999 resultados para latinalaisamerikkalainen musiikki - choro - Brasilia
Amostras de urediniósporos de ferrugens das espécies Melampsora epitea Thum., Melampsora medusae Thuem., Hemileia vastatrix Berk., Uromyces appendiculatum Pers., Puccinia sorghi Schwein., Tranzschelia discolor Fuckel e Phakopsora euvitis Ono, coletadas dos hospedeiros, chorão (Salix sp.), álamo (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex. Marsh), cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.), feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), milho (Zea mays L.), pessegueiro (Prunus persicae L.) e videira (Vitis vinifera L.) respectivamente, foram processadas de 3 formas: a) método convencional (fixação em glutaraldeído e tetróxido de ósmio, desidratação em acetona e secagem ao ponto crítico); b) método do vapor de ósmio e metalização com ouro; c) metalização direta de amostras (utilizado para esporos soltos). A técnica de fratura de amostra congelada em nitrogênio líquido também foi testada para o estudo do interior de pústulas da ferrugem da videira (P. euvitis). As amostras foram visualizadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura no NAP/MEPA da ESALQ/USP. Procedeu-se à mensuração dos esporos e as imagens obtidas foram capturadas pelo software LeoUserInterface e processadas utilizando-se o programa de computador "Corel Draw". Em todos os métodos analisados obteve-se uma boa preservação da estrutura possibilitando imagens de alta qualidade. No entanto, para esporos livres (mantidos em cápsula de gelatina) o método da metalização direta foi mais prático e rápido. Para observação das pústulas em tecido vegetal os dois métodos de processamento de amostras avaliados proporcionaram resultados satisfatórios. A técnica de fratura em nitrogênio líquido também permitiu perfeita visualização do interior das pústulas da ferrugem da videira.
This thesis discusses the design and implementation of a real-time musical pair improvisation scenario for mobile devices. In the scenario transferring musical information over a network connection was required. The suitability of available wireless communication technologies was evaluated and communication was analyzed and designed on multiple layers of TCP/IP protocol stack. Also an application layer protocol was designed and implemented for the scenario. The implementation was integrated into a mobile musical software for children using available software components and libraries although the used platform lead to hardware and software constraints. Software limitations were taken into account in design. The results show that real-time musical improvisation can be implemented with wireless communication and mobile technology. The results also show that link layer had the most significant effect on real-time communication in the scenario.
This study examines international entry of an SME to Brazil using foreign direct investment as a mode of entry. The case company discussed is a small real estate investment company that has operated in Finland and has recently internationalized to Brazil. The work examines how does an SME internationalize, what entry mode is advisable to use and it gives a brief insight of the Brazilian market today.
Seasonally inundated native forest fragments ("ipucas") located in natural landform depression swales of the Araguaian Plain are currently under land use pressure. Their composition needs to be better understood to guarantee their protection. This comparative study of fragments under different land use conditions was carried out at Lago Verde Farm, Lagoa da Confusão,Tocantins, Brazil. The location coordinates are UTM 643586 and 644060 East and 8792795 and 8799167 North. This study aimed to first analyze and compare the floristic composition of two seasonally inundated forest fragments of approximately one hectare each. The first is located in an intact (without human intervention) Gramineous-Woody Savanna region and the second in a rice cultivation region. The floristic composition of both fragments was then compared to that of other wetland forests located in the Northern, Central Western and Southeastern regions of Brazil.All the floristic compositions are affected by seasonal flooding and soil water saturation. The floristic inventory used a census method that sampled all trees and shrubs with perimeter at 1.30 m from soil (PAP) = 15cm; 665 individuals, 33 families and 49 species were recorded for the intact region and 807 individuals, 35 families and 70 species for the altered region fragment. The values of H' = 0.806 (Shannon-Weaver) and J = 3.44 nats /individual (equability) for the fragment in the region affected by rice cultivation are considered high compared to the intact region fragment values (H' = 0.761 and J = 2.97). Families contributing to floristic richness in the altered region fragment were Fabaceae (9 species), Vochysiaceae (6) and Annonaceae (4). In the intact region fragment, Fabaceae also presented the largest number of species (8) followed by Arecaceae, Chrysobalanaceae and Vochysiaceae (3 each). When comparing the forests from various regions in Brazil, floristic similarity was found to be small. Greater similarity was found when indices for the two Lagoa da Confusão fragments were compared to riparian forests located in the Federal District of Brasilia.
1. Muna vai kana FIS9D1100003 2. Anna lantti makeisiin FIS9D1100004 3. Makaronilaulu FIS9D1100005 4. Hämähäkkimies raparperin alla FIS9D1100006 5. Mörön karkotus FIS9D1100007 6. Beduiinin kyynel FIS9D1100008 7. Unkka donkkaa FIS9D1100009 8. Vesipeto FIS9D1100010 9. Kaksi Ahtia FIS9D1100011 10. Sikabetoni-yhtyeen arki FIS9D1100012 11. Rämpätirää FIS9D1100013 12. Nuukan vaarin hammastauti FIS9D1100014 13. Teatterissa FIS9D1100015
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