resulted to be of clear extragalactic origin, as an obvious cosmologic redshift has been measured from their emission lines. For the rest, none exhibits a clear stellar-like spectrum as would be expected for genuine Galactic microquasars. Their featureless spectra are consistent with being extragalactic in origin although two of them could be also highly reddened stars. The apparent non-confirmation of our candidates suggests that the population of persistent microquasar systems in the Galaxy is more rare than previously believed. If none of them is galactic, the upper limit to the space density of new Cygnus X-3-like microquasars within 15 kpc would be 1.1\times10^{-12} per cubic pc. A similar upper limit for new LS 5039-like systems within 4 kpc is estimated to be 5.6\times10^{-11} per cubic pc.
The structural and optical properties of three different kinds of GaAs nanowires with 100% zinc-blende structure and with an average of 30% and 70% wurtzite are presented. A variety of shorter and longer segments of zinc-blende or wurtzite crystal phases are observed by transmission electron microscopy in the nanowires. Sharp photoluminescence lines are observed with emission energies tuned from 1.515 eV down to 1.43 eV when the percentage of wurtzite is increased. The downward shift of the emission peaks can be understood by carrier confinement at the interfaces, in quantum wells and in random short period superlattices existent in these nanowires, assuming a staggered band offset between wurtzite and zinc-blende GaAs. The latter is confirmed also by time-resolved measurements. The extremely local nature of these optical transitions is evidenced also by cathodoluminescence measurements. Raman spectroscopy on single wires shows different strain conditions, depending on the wurtzite content which affects also the band alignments. Finally, the occurrence of the two crystallographic phases is discussed in thermodynamic terms.
Optical trapping is an attractive and multidisciplinary topic that has become the center of attention to a large number of researchers. Moreover, it is a suitable subject for advanced students that requires a knowledge of a wide range of topics. As a result, it has been incorporated into some syllabuses of both undergraduate and graduate programs. In this paper, basic concepts in laser trapping theory are reviewed. To provide a better understanding of the underlying concepts for students, a Java application for simulating the behavior of a dielectric particle trapped in a highly focused beam has been developed. The program illustrates a wide range of theoretical results and features, such as the calculation of the force exerted by a beam in the Mie and Rayleigh regimes or the calibration of the trap stiffness. Some examples that are ready to be used in the classroom or in the computer lab are also supplied.
Optical tweezers are an innovative technique for the non-contact, all-optical manipulation of small material samples, which has extraordinarily expanded and evolved since its inception in the mid-80s of the last century. Nowadays, the potential of optical tweezers has been clearly proven and a wide range of applications both from the physical and biological sciences have solidly emerged, turning the early ideas and techniques into a powerful paradigm for experimentation in the micro- and nanoworld. This review aims at highlighting the fundamental concepts that are essential for a thorough understanding of optical trapping, making emphasis on both its manipulation and measurement capabilities, as well as on the vast array of important biological applications appeared in the last years.
We use the analogy between scattering of a wave from a potential, and the precession of a spin-half particle in a magnetic field, to gain insight into the design of an antireflection coating for electrons in a semiconductor superlattice. It is shown that the classic recipes derived for optics are generally not applicable due to the different dispersion law for electrons. Using the stability conditions we show that a Poisson distribution of impedance steps is a better approximation than is a Gaussian distribution. Examples are given of filters with average transmissivity exceeding 95% over an allowed band.