912 resultados para local level


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This dissertation introduces a new approach for assessing the effects of pediatric epilepsy on the language connectome. Two novel data-driven network construction approaches are presented. These methods rely on connecting different brain regions using either extent or intensity of language related activations as identified by independent component analysis of fMRI data. An auditory description decision task (ADDT) paradigm was used to activate the language network for 29 patients and 30 controls recruited from three major pediatric hospitals. Empirical evaluations illustrated that pediatric epilepsy can cause, or is associated with, a network efficiency reduction. Patients showed a propensity to inefficiently employ the whole brain network to perform the ADDT language task; on the contrary, controls seemed to efficiently use smaller segregated network components to achieve the same task. To explain the causes of the decreased efficiency, graph theoretical analysis was carried out. The analysis revealed no substantial global network feature differences between the patient and control groups. It also showed that for both subject groups the language network exhibited small-world characteristics; however, the patient’s extent of activation network showed a tendency towards more random networks. It was also shown that the intensity of activation network displayed ipsilateral hub reorganization on the local level. The left hemispheric hubs displayed greater centrality values for patients, whereas the right hemispheric hubs displayed greater centrality values for controls. This hub hemispheric disparity was not correlated with a right atypical language laterality found in six patients. Finally it was shown that a multi-level unsupervised clustering scheme based on self-organizing maps, a type of artificial neural network, and k-means was able to fairly and blindly separate the subjects into their respective patient or control groups. The clustering was initiated using the local nodal centrality measurements only. Compared to the extent of activation network, the intensity of activation network clustering demonstrated better precision. This outcome supports the assertion that the local centrality differences presented by the intensity of activation network can be associated with focal epilepsy.


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The Maasai/Kikuyu agro-pastoral borderlands of Maiella and Enoosupukia, located in the hinterlands of Lake Naivasha’s agro-industrial hub, are particularly notorious in the history of ethnicised violence in the Kenya’s Rift Valley. In October 1993, an organised assault perpetrated by hundreds of Maasai vigilantes, with the assistance of game wardens and administration police, killed more than 20 farmers of Kikuyu descent. Consequently, thousands of migrant farmers were violently evicted from Enoosupukia at the instigation of leading local politicians. Nowadays, however, intercommunity relations are surprisingly peaceful and the cooperative use of natural resources is the rule rather than the exception. There seems to be a form of reorganization. Violence seems to be contained and the local economy has since recovered. This does not mean that there is no conflict, but people seem to have the facility to solve them peacefully. How did formerly violent conflicts develop into peaceful relations? How did competition turn into cooperation, facilitating changing land use? This dissertation explores the value of cross-cutting ties and local institutions in peaceful relationships and the non-violent resolution of conflicts across previously violently contested community boundaries. It mainly relies on ethnographic data collected between 2014 and 2015. The discussion therefore builds on several theoretical approaches in anthropology and the social sciences – that is, violent conflicts, cross-cutting ties and conflicting loyalties, joking relationships, peace and nonviolence, and institutions, in order to understand shared spaces that are experiencing fairly rapid social and economic changes, and characterised by conflict and coexistence. In the researched communities, cross-cutting ties and the split allegiances associated with them result from intermarriages, land transactions, trade, and friendship. By institutions, I refer to local peace committees, an attempt to standardise an aspect of customary law, and Nyumba Kumi, a strategy of anchoring community policing at the household level. In 2010, the state “implanted” these grassroots-level institutions and conferred on them the rights to handle specific conflicts and to prevent crime. I argue that the studied groups utilise diverse networks of relationships as adaptive responses to landlessness, poverty, and socio-political dynamics at the local level. Material and non-material exchanges and transfers accompany these social and economic ties and networks. In addition to being instrumental in nurturing a cohesive social fabric, I argue that such alliances could be thought of as strategies of appropriation of resources in the frontiers – areas that are considered to have immense agricultural potential and to be conducive to economic enterprise. Consequently, these areas are continuously changed and shaped through immigration, population growth, and agricultural intensification. However, cross-cutting ties and intergroup alliances may not necessarily prevent the occurrence or escalation of conflicts. Nevertheless, disputes and conflicts, which form part of the social order in the studied area, create the opportunities for locally contextualised systems of peace and non-violence that inculcate the values of cooperation, coexistence, and restraint from violence. Although the neo-traditional institutions (local peace committees and Nyumba Kumi) face massive complexities and lack the capacity to handle serious conflicts, their application of informal constraints in dispute resolution provides room for some optimism. Notably, the formation of ties and alliances between the studied groups, and the use of local norms and values to resolve disputes, are not new phenomena – they are reminiscent of historical patterns. Their persistence, particularly in the context of Kenya, indicates a form of historical continuity, which remains rather “undisturbed” despite the prevalence of ethnicised political economies. Indeed, the formation of alliances, which are driven by mutual pursuit of commodities (livestock, rental land, and agricultural produce), markets, and diversification, tends to override other identities. While the major thrust of social science literature in East Africa has focused on the search for root causes of violence, very little has been said about the conditions and practices of cooperation and non-violent conflict resolution. In addition, situations where prior violence turned into peaceful interaction have attracted little attention, though the analysis of such transitional phases holds the promise of contributing to applicable knowledge on conflict resolution. This study is part of a larger multidisciplinary project, “Resilience in East African Landscapes” (REAL), which is a Marie Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project. The principal focus of this multidisciplinary project is to study past, present, and future thresholds and sustainable trajectories in human-landscape interactions in East Africa over the last millennia. While other individual projects focus on long-term ecosystem dynamics and societal interactions, my project examines human-landscape interactions in the present and the very recent past (i.e. the period in which events and processes were witnessed or can still be recalled by today’s population). The transition from conflict to coexistence and from competition to cooperative use of previously violently contested land resources is understood here as enhancing adaptation in the face of social-political, economic, environmental, and climatic changes. This dissertation is therefore a contribution to new modes of resilience in human-landscape interactions after a collapse situation.


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Understanding factors that affect the distribution and abundance of species is critical to developing effective management plans for conservation. Our goal was to quantify the distribution and abundance of Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), a threatened old-forest associate in Alberta, Canada. The Canada Warbler has declined across its range, including in Alberta where habitat loss and alteration from urban expansion, forestry, and energy development are changing the forest landscape. We used 110,427 point count survey visits from 32,287 unique survey stations to model local-level (150-m radius circular buffers) and stand-level (564-m radius circular buffers) habitat associations of the Canada Warbler. We found that habitat supporting higher densities of Canada Warblers was locally concentrated yet broadly distributed across Alberta’s boreal forest region. Canada Warblers were most commonly associated with older deciduous forest at the local scale, particularly near small, incised streams, and greater amounts of deciduous forest at the stand scale. Predicted density was lower in other forest types and younger age classes measured at the local scale. There was little evidence that local-scale fragmentation (i.e., edges created by linear features) influenced Canada Warbler abundance. However, current forestry practices in the province likely will reduce the availability of Canada Warbler habitat over time by cutting old deciduous forest stands. Our results suggest that conservation efforts aimed at Canada Warbler focus on retaining large stands of old deciduous forest, specifically stands adjacent to streams, by increasing the width of deciduous retention buffers along streams during harvest and increasing the size and number of old forest residual patches in harvested stands.


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Phenotypic differences within a species significantly contribute to the variation we see among plants and animals. Plasticity as a concept helps us to understand some of this variation. Phenotypic plasticity plays a significant role in multiple ecological and evolutionary processes. Because plasticity can be driven by the environment it is more likely to produce beneficial alternative phenotypes than rare and often deleterious genetic mutations. Furthermore, differences in phenotypes that arise in response to the environment can affect multiple individuals from the same population (or entire populations) simultaneously and are therefore of greater evolutionary significance. This allows similar, beneficial alternative phenotypes to increase quickly within a single generation and allow new environments to produce and select for new phenotypes instantly. The direction of the present thesis is to increase our understanding of how phenotypic plasticity, coupled with contrasting environmental conditions, can produce alternative phenotypes within a population. Plasticity provides a source of variation for natural selection to act upon, and may lead to genetic isolation as a by-product. For example, there are multiple cases of polymorphic populations of fish, where groups belonging to multiple isolated gene pools, have arisen in sympatry. Here it is shown that although plasticity is important in sympatric speciation events, plasticity alone is not responsible for the frequency in which sympatric polymorphic populations occur. The most frequently observed differences among sympatric polymorphic populations are morphological differences associated with parts of the anatomy used in the detection, handling and capture of prey. Moreover, it is shown here that there are physiological effects associated with foraging on alternative prey that may significantly contribute towards ecological speciation. It is also shown in this study that anthropogenic abiotic factors can disrupt developmental processes during early ontogeny, significantly influencing morphology, and therefore having ecological consequences. Phenotypic structuring in postglacial fish is most frequently based around a divergence towards either pelagic or littoral benthic foraging specialisms. Divergences that deviate from this pattern are of greater scientific interest as they increase our understanding of how evolutionary processes and selection pressures work. Here we describe a rare divergence not based around the typical pelagic/littoral benthic foraging specialisms. Finally, in this study, the effectiveness of local level conservation policy shows that species of fish which are highly variable in their life history strategies are harder to effectively manage and often poorly represented at a local level.


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La sexualidad y la reproducción están íntimamente ligadas a la calidad de vida, tanto en el ámbito de lo individual como de lo social, por tanto la salud sexual y reproductiva representa un componente esencial para la evaluación de desarrollo de un país, y un tema prioritario en la agenda política mundial y nacional como lo evidencian los objetivos del milenio y de desarrollo sostenible; aunque el país ha dado enormes avances en el tema, aun se presentan grandes retos para el logro y goce efectivo de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en la población. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir y analizar algunos indicadores de salud sexual y reproductiva en el departamento de Casanare, en el periodo 2008- 2015. Como metodología se usó un diseño descriptivo trasversal, los datos fueron tomados de Sivigila departamental, Estadísticas DANE y del Instituto Nacional de Salud. Se usó SPSS versión 18 y Excel para el análisis de los datos. Como resultados se encontraron altas tasas de prevalencia e incidencia para VIH, sífilis gestacional, y fecundidad en adolescentes en el departamento de Casanare que sobrepasan los indicadores nacionales y presentan tendencia creciente


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El interés del artículo es analizar cómo la ecogubernamentalidad se ha constituido en una estrategia de las redes transnacionales en la defensa del territorio colectivo. Para ello se rastrean los discursos y las políticas globales sobre el medio ambiente y sobre los Derechos Humanos de los pueblos indígenas, a través de los cuales se ha asignado la responsabilidad de preservar la biodiversidad a dichas comunidades, legitimando su control sobre el territorio. Se expone cómo el delineamiento de la zona Humanitaria y Biodiversa del territorio colectivo del Resguardo de Santa Rosa de Guayacán, usa categorías globales en la escala local, con el fin de aprovechar las oportunidades políticas de la tecnociencia y de las herramientas jurídicas internacionales. Finalmente, se plantea que la Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz y Peace Brigades International están involucrados en la política de lugar de los wounaan, a través de prácticas en terreno; lobby en organismos internacionales y ciberpolítica, que visualizan la construcción de un espacio socio-natural alternativo por los indígenas promovidos por fines ambientales específicos.


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The Charter of European Planning 2013 presents a Vision for the future of European cities and regions, highlighting the sustainability of cities and the preservation of urban ecosystems, integrating the man-made environment with the natural ecosystems and contribute to the well-being and quality of life of their inhabitants and other stakeholders. Thus, urban public policies are crucial to the improvement of the landscape ecological system, achievable by city planning and design. The paper aims to analyse if public urban policies in Portugal have been integrating strategies and/or guidelines to enhance the ecological system of the landscape. Then, which new perspectives are possible, framed by the recently approved law Bases of Public Policy of Soils, Land Management and Urban Planning (2014). This new law, in contrast with the previous ones, don’t allow reserving land to urbanize, in municipal master plans. Moreover, it is possible to revert land classified for urban purposes in those plans into rustic soils (when it is not yet infra-structured or built). It allows creating new planning and design dynamics, convert several areas and including them in the urban ecological structure, essential to the enhancement of landscape ecological system. This is a filed of work where landscape architecture has huge responsibilities, by associating and harmonize man-made environment with natural systems, enlightening sustainability consistent with conservation and improvement of Nature while contributing to the well-being and quality of life of Man. A sustainability that is ethical, aesthetic, ecological and cultural. The study is supported by a case study – the city of Évora. The ultimate goal is to propose measures to promote larger and better integration of ecological component in urban public policies, framed by the new territorial management law, taking into account and highlighting the specificities of the landscape system – Man and Nature – at the local level.


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En el presente artículo el lector podrá encontrar algunos aspectos  relacionados  con el turismo como actividad económica y su expresión concreta en las comunidades de Tambor y Montezuma de Cóbano, provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Pero además y es la parte fundamental del mismo se hace referencia aquí al impacto que ha tenido este sector en la convivencia comunal y cotidianidad de esas comunidades. Este impacto se analiza en tres dimensiones específicas: la socioeconómica, la cultural y la ambiental. En síntesis y como producto de los efectos del turismo, la zona analizada sufre una transformación importante que engloba la convivencia comunal; convivencia que en sus manifestaciones generales coincide en cierta medida con el contexto nacional y mundial, pero que también tiene su particularidad. En este sentido, se nota una re-dimensión en la individualidad de actor y sector social, pero además en la totalidad de la convivencia comunal. Esta re-dimensión, si bien es producto de actividades económicas  de sistemas productivos y de nuevas estrategias de desarrollo globalizantes, se manifiesta en lo social, en lo cultural y en la relación sociedad naturaleza ó ambiente a nivel local, como un producto más divertido de la actividad turística.   Abstract: This paper discusses the effects of the tourism industry in the communities of Tambor and Montezuma, Cobano, province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. If focuses in the impact and tourism in peoples everyday life from on three- fold perspective: socio-economic, cultural and evironmental. Regarding the impact of tourism in the socioeconomic dimensión the study revels an important change in the labor market, which was traditionally related to farming and fishing, now oriented to the production of goods and services for tourists and other economic activities take place in medium and small scales and involve men and women, Young  and adults. They generate different social and interpersonal relations, which contribute to change comunal daily coexistence. In the cultural discussion tourism had changed daily like in these communities and patterns of social coexistence. Among the most significant changes are customs and holidays, clothing styles, the loss of traditional forms of communication, the beginning of different ways of dialoging and new relationships among neighbors, and even of the way people talk and how and whit they eat. In relation to the environment the new ways to relate to nature and of trying to manage and handle the natural resources the awareness and the new attitude in regard to the environmental situation, as well as the wormiest for conservation. For having clean and healthy surroundings, among others, had the collective levels. To summarize as a result of the effects of tourism an important transformation is talking place in the communities under study that coincides with the national and global context to a certain extent, but to also has its own particularities. In this sense, it is noticeable a re-definition of the individuality of each actor and social sector and in the totality of the communal identify as well. Eventhough that redefinition is the result of economic activities, of economic systems and new globalized developmental strategies, also effects in the social and cultural aspects and in the relation men-nature in a local level.


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Knowledge of the geographical distribution of timber tree species in the Amazon is still scarce. This is especially true at the local level, thereby limiting natural resource management actions. Forest inventories are key sources of information on the occurrence of such species. However, areas with approved forest management plans are mostly located near access roads and the main industrial centers. The present study aimed to assess the spatial scale effects of forest inventories used as sources of occurrence data in the interpolation of potential species distribution models. The occurrence data of a group of six forest tree species were divided into four geographical areas during the modeling process. Several sampling schemes were then tested applying the maximum entropy algorithm, using the following predictor variables: elevation, slope, exposure, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and height above the nearest drainage (HAND). The results revealed that using occurrence data from only one geographical area with unique environmental characteristics increased both model overfitting to input data and omission error rates. The use of a diagonal systematic sampling scheme and lower threshold values led to improved model performance. Forest inventories may be used to predict areas with a high probability of species occurrence, provided they are located in forest management plan regions representative of the environmental range of the model projection area.


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La ricerca è nata dalla volontà di indagare il legame tra innovazione sociale, sviluppo e turismo. La domanda di ricerca che ha guidato questo lavoro ha assunto una duplice natura. Il primo obiettivo, di natura teorica, è stato quello di concettualizzare l’IS attraverso uno studio comparativo della letteratura internazionale, definendone le dimensioni e i processi di diffusione. Dal punto di vista empirico, è stata effettuata una ricerca-azione di tipo qualitativo nella città di Bologna. Partendo da un approfondimento storico che ha analizzato alcune peculiarità territoriali – il movimento cooperativo, i distretti industriali, etc. – l’indagine ha fornito una prima panoramica del fenomeno attraverso una mappatura delle realtà bolognesi. I risultati emersi hanno dimostrato che i legami tra IS, sviluppo e turismo sono complessi. L’IS comporta delle conseguenze per il territorio, andando ad intervenire all’interno dei processi di sviluppo. Nel rispondere a bisogni emergenti, essa promuove agency ed empowerment, creatività e capitale sociale abilitante. In un’ottica di sviluppo territoriale integrato, l’IS agisce sul processo di capacitazione, sia attraverso la valorizzazione del capitale sociale e la creazione di reti, sia attraverso processi di negoziazione e conflitto. L’indagine ha mostrato che tra turismo e IS esiste una triplice relazione. Innanzitutto, il turismo può essere considerato come uno strumento di analisi per osservare l’IS, ma la relazione avviene soprattutto a livello di pratiche sociali. Esistono, infatti, a Bologna diversi casi di iniziative di IS che diventano esperienze turistiche e viceversa. Citando Lefebvre, quando IS e turismo trovano spazi di intersezione emerge un duplice diritto alla città. Un diritto che si manifesta nella (ri)appropriazione di spazi fisici e simbolici dove si collocano le relazioni sociali e dove si elaborano progettualità condivise e dove la comunità può partecipare, supportando la capacità di aspirare dei soggetti locali


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In this thesis, a tube-based Distributed Economic Predictive Control (DEPC) scheme is presented for a group of dynamically coupled linear subsystems. These subsystems are components of a large scale system and control inputs are computed based on optimizing a local economic objective. Each subsystem is interacting with its neighbors by sending its future reference trajectory, at each sampling time. It solves a local optimization problem in parallel, based on the received future reference trajectories of the other subsystems. To ensure recursive feasibility and a performance bound, each subsystem is constrained to not deviate too much from its communicated reference trajectory. This difference between the plan trajectory and the communicated one is interpreted as a disturbance on the local level. Then, to ensure the satisfaction of both state and input constraints, they are tightened by considering explicitly the effect of these local disturbances. The proposed approach averages over all possible disturbances, handles tightened state and input constraints, while satisfies the compatibility constraints to guarantee that the actual trajectory lies within a certain bound in the neighborhood of the reference one. Each subsystem is optimizing a local arbitrary economic objective function in parallel while considering a local terminal constraint to guarantee recursive feasibility. In this framework, economic performance guarantees for a tube-based distributed predictive control (DPC) scheme are developed rigorously. It is presented that the closed-loop nominal subsystem has a robust average performance bound locally which is no worse than that of a local robust steady state. Since a robust algorithm is applying on the states of the real (with disturbances) subsystems, this bound can be interpreted as an average performance result for the real closed-loop system. To this end, we present our outcomes on local and global performance, illustrated by a numerical example.


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This work is part of a project promoted by Emilia-Romagna that aims at encouraging research activities in order to support the innovation strategies of the regional economic system through the exploitation of new data sources. To gain this scope, a database containing administrative data is provided by the Municipality of Bologna. This is achieved by linking data from the Register Office of the Municipality and fiscal data coming from the tax returns submitted to the Revenue Agency and released by the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the period 2002-2017. The main purpose of the project is the analysis of the medium term financial and distributional trends of income of the citizens residing in the Municipality of Bologna. Exploiting this innovative source of data allow us to analyse the dynamics of income at municipal level, overcoming the lack of information in official survey-based statistic. We investigate these trends by building inequality indicators and by examining the persistence of in-work poverty. Our results represent an important informative element to improve the effectiveness and equity of welfare policies at the local level, and to guide the distribution of economic and social support and urban redevelopment interventions in different areas of the Municipality.


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An essential role in the global energy transition is attributed to Electric Vehicles (EVs) the energy for EV traction can be generated by renewable energy sources (RES), also at a local level through distributed power plants, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems. However, EV integration with electrical systems might not be straightforward. The intermittent RES, combined with the high and uncontrolled aggregate EV charging, require an evolution toward new planning and paradigms of energy systems. In this context, this work aims to provide a practical solution for EV charging integration in electrical systems with RES. A method for predicting the power required by an EV fleet at the charging hub (CH) is developed in this thesis. The proposed forecasting method considers the main parameters on which charging demand depends. The results of the EV charging forecasting method are deeply analyzed under different scenarios. To reduce the EV load intermittency, methods for managing the charging power of EVs are proposed. The main target was to provide Charging Management Systems (CMS) that modulate EV charging to optimize specific performance indicators such as system self-consumption, peak load reduction, and PV exploitation. Controlling the EV charging power to achieve specific optimization goals is also known as Smart Charging (SC). The proposed techniques are applied to real-world scenarios demonstrating performance improvements in using SC strategies. A viable alternative to maximize integration with intermittent RES generation is the integration of energy storage. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) may be a buffer between peak load and RES production. A sizing algorithm for PV+BESS integration in EV charging hubs is provided. The sizing optimization aims to optimize the system's energy and economic performance. The results provide an overview of the optimal size that the PV+BESS plant should have to improve whole system performance in different scenarios.


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Implementing multi-level governance has been a key priority in EU cohesion policy. This study assesses the perceived achievements and shortcomings in implementing European Social Fund by analyzing the deficits and weaknesses as well as the poor participation of local agents who are in direct contact with the beneficiaries in order to design and implement this fund, which is the main financial instrument of EU social policy.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.