955 resultados para maternal-fetal relationship
Periconceptional environment may influence embryo development, ultimately affecting adult health. Here, we review the rodent model of maternal low-protein diet specifically during the preimplantation period (Emb-LPD) with normal nutrition during subsequent gestation and postnatally. This model, studied mainly in the mouse, leads to cardiovascular, metabolic and behavioural disease in adult offspring, with females more susceptible. We evaluate the sequence of events from diet administration that may lead to adult disease. Emb-LPD changes maternal serum and/or uterine fluid metabolite composition, notably with reduced insulin and branched-chain amino acids. This is sensed by blastocysts through reduced mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 signalling. Embryos respond by permanently changing the pattern of development of their extra-embryonic lineages, trophectoderm and primitive endoderm, to enhance maternal nutrient retrieval during subsequent gestation. These compensatory changes include stimulation in proliferation, endocytosis and cellular motility, and epigenetic mechanisms underlying them are being identified. Collectively, these responses act to protect fetal growth and likely contribute to offspring competitive fitness. However, the resulting growth adversely affects long-term health because perinatal weight positively correlates with adult disease risk. We argue that periconception environmental responses reflect developmental plasticity and 'decisions' made by embryos to optimise their own development, but with lasting consequences.
The exact aetiology of preeclampsia is unknown, but there is a good association with an imbalance in angiogenic growth factors and abnormal placentation [1]. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), a gaseous messenger produced mainly by cystathionine γ-lyase (CSE), is pro-angiogenic vasodilator [2] and [3]. We hypothesized that a reduction in CSE activity may alter the angiogenic balance in pregnancy and induce abnormal placentation and maternal hypertension. Plasma levels of H2S were significantly decreased in preeclamptic women (p < 0.01), which was associated with reduced CSE message and protein expression in human placenta as determined by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Inhibition of CSE activity by DL-propargylglycine (PAG) in first trimester (8–12 weeks gestation) human placental explants had reduced placenta growth factor (PlGF) production as assessed by ELISA and inhibited trophoblast invasion in vitro. Endothelial CSE knockdown by siRNA transfection increased the endogenous release of soluble fms-Like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and soluble endoglin, (sEng) from human umbilical vein endothelial cells while adenoviral-mediated CSE overexpression inhibited their release. Administration of PAG to pregnant mice induced hypertension, liver damage, and promoted abnormal labyrinth vascularisation in the placenta and decreased fetal growth. Finally, a slow releasing, H2S-generating compound, GYY4137, inhibited circulating sFlt-1 and sEng levels and restored fetal growth that was compromised by PAG-treatment demonstrating that the effect of CSE inhibitor was due to inhibition of H2S production. These results imply that endogenous H2S is required for healthy placental vasculature and a decrease in of CSE/H2S activity may contribute to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. References [1] S. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, Elevated placental soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 inhibits angiogenesis in preeclampsia, Circ Res., 95 (2004), pp. 884–891. [2] G. Yang, et al., H2S as a physiologic vasorelaxant: hypertension in mice with deletion of cystathionine gamma-lyase, Science, 322 (2008), pp. 587–590. [3] A. Papapetropoulos, et al., Hydrogen sulfide is an endogenous stimulator of angiogenesis, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106 (2009), pp. 21972–21977.
Cells and organisms respond to nutrient deprivation by decreasing global rates of transcription, translation and DNA replication. To what extent such changes can be reversed is largely unknown. We examined the effect of maternal dietary restriction on RNA synthesis in the offspring. Low protein diet fed either throughout gestation or for the preimplantation period alone reduced cellular RNA content across fetal somatic tissues during challenge and increased it beyond controls in fetal and adult tissues after challenge release. Changes in transcription of ribosomal RNA, the major component of cellular RNA, were responsible for this phenotype as evidenced by matching alterations in RNA polymerase I density and DNA methylation at ribosomal DNA loci. Cellular levels of the ribosomal transcription factor Rrn3 mirrored the rRNA expression pattern. In cell culture experiments, Rrn3 overexpression reduced rDNA methylation and increased rRNA expression; the converse occurred after inhibition of Rrn3 activity. These observations define novel mechanism where poor nutrition before implantation irreversibly alters basal rates of rRNA transcription thereafter in a process mediated by rDNA methylation and Rrn3 factor.
This study examined links between adolescent depressive symptoms, actual pubertal development, perceived pubertal timing relative to one’s peers, adolescent-maternal relationship satisfaction, and couple sexual behavior. Assessments of these variables were made on each couple member separately and then these variables were used to predict the sexual activity of the couple. Participants were drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health; Bearman et al., 1997; Udry, 1997) data set (N = 20,088; aged 12–18 years). Dimensions of adolescent romantic experiences using the total sample were described and then a subsample of romantically paired adolescents ( n = 1,252) were used to test a risk and protective model for predicting couple sexual behavior using the factors noted above. Relevant measures from the Wave 1 Add Health measures were used. Most of the items used in Add Health to assess romantic relationship experiences, adolescent depressive symptoms, pubertal development (actual and perceived), adolescent-maternal relationship satisfaction, and couple sexual behavior were drawn from other national surveys or from scales with well documented psychometric properties. Results demonstrated that romantic relationships are part of most adolescents’ lives and that adolescents’ experiences with these relationships differ markedly by age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Further, each respective couple member’s pubertal development, perceived pubertal timing, and maternal relationship satisfaction were useful in predicting sexual risk-promoting and risk-reducing behaviors in adolescent romantic couples. Findings in this dissertation represent an initial step toward evaluating explanatory models of adolescent couple sexual behavior.
We have modified a technique which uses a single pair of primer sets directed against homologous but distinct genes on the X and Y chromosomes, all of which are coamplified in the same reaction tube with trace amounts of radioactivity. The resulting bands are equal in length, yet distinguishable by restriction enzyme sites generating two independent bands, a 364 bp X-specific band and a 280 bp Y-specific band. A standard curve was generated to show the linear relationship between X/Y ratio average vs. %Y or %X chromosomal content. Of the 51 purified amniocyte DNA samples analyzed, 16 samples showed evidence of high % X contamination while 2 samples demonstrated higher % Y than the expected 50% X and 50% Y chromosomal content. With regards to the 25 processed sperm samples analyzed, X-sperm enrichment was evident when compared to the primary sex ratio whereas Y-sperm was enriched when we compared before and after selection samples.
This study examined links between adolescent depressive symptoms, actual pubertal development, perceived pubertal timing relative to one’s peers, adolescent-maternal relationship satisfaction, and couple sexual behavior. Assessments of these variables were made on each couple member separately and then these variables were used to predict the sexual activity of the couple. Participants were drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health; Bearman et al., 1997; Udry, 1997) data set (N = 20,088; aged 12-18 years). Dimensions of adolescent romantic experiences using the total sample were described and then a subsample of romantically paired adolescents (n = 1,252) were used to test a risk and protective model for predicting couple sexual behavior using the factors noted above. Relevant measures from the Wave 1 Add Health measures were used. Most of the items used in Add Health to assess romantic relationship experiences, adolescent depressive symptoms, pubertal development (actual and perceived), adolescent-maternal relationship satisfaction, and couple sexual behavior were drawn from other national surveys or from scales with well documented psychometric properties. Results demonstrated that romantic relationships are part of most adolescents’ lives and that adolescents’ experiences with these relationships differ markedly by age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Further, each respective couple member’s pubertal development, perceived pubertal timing, and maternal relationship satisfaction were useful in predicting sexual risk-promoting and risk-reducing behaviors in adolescent romantic couples. Findings in this dissertation represent an initial step toward evaluating explanatory models of adolescent couple sexual behavior.
INTRODUCTION: Statin use inadvertently during pregnancy and proposed use of statins for the treatment of preeclampsia, led us to question the evidence behind their current contraindicated status. Several studies have evaluated the relationship between statin use in pregnancy with fetal outcome but their results have not been quantitatively assessed by meta-analysis. Our objective was to undertake a systematic review of all published clinical evidence to assess the effects of statin use in pregnancy on subsequent fetal wellbeing. METHODS: A comprehensive search strategy was performed of all electronic databases and the Merck reporting database for studies published from 1966 to 2014. Two reviewers independently screened citations and undertook study quality assessment and data extraction. We obtained summary estimates of adverse fetal events that were classified as potentially fatal, clinically significant morbidity or minor adverse event. We identified 602 titles and reviewed 30 articles for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Meta-analysis was performed on seven studies (3 cohort, 3 case-series and 1 case-control). RESULTS: Of the 922 cases of statin exposure in pregnancy, 27 exposures were associated with lethal or clinically significant fetal morbidity and 10 with minor adverse events. Statin exposure was limited to the first trimester in all but two cases. The pooled rate of lethal or clinically significant fetal abnormalities in pregnant women exposed to statins was 0.01 (95% CI 0.00-0.04), less than the European rate of 0.026 (95% CI 2.54- 2.57)EUROCAT. The rate of fetal abnormality for simvastatin was 0.03 (95% CI 0.00-0.08), atorvostatin 0.11 (95% CI 0.00-0.52), pravastatin 0.01 (95% CI 0.00-0.2) and lovastatin use 0.04 (95% CI 0.00-0.28). Systems based anomalies were also calculated, congenital heart disease was 0.8 (95% CI 0.02-0.12) compared with the background rate of 0.79 (95% CI 0.78- 0.80). CONCLUSIONS: The published data suggests that statins may not be teratogenic when given inadvertently during pregnancy and prospective studies such as The StAmP Trial may provide more data
Maternal infection during pregnancy increases the risk of several neuropsychiatric disorders later in life, many of which have a component of dopaminergic (DA) dysfunction, including schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The majority of DA neurons are found in the adult midbrain; as such the midbrain is a key region of interest regarding these disorders. The literature is conflicting regarding the behavioral alterations following maternal immune activation (MIA) exposure, and the cellular and molecular consequences of MIA on the developing midbrain remain to be fully elucidated. Thus, this thesis aimed to establish the consequences of acute and mild MIA on offspring dopamine-related behaviors, as well as the associated cellular and molecular disturbances of MIA on offspring midbrains. We utilized a rat model of MIA using low dose (50μg/kg, I.P.) of LPS administered at different gestational ages. Our first study indicated that MIA at later gestational ages significantly increased pro-inflammatory IL-1β expression, and reduced HSD11B2 expression in the placenta, which is an important regulator of fetal development. In utero LPS exposure at later gestational ages also impaired the growth of neurons from affected offspring. This study identified key gestational stages during which MIA resulted in differential effects. We utilized these time points in subsequent studies, the next of which investigated neurobehavioral outcomes following MIA. Our results from that study showed that motor differences occurred in juvenile offspring following MIA at E16 only, and these differences were compensated for in adolescence. Then, there was a decline in motor behavior capabilities in adulthood, again only for animals exposed to MIA on E16 (and not E12). Furthermore, our results also demonstrated adolescent and adult offspring that were exposed to MIA at E12 had diminished responses to amphetamine in reward seeking behaviors. In our final study, we aimed to investigate the molecular and cellular changes following MIA which might explain these behavioral alterations. This final study showed a differential inflammatory response in fetal midbrains depending on gestational age of exposure as well as differential developmental alterations. For example, LPS exposure at E16 resulted in decreased VM neurosphere size after 7DIV and this was associated with an increased susceptibility to neurotoxic effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines for VM neurospheres and VM DA neurons treated in culture. In utero LPS exposure at E16 also reduced DA neuron count of fetal VM, measured by TH staining. However, there were no differences in DA neuron number in juvenile, adolescent, or adult offspring. Similarly, LPS exposure did not alter cell number or morphology of glial cells in the midbrains of affected offspring. In conclusion, this thesis indicated later rat pregnancy (E16) as vulnerable time for MIA to affect the development of the nigrostriatal pathway and subsequent behavioral outcomes, possibly implicating a role for MIA in increased risk for disorders associated with motor behavior, like PD. These effects may be mediated through alterations in the placenta and altered inflammatory mediators in the offspring brain. This thesis has also shown that MIA in earlier rat pregnancy (E12) results in altered mesocorticolimbic function, and in particular MIA on E12 resulted in a differential response to amphetamine in affected offspring, which may implicate a role for MIA in increasing the risk for disorders associated with this pathway, including drug tolerance and addiction.
BACKGROUND: There are limited data about spinal dosing for cesarean delivery in preterm parturients. We investigated the hypothesis that preterm gestation is associated with an increased incidence of inadequate spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery compared with term gestation. METHODS: We searched our perioperative database for women who underwent cesarean delivery under spinal or combined spinal-epidural anesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine ⩾10.5mg. The primary outcome was the incidence of inadequate surgical anesthesia needing conversion to general anesthesia or repetition or supplementation of the block. We divided patients into four categories: <28, 28 to <32, 32 to <37 and ⩾37weeks of gestation. The chi-square test was used to compare failure rates and a multivariable regression analysis was performed to investigate potential confounders of the relationship between gestational age and failure. RESULTS: A total of 5015 patients (3387 term and 1628 preterm) were included. There were 278 failures (5.5%). The incidence of failure was higher in preterm versus term patients (6.4% vs. 5.1%, P=0.02). Failure rates were 10.8%, 7.7%, 5.3% and 5% for <28, 28 to <32, 32 to <37 and ⩾37weeks of gestation, respectively. In the multivariable model, low birth weight (P<0.0001), gestational age (P=0.03), ethnicity (P=0.02) and use of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia (P<0.0001) were significantly associated with failure. CONCLUSIONS: At standard spinal doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine used in our practice (⩾10.5mg), there were higher odds of inadequate surgical anesthesia in preterm parturients. When adjusting for potential confounders, low birth weight was the main factor associated with failure.
Unidirectional hybridization between bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and pumpkinseed (L. gibbosus) sunfish enables researchers to explore the relative expression of paternal and maternal alleles in hybrids. Past studies have found that the metabolic dysfunction in bluegill-pumpkinseed hybrids may be due to incompatibilities between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. However, the consequences of hybridization on body size and muscle growth have not been examined. This topic is particularly interesting because hybrids grow larger than parentals despite the fact that they are often sired by smaller, precociously mature bluegills. In order to improve our understanding of growth dynamics in hybrid sunfish, I conducted real-time quantitative PCR using species-specific primers on the white muscle tissue of bluegills, pumpkinseeds, and hybrids collected from Lake Opinicon, ON. Five growth factors that have been linked to muscle growth and body size demonstrated similar expression for maternal and paternal alleles. While about half of the hybrids showed the same pattern with myogenin, about half showed very low levels of mRNA for the paternal (bluegill) gene. While this did not explain the heterosis seen in hybrids, it may explain the small body phenotype of the cuckholding bluegill males. I explored the upstream genetic structure of bluegill myogenin and established that four alleles exist within the population. Furthermore, I uncovered a relationship in hybrids between the proximal promoter/ 5’ UTR of myogenin and its transcript level. I found that the hybrids demonstrating low paternal myogenin expression unfailingly possessed A3 or A4 alleles, but future studies will be needed to reveal the molecular links between the genotype and the growth phenotype. A similar genotype-phenotype association was not obvious in parentals, even those that were homozygous for these alleles. Whether this relationship can provide insight into the genetic determinants of bluegill alternative mating strategies has yet to be determined.
Knight M, Acosta C, Brocklehurst P, Cheshire A, Fitzpatrick K, Hinton L, Jokinen M, Kemp B, Kurinczuk JJ, Lewis G, Lindquist A, Locock L, Nair M, Patel N, Quigley M, Ridge D, Rivero-Arias O, Sellers S, Shah A on behalf of the UKNeS coapplicant group. Background Studies of maternal mortality have been shown to result in important improvements to women’s health. It is now recognised that in countries such as the UK, where maternal deaths are rare, the study of near-miss severe maternal morbidity provides additional information to aid disease prevention, treatment and service provision. Objectives To (1) estimate the incidence of specific near-miss morbidities; (2) assess the contribution of existing risk factors to incidence; (3) describe different interventions and their impact on outcomes and costs; (4) identify any groups in which outcomes differ; (5) investigate factors associated with maternal death; (6) compare an external confidential enquiry or a local review approach for investigating quality of care for affected women; and (7) assess the longer-term impacts. Methods Mixed quantitative and qualitative methods including primary national observational studies, database analyses, surveys and case studies overseen by a user advisory group. Setting Maternity units in all four countries of the UK. Participants Women with near-miss maternal morbidities, their partners and comparison women without severe morbidity. Main outcome measures The incidence, risk factors, management and outcomes of uterine rupture, placenta accreta, haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome, severe sepsis, amniotic fluid embolism and pregnancy at advanced maternal age (≥ 48 years at completion of pregnancy); factors associated with progression from severe morbidity to death; associations between severe maternal morbidity and ethnicity and socioeconomic status; lessons for care identified by local and external review; economic evaluation of interventions for management of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH); women’s experiences of near-miss maternal morbidity; long-term outcomes; and models of maternity care commissioned through experience-led and standard approaches. Results Women and their partners reported long-term impacts of near-miss maternal morbidities on their physical and mental health. Older maternal age and caesarean delivery are associated with severe maternal morbidity in both current and future pregnancies. Antibiotic prescription for pregnant or postpartum women with suspected infection does not necessarily prevent progression to severe sepsis, which may be rapidly progressive. Delay in delivery, of up to 48 hours, may be safely undertaken in women with HELLP syndrome in whom there is no fetal compromise. Uterine compression sutures are a cost-effective second-line therapy for PPH. Medical comorbidities are associated with a fivefold increase in the odds of maternal death from direct pregnancy complications. External reviews identified more specific clinical messages for care than local reviews. Experience-led commissioning may be used as a way to commission maternity services. Limitations This programme used observational studies, some with limited sample size, and the possibility of uncontrolled confounding cannot be excluded. Conclusions Implementation of the findings of this research could prevent both future severe pregnancy complications as well as improving the outcome of pregnancy for women. One of the clearest findings relates to the population of women with other medical and mental health problems in pregnancy and their risk of severe morbidity. Further research into models of pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and postnatal care is clearly needed.
Plusieurs études se sont penchées sur les effets de l’activité physique maternelle sur le poids du nouveau-né, un paramètre reflétant l’environnement intra-utérin associé au risque ultérieur d’obésité et de problèmes métaboliques. Devant les taux alarmants d’obésité infantile à travers le monde, l’identification d’interventions préventives efficaces devient un enjeu majeur dans la lutte contre l’obésité et ses complications. L’activité physique maternelle pourrait être une avenue intéressante, étant donné ses effets bénéfiques sur le gain de poids et le profil métabolique maternels et son potentiel de diminution du poids de naissance de l’enfant. Cependant, la dose optimale d’activité physique et ses effets sur la composition corporelle du nouveau-né sont encore méconnus. Par ailleurs, la majorité des femmes enceintes ne rencontrent pas les recommandations en matière d’activité physique durant la grossesse et les femmes obèses, chez qui les bienfaits de l’activité physique pourraient possiblement avoir le plus grand impact, présentent souvent les niveaux les plus bas. Curieusement, peu d’études ont évalué les effets d’une intervention d’activité physique durant la grossesse dans cette population. Ainsi, avant d’envisager l’activité physique comme une intervention thérapeutique non-pharmacologique durant la grossesse, il importe d’en évaluer la faisabilité et la sécurité et d’en connaître extensivement les effets. Notamment, il s’avère primordial de vérifier s’il est possible d’augmenter en toute sécurité les niveaux d’activité physique durant la grossesse, particulièrement chez les femmes obèses, et de distinguer les effets spécifiques de différents stimuli d’activité physique (variant en type, volume, intensité et moment de la grossesse) sur la croissance fœtale. Dans ce contexte, nous avons dans un premier temps entrepris une revue systématique de la littérature des études observationnelles portant sur l’association entre l’activité physique maternelle et les paramètres de croissance fœtale mesurés à la naissance. Dans un deuxième temps, 2 études de cohortes évaluant l’impact du type, du volume, de l’intensité et du trimestre de pratique de l’activité physique ont été menées afin de complémenter et d’approfondir les résultats de la revue systématique. Finalement, une étude d’intervention randomisée a été réalisée afin d’évaluer s’il est possible d’améliorer les niveaux d’activité physique durant la grossesse chez les femmes enceintes obèses. Nos travaux ont permis d’illustrer l’influence variable que différents stimuli d’activité physique maternelle peuvent avoir sur l’anthropométrie néonatale. La revue systématique a montré qu’un volume moyen d’activité physique est associé à une augmentation du poids de naissance comparativement à un volume plus faible, alors qu’un volume élevé est associé à une diminution du poids de naissance, comparativement à un volume plus faible. Nos données suggèrent également que l’association entre l’activité physique maternelle et le poids de naissance varie en présence de certaines caractéristiques maternelles. Notamment, nous avons montré pour la première fois que l’activité physique vigoureuse pratiquée en début de grossesse était associée à une diminution importante du poids de naissance chez les femmes qui reçoivent un diagnostic de pré-éclampsie en fin de grossesse. L’importance de l’intensité de l’activité physique dans la relation entre l’activité physique maternelle et la croissance fœtale a également été soulignée pour la première fois dans notre étude de cohorte avec mesure de la composition corporelle néonatale. Contrairement à l’activité physique d’intensité modérée, l’activité physique vigoureuse en début de grossesse est associée à une diminution du poids de naissance, principalement en raison d’une adiposité néonatale réduite. Finalement, les résultats de l’essai randomisé ont permis d’établir la faisabilité d’une intervention d’activité physique supervisée visant à augmenter la pratique d’activité physique chez des femmes enceintes obèses et le potentiel d’une telle intervention à favoriser le maintien de la condition physique et une meilleure gestion du gain de poids chez ces femmes. L’ensemble de ces résultats permet de mieux cerner l’impact de l’activité physique maternelle sur la croissance fœtale, en fonction des caractéristiques spécifiques du stimulus d’activité physique mais également de la population étudiée. La faisabilité d’une intervention d’activité physique prénatale dans une population de femmes obèses laisse entrevoir de nouvelles possibilités dans la prévention de l’obésité infantile et de ses complications. L’identification d’une dose optimale d’activité physique favorisant la santé de l’enfant à court et à long terme dans diverses populations de femmes enceintes et l’identification des facteurs permettant une meilleure adhérence aux recommandations qui en découleront constituent des pistes de recherche essentielles à la lutte contre l’obésité.
Animals that fast during breeding and/or development, such as phocids, must regulate energy balance carefully to maximize reproductive fitness and survival probability. Adiponectin, produced by adipose tissue, contributes to metabolic regulation by modulating sensitivity to insulin, increasing fatty acid oxidation by liver and muscle, and promoting adipogenesis and lipid storage in fat tissue. We tested the hypotheses that (1) circulating adiponectin, insulin, or relative adiponectin gene expression is related to nutritional state, body mass, and mass gain in wild gray seal pups; (2) plasma adiponectin or insulin is related to maternal lactation duration, body mass, percentage milk fat, or free fatty acid (FFA) concentration; and (3) plasma adiponectin and insulin are correlated with circulating FFA in females and pups. In pups, plasma adiponectin decreased during suckling (linear mixed-effects model [LME]: T = 4.49; P < 0.001) and the early postweaning fast (LME: T = 3.39; P = 0.004). In contrast, their blubber adiponectin gene expression was higher during the early postweaning fast than early in suckling (LME: T = 2.11; P = 0.046). Insulin levels were significantly higher in early (LME: T = 3.52; P = 0.004) and late (LME: T = 6.99; P < 0.001) suckling than in fasting and, given the effect of nutritional state, were also positively related to body mass (LME: T = 3.58; P = 0.004). Adiponectin and insulin levels did not change during lactation and were unrelated to milk FFA or percentage milk fat in adult females. Our data suggest that adiponectin, in conjunction with insulin, may facilitate fat storage in seals and is likely to be particularly important in the development of blubber reserves in pups.
Breast milk is regarded as an ideal source of nutrients for the growth and development of neonates, but it can also be a potential source of pollutants. Mothers can be exposed to different contaminants as a result of their lifestyle and environmental pollution. Mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As) could adversely affect the development of fetal and neonatal nervous system. Some fish and shellfish are rich in selenium (Se), an essential trace element that forms part of several enzymes related to the detoxification process, including glutathione S-transferase (GST). The goal of this study was to determine the interaction between Hg, As and Se and analyze its effect on the activity of GST in breast milk. Milk samples were collected from women between day 7 and 10 postpartum. The GST activity was determined spectrophotometrically; total Hg, As and Se concentrations were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. To explain the possible association of Hg, As and Se concentrations with GST activity in breast milk, generalized linear models were constructed. The model explained 44% of the GST activity measured in breast milk. The GLM suggests that GST activity was positively correlated with Hg, As and Se concentrations. The activity of the enzyme was also explained by the frequency of consumption of marine fish and shellfish in the diet of the breastfeeding women.
Stressful life events early in life, including symptoms of mental disorders or childhood maltreatment, may increase risk for worse mental and physical health outcomes in adulthood. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the effects of childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms and maltreatment experience on two adult outcomes: obesity and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Mediational effects of adolescent characteristics were explored. This dissertation used Waves I, III, and IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. In Paper 1 (Chapter 3), we investigated the association between multiple types of child maltreatment and adult objective (body mass index; BMI) and subjective (self-rated) obesity, as well as mediating effects by adolescent characteristics including depressive symptoms and BMI. Results showed that after adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, and maternal education, physical maltreatment was moderately associated with adulthood obesity as measured by BMI and self-reported obesity, while sexual maltreatment was more strongly associated with the objective measure but not the subjective measure. The indirect effects of mediation of adolescent BMI and depressive symptoms were statistically significant. In Paper 2 (Chapter 4), the objective was to examine mediation by adolescent depressive symptoms, alcohol consumption, peer alcohol consumption, and delinquency in the relationship between ADHD symptoms and adult AUD. The indirect effects of mediation of adolescent delinquency, alcohol consumption, and peer alcohol consumption were statistically significant in single and multiple mediator models. In Paper 3 (Chapter 5), the objective was to assess the joint effects of maltreatment/neglect on adult AUD. After adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, child maltreatment, and parental AUD, ADHD symptoms were significantly associated with increased odds of AUD. There was no strong evidence of multiplicative interaction by maltreatment. This association was stronger for males than females, although the interaction term was not statistically significant. This dissertation adds to the literature by examining relationships between several major public health problems: ADHD symptoms, childhood maltreatment, AUD, depressive symptoms, and obesity. This project has implications for understanding how early life stress increases risk for later physical and mental health problems, and identifying potential intervention targets for adolescents.