912 resultados para inward exports
White adipose tissue (WAT) produces lactate in significant amount from circulating glucose, especially in obesity;Under normoxia, 3T3L1 cells secrete large quantities of lactate to the medium, again at the expense of glucose and proportionally to its levels. Most of the glucose was converted to lactate with only part of it being used to synthesize fat. Cultured adipocytes were largely anaerobic, but this was not a Warburg-like process. It is speculated that the massive production of lactate, is a process of defense of the adipocyte, used to dispose of excess glucose. This way, the adipocyte exports glucose carbon (and reduces the problem of excess substrate availability) to the liver, but the process may be also a mechanism of short-term control of hyperglycemia. The in vivo data obtained from adipose tissue of male rats agree with this interpretation.
In plants, the heat stress response (HSR) is highly conserved and involves multiple pathways, regulatory networks and cellular compartments. At least four putative sensors have recently been proposed to trigger the HSR. They include a plasma membrane channel that initiates an inward calcium flux, a histone sensor in the nucleus, and two unfolded protein sensors in the endoplasmic reticulum and the cytosol. Each of these putative sensors is thought to activate a similar set of HSR genes leading to enhanced thermotolerance, but the relationship between the different pathways and their hierarchical order is unclear. In this review, we explore the possible involvement of different thermosensors in the plant response to warming and heat stress.
Tämän diplomityön tavoite on selvittää Venäjän ja Viron investointi-ilmapiirien kehitystä suorien ulkomaisten investointien osalta. Tarkastelujakson pituus on Neuvostoliiton hajoamisesta tähän päivään. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi suoran ulkomaisen investoinnin määritelmä ja siihen liittyviä teorioita sekä investointi-ilmapiirin käsite ja osatekijät. Venäjälle ja Viroon tulleiden suorien ulkomaisten investointien vuosittaista kehitystä tarkastellaan empiirisen osan alussa. Diplomityön loppuosassa käydään läpi erilaisia taloustieteellisiä mittareita, jotka kuvaavat investointi-ilmapiirin tai ainakin joidenkin sen osatekijöiden kehittymistä. Kyseisiä mittareita on lopulta verrattu investointivirtoihin ja samalla on etsitty mahdollisia korrelaatioita. Mittarit paljastavat eroja Venäjän ja Viron investointi-ilmapiirien kehityksissä. Ne selittivät ainakin osittain suorienulkomaisten investointien virtoja Venäjälle ja Viroon.
Focus of this thesisis made on development of electricity sector of Russian North-West. The objective was to determine the most likely scenarios for development of the most critical (western) part of Interregional Power System of North-West, from where the most part of Russian electricity exports to the countries of European Union take place. For this purpose all the involved sides were analyzed: generation, transmission system and electricity consumption in different regions of Russian North-West. The analysis was performed through investigation of existing generation andtransmission capacities and plans for their development to be performed by the generation and transmission companies operating in the region. Principles of Russian electricity sector restructuring and electricity market design are also discussed as well as factors that may influence on future electricity price in the region.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksenaoli selvittää kansainvälistymistukien käyttöä eri Euroopan maissa. Tarkempaan tutkimukseen otettiin Saksan kaikki osavaltiot ja Ruotsi. Samalla selvitettiin myös niitä kansainvälisen kaupan sääntöjä ja määräyksiä, joita asetetaan, jotta tuet eivät vääristä kilpailua. Tällä tavalla oli tarkoitus löytää uusia 'hyviä käytäntöjä, Suomen seuraavan EU-ohjelmakauden ohjelmien kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että eri maat ja alueet painottavat yritystensä viennin- tai kansainvälistymisen tukemista eri lailla. Joillain alueille ei ole juuri minkäänlaista tukiohjelmaa, kun taas varsinkin Saksassa tukiohjelmatovat laajoja. Yhteistä kaikille ohjelmille on, että tukipäätökset ovat usein pienempiä kuin Suomessa. Toisaalta Suomessakin päätöksien koot ovat yleensä huomattavasti pienempiä kuin olisi mahdollista lain perusteella tehdä. Kokonaisuutena Suomen järjestelmä toimii hyvin ja sen avulla voidaan nytkin saavuttaa hyviä tuloksia. Jatkossa on kuitenkin kiinnitettävä huomiota siihen, että kehitämme ohjelmia erityisesti pienimpien yritysten kansainvälistymistä varten.
The Tahiti acid lime in Brazil is mostly grown in the São Paulo State. The value of this crop production ranks among the ten most important fruits in the country. The Brazilian exports of Tahiti limes have increased in the last years with a corresponding increased demand for superior quality of fresh fruits, which is affected by mineral nutrients. Therefore, this study evaluated nutrient soil availability and its influence on nutritional status of trees based on the determination of leaf and fruit nutrient concentrations, fruit characteristics, and post harvest quality. Eleven commercial groves with trees older than 4-yr and differently managed were studied. Plots with six trees in each grove were sampled for soil (0-20 cm depth layer), leaf and fruit analyses with three replicates. Correlation coefficients were pair wised established for all variables. The results showed that N leaf concentration was well correlated with green color of fruit peel as measured by a color index (r = -0.71**), and which was optimum with Leaf-N around 22 g kg-1. Leaf-Ca was inversely correlated with fruit water loss after 14-day interval from harvest (r = -0.54*) demonstrating that Ca plays an important role in Tahiti fruit shelf-life. Data also suggested that increased fruit K concentration correlated with increased fruit water losses during storage (r >0.58*).
In 2007 (the last agricultural census), Chile had 308, 445 ha of fruit orchards: an increase of almost 32% from the previous census (1997). The most important species were table grapes (20%), avocados (13%) and apples (12%). Some 22% of the fruit crops growing area corresponded to juvenile orchards; within the species with higher proportion of juvenile orchards were prunes (42%) and blueberries (56%). Most orchards are located between latitude 27º18` S (Copiapó) and 40º36´S (Puerto Varas). The industry is driven by the export component which accounts for more than 50% of the fruits produced. In the crop season 2009-2010, approximately 254 million boxes (around 2.5 million tons) were exported, representing over US$ 3.5 million. Processed and fresh fruits represented 8.2 and 26.7% of the total forest and agricultural Chilean exports in 2008, respectively. The main markets for this fruits were USA/Canada (42%) and Europe (32%). The fruit grower receives, on average, 12-16% of the total price of the fruit in its final destination. Each year the fruit industry employs 450.000 people directly, of which 1/3 are permanent. Even though the fruit industry employs the highest proportion of the agricultural labor and the growing area has increased in the last 20 years, the proportion of agricultural employment has decreased from 19.5% in 1989 to 10.8% in 2008. It might also be noted that Chile invests only 0.7% of the GDP in research. In the last 40 years, the fruit industry has been a motor for the Chilean economic development, but the lower rates of currency exchange, the rising costs of energy (oil, electricity), and the increasing scarcity of hand labor have drastically reduced the profitability and are putting at risk the viability of a large proportion of the fruit orchards in Chile. It is estimated that this season around 65% of the orchards will have a negative economic balance in their operations. Higher investment in research, improvements in fruit quality and various orchard management practices, as well as higher financial support from the Government are needed for the long term viability of the fruit industry in Chile.
This article analyzes the structure of Spanish trade with Cuba during the period leading up to and immediately after Cuban independence in 1898. Although in overall terms, the loss of the colony meant the disappearance of major bilateral trade links, an analysis of certain groups shows that Spanish exports to Cuba of some of the latter were maintained or actually increased. The hypothesis for explaining this anomalous behavior is based on the presence of product differentiation strategies whose success is linked to the preference for Spanish goods of a certain sector of Cuban demand.
[cat] Aquest treball té com a objectiu mostrar el grau en què el sector de la producció de vi a la Denominació d'Origen Penedès ha respost als reptes que s’han plantejat tant en termes de l'oferta (de consolidació i sorgiment dels països productors fora de l'esfera europea tradicional) i de la demanda (caiguda de la el consum de vi i els nous hàbits de consum) durant la segona meitat del segle XX. El document analitza l'evolució del sector a la regió des del començament de la dècada de 1940 fins a la fi del segle. Amb la fi de la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939 el sector va haver d'afrontar una caiguda de la producció, la qual va continuar concentrant-se en la comercialització de vins tradicionals. Aquesta situació va canviar quan, a finals de la dècada de 1960, la demanda es va girar cada vegada més als vins de major qualitat embotellats. Des del punt de vista legislatiu, la resposta es va centrar en la innovació tecnològica i la reestructuració de l'empresa. Aquest període va ser testimoni de la introducció de nous equips i processos, com ara l’acer inoxidable i tancs de fermentació a temperatura controlada, amb els vins embotellats expulsant el vi a granel i la transformació dels grans magatzemistes en cellers i caves. A més, una de les principals característiques del període 1970-1985 va ser la formació dels grans conglomerats empresarials dels vins i del cava. L’entrada d'Espanya a la Unió Europea el 1986 va impulsar una acceleració d'aquest procés de transformació, deixant el sector format principalment per empreses que produeixen vins i caves, que han introduït els vins negres i varietals en la seva oferta de productes, que posseeixen moltes hectàrees de vinyes i en molts casos, que han mostrat una clara intenció de penetrar en el mercat internacional.
[cat] Aquest treball té com a objectiu mostrar el grau en què el sector de la producció de vi a la Denominació d'Origen Penedès ha respost als reptes que s’han plantejat tant en termes de l'oferta (de consolidació i sorgiment dels països productors fora de l'esfera europea tradicional) i de la demanda (caiguda de la el consum de vi i els nous hàbits de consum) durant la segona meitat del segle XX. El document analitza l'evolució del sector a la regió des del començament de la dècada de 1940 fins a la fi del segle. Amb la fi de la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939 el sector va haver d'afrontar una caiguda de la producció, la qual va continuar concentrant-se en la comercialització de vins tradicionals. Aquesta situació va canviar quan, a finals de la dècada de 1960, la demanda es va girar cada vegada més als vins de major qualitat embotellats. Des del punt de vista legislatiu, la resposta es va centrar en la innovació tecnològica i la reestructuració de l'empresa. Aquest període va ser testimoni de la introducció de nous equips i processos, com ara l’acer inoxidable i tancs de fermentació a temperatura controlada, amb els vins embotellats expulsant el vi a granel i la transformació dels grans magatzemistes en cellers i caves. A més, una de les principals característiques del període 1970-1985 va ser la formació dels grans conglomerats empresarials dels vins i del cava. L’entrada d'Espanya a la Unió Europea el 1986 va impulsar una acceleració d'aquest procés de transformació, deixant el sector format principalment per empreses que produeixen vins i caves, que han introduït els vins negres i varietals en la seva oferta de productes, que posseeixen moltes hectàrees de vinyes i en molts casos, que han mostrat una clara intenció de penetrar en el mercat internacional.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää sekä teoreettisen että empiirisen tarkastelun kautta kilpailun analysointia ja kilpailijatiedon merkitystä projektivientiyrityksessä. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin analysoimaan, kuinka yrityksessä tunnistetaan kilpailijat ja minkä tyyppistä kilpailijatietoa organisaatiossa tarvitaan. Lisäksi pyrittiin haastatteluin selvittämään tärkeimmät käyttökohteet kilpailijatiedolle sekä lähinnä yrityksen sisäiset tietolähteet.Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osassa pyrittiin antamaan lukijalle käsitteellistä perustaa yrityksen kilpailustrategian muotoutumiselle, kilpailijatiedon merkitykselle sekä hallinnalle informaatiojärjestelmää apuna käyttäen. Näitä tietoja hyödyntäen saatiin kehitettyä empiirisessä osuudessa tietojärjestelmän runko case-yritykseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin lähinnä Pohjoismaisilla teräsrakentamisen markkinoilla toimivaan projektivientiyritykseen. Organisaation kilpailijatiedon hyväksikäytön kriittiseksi tekijäksi osoittautui tiedon tarpeen ja kysynnän määrittely sekä sen vertaaminen nykyisiin jo organisaatiossa oleviin tietoihin. Toisaalta tietoja oli suhteellisen paljon olemassa, mutta se oli aika pienen joukon käytössä. Yrityksessä ei ollut aiemmin tutkittu kilpailijatiedon käyttöä, joten tiedon tarvetta laajemmin ei oltu aiemmin tiedostettu. Koko ajan tulee kuitenkin muistaa, että aikaa kannattaa uhrata vain sellaiseen toimintaan, mikä edistää yrityksen liiketoimintaa. Tältä pohjalta halutaankin ottaa käyttöön paikasta ja ajasta riippumaton informaatiojärjestelmä.Tietojärjestelmästä haluttiin yksinkertainen, jotta sen käyttö ei olisi kellekään kynnyskysymys hyödyllisen tiedon käyttöön. Järjestelmällä halutaan turvata kilpailijatiedon tehokas välittyminen oikeille käyttäjille oikeaan aikaan. Toisaalta järjestelmältä halutaan tutkimuspohjaa esimerkiksi hävittyjen kauppojen analyyseihin, ja näin voidaankin sanoa, että järjestelmä oppii ja opettaa käyttäjiensä välityksellä.
Chile has become a major actor in the blueberry industry as the most important supplier of off-season fresh fruit for the northern hemisphere. Blueberry exports passed from US$ 30 million (around 4,000 tons) in 2000 to US$ 380 million (94,000 tons) in 2011. The characteristics of the major blueberry growing regions (North, Central, South-central and South) are presented in terms of acreage, varieties, management practices, extension of the harvest season, and soil and climatic conditions. Most fruit is from highbush varieties, picked by hand and exported fresh by boat to United States. Largest proportion of fruit is exported from mid December to late January, which coincides with lowest prices. The south-central region (latitudes 34º50' to 38º15' S) was in 2007 the most important one with 5,075 ha (51.1% of area planted). Among the challenges for the Chilean blueberry industry in the near future are: 1. Lower profitability due to lower rates of currency exchange and higher costs, 2 - Greater scarcity and higher cost of labor, 3.- Need for higher productivity and sustainable production practices, 4- Fruit of high and consistent quality, and 5.- Greater investment in research. As a case study the article presents three approaches that can help identify areas with low availability of labor and improve its efficiency. The article shows the use of geomatic tools to establish labor availability, application of growth regulators to reduce crop load, increase fruit size and improve harvest efficiency, and the use of shakers to harvest fresh fruit for long distance markets. More research is needed to improve yields, reduce costs and give greater economical and ecological sustainability to the Chilean blueberry industry.
The social saving literature has highlighted the indispensable role that railways played before 1914 in several Latin American export-oriented economies, such as Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. The article analyses the case of Uruguay, a country that, by 1914, had built one of the densest railway networks in Latin America. The article shows that, in contrast to what happened in other economies of the region, the resource saving effects of the Uruguayan railways during the first globalisation were tiny due to the small share that railway output accounted for within the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Three complementary reasons are suggested to explain that result, namely: the geographical structure of the country; its sectoral specialisation; and the small scale of the Uruguayan economy. Due to these three characteristics, Uruguay was unable to benefit from railways in the way that other export-oriented Latin American economies did during the first period of globalisation. This conclusion draws attention to the geographic-specific character of railway technology.
The thesis is made of three independent chapters interested in the impact of globalization on workers in industrialized countries. The dissertation is especially focused on identifying the causal impact of international trade on workers' mobility, wages, and employment with both a short- and medium-term perspective. The first paper explores the relation between intra-industry trade (IIT) expansion and associated worker flows, taking the latter as an indicator of labor-market adjustment costs. Being the first study to combine theoretical simulations and a novel identification strategy, we find that both theoretical and empirical analyses are consistent with the "smooth adjustment hypothesis", according to which IIT expansion is less disruptive than inter-industry trade expansion. The study therefore lends support to the use of IIT indices as first-pass proxies for the adjustment effects of trade expansion. The second chapter contrasts the impact of increased import competition coming from China and the European Union (EU) on workers in the United Kingdom over a 15-year period. The most salient findings show that increased imports from China had significantly negative effects on workers' earnings, wages and employment. In contrast, larger imports from the EU are associated with positive worker-level outcomes, which is largely explained by the fact that increased imports from the EU were mostly offset by increased same-industry exports to the EU. Besides, we find that increased imports from China exert additional pressure on workers through spillovers to employment and wages in downstream industries. Finally, the last chapter is focused on the impact of exposure to trade and real exchange rate shocks on wages for Swiss manufacturing workers. A particular attention is made to consistently estimate the causal effect in using a two-step gravity-type identification strategy. The study shows that the impact of trade and exchange rate movements is concentrated among high-skilled workers almost exclusively.
Based on four different public R&D calls from the Catalan government, this article evaluates the propensity of entrants and young firms to apply for R&D public grants and, as compared to their counterparts, their capacity for obtaining subsides. This analysis is particularly relevant since entrants and young firms encounter greater market difficulties. Our sample contains 22,139 firms and corresponds to a merge of two databases: one from the Catalan agency responsible for promoting private innovation (ACC1Ó) and the other from the Mercantile Register. Merging these databases has two advantages. Firstly, participants and non-participants in the public R&D call (“InnoEmpresa”) are included and, secondly, it provides us with information at firm and project level. The period of observation is between 2006 and 2010, since some explanatory variables are lagged by one period. We apply a two-step methodology. Our results show that entrants and young firms show a lower propensity to apply for R&D subsidies and to obtain R&D public grants. Firm size, exports and participation in a previous call show a positive impact on the likelihood of applying, and firms located in the Barcelona metropolitan area have a greater propensity to apply. Additionally, project quality and R&D cooperative reports presented jointly with other partners have a positive impact on the likelihood of obtaining the R&D subsidy. Finally, firms that have previously obtained an R&D subsidy do not exhibit a greater propensity for obtaining subsequent grants. Keywords: R&D subsidies, entrants and young firms Classification JEL: L53, L25, O38