819 resultados para internet-based computations
Atualmente, uma profusão de soluções chamadas de Web 2.0 e redes sociais está causando um grande impacto no desenvolvimento da Internet, comparando-se à era “ponto-com” em termos de crescimento, investimentos e empolgação. Estas iniciativas possuem em comum um elevado grau de formação de comunidades, e de criação e compartilhamento de conteúdo por parte do usuário, dentre outras características. Acredita-se que as redes sociais possuam um grande potencial inovador e disruptivo tanto para a sociedade quanto para o mundo empresarial. Entretanto, como transformar as redes sociais e aplicações Web 2.0 em modelos de negócios auto-sustentáveis ainda é um desafio para o mercado. Esta dissertação objetiva auxiliar a compreensão e abordagem deste tema propondo uma ontologia específica para modelos de negócios de redes sociais na internet. Isto se realiza por meio do desenvolvimento de um ensaio teórico de viés exploratório, baseado em extensa, porém não exaustiva, revisão de literatura abordando modelos de negócios, redes sociais e demais temas relacionados. A ontologia criada é então aplicada na representação de modelos de negócio de redes sociais na internet. Este trabalho também fornece uma visão geral do fenômeno Web 2.0, abordando algumas de suas principais características tecnológicas e socioeconômicas.
O objetivo deste estudo é propor um modelo de análise integrada para a forma de atuação dos bancos brasileiros no ambiente da Internet. Para tanto foi conduzido um estudo de caso único com o Banco do Brasil. A maioria das entrevistas foi realizada nas sedes administrativa e de tecnologia do banco na cidade de Brasília, DF. Foi proposto um Modelo de Análise Integrada baseado em várias teorias e estruturas da área de estudos organizacionais e sistemas de informação. Entre as descobertas da pesquisa está a constatação de que o fenômeno estudado pode ser satisfatoriamente compreendido com o emprego de todas as teorias selecionadas, comprovando a complexidade do objeto desta pesquisa. O estudo apresentou entre suas limitações o fato de ter sido um estudo de caso único, como também a impossibilidade de se realizar esta pesquisa em amplo espectro, com um número consideravelmente maior de organizações. O ineditismo e a contribuição deste estudo residem no fato de ter proposto um modelo integrado com teorias e estruturas de análise que facilitam a compreensão do fenômeno observado. Em estudos futuros o pesquisador poderia incluir a pesquisa em um número maior de instituições para enriquecer a análise.
A internet é considerada a mais completa manifestação da nova mídia e tem causado um impacto relevante no campo da comunicação. Os veículos de comunicação tradicionais enfrentam hoje um cenário de incerteza em relação ao futuro. As mudanças provocadas pela nova mídia criam inúmeras possibilidades, que podem ser ameaças ou novas oportunidades, mas que, em ambos os casos, exigem reações dos participantes deste mercado. Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar como os jornais diários brasileiros estão atuando no meio online em reação a estas mudanças. O processo para se atingir este objetivo ocorreu, primeiramente por meio da identificação das características e da classificação dos principais jornais brasileiros nos meios impresso e online. Em seguida, houve um aprofundamento desta pesquisa em entrevistas com profissionais deste mercado. Com base nos conceitos teóricos da economia da informação, foi construída a estrutura de uma taxonomia que permitisse uma análise mais objetiva dos veículos estudados. A avaliação dos dados coletados, tendo o apoio das informações capturadas nas entrevistas, resultou em uma análise bastante rica, da qual algumas conclusões importantes foram extraídas. Identificou-se, por exemplo, uma possível relação entre o nível de adaptação do jornal ao meio online a categoria de seu conteúdo. Outra constatação é a grande importância que o meio impresso ainda tem em termos de resultados financeiros dos jornais. Em relação ao futuro, existem muitas expectativas para o mercado de notícias, mas seu rumo ainda é muito incerto. Apesar disso, uma coisa parece clara: é importante a construção de uma marca forte baseada em credibilidade. No futuro, independentemente dos modelos de negócios que vigorarem, este será um diferencial importante para a sobrevivência dos jornais.
As stated by Hoffmann and Coste-Manière (2012) “The web is a mass medium that contrast completely with the traditional codes of exclusivity associated with the luxury industry, and has long been simply rejected by the luxury industry for being an illegitimate distribution channel.” Meanwhile this market presents an incomparable pace of growth and is gradually changing the existing retailing business model and companies must be aware of this change and capable to adapt to it. The internet and cross-border sales already changed the competition throughout retailing and it will increase even more, so companies must be ready to face it. Internet has shown its great opportunity for all markets, although luxury/premium market is not yet taking the proper advantage of its potential, but the necessity to be an omnichannel business strategy is growing. This paper presents an exploratory research based on a case study of how premium fashion Brazilian brands are using Farfetch, e-commerce, as an entry market strategy and how this affects them. The research question of this study is: How is Farfetch helping on the internationalization of Brazilian premium fashion brands?, and in order to answer it was conducted an in-depth interview with the Brazilian head of business development of Farfetch, apart an extensive secondary data research. As expected the study found a list of trade-offs of using an e-commerce, luxury specialized, with a marketplace approach to the brands willing to internationalize. As stated by Altagamma and McKinsey (2015) study “[...] luxury brands have no choice but to embrace the digital era and become truly omnichannel. This will require them a radical rethinking of both their customer experience of their consumer engagement strategy.” Looking either from the Farfetch point of view, trying to understand why they offer this opportunity to the brands, or also from the brand side if this is a manageable approach. This study presents a contribution for both sides, trying to give tools to the brands on understanding the internationalization reasons and approach, as well as explaining Farfetch business model, and the advantages it can bring to them, at the same time of a general market trend analysis for Farfecth.
RAMOS, A. S. M. Estágio da difusão das tecnologias internet em organizações acadêmicas. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE PRODUÇÂO, 18., 1998, Niteroi-RJ. Anais... Niteroi: ENP, 1998.
A Internet é uma tecnologia que revolucionou o mundo, criando novas formas de interação entre pessoas, organizações e negócios. O setor hoteleiro é um segmento que muito tem se beneficiado dos serviços suportados pela Internet. O objetivo do estudo é identificar os diferentes fatores que influenciam ao uso da Internet sob três dimensões: individual, organizacional e ambiental. Um modelo conceitual foi postulado contendo nove variáveis independentes sobre duas variáveis dependentes, relativas ao padrão de uso da Internet. Os dados foram coletados junto a 52 hotéis localizados no litoral do Recife – PE. O resultado da análise inferencial dos dados mostrou um padrão diferenciado de uso da Internet nos hotéis de pequeno, médio e grande porte e como os fatores acima descritos podem ser mais bem explorados a fim de se atingir um eficiente padrão de uso, aumentando suas posições competitivas. Baseadas na análise e resultados obtidos do estudo, são esboçadas algumas recomendações e implicações para futuras pesquisas. ABSTRACT:The Internet technology has revolutionized the world, creating new forms of interaction among people, organizations and businesses. The hotel sector has reaped many benefits from services supported by the Internet. The object of this study is to explore different factors that influence the adoption of the Internet in three areas: individual, organizational and environment. A conceptual framework was advanced containing nine independent variables and two dependent variables related to the usage of the Internet. Data was collected from 52 hotels located along the coast of Recife, PE, Brazil. Analysis of the data has demonstrated the Internet use in small, medium and large size hotels. Some attributes of the Internet usage could be better utilized by owners and managers in order to achieve a more efficient pattern of use, improving their competitive position. Based on the findings obtained from the study, some recommendations and implications for future research are advanced
The current paper aims at analyzing customer retention in Internet provider services. For this study, we sought to understand what are the client's expectations regarding the services available and compare them with management perception in relation to the use of those services. Identifying the coherence level between the two points of view, management and client, it is possible to pinpoint how service is assessed in real conditions. Then, from this point on, a new vision can be implemented on available services, and new customer service strategies aiming at best serving to their expectation and need, can be rethought. The exploratory research was utilized. It was based on case study, and quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The quantitative method was done by applying the cluster technique with six variables of control derived from the six main services, whose definition was done through qualitative survey of the internal management team. Then, an structured interview with 443 clients, from a probabilistic sample of 800 costumers. The total number of active clients of the internet provider is of 10.677. Client perception in relation to services varied, if compared with the four services that were under the managerial metric method, this comparison showed a more positive evaluation than the real use of the service. Thus, it was observed that the value of each service available for the client depends on his/her perception of it, regardless of using or not the offered service. As a result, it is possible to understand which services offered by the company under study effectively contribute to a good client-company relationship, and the upkeep of those clients
This thesis is resulted of a research on propagated the social representations of constructivism in the Internet, which as had estimated basic the idea of Moscovici (1961) of that the media it has determinative paper in the popularization of the scientific theories, in formation e propagation of the social representations and in the construction of behaviors human beings. Understanding the Internet as latest space of circulation of social communications, therefore, privileged field (and still not explored) for studies of social representations, we choose this half midiático as investigative field of our research, it if it constitutes in the "great ocean of the new informational planet" (LEVY, 2000, p. 126), besides making possible the interaction with different forms of images, different individuals, different ' world ', configuring itself as important space of symbolic production e of analysis of the representational process in the world contemporary. Based in these questions, we trace as objective to analyze the circulating speech propagated on-line on the constructivism, searching to apprehend the social representations shared the respect. This objective was constructed in face of the insertion of the theory constructivist in the educational way has two decades more than, as well as of its consolidation as reference in different social contexts, mainly in midiático. The question that directed the research was: as this theory obtains to penetrate in some layers of our society, to influence the world readings e the behaviors of different people? That modifications it suffers in this trajectory and which the paper of the Internet in this process? The corpus of the research was constituted of the substances on the theory found in the Internet, in pages in Portuguese of Google, in the period of 27 of July of 2004 the 17 of August of 2004. The data they had been analyzed on the basis of the project of analysis of content elaborated for Moscovici (1961) and in the estimated theoreticians of the social communication, in special of the hypermedia. The results had disclosed that the Internet participates of determinative form in the process of popularization of the constructivism theory, not only spreading out its estimated theoretician- methodological for the domain public (diffusion), but propagating positive beliefs and images of its postulates (propagation) and using them it service of interests politicians e financiers (propaganda). The popularization of the constructivism in the Internet and social representations of this theory propagated configure one process in which the theory passes of pedagogical theoretical landmark for grief, assuming a commercial character extremely and the status of solution for problems of the education and the society, stirring up attitudes and behaviors in public, most general possible, that comes to take care of to the interests politicians e marketing. Recognizing the diversity, the permanent renewal of information and the negotiation of directions gifts in the Internet, as well as the innumerable ones forms of access to the information found by it, we consider results of the research as fruits of the inherent characteristics to this way midiático, to the time where we call the attention for relativity these results, for the plasticity of knowing them and sensible propagated on-line e for the great challenge that the hypermedia imposes to the study of communication phenomena, of the social representations and in educational quarrels and for the necessity of new research that they investigate the forms of socialization of the information and communication propitiated by hypermedia and its implications in the construction of the symbolic universes and in practical social
This paper aims to design and develop a control and monitoring system of vending machines, based on a Central Processing Unit with peripheral Internet communication. Coupled with the condom vending machines, a data acquisition module will be connected to the original circuits in order to collect and send, via internet, the information to the healthy government agencies, in the form of charts and reports. In the face of this, such agencies may analyze these data and compare them with the rates of reduction, in medium or long term, of the STD/AIDS in their respective regions, after the implementation of these vending machines, together with the conventional preventing programs. Reading the methodology, this paper is about an explaining and bibliography research, with the aspect of a qualitative-quantitative methodology, presenting a deductive method of approach and an indirect documentation technique research. About the results of the tests and simulations, we concluded that the implementation of this system will have the same success in any other type of dispenser machine
The scheme is based on Ami Harten's ideas (Harten, 1994), the main tools coming from wavelet theory, in the framework of multiresolution analysis for cell averages. But instead of evolving cell averages on the finest uniform level, we propose to evolve just the cell averages on the grid determined by the significant wavelet coefficients. Typically, there are few cells in each time step, big cells on smooth regions, and smaller ones close to irregularities of the solution. For the numerical flux, we use a simple uniform central finite difference scheme, adapted to the size of each cell. If any of the required neighboring cell averages is not present, it is interpolated from coarser scales. But we switch to ENO scheme in the finest part of the grids. To show the feasibility and efficiency of the method, it is applied to a system arising in polymer-flooding of an oil reservoir. In terms of CPU time and memory requirements, it outperforms Harten's multiresolution algorithm.The proposed method applies to systems of conservation laws in 1Dpartial derivative(t)u(x, t) + partial derivative(x)f(u(x, t)) = 0, u(x, t) is an element of R-m. (1)In the spirit of finite volume methods, we shall consider the explicit schemeupsilon(mu)(n+1) = upsilon(mu)(n) - Deltat/hmu ((f) over bar (mu) - (f) over bar (mu)-) = [Dupsilon(n)](mu), (2)where mu is a point of an irregular grid Gamma, mu(-) is the left neighbor of A in Gamma, upsilon(mu)(n) approximate to 1/mu-mu(-) integral(mu-)(mu) u(x, t(n))dx are approximated cell averages of the solution, (f) over bar (mu) = (f) over bar (mu)(upsilon(n)) are the numerical fluxes, and D is the numerical evolution operator of the scheme.According to the definition of (f) over bar (mu), several schemes of this type have been proposed and successfully applied (LeVeque, 1990). Godunov, Lax-Wendroff, and ENO are some of the popular names. Godunov scheme resolves well the shocks, but accuracy (of first order) is poor in smooth regions. Lax-Wendroff is of second order, but produces dangerous oscillations close to shocks. ENO schemes are good alternatives, with high order and without serious oscillations. But the price is high computational cost.Ami Harten proposed in (Harten, 1994) a simple strategy to save expensive ENO flux calculations. The basic tools come from multiresolution analysis for cell averages on uniform grids, and the principle is that wavelet coefficients can be used for the characterization of local smoothness.. Typically, only few wavelet coefficients are significant. At the finest level, they indicate discontinuity points, where ENO numerical fluxes are computed exactly. Elsewhere, cheaper fluxes can be safely used, or just interpolated from coarser scales. Different applications of this principle have been explored by several authors, see for example (G-Muller and Muller, 1998).Our scheme also uses Ami Harten's ideas. But instead of evolving the cell averages on the finest uniform level, we propose to evolve the cell averages on sparse grids associated with the significant wavelet coefficients. This means that the total number of cells is small, with big cells in smooth regions and smaller ones close to irregularities. This task requires improved new tools, which are described next.
This paper introduces Java applet programs for a WWW (world wide web)-HTML (hypertext markup language)-based multimedia course in Power Electronics. The applet programs were developed with the purpose of providing an interactive visual simulation and analysis of idealized uncontrolled single-phase, and three-phase rectifiers. In addition, this paper discusses the development and utilization of JAVA applet programs to solve some design-oriented equations for rectifier applications. The major goal of these proposed JAVA applets was to provide more facilities for the students increase their pace in Power Electronics course, emphasizing waveforms analysis, and providing conditions for an on-line comparative analysis among different hands-on laboratory experiences, via a normal Internet TCP/IP connection. Therefore, using the proposed JAVA applets, which were embedded in a WWW-HTML-based course in Power Electronics, was observed an important improvement of the apprenticeship for the content of this course. Therefore, the course structure becomes fluid, allowing a true on-line course over the WWW, motivating students to learn its content, and apply it in some applications-oriented projects, and their home-works.
In the last years there was an exponential growth in the offering of Web-enabled distance courses and in the number of enrolments in corporate and higher education using this modality. However, the lack of efficient mechanisms that assures user authentication in this sort of environment, in the system login as well as throughout his session, has been pointed out as a serious deficiency. Some studies have been led about possible biometric applications for web authentication. However, password based authentication still prevails. With the popularization of biometric enabled devices and resultant fall of prices for the collection of biometric traits, biometrics is reconsidered as a secure remote authentication form for web applications. In this work, the face recognition accuracy, captured on-line by a webcam in Internet environment, is investigated, simulating the natural interaction of a person in the context of a distance course environment. Partial results show that this technique can be successfully applied to confirm the presence of users throughout the course attendance in an educational distance course. An efficient client/server architecture is also proposed. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
This article aims to investigate the abbreviations used on chats by web-surfers between 15 and 20 years old. The material consists of two virtual conversations of about 60 minutes each. We believe that this linguistic process occurs due to the physical distance that separates affectively the web-surfers by modifying already said utterances in written practices characterized by short time of interaction. This abbreviation process, known as a characteristic of the so called internetês, is not considered as a simple attempt to cut the words, but as a resource that presents linguistics' regularity. Therefore, the theory of phonological syllable is used as a tool in order to verify the process that forms possible abbreviations used on chats. It is believed that, based on the study of the syllable structure, the choice of the graphemes abbreviation may be assessed based on the writing heterogeneity, since the writer might not only use oral/spoken practices but also literate/written ones so as to produce utterances that emerge in the contemporaneity.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)