939 resultados para isoenzymatic patterns


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We investigated dispersal patterns in the monogamous Crocidura russula, based both on direct field observations (mark-recapture data) and on genetic analyses (microsatellite loci). Natal dispersal was found to be low. Most juveniles settled within their natal territory or one immediately adjacent. Migration rate was estimated to two individuals per year and per population. The correlation between genetic and geographical distances over a 16 km transect implies that migration occurs over short ranges. Natal dispersal was restricted to first-litter juveniles weaned in early May; this result suggests a direct dependence of dispersal on reproductive opportunities. Natal dispersal was highly female biased, a pattern unusual among mammals. Its association with monogamy provides support for the resource-competition model of dispersal. Our results demonstrate that a state-biased dispersal can be directly inferred from microsatellite genotype distributions, which opens new perspectives for empirical studies in this area.


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ABSTRACT After a dengue outbreak, the knowledge on the extent, distribution and mechanisms of insecticide resistance is essential for successful insecticide-based dengue control interventions. Therefore, we evaluated the potential changes to insecticide resistance in natural Aedes aegypti populations to Organophosphates (OP) and Pyrethroids (PY) after chemical vector control interventions. After a Dengue outbreak in 2010, A. aegypti mosquitoes from the urban area of Jacarezinho (Paraná, Brazil) were collected in 2011 and 2012. Insecticide resistance to OP Temephos was assessed in 2011 and 2012 by dose–response bioassays adopting WHO-based protocols. Additionally, in both sampling, PY resistance was also investigated by the Val1016Ile mutation genotyping. In 2011, a random collection of mosquitoes was carried out; while in 2012, the urban area was divided into four regions where mosquitoes were sampled randomly. Bioassays conducted with larvae in 2011 (82 ± 10%; RR95 = 3.6) and 2012 (95 ± 3%; RR95 = 2.5) indicated an incipient altered susceptibility to Temephos. On the other hand, the Val1016IIe mutation analysis in 2011, presented frequencies of the 1016Ilekdr allele equal to 80%. Nevertheless, in 2012, when the urban area of Jacarezinho was analyzed as a single unit, the frequency of the mutant allele was 70%. Additionally, the distribution analysis of the Val1016Ile mutation in 2012 showed the mutant allele frequencies ≥60% in all regions. These outcomes indicated the necessity of developing alternative strategies such as insecticide rotations for delaying the evolution of resistance.


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We investigate dynamics of public perceptions of the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic to understand changing patterns of sense-making and blame regarding the outbreak of emerging infectious diseases. We draw on social representation theory combined with a dramaturgical perspective to identify changes in how various collectives are depicted over the course of the pandemic, according to three roles: heroes, villains and victims. Quantitative results based on content analysis of three cross-sectional waves of interviews show a shift from mentions of distant collectives (e.g., far-flung countries) at Wave 1 to local collectives (e.g., risk groups) as the pandemic became of more immediate concern (Wave 2) and declined (Wave 3). Semi-automated content analysis of media coverage shows similar results. Thematic analyses of the discourse associated with collectives revealed that many were consistently perceived as heroes, villains and victims.


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We study the extent of macroeconomic convergence/divergence among euro area countries. Our analysis focuses on four variables (unemployment, inflation, relative prices and the current account), and seeks to uncover the role played by monetary union as a convergence factor by using non-euro developed economies and the pre-EMU period as control samples.


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Subtypes of comorbid conditions and their associated trauma and clinical characteristics in full and partial PTSD were examined. Data from 289 subjects from the general population that met criteria for full or partial PTSD were analyzed. Latent class analyses (LCA) were performed to derive homogeneous patterns of DSM-IV Axis-I disorders and anti-social personality comorbid to PTSD. Logistic regression models were conducted to characterize these classes by trauma-related and clinical features. The LCA revealed three classes: (1) low comorbidity; (2) high comorbidity with primarily substance-related disorders and a higher proportion of males; and (3) more severe PTSD-symptomatology and higher comorbid anxiety disorders and depression, almost entirely represented by females. Exposure to sexual abuse was more likely in the substance-dependent class and contributed strongly to the distinction between classes. Affective disorders tended to precede the onset of PTSD in the substance-dependent class, whereas phobias were more likely to follow PTSD in the depressed-anxious class. Posttrauma onset of alcohol use disorders in the substance dependent class confirmed the self-medication hypothesis. The three classes of comorbidity and their sequence of onset with PTSD suggest different mechanisms involved in their development. Our findings suggest that PTSD-related comorbidity subtypes also apply to individuals with partial PTSD.


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The splice pattern of beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP) has been studied in a variety of neuronal and glial cells and in brain cell aggregate cultures by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The brain-typical pattern, in which beta-APP695 is the dominant form, has been found only in aggregate cultures but not in any of the other cell types including neuronal cell lines. Selective elimination of glial cells from aggregates resulted in increased quantities of beta-APP695, whereas removal of neurons led to a reduction of beta-APP695 and to an elevation of beta-APP751 and beta-APP770. This shift of splice pattern was not observed in cocultures of the neuronal cell line PC 12 with primary astrocytes combined in a variety of cellular ratios. Blood serum, which is an essential component of these cultures, tested on aggregates, did not reduce the amount of beta-APP695 or have any marked effects on splice patterns generally. From these results it is concluded that investigations on brain-typical splicing of beta-APP require primary neurons. Neuronal cell lines may be no suitable model systems. Splicing events favoring production of beta-APP695 may mark an important, very early step of amyloid formation in the brain.


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Understanding how communities of living organisms assemble has been a central question in ecology since the early days of the discipline. Disentangling the different processes involved in community assembly is not only interesting in itself but also crucial for an understanding of how communities will behave under future environmental scenarios. The traditional concept of assembly rules reflects the notion that species do not co-occur randomly but are restricted in their co-occurrence by interspecific competition. This concept can be redefined in a more general framework where the co-occurrence of species is a product of chance, historical patterns of speciation and migration, dispersal, abiotic environmental factors, and biotic interactions, with none of these processes being mutually exclusive. Here we present a survey and meta-analyses of 59 papers that compare observed patterns in plant communities with null models simulating random patterns of species assembly. According to the type of data under study and the different methods that are applied to detect community assembly, we distinguish four main types of approach in the published literature: species co-occurrence, niche limitation, guild proportionality and limiting similarity. Results from our meta-analyses suggest that non-random co-occurrence of plant species is not a widespread phenomenon. However, whether this finding reflects the individualistic nature of plant communities or is caused by methodological shortcomings associated with the studies considered cannot be discerned from the available metadata. We advocate that more thorough surveys be conducted using a set of standardized methods to test for the existence of assembly rules in data sets spanning larger biological and geographical scales than have been considered until now. We underpin this general advice with guidelines that should be considered in future assembly rules research. This will enable us to draw more accurate and general conclusions about the non-random aspect of assembly in plant communities.


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Le syndrome de Brugada, une affection rythmique du sujet jeune potentiellement fatale, se manifeste sur l'ECG par un bloc de branche droit (BBD) complet, avec sus-décalage majeur du segment ST et inversion des ondes Τ de V1 à V3 appelé pattern de type 1. Cette présentation peut être intermittente. Les manifestations incomplètes du syndrome de Brugada sont appelées patterns de types 2 ou 3, et sont caractérisées par un BBD incomplet et un sus-décalage ST plus ou moins prononcé dans les dérivations V-, et V2 de l'ECG. Cette description, cependant, est aussi celle du BBD incomplet fréquemment rencontré chez les sujets jeunes, de moins de 40 ans, et présent dans 3% de la population. Bo nombre de ces sujets sont donc référés pour une recherche de syndrome de Brugada. Le but de cette thèse est donc d'évaluer de nouveaux critères permettant de discriminer les BBD incomplets, banals, des sujets porteurs d'un syndrome de Brugada de types 2 ou 3. Trente-huit patients avec un pattern de Brugada de types 2 et 3, référés pour un test médicamenteux utilisant un antiarythmique révélant un pattern de type 1 chez les sujets porteurs, ont été inclus dans l'étude. Avant le test médicamenteux, deux angles ont été mesurés sur les dérivations Vi et/ou V2 : a, l'angle entre une ligne verticale et la descente de l'onde r', et β, l'angle entre la montée de l'onde S et la descente de l'onde r'. Les mesure à l'état basai des deux angles, seules ou combinées avec la durée du QRS, on été comparées entre les patients avec une épreuve pharmacologique positive et ceux dont l'épreuve s'est révélée négative (i.e. servant de groupe contrôle car porteur d'un véritable BBD incomplet). Des courbes ROC ont été établies afin de déterminer les valeurs d'angles les plus discriminantes. La moyenne des angles β était significativement plus petite chez les 14 patients avec un test pharmacologique négatif comparé aux 24 patients avec un test positif. La valeur optimale pour l'angle β était de 58°, ce qui donnait une valeur prédictive positive de 73% et une valeur prédictive négative de 97% pour une conversion en pattern de type 1 lors du test pharmacologique. L'angle α était un peu moins sensible et spécifique que β. Quand les angles étaient combinés à la durée du QRS, on observait une discrète amélioration de la discrimination entre les deux populations. Notre travail permet donc, chez des patients suspects d'un syndrome de Brugada, de discriminer entre un BBD incomplet et les patterns de Brugada types 2 et 3 en utilisant un critère simple basé sur l'ECG de surface potentiellement applicable au lit du patient


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Split sex ratio-a pattern where colonies within a population specialize in either male or queen production-is a widespread phenomenon in ants and other social Hymenoptera. It has often been attributed to variation in colony kin structure, which affects the degree of queen-worker conflict over optimal sex allocation. However, recent findings suggest that split sex ratio is a more diverse phenomenon, which can evolve for multiple reasons. Here, we provide an overview of the main conditions favouring split sex ratio. We show that each split sex-ratio type arises due to a different combination of factors determining colony kin structure, queen or worker control over sex ratio and the type of conflict between colony members.


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Very little research has been conducted so far to study the potential mechanisms of change in long-term active psychological treatments of recurrent depression. The present pilot randomized controlled trial aimed to determine the feasibility of studying the change process occurring in patients during the course of 2-year-long dynamic psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and cognitive therapy, as compared with clinical management. In total, eight outpatients presenting with recurrent depression, two patients per treatment arm, were included. All patients were randomly assigned to one of the four treatment conditions. Defense mechanisms and coping patterns were assessed using validated observer-rated methodology based on transcribed, semistructured follow-along independent dynamic interviews. The results indicated that, whereas some patients in the active treatments changed on the symptomatic levels, some others remained unchanged during the course of their 2-year-long treatment. However, with regard to potential mechanisms of change in these patients, changes in defense mechanisms and coping patterns were revealed to be important processes over time in successful therapies and, to a lesser extent, in less successful treatments. No change was found either on outcome or on the process measure for the control condition, that is, clinical management. These results are discussed along with previous data comparing change in defense mechanisms and coping during the course of treatments.


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Purpose: Quantitative methylation-specific tests suggest that not all cells in a glioblastoma with detectable promoter methylation of the O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene carry a methylated MGMT allele. This observation may indicate cell subpopulations with distinct MGMT status, raising the question of the clinically relevant cutoff of MGMT methylation therapy. Epigenetic silencing of the MGMT gene by promoter methylation blunts repair of O6-methyl guanine and has been shown to be a predictive factor for benefit from alkylating agent therapy in glioblastoma. Experimental Design: Ten paired samples of glioblastoma and respective glioblastoma-derived spheres (GS), cultured under stem cell conditions, were analyzed for the degree and pattern of MGMT promoter methylation by methylation-specific clone sequencing, MGMT gene dosage, chromatin status, and respective effects on MGMT expression and MGMT activity. Results: In glioblastoma, MGMT-methylated alleles ranged from 10% to 90%. In contrast, methylated alleles were highly enriched (100% of clones) in respective GS, even when 2 MGMT alleles were present, with 1 exception (<50%). The CpG methylation patterns were characteristic for each glioblastoma exhibiting 25% to 90% methylated CpGs of 28 sites interrogated. Furthermore, MGMT promoter methylation was associated with a nonpermissive chromatin status in accordance with very low MGMT transcript levels and undetectable MGMT activity. Conclusions: In MGMT-methylated glioblastoma, MGMT promoter methylation is highly enriched in GS that supposedly comprise glioma-initiating cells. Thus, even a low percentage of MGMT methylation measured in a glioblastoma sample may be relevant and predict benefit from an alkylating agent therapy. Clin Cancer Res; 17(2); 255-66. (C)2010 AACR.