1000 resultados para lei de Lenz
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Adolescents with a course of life based on the lack of ethical and moral values are more vulnerable to the practice of infractions, and in this case the statute of the child and adolescent assumes their insertion on socio educative measures. The objective of this research is to identify the moral development phase in adolescents who are in confl ict with the law. Thirty male adolescents between fi fteen and eighteen years old, who are inserted on the socio educative care Center, were studied. Data were collected through futsal game observation, without the presence of a referee and structured interview, according to the general lines of the Clinical Method of PIAGET (1994). The arrangement of the collected data confi rmed our hypothesis – these adolescents are still with the characteristics of a heteronomical moral, confi rmed by the differences between conscience and the practice of rules in a game situation. Although they know the rules, these are only respected in order to get some benefi ts, like not charging foul, deceive the opponent or simply win the match. It is presumed that the rules would only be respected in the presence of an authority (referee), because he would impose punishments and privations. However, it is believed that the results of this study may become a parameter to educators in order to create favorable situations which can be preventive and interventive to the socio moral development, minimizing suffering and seizing opportunities to the formation of citizens with higher ethical and moral standards, who are able to choose the way to the solidarity, cooperation and justice.
Saudada como consequência de um complexo processo de evolução do arcabouço jurídico-institucional brasileiro, a Lei Federal 12.527, denominada Lei de Acesso a Informações, sancionada em 18 de novembro de 2011 e regulamentada no âmbito do Poder Executivo federal pelo Decreto 7.724, de 16 de maio de 2012, atende o pressuposto do direito à informação fixado pela Constituição Federal de 1988. Valores e práticas historicamente construídos podem significar obstáculos e resistências importantes à sua aplicação. Características do próprio texto legal, que vêm à tona quando comparado aos seus congêneres internacionais, também sinalizam possíveis complicadores. Este artigo indica limites que a Lei de Acesso a Informações pode enfrentar à sua consolidação, originários principalmente do campo da cultura político-institucional, que se tornam mais nítidos com o exame de características brasileiras em comparação com outros países que possuem dispositivos semelhantes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Earlier this year, took office in Congress deputies and senators regarding the Legislature from 2015 to 2019. Most elected officials has been identified as more conservative character, which should change the work schedule in the Legislative Houses. In this context, this experimental project consists of a journalistic reporting that aims to analyze how this new composition can affect issues involving the agenda of the LGBT community, in particular, the bills criminalizing the practice of homophobia. The work aims to reach politically minded readers between 21 and 60 years, in order to educate them about the importance of this issue. Therefore, we performed the calculation of violence perpetrated against this population, studied the new profile of the Congress, analyzed how Judiciary acts front of legislative inertia and made interviews. The report compiles important data about the issue and provides, as a result, information reinforced by experts to potentially broaden the understanding of readers about the fact
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
OBJETIVO: Identificar aglomerados espaciais de microrregiões segundo taxas de óbito por acidentes de trânsito, no Estado de São Paulo, 1 ano antes e 1 ano após a Lei Seca. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico e exploratório, no período de 2007 e 2009, em 63 microrregiões do Estado de SP, Brasil. Utilizaram-se ferramentas de geoprocessamento com dados do DATASUS; analisando óbitos decorrentes de acidentes de trânsito em taxas por 100 mil habitantes, construindo coropletes. Nova estatística foi obtida subtraindo-se a taxa de 2009 de 2007, observando regiões de melhora ou piora. RESULTADOS: Em 2007, ocorreram 5.204 óbitos, com média de 83 óbitos/microrregião, variando entre 1 e 1.440. Já 2009 obteve 5.065 óbitos com a média de 80 óbitos/microrregião, variando entre 1 e 1.453. O coeficiente de Moran em 2007 foi I = 0,09 (p = 0,04) com correlação espacial positiva e 2009 obteve I = 0,04 (p = 0,16), sem correlação. A diferença entre as taxas obteve I = 0,23 (p = 0, 007), indicando associação espacial. Em 2007, Presidente Prudente, Rio Claro, Campinas, Bragança Paulista, Osasco e São Paulo tiveram altas taxas de óbito. Dessas regiões citadas, somente Osasco não se destacou em 2009. Ribeirão Preto, Ourinhos e Avaré obtiveram piora em 2009. A diferença entre as taxas de 2009 e 2007 mostrou que Amparo, Bragança Paulista e Campinas tiveram melhora, e Presidente Prudente e Ourinhos apresentaram piora. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível identificar os locais com as maiores taxas de mortalidade, apontando locais onde as ações de fiscalização devem ser revisadas.
Oculofaciocardiodental (OFCD) and Lenz microphthalmia syndromes form part of a spectrum of X-linked microphthalmia disorders characterized by ocular, dental, cardiac and skeletal anomalies and mental retardation. The two syndromes are allelic, caused by mutations in the BCL-6 corepressor gene (BCOR). To extend the series of phenotypes associated with pathogenic mutations in BCOR, we sequenced the BCOR gene in patients with (1) OFCD syndrome, (2) putative X-linked ('Lenz') microphthalmia syndrome, (3) isolated ocular defects and (4) laterality phenotypes. We present a new cohort of females with OFCD syndrome and null mutations in BCOR, supporting the hypothesis that BCOR is the sole molecular cause of this syndrome. We identify for the first time mosaic BCOR mutations in two females with OFCD syndrome and one apparently asymptomatic female. We present a female diagnosed with isolated ocular defects and identify minor features of OFCD syndrome, suggesting that OFCD syndrome may be mild and underdiagnosed. We have sequenced a cohort of males diagnosed with putative X-linked microphthalmia and found a mutation, p.P85L, in a single case, suggesting that BCOR mutations are not a major cause of X-linked microphthalmia in males. The absence of BCOR mutations in a panel of patients with non-specific laterality defects suggests that mutations in BCOR are not a major cause of isolated heart and laterality defects. Phenotypic analysis of OFCD and Lenz microphthalmia syndromes shows that in addition to the standard diagnostic criteria of congenital cataract, microphthalmia and radiculomegaly, patients should be examined for skeletal defects, particularly radioulnar synostosis, and cardiac/laterality defects.
[von] Mosés Bensabat Amzalak