983 resultados para nematic liquid crystals


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We study relative concentration fluctuations in two component lamellar smectic liquid crystals consisting of surfactant layers of width w separated by a background fluid and show that these fluctuations are dominated by crumpling fluctuations of the surfactant layers when (w/l)2


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We use Monte Carlo simulations to obtain thermodynamic functions and correlation functions in a lattice model we propose for sponge phases. We demonstrate that the surface-density correlation function dominates the scattering only along the symmetric-sponge (SS) to asymmetric-sponge (AS) phase boundary but not the boundary between the sponge-with-free-edges (SFE) and symmetric-sponge phases. At this second thermodynamic transition the scattering is dominated instead by an edge-density (or seam-density) correlation function. This prediction provides an unambiguous diagnostic for experiments in search of the SS-SFE transition.


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Weak molecular interactions such as those in pyridine-iodine, benzene-iodine and benzene-chloroform systems oriented in thermotropic liquid crystals have been studied from the changes of the order parameters as a result of complex formation. The results indicate the formation of at least two types of charge transfer complexes in pyridine-iodine solutions. The pi-complexes in benzene-chloroform and benzene-iodine mixtures have also been detected. No detectable changes in the inter-proton distances in these systems were observed.


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Measurement of dipolar couplings using separated local field (SLF) NMR experiment is a powerful tool for structural and dynamics studies of oriented molecules such as liquid crystals and membrane proteins in aligned lipid bilayers. Enhancing the sensitivity of such SLF techniques is of significant importance in present-day solid-state NMR methodology. The present study considers the use of adiabatic cross-polarization for this purpose, which is applied for the first time to one of the well-known SLF techniques, namely, polarization inversion spin exchange at the magic angle (PISEMA). The experiments have been carried out on a single crystal of a model peptide, and a dramatic enhancement in signal-to-noise up to 90% has been demonstrated.


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In order to understand the translational and rotational motion in dense molecular liquids, detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out for three different values of the aspect ratio kappa. For ellipsoids with an aspect ratio equal to 2, the product of the translational diffusion coefficient (D-T) and the average orientational correlation time of the l-th rank harmonics (tau(lR)), converges to a nearly constant value at high density. Surprisingly, this density independent value of D-T tau(lR) is within 5% of the hydrodynamic prediction with the slip boundary condition. This is despite the fact that both D-T and tau(lR) themselves change nearly by an order of magnitude in the density range considered, and the rotational correlation function itself is strongly nonexponential. For small aspect ratios (kappa less than or equal to 1.5), the rotational correlation function remains largely Gaussian even at a very large density, while for a large aspect ratio (kappa greater than or equal to 3), the transition to the nematic liquid-crystalline phase precludes the hydrodynamic regime. Thus, the rotational dynamics of ellipsoids show great sensitivity to the aspect ratio. At low density, tau(lR) goes through a minimum value, indicating the role of interactions in enhancing the rate of orientational relaxation. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(97)50142-5].


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We have synthesized four different types of dimesogenic compounds involving the cholesteryl moiety as one of the mesogenic constituents, and have investigated their liquid crystalline properties. The molecular structures of these dimesogens have been confirmed by spectral analyses; they exhibit a rich polymorphism, as revealed by optical microscopic and differential scanning calorimetric observations. The studies show that the mesomorphic behaviour is sensitive to the nature of the terminal alkyl chains, and to the structure of the 'second mesogen' that is attached to the cholesteryl unit through a polymethylene spacer.


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A series of 2-haloethoxyethyl cholesteryl ethers has been synthesized. Each material shows attractive liquid-crystalline properties as revealed by differential scanning calorimetry, polarizing microscopy, and temperature-dependence of selective reflection characteristic of the cholesteric mesophase. These are interesting examples of simple, nonpolymeric, single component systems that show the cholesteric mesophase at room temperature.


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Cross-polarization from the dipolar reservoir for a range of mismatched Hartmann-Hahn conditions has been considered. Experiment, in general, agrees with the dispersive Lorentzian behavior expected on the basis of quasi-equilibrium theory. It is observed that inclusion of additional mechanisms of polarization transfer lead to an improvment of the fit of the experimental results. The utility of extending the technique to the case of ordered long chain molecules, such as liquid crystals, for the measurement of the local dipolar field is also presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Use of dipolar and quadrupolar couplings for quantum information processing (QIP) by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is described. In these cases, instead of the individual spins being qubits, the 2(n) energy levels of the spin-system can be treated as an n-qubit system. It is demonstrated that QIP in such systems can be carried out using transition-selective pulses, in (CHCN)-C-3, (CH3CN)-C-13, Li-7 (I = 3/2) and Cs-133 (I = 7/2), oriented in liquid crystals yielding 2 and 3 qubit systems. Creation of pseudopure states, implementation of logic gates and arithmetic operations (half-adder and subtractor) have been carried out in these systems using transition-selective pulses.


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The title compound I (24-(S)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with Z = 4. The unit cell dimensions are a = 6.701(2)Angstrom, b = 11.506(8)Angstrom, c = 32.183(4)Angstrom, V = 2481(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.077 Mg/m(3). The tide compound II (24-(R)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P212121 with two molecules per assymetric unit and with Z = 8. The Unit cell dimensions are a = 10.954(2)Angstrom, b = 21.757(6)Angstrom, c = 21.130(7)Angstrom, V = 5035.0(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.062 Mg/m(3). In compound I and in both the molecules of compound II, the rings A, B & C are in chair conformation and the five membered ring D is in envelope conformation. The priority sequence attached to the chiral carbon C24 has "S" designation in compound I and "R" designation in compound II. The structures are stabilized by C-H . . .O and O-H---O hydrogen bonds.


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NMR spectra of molecules oriented in liquid-crystalline matrix provide information on the structure and orientation of the molecules. Thermotropic liquid crystals used as an orienting media result in the spectra of spins that are generally strongly coupled. The number of allowed transitions increases rapidly with the increase in the number of interacting spins. Furthermore, the number of single quantum transitions required for analysis is highly redundant. In the present study, we have demonstrated that it is possible to separate the subspectra of a homonuclear dipolar coupled spin system on the basis of the spin states of the coupled heteronuclei by multiple quantum (MQ)−single quantum (SQ) correlation experiments. This significantly reduces the number of redundant transitions, thereby simplifying the analysis of the complex spectrum. The methodology has been demonstrated on the doubly 13C labeled acetonitrile aligned in the liquid-crystal matrix and has been applied to analyze the complex spectrum of an oriented six spin system.


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Microwave-assisted synthesis of novel alkoxycyanobiphenyl-substituted rufigallols are reported by systematically replacing one, two, four, five or six cyanobiphenyl-tethered alkoxy chains. The synthesis of the target compounds was challenging since classical reactions failed to produce these hybrids. Chemical structures of the hybrids were determined by H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), C-13 NMR, infrared, ultraviolet spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The thermotropic liquid crystalline properties of the new compounds were investigated by polarising optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffractometry.


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Phase diagram studies of succinonitrile-vanillin system show the formation of 2:1 congruent melting type compound. Crystallization velocities of pure components, succinonitrile-vanillin complex, and two eutectics have been determined at different undercoolings. On the basis of heat of fusion measurements, excess thermodynamic functions have been calculated. Microstructural studies revealed that impurities modify the morphology. FTIR spectral studies and computer simulation have shown the existence of hydrogen bonding in the eutectics and the congruent melting compound. On the basis of experimental results, the mechanism of formation of eutectics and its solidification behavior are discussed.


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A paradigm for internally driven matter is the active nematic liquid crystal, whereby the equations of a conventional nematic are supplemented by a minimal active stress that violates time-reversal symmetry. In practice, active fluids may have not only liquid-crystalline but also viscoelastic polymer degrees of freedom. Here we explore the resulting interplay by coupling an active nematic to a minimal model of polymer rheology. We find that adding a polymer can greatly increase the complexity of spontaneous flow, but can also have calming effects, thereby increasing the net throughput of spontaneous flow along a pipe (a ``drag-reduction'' effect). Remarkably, active turbulence can also arise after switching on activity in a sufficiently soft elastomeric solid.


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We study the macroscopic drying patterns of aqueous suspensions of colloidal silica spheres. It was found that convection strength can influence pattern formation. Uniformed films are obtained at weaker convection strength. In addition, we make clear that it is not reasonable to discuss individually the effect of temperature and humidity on the colloid self-assembly. The physical mechanism is that these factors have relationship with the evaporation rate, which can affect the convection strength.