607 resultados para graphene resonator
Using a new Admittance-based model for electrical noise able to handle Fluctuations and Dissipations of electrical energy, we explain the phase noise of oscillators that use feedback around L-C resonators. We show that Fluctuations produce the Line Broadening of their output spectrum around its mean frequency f0 and that the Pedestal of phase noise far from f0 comes from Dissipations modified by the feedback electronics. The charge noise power 4FkT/R C2/s that disturbs the otherwise periodic fluctuation of charge these oscillators aim to sustain in their L-C-R resonator, is what creates their phase noise proportional to Leeson’s noise figure F and to the charge noise power 4kT/R C2/s of their capacitance C that today’s modelling would consider as the current noise density in A2/Hz of their resistance R. Linked with this (A2/Hz?C2/s) equivalence, R becomes a random series in time of discrete chances to Dissipate energy in Thermal Equilibrium (TE) giving a similar series of discrete Conversions of electrical energy into heat when the resonator is out of TE due to the Signal power it handles. Therefore, phase noise reflects the way oscillators sense thermal exchanges of energy with their environment
As an emerging optical material, graphene’s ultrafast dynamics are often probed using pulsed lasers yet the region in which optical damage takes place is largely uncharted. Here, femtosecond laser pulses induced localized damage in single-layer graphene on sapphire. Raman spatial mapping, SEM, and AFM microscopy quantified the damage. The resulting size of the damaged area has a linear correlation with the optical fluence. These results demonstrate local modification of sp2-carbon bonding structures with optical pulse fluences as low as 14 mJ/cm2, an order-of-magnitude lower than measured and theoretical ablation thresholds.
This work describes the assessment of the acoustic properties of sputtered tantalum oxide films intended as high impedance films for the acoustic isolation of bulk acoustic wave devices operating in the GHz frequency range. The films are grown by sputtering a metallic tantalum target under different oxygen and argon gas mixtures, total pressures, pulsed DC powers and substrate bias. The structural properties of the films are assessed through infrared absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements. Their acoustic impedance is obtained after estimating the mass density by X-ray reflectometry measurements and the longitudinal acoustic velocity by analyzing the longitudinal λ/2 resonance induced in a tantalum oxide film inserted between an acoustic reflector and an AlN-based resonator. A second measurement of the sound velocity is achieved through picosecond acoustic spectroscopy.
Various systems for measuring propellant content in spacecrafts under weightlessness conditions are reviewed. The cavity resonator method is found to be the most suitable measurement; technique. This method is analyzed in detail. A determination of errors intrinsec to the method is carried out.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el de estudiar mediante elipsometría las propiedades ópticas de una capa de grafeno sobre varios sustratos, y cómo ésta puede alterar los parámetros ópticos del material sobre el que reposa. Partiendo de muestras de cobre y silicio, se estudiará cómo pueden ser modificadas sus propiedades con tan sólo depositar sobre ellas una capa de grafeno cuyo espesor es el de un átomo. Se usará un elipsómetro de alta precisión proporcionado por el INTA para analizar todas las alteraciones respecto al material original sin grafeno. ABSTRACT The main purpose of the project is to study the optical properties of a layer of graphene on various substrates and how it can change the optical parameters of the material on which it rests, using ellipsometry. Starting from substrates of copper and silicon, we will study how their properties can be modified, by coating them with a layer of graphene, whose thickness is of one atom. For analyzing the changes with respect to the materials without graphene, an ellipsometer supply by INTA was employed.
En 1966, D. B. Leeson publicó el artículo titulado “A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum” en el que, mediante una ecuación obtenida de forma heurística y basada en parámetros conocidos de los osciladores, proponía un modelo para estimar el espectro de potencia que cuantifica el Ruido de Fase de estos osciladores. Este Ruido de Fase pone de manifiesto las fluctuaciones aleatorias que se producen en la fase de la señal de salida de cualquier oscilador de frecuencia f_0. Desde entonces, los adelantos tecnológicos han permitido grandes progresos en cuanto a la medida del Ruido de Fase, llegando a encontrar una estrecha “zona plana”, alrededor de f_0, conocida con el nombre de Ensanchamiento de Línea (EL) que Leeson no llegó a observar y que su modelo empírico no recogía. Paralelamente han ido surgiendo teorías que han tratado de explicar el Ruido de Fase con mayor o menor éxito. En esta Tesis se propone una nueva teoría para explicar el espectro de potencia del Ruido de Fase de un oscilador realimentado y basado en resonador L-C (Inductancia-Capacidad). Al igual que otras teorías, la nuestra también relaciona el Ruido de Fase del oscilador con el ruido térmico del circuito que lo implementa pero, a diferencia de aquellas, nuestra teoría se basa en un Modelo Complejo de ruido eléctrico que considera tanto las Fluctuaciones de energía eléctrica asociadas a la susceptancia capacitiva del resonador como las Disipaciones de energía eléctrica asociadas a su inevitable conductancia G=1⁄R, que dan cuenta del contacto térmico entre el resonador y el entorno térmico que le rodea. En concreto, la nueva teoría que proponemos explica tanto la parte del espectro del Ruido de Fase centrada alrededor de la frecuencia portadora f_0 que hemos llamado EL y su posterior caída proporcional a 〖∆f〗^(-2) al alejarnos de f_0, como la zona plana o pedestal que aparece en el espectro de Ruido de Fase lejos de esa f_0. Además, al saber cuantificar el EL y su origen, podemos explicar con facilidad la aparición de zonas del espectro de Ruido de Fase con caída 〖∆f〗^(-3) cercanas a la portadora y que provienen del denominado “exceso de ruido 1⁄f” de dispositivos de Estado Sólido y del ruido “flicker” de espectro 1⁄f^β (0,8≤β≤1,2) que aparece en dispositivos de vacío como las válvulas termoiónicas. Habiendo mostrado que una parte del Ruido de Fase de osciladores L-C realimentados que hemos denominado Ruido de Fase Térmico, se debe al ruido eléctrico de origen térmico de la electrónica que forma ese oscilador, proponemos en esta Tesis una nueva fuente de Ruido de Fase que hemos llamado Ruido de Fase Técnico, que se añadirá al Térmico y que aparecerá cuando el desfase del lazo a la frecuencia de resonancia f_0 del resonador no sea 0° o múltiplo entero de 360° (Condición Barkhausen de Fase, CBF). En estos casos, la modulación aleatoria de ganancia de lazo que realiza el Control Automático de Amplitud en su lucha contra ruidos que traten de variar la amplitud de la señal oscilante del lazo, producirá a su vez una modulación aleatoria de la frecuencia de tal señal que se observará como más Ruido de Fase añadido al Térmico. Para dar una prueba empírica sobre la existencia de esta nueva fuente de Ruido de Fase, se diseñó y construyó un oscilador en torno a un resonador mecánico “grande” para tener un Ruido de Fase Térmico despreciable a efectos prácticos. En este oscilador se midió su Ruido de Fase Técnico tanto en función del valor del desfase añadido al lazo de realimentación para apartarlo de su CBF, como en función de la perturbación de amplitud inyectada para mostrar sin ambigüedad la aparición de este Ruido de Fase Técnico cuando el lazo tiene este fallo técnico: que no cumple la Condición Barkhausen de Fase a la frecuencia de resonancia f_0 del resonador, por lo que oscila a otra frecuencia. ABSTRACT In 1966, D. B. Leeson published the article titled “A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum” in which, by means of an equation obtained heuristically and based on known parameters of the oscillators, a model was proposed to estimate the power spectrum that quantifies the Phase Noise of these oscillators. This Phase Noise reveals the random fluctuations that are produced in the phase of the output signal from any oscillator of frequencyf_0. Since then, technological advances have allowed significant progress regarding the measurement of Phase Noise. This way, the narrow flat region that has been found around f_(0 ), is known as Line Widening (LW). This region that Leeson could not detect at that time does not appear in his empirical model. After Leeson’s work, different theories have appeared trying to explain the Phase Noise of oscillators. This Thesis proposes a new theory that explains the Phase Noise power spectrum of a feedback oscillator around a resonator L-C (Inductance-Capacity). Like other theories, ours also relates the oscillator Phase Noise to the thermal noise of the feedback circuitry, but departing from them, our theory uses a new, Complex Model for electrical noise that considers both Fluctuations of electrical energy associated with the capacitive susceptance of the resonator and Dissipations of electrical energy associated with its unavoidable conductance G=1/R, which accounts for the thermal contact between the resonator and its surrounding environment (thermal bath). More specifically, the new theory we propose explains both the Phase Noise region of the spectrum centered at the carrier frequency f_0 that we have called LW and shows a region falling as 〖∆f〗^(-2) as we depart from f_0, and the flat zone or pedestal that appears in the Phase Noise spectrum far from f_0. Being able to quantify the LW and its origin, we can easily explain the appearance of Phase Noise spectrum zones with 〖∆f〗^(-3) slope near the carrier that come from the so called “1/f excess noise” in Solid-State devices and “flicker noise” with 1⁄f^β (0,8≤β≤1,2) spectrum that appears in vacuum devices such as thermoionic valves. Having shown that the part of the Phase Noise of L-C oscillators that we have called Thermal Phase Noise is due to the electrical noise of the electronics used in the oscillator, this Thesis can propose a new source of Phase Noise that we have called Technical Phase Noise, which will appear when the loop phase shift to the resonance frequency f_0 is not 0° or an integer multiple of 360° (Barkhausen Phase Condition, BPC). This Phase Noise that will add to the Thermal one, comes from the random modulation of the loop gain carried out by the Amplitude Automatic Control fighting against noises trying to change the amplitude of the oscillating signal in the loop. In this case, the BPC failure gives rise to a random modulation of the frequency of the output signal that will be observed as more Phase Noise added to the Thermal one. To give an empirical proof on the existence of this new source of Phase Noise, an oscillator was designed and constructed around a “big” mechanical resonator whose Thermal Phase Noise is negligible for practical effects. The Technical Phase Noise of this oscillator has been measured with regard to the phase lag added to the feedback loop to separate it from its BPC, and with regard to the amplitude disturbance injected to show without ambiguity the appearance of this Technical Phase Noise that appears when the loop has this technical failure: that it does not fulfill the Barkhausen Phase Condition at f_0, the resonance frequency of the resonator and therefore it is oscillating at a frequency other than f_0.
Graphene and carbon nanotubes are promising materials for supercapacitor electrodes because of their high specific surface area and excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. However, these materials suffer from a high manufacturing cost and some aggregation of graphene layers or the presence of toxic residual metallic impurities of carbon nanotubes.
La presente tesis revisa y analiza algunos aspectos fundamentales relativos al comportamiento de los sensores basados en resonadores piezoeléctricos TSM (Thickness Shear Mode), así como la aplicación de los mismos al estudio y caracterización de dos medios viscoelásticos de gran interés: los fluidos magnetoreológicos y los biofilms microbianos. El funcionamiento de estos sensores está basado en la medida de sus propiedades resonantes, las cuales varían al entrar en contacto con el material que se quiere analizar. Se ha realizado un análisis multifrecuencial, trabajando en varios modos de resonancia del transductor, en algunas aplicaciones incluso de forma simultánea (excitación pulsada). Se han revisado fenómenos como la presencia de microcontactos en la superficie del sensor y la resonancia de capas viscoelásticas de espesor finito, que pueden afectar a los sensores de cuarzo de manera contraria a lo que predice la teoría convencional (Sauerbrey y Kanazawa), pudiéndonos llevar a incrementos positivos de la frecuencia de resonancia. Además, se ha estudiado el efecto de una deposición no uniforme sobre el resonador piezoeléctrico. Para ello se han medido deposiciones de poliuretano, modelándose la respuesta del resonador con estas deposiciones mediante FEM. El modelo numérico permite estudiar el comportamiento del resonador al modificar distintas variables geométricas (espesor, superficie, no uniformidad y zona de deposición) de la capa depositada. Se ha demostrado que para espesores de entre un cuarto y media longitud de onda aproximadamente, una capa viscoelástica no uniforme sobre la superficie del sensor, amplifica el incremento positivo del desplazamiento de la frecuencia de resonancia en relación con una capa uniforme. Se ha analizado también el patrón geométrico de la sensibilidad del sensor, siendo también no uniforme sobre su superficie. Se han aplicado sensores TSM para estudiar los cambios viscoelásticos que se producen en varios fluidos magneto-reológicos (FMR) al aplicarles distintos esfuerzos de cizalla controlados por un reómetro. Se ha podido ver que existe una relación directa entre diversos parámetros reológicos obtenidos con el reómetro (fuerza normal, G’, G’’, velocidad de deformación, esfuerzo de cizalla…) y los parámetros acústicos, caracterizándose los FMR tanto en ausencia de campo magnético, como con campo magnético aplicado a distintas intensidades. Se han estudiado las ventajas que aporta esta técnica de medida sobre la técnica basada en un reómetro comercial, destacando que se consigue caracterizar con mayor detalle algunos aspectos relevantes del fluido como son la deposición de partículas (estabilidad del fluido), el proceso de ruptura de las estructuras formadas en los FMR tanto en presencia como en ausencia de campo magnético y la rigidez de los microcontactos que aparecen entre partículas y superficies. También se han utilizado sensores de cuarzo para monitorear en tiempo real la formación de biofilms de Staphylococcus epidermidis y Eschericia coli sobre los propios resonadores de cristal de cuarzo sin ningún tipo de recubrimiento, realizándose ensayos con cepas que presentan distinta capacidad de producir biofilm. Se mostró que, una vez que se ha producido una primera adhesión homogénea de las bacterias al sustrato, podemos considerar el biofilm como una capa semi-infinita, de la cual el sensor de cuarzo refleja las propiedades viscoelásticas de la región inmediatamente contigua al resonador, no siendo sensible a lo que sucede en estratos superiores del biofilm. Los experimentos han permitido caracterizar el módulo de rigidez complejo de los biofilms a varias frecuencias, mostrándose que el parámetro característico que indica la adhesión de un biofilm tanto en el caso de S. epidermidis como de E. coli, es el incremento de G’ (relacionado con la elasticidad o rigidez de la capa), el cual viene ligado a un incremento de la frecuencia de resonancia del sensor. ABSTRACT This thesis reviews and analyzes some key aspects of the behavior of sensors based on piezoelectric resonators TSM (Thickness Shear Mode) and their applications to the study and characterization in two viscoelastic media of great interest: magnetorheological fluids and microbial biofilms. The operation of these sensors is based on the analysis of their resonant properties that vary in contact with the material to be analyzed. We have made a multi-frequency analysis, working in several modes of resonance of the transducer, in some applications even simultaneously (by impulse excitation). We reviewed some phenomena as the presence of micro-contacts on the sensor surface and the resonance of viscoelastic layers of finite thickness, which can affect quartz sensors contrary to the conventional theory predictions (Sauerbrey and Kanazawa), leading to positive resonant frequency shifts. In addition, we studied the effect of non-uniform deposition on the piezoelectric resonator. Polyurethane stools have been measured, being the resonator response to these depositions modeled by FEM. The numerical model allows studying the behavior of the resonator when different geometric variables (thickness, surface non-uniformity and deposition zone) of the deposited layer are modified. It has been shown that for thicknesses between a quarter and a half of a wavelength approximately, non-uniform deposits on the sensor surface amplify the positive increase of the resonance frequency displacement compared to a uniform layer. The geometric pattern of the sensor sensitivity was also analyzed, being also non-uniform over its surface. TSM sensors have been applied to study the viscoelastic changes occurring in various magneto-rheological fluids (FMR) when subjected to different controlled shear stresses driven by a rheometer. It has been seen that there is a direct relationship between various rheological parameters obtained with the rheometer (normal force, G', G'', stress, shear rate ...) and the acoustic parameters, being the FMR characterized both in the absence of magnetic field, and when the magnetic field was applied at different intensities. We have studied the advantages of this technique over the characterization methods based on commercial rheometers, noting that TSM sensors are more sensitive to some relevant aspects of the fluid as the deposition of particles (fluid stability), the breaking process of the structures formed in the FMR both in the presence and absence of magnetic field, and the rigidity of the micro-contacts appearing between particles and surfaces. TSM sensors have also been used to monitor in real time the formation of biofilms of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli on the quartz crystal resonators themselves without any coating, performing tests with strains having different ability to produce biofilm. It was shown that, once a first homogeneous adhesion of bacteria was produced on the substrate, the biofilm can be considered as a semi-infinite layer and the quartz sensor reflects only the viscoelastic properties of the region immediately adjacent to the resonator, not being sensitive to what is happening in upper layers of the biofilm. The experiments allow the evaluation of the biofilm complex stiffness module at various frequencies, showing that the characteristic parameter that indicates the adhesion of a biofilm for the case of both S. epidermidis and E. coli, is an increased G' (related to the elasticity or stiffness of the layer), which is linked to an increase in the resonance frequency of the sensor.
El objetivo de este proyecto es el estudio detallado y fabricación de los filtros de cavidades con resonadores helicoidales. Este proyecto está motivado por el hecho de que es una tecnología cada vez más presente en el mercado y su uso resulta muy ´útil en aplicaciones donde se requiere que los componentes sean de tamaño reducido. Esto se debe a que las cavidades helicoidales son de las que presentan menor tamaño para una frecuencia dada. La estructura del proyecto se va a dividir en tres grandes bloques. El primero es el estudio teórico de esta tecnología. En la introducción se verán los principales usos de estos dispositivos, dando ejemplos comerciales, para luego poder compararlos con el prototipo que se ha construido. A continuación, en los primeros capítulos, se detallará la geometría de los resonadores, las ecuaciones que deben aplicarse para calcular las dimensiones y los elementos de diseño. Se comentarán algunas modificaciones opcionales que se pueden aplicar al filtro en el caso de que se requieran especificaciones especiales para la aplicación para la que esté destinado el dispositivo. En segundo lugar se procederá a diseñar modelos de filtros helicoidales para distintas bandas de frecuencia, con el programa de diseño CST Microwave Studio. Estos serán ajustados y parametrizados con el fin de obtener unos requerimientos que serán fijados previamente. Y por ´ultimo se mostrará como ha sido el proceso de prototipado del filtro de tres cavidades para la banda de FM que se ha llevado a cabo y estarán plasmadas las medidas que se han realizado para determinar las características que tiene el prototipo. Este proyecto está planteado como un manual para que el interesado en la fabricación de este tipo de filtros pueda afrontar el diseño desde el inicio y ser capaz de construir un prototipo que cumpla con las características que sean requeridas. ABSTRACT. The main purpose of this project is the detailed study of helical resonator filters and their manufacturing. This technology is increasingly present in the market, and its use is very convenient in applications where it is required for the components to be of reduced size. This is due to helical resonators being smaller than conventional cavity filters for a given frequency. The projects structure will be divided into three sections. First, the theoretical study of this technology will be presented. In the introduction, the main uses of these devices will be shown and commercial examples will be given, which can then be compared with the built prototype. Afterwards, in the first chapters, the geometry of the resonators, the required equations to calculate their dimensions and the design elements will be detailed. Some optional modifications that can be applied to the filter in the case of special specifications will be discussed. Second, some models of helical filters will be designed for different frequency bands, using the design software CST Microwave Studio. These will be adjusted and parameterized in order to meet requirements that will be set previously. Finally, the development of the prototyping process of a three cavities filter for the FM band will be shown, and the measurements that were made to determine the prototypes features will be reflected. This project is designed as a handbook; the individual concerned in the manufacture of these filters should be able to follow the design process from the start and build a prototype that has the required characteristics.
Ammonia removal using activated carbons: effect of the surface chemistry in dry and moist conditions
The effect of surface chemistry (nature and amount of oxygen groups) in the removal of ammonia was studied using a modified resin-based activated carbon. NH3 breakthrough column experiments show that the modification of the original activated carbon with nitric acid, that is, the incorporation of oxygen surface groups, highly improves the adsorption behavior at room temperature. Apparently, there is a linear relationship between the total adsorption capacity and the amount of the more acidic and less stable oxygen surface groups. Similar experiments using moist air clearly show that the effect of humidity highly depends on the surface chemistry of the carbon used. Moisture highly improves the adsorption behavior for samples with a low concentration of oxygen functionalities, probably due to the preferential adsorption of ammonia via dissolution into water. On the contrary, moisture exhibits a small effect on samples with a rich surface chemistry due to the preferential adsorption pathway via Brønsted and Lewis acid centers from the carbon surface. FTIR analyses of the exhausted oxidized samples confirm both the formation of NH4+ species interacting with the Brønsted acid sites, together with the presence of NH3 species coordinated, through the lone pair electron, to Lewis acid sites on the graphene layers.
We present a mechanism for persistent charge current. Quantum spin Hall insulators hold dissipationless spin currents in their edges so that, for a given spin orientation, a net charge current flows which is exactly compensated by the counterflow of the opposite spin. Here we show that ferromagnetic order in the edge upgrades the spin currents into persistent charge currents without applied fields. For that matter, we study the Hubbard model including Haldane-Kane-Mele spin-orbit coupling in a zigzag ribbon and consider the case of graphene. We find three electronic phases with magnetic edges that carry currents reaching 0.4 nA, comparable to persistent currents in metallic rings, for the small spin-orbit coupling in graphene. One of the phases is a valley half metal.
CO2 adsorption has been measured in different types of graphitic nanostructures (MWCNTs, acid treated MWCNTs, graphene nanoribbons and pure graphene) in order to evaluate the effect of the different defective regions/conformations in the adsorption process, i.e., sp3 hybridized carbon, curved regions, edge defects, etc. This analysis has been performed both in pure carbon and nitrogen-doped nanostructures in order to monitor the effect of surface functional groups on surface created after using different treatments (i.e., acid treatment and thermal expansion of the MWCNTs), and study their adsorption properties. Interestingly, the presence of exposed defective regions in the acid treated nanostructures (e.g., uncapped nanotubes) gives rise to an improvement in the amount of CO2 adsorbed; the adsorption process being completely reversible. For N-doped nanostructures, the adsorption capacity is further enhanced when compared to the pure carbon nanotubes after the tubes were unzipped. The larger proportion of defect sites and curved regions together with the presence of stronger adsorbent–adsorbate interactions, through the nitrogen surface groups, explains their larger adsorption capacity.
Do polyacenes, circumacenes, periacenes, nanographenes, and graphene nanoribbons show a spin polarized ground state? In this work, we present monodeterminantal (Hartree–Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) types), and multideterminantal calculations (Møller–Plesset and Coupled Cluster), for several families of unsaturated organic molecules (n-Acenes, n-Periacenes and n-Circumacenes). All HF calculations and many DFT show a spin-polarized (antiferromagnetic) ground state, in agreement with previous calculations. Nevertheless, the multideterminantal calculations, carried out with perturbative and variational wavefunctions, show that the more stable state is obtained starting from the unpolarized HF wavefunction. The trend of the stabilization of wavefunctions (polarized or unpolarized) with respect to exchange and correlation potentials, and to the number of benzene rings, has been analyzed. A study of the spin (〈Ŝ2〉) and the spin density on the carbon atoms has also been carried out.
Different types of crystalline carbon nanomaterials were used to reinforce polyaniline for use in electromechanical bilayer bending actuators. The objective is to analyze how the different graphitic structures of the nanocarbons affect and improve the in situ polymerized polyaniline composites and their subsequent actuator behavior. The nanocarbons investigated were multiwalled carbon nanotubes, nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes, helical-ribbon carbon nanofibers and graphene oxide, each one presenting different shape and structural characteristics. Films of nanocarbon-PAni composite were tested in a liquid electrolyte cell system. Experimental design was used to select the type of nanocarbon filler and composite loadings, and yielded a good balance of electromechanical properties. Raman spectroscopy suggests good interaction between PAni and the nanocarbon fillers. Electron microscopy showed that graphene oxide dispersed the best, followed by multiwall carbon nanotubes, while nitrogen-doped nanotube composites showed dispersion problems and thus poor performance. Multiwall carbon nanotube composite actuators showed the best performance based on the combination of bending angle, bending velocity and maximum working cycles, while graphene oxide attained similarly good performance due to its best dispersion. This parallel testing of a broad set of nanocarbon fillers on PAni-composite actuators is unprecedented to the best of our knowledge and shows that the type and properties of the carbon nanomaterial are critical to the performance of electromechanical devices with other conditions remaining equal.
Carbon and graphene-based materials often show some amount of pseudocapacitance due to their oxygen-functional groups. However, such pseudocapacitance is generally negligible in organic electrolytes and has not attracted much attention. In this work, we report a large pseudocapacitance of zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) based on the oxygen-functional groups in 1 M tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate dissolved in propylene carbonate (Et4NBF4/PC). Due to its significant amount of active edge sites, a large amount of redox-active oxygen functional groups are introduced into ZTC, and ZTC shows a high specific capacitance (330 F g−1). Experimental results suggest that the pseudocapacitance could be based on the formation of anion and cation radicals of quinones and ethers, respectively. Moreover, ZTC shows pseudocapacitance also in 1 M lithium hexafluorophosphate dissolved with a mixture of ethylene carbonate and diethyl carbonate (LiPF6/EC+DEC) which is used for lithium-ion batteries and lithium-ion capacitors.