970 resultados para mucus gland


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The recently-proposed Bethesda reporting system has offered clinical recommendations for each category of reported thyroid cytology, including repeated fine-needle aspiration (FNA) for non-diagnostic and atypia/follicular lesions of undetermined significance, but there are no sound indications for repeated examination after an initial benign exam. To investigate the clinical validity of repeated FNA in the management of patients with thyroid nodules. The present study evaluated 412 consecutive patients who had repeated aspiration biopsies of thyroid nodules after an initial non-diagnostic, atypia/follicular lesion of undetermined significance, or benign cytology. The majority of patients were female (93.5%) ranging from 13 to 83 years. Non-diagnostic cytology was the most common indication for a repeated examination in 237 patients (57.5%), followed by benign (36.8%), and A/FLUS (5.6%) cytology. A repeated examination altered the initial diagnosis in 70.5% and 78.3% of the non-diagnostic and A/FLUS patients, respectively, whereas only 28.9% of patients with a benign cytology presented with a different diagnosis on a sequential FNA. Repeat FNA is a valuable procedure in cases with initial non-diagnostic or A/FLUS cytology, but its routine use for patients with an initial benign examination appears to not increase the expected likelihood of a malignant finding.


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Pituitary macroadenomas are rare intracranial tumors. In a few cases, they may present aggressive behavior and invade the sphenoid sinus and nasal cavity, causing unusual symptoms. In this paper, we report an atypical case of pituitary adenoma presenting as a nasal mass. The patient was a 44-year-old woman who had had amenorrhea and galactorrhea for ten months, with associated nasal obstruction, macroglossia and acromegaly. Both growth hormone and prolactin levels were increased. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a large mass originating from the lower surface of the pituitary gland, associated with sella turcica erosion and tumor extension through the sphenoid sinus and nasal cavity. Histopathological analysis demonstrated a chromophobe pituitary adenoma with densely packed rounded epithelial cells, with some atypias and rare mitotic figures. There was no evidence of metastases. Macroadenoma invading the nasal cavity is a rare condition and few similar cases have been reported in the literature. This study contributes towards showing that tumor extension to the sphenoid sinus and nasopharynx needs to be considered and investigated in order to make an early diagnosis when atypical symptoms like nasal obstruction are present.


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Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) originates in the thyroid parafollicular cells and represents 3-4% of the malignant neoplasms that affect this gland. Approximately 25% of these cases are hereditary due to activating mutations in the REarranged during Transfection (RET) proto-oncogene. The course of MTC is indolent, and survival rates depend on the tumor stage at diagnosis. The present article describes clinical evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of MTC. The aim of the consensus described herein, which was elaborated by Brazilian experts and sponsored by the Thyroid Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, was to discuss the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of individuals with MTC in accordance with the latest evidence reported in the literature. After clinical questions were elaborated, the available literature was initially surveyed for evidence in the MedLine-PubMed database, followed by the Embase and Scientific Electronic Library Online/Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature (SciELO/Lilacs) databases. The strength of evidence was assessed according to the Oxford classification of evidence levels, which is based on study design, and the best evidence available for each question was selected. Eleven questions corresponded to MTC diagnosis, 8 corresponded to its surgical treatment, and 13 corresponded to follow-up, for a total of 32 recommendations. The present article discusses the clinical and molecular diagnosis, initial surgical treatment, and postoperative management of MTC, as well as the therapeutic options for metastatic disease. MTC should be suspected in individuals who present with thyroid nodules and family histories of MTC, associations with pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism, and/or typical phenotypic characteristics such as ganglioneuromatosis and Marfanoid habitus. Fine-needle nodule aspiration, serum calcitonin measurements, and anatomical-pathological examinations are useful for diagnostic confirmation. Surgery represents the only curative therapeutic strategy. The therapeutic options for metastatic disease remain limited and are restricted to disease control. Judicious postoperative assessments that focus on the identification of residual or recurrent disease are of paramount importance when defining the follow-up and later therapeutic management strategies.


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To determine the most adequate number and size of tissue microarray (TMA) cores for pleomorphic adenoma immunohistochemical studies. Eighty-two pleomorphic adenoma cases were distributed in 3 TMA blocks assembled in triplicate containing 1.0-, 2.0-, and 3.0-mm cores. Immunohistochemical analysis against cytokeratin 7, Ki67, p63, and CD34 were performed and subsequently evaluated with PixelCount, nuclear, and microvessel software applications. The 1.0-mm TMA presented lower results than 2.0- and 3.0-mm TMAs versus conventional whole section slides. Possibly because of an increased amount of stromal tissue, 3.0-mm cores presented a higher microvessel density. Comparing the results obtained with one, two, and three 2.0-mm cores, there was no difference between triplicate or duplicate TMAs and a single-core TMA. Considering the possible loss of cylinders during immunohistochemical reactions, 2.0-mm TMAs in duplicate are a more reliable approach for pleomorphic adenoma immunohistochemical study.


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Metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma (MPA) is a rare tumour, and its mechanism of metastasis still is unknown. To date, there has been no study on MPA genomics. We analysed primary and secondary MPAs with array comparative genomic hybridization to identify somatic copy number alterations and affected genes. Tumour DNA samples from primary (parotid salivary gland) and secondary (scalp skin) MPAs were subjected to array comparative genomic hybridization investigation, and the data were analysed with NEXUS COPY NUMBER DISCOVERY. The primary MPA showed copy number losses affecting 3p22.2p14.3 and 19p13.3p123, and a complex pattern of four different deletions at chromosome 6. The 3p deletion encompassed several genes: CTNNB1, SETD2, BAP1, and PBRM1, among others. The secondary MPA showed a genomic profile similar to that of the primary MPA, with acquisition of additional copy number changes affecting 9p24.3p13.1 (loss), 19q11q13.43 (gain), and 22q11.1q13.33 (gain). Our findings indicated a clonal origin of the secondary MPA, as both tumours shared a common profile of genomic copy number alterations. Furthermore, we were able to detect in the primary tumour a specific pattern of copy number alterations that could explain the metastasizing characteristic, whereas the secondary MPA showed a more unbalanced genome.


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Lingual thyroid gland is a rare clinical entity. The presence of an ectopic thyroid gland located at the base of the tongue may be presented with symptoms like dysphagia, dysphonia, and upper airway obstruction. We are introducing a case of an 8-year-old girl who had lingual thyroid that presented dysphagia and foreign body sensation in the throat. The diagnostic was reached with clinical examination, thyroid scintigraphy with Tc(99m) and ultrasound. A laryngoscopy was performed which confirmed a spherical mass at base of tongue. Investigation should include thyroid function tests. In this case we observed subclinical hypothyroidism. There are different types of surgical approaches for the treatment of this condition; however, the treatment with Levothyroxine Sodium allowed the stabilization of TSH levels and clinical improvement of symptoms in a follow-up of 2 years.


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Chronic ethanol consumption leads to reproductive damages, since it can act directly in the tissues or indirectly, causing a hormonal imbalance. Prostate is a hormone-dependent gland and, consequently, susceptible to ethanol. The potential of testosterone therapy in the ethanol-related disorders was investigated in the prostate microenvironment. UChB rats aged 90 days were divided into 2 experimental groups (n=20): C: drinking water only and EtOH: drinking 10% (v/v) ethanol at >2 g/kg body weight/day+water. At 150 days old, 10 rats from each group received subcutaneous injections of testosterone cypionate (5 mg/kg body weight) diluted in corn oil every other day for 4 weeks, constituting T and EtOH+T, while the remaining animals received corn oil as vehicle. Animals were euthanized at 180 days old, by decapitation. Blood was collected to obtain hormone concentrations and ventral prostate was dissected and processed for light microscope and molecular analyses. Ventral prostate weight, plasma testosterone and DHT and intraprostatic testosterone concentrations were increased after testosterone treatment. Plasma estradiol level was reduced in the EtOH+T. Inflammatory foci, metaplasia and epithelial atrophy were constantly found in the prostate of EtOH and were not observed after hormonal therapy. No differences were found in the expression of AR, ERβ and DACH-1. Additionally, testosterone treatment down-regulated ERα and increased the e-cadherin and α-actinin immunoreactivities. Testosterone was able to reverse damages caused by ethanol consumption in the prostate microenvironment and becomes a possible target to be investigated to ethanol-related disorders.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture in minimizing the severity of radiation-induced xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer. A total of 24 consecutive patients receiving > 5000 cGy radiotherapy (RT) involving the major salivary glands bilaterally were assigned to either the preventive acupuncture group (PA, n = 12), treated with acupuncture before and during RT, or the control group (CT, n = 12), treated with RT and not receiving acupuncture. After RT completion, clinical response was assessed in all patients by syalometry, measuring the resting (RSFR) and stimulated (SSFR) salivary flow rates, and by the visual analogue scale (VAS) regarding dry mouth-related symptoms. Statistical analyses were performed with repeated-measures using a mixed-effect modeling procedure and analysis of variance. An alpha level of 0.05 was accepted for statistical significance. Although all patients exhibited some degree of impairment in salivary gland functioning after RT, significant differences were found between the groups. Patients in the PA group showed improved salivary flow rates (RSFR, SSFR; p < 0.001) and decreased xerostomia-related symptoms (VAS, p < 0.05) compared with patients in the CT group. Although PA treatment did not prevent the oral sequelae of RT completely, it significantly minimized the severity of radiation-induced xerostomia. The results suggest that acupuncture focused in a preventive approach can be a useful therapy in the management of patients with head and neck cancer undergoing RT.


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Para a descrição macro e microscópica das glândulas mamárias foram utilizadas três fêmeas de Mão Pelada (Procyon cancrivorus). As amostras das glândulas foram processadas conforme técnicas rotineiras para histologia. As fêmeas estudadas apresentaram 3 pares de glândulas mamárias, sendo um par de glândula mamária abdominal cranial, um par de abdominal caudal e um par de inguinal. As papilas mamárias apresentaram formato pendular, como os canídeos domésticos. Microscopicamente, a glândula mamária apresentou da porção externa para a interna: epiderme (epitélio estratificado pavimentoso queratinizado), derme (tecido conjuntivo frouxo e tecido conjuntivo denso não modelado), fibras musculares lisas e ductos papilíferos que abrem em vários ósteos papilares em formato de "chuveiro". A porção secretora glandular era caracteristicamente túbulo alveolar, com células cuboidais dispostas em camada simples. Os resultados indicam que o conjunto glandular estudado é semelhante ao da cadela (Cannis familiaris) tanto em seu aspecto macroscópico quanto em seu aspecto microscópico, este fato sugere que podemos utilizar o Mão Pelada e o Cão como modelos similares de estudo, para identificação de patologias relacionadas a este sistema.


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O estudo da próstata canina tem se tornado comum em razão da grande incidência de doenças prostáticas nessa espécie e das similaridades com as alterações apresentadas pela glândula prostática humana. Frente à alta frequência de displasias epiteliais acompanhadas de infiltrado linfocitário intersticial e atrofia acinar na espécie canina, o presente estudo teve como objetivos a caracterização imunofenotípica e a avaliação quantitativa desse infiltrado, utilizando marcadores para identificação de linfócitos T (anti-CD3) e B (anti-CD79a). Foram catalogadas 42 lesões displásicas classificadas em discreta (48%), moderada (38%) e acentuada (14%). O infiltrado linfocitário intersticial periacinar junto às áreas de epitélio prostático displásico constituiu-se predominantemente por linfócitos T (66%) e houve interação entre o grau histológico da displasia e o marcador imunoistoquímico, com oscilação na quantidade de células T e B intersticiais em função do grau da displasia epitelial.


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Estudaram-se a distribuição do leite nas porções alveolar e cisternal e a morfometria da glândula mamária de 14 vacas, sete da raça Holandesa, grupo H, e sete da Girolanda, grupo G, com ordem e dias de lactação semelhantes, ordenhadas duas vezes ao dia. A produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente, enquanto as frações de leite cisternal e alveolar foram medidas uma vez por semana. Durante o experimento, também foram realizadas medidas de ultrassonografia e morfometria da glândula mamária. As vacas Girolandas apresentaram úberes e tetos maiores que as vacas Holandesas. Diâmetro, espessura da parede e comprimento do canal do teto, medidos por imagens de ultrassom, também foram maiores nas Girolandas, mas a área de cisterna da glândula mamária foi maior nas Holandesas. Não houve diferença na produção de leite e nas frações de leite cisternal e alveolar entre as raças.


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The systematics of the Glandulocaudinae is reviewed in detail and justification for the recognition of the group as a subfamily is discussed. The subfamily Glandulocaudinae consists of three genera: Lophiobrycon with one species plesiomorphic in some anatomical features but some others exclusively derived relative to the species in the other genera; Glandulocauda with two species intermediate in phylogenetic derivation; and Mimagoniates with seven species (one new), all more phylogenetically derived concerning their pheromone producing caudal-fin organs and with other anatomical characters presumably more derived than in the species of the other genera. Glandulocauda melanogenys Eigenmann, 1911, is considered a junior synonym of Hyphessobrycon melanopleurus Ellis, 1911. A replacement name, Glandulocauda caerulea Menezes & Weitzman, is proposed for G. melanopleura Eigenmann, 1911. Gland cells found in the caudal-fin organs of all species are histologically indistinguishable from club cells and probably secrete a pheromone during courtship. The club cells are associated with somewhat modified to highly derived caudal scales forming a pheromone pumping organ in the more derived genera and species. This subfamily is distributed in freshwaters of eastern and southern Brazil, Paraguay, and northeastern Uruguay.


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A second inseminating species bearing club cells organized into an anal-fin gland in sexually active males belonging to the genus Bryconadenos was recently discovered in the rio Xingu drainage and is described as new. It is distinguished from B. tanaothoros by the presence of a conspicuous dark blotch at the humeral region, and fewer scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and anal-fin origin. Males of B. weitzmani have longer pelvic fins at sizes beyond 30 mm SL. Bryconadenos weitzmani is further distinguished from B. tanaothoros by the cup shape of the anal-fin gland, its lower part much more developed than the upper, whereas in B. tanaothoros there is just a slit separating the almost equally developed upper and lower parts.


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Cefalópodes coleóides (lulas, sépias e polvos) produzem espermatóforos muito complexos que são transferidos à fêmea durante a cópula por meio do hectocótilo, um apêndice modificado nos machos. Durante a transferência à fêmea, ocorre a chamada "reação espermatofórica", complexo processo de evaginação do aparato ejaculatório do espermatóforo, que conduz à exteriorização da massa espermática e corpo cimentante. A presente revisão sintetiza o conhecimento acerca da morfologia e funcionamento desta estrutura exclusiva dos coleóides, identificando lacunas e definindo estratégias que possibilitem avanços na área. Poucos trabalhos abordam com detalhes a morfologia e anatomia funcional dos espermatóforos dos cefalópodes, grande parte do conhecimento acerca da estrutura do espermatóforo tendo sido gerada por trabalhos clássicos do século XIX e início do século XX. Investigações acerca do funcionamento dos espermatóforos são consideravelmente mais raras, estando o conhecimento básico sobre a reação espermatofórica restrito a apenas 19 espécies de coleóides. A revisão da literatura especializada permite sugerir que existem dois tipos básicos de fixação de espermatóforos em Decapodiformes (lulas e sepióides): fixação superficial e implante profundo (ou intra-dérmico). Na fixação superficial, comum em diversas espécies (e.g., Loliginidae, Sepiidae, Ommastrephidae), a base dos espermatângios é aderida ao tecido-alvo aparentemente por meio do corpo cimentante, a partir de substâncias adesivas e, em alguns casos, estruturas de fixação. No implante profundo, comum em alguns grupos de lulas oceânicas e de águas profundas (e.g., Architeuthidae, Cranchiidae, Octopoteuthidae, Sepiolidae), os espermatóforos implantam-se inteiramente no corpo da fêmea, de forma autônoma. Permanece desconhecido o mecanismo responsável pelo implante profundo. Em Octopodiformes (polvos), o espermatóforo é inserido no gonoduto feminino, alcançando a glândula oviducal, onde estão localizadas as espermatecas, ou a cavidade do ovário. Como o funcionamento extracorpóreo dos espermatóforos depende exclusivamente da intrincada estrutura e organização de seus componentes (e.g., membranas e túnicas), somente investigações detalhadas dessas estruturas proverão as bases para a compreensão do funcionamento e da exata função do complexo espermatóforo dos coleóides. Recomenda-se o desenvolvimento de um protocolo simples e eficiente para coloração e preparação total de espermatóforos, de forma que seja possível expandir as descrições morfológicas do espermatóforo em estudos taxonômicos e anatômicos, permitindo, portanto, ampliação do conhecimento acerca desta enigmática estrutura.