954 resultados para graduate nursing student


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This flyer promotes a call for applications from Graduate Students for the Eliana Rivero Research Scholarship in Cuban Studies. The scholarship provides one graduate student the opportunity to conduct research in Cuban studies- with special emphasis in the humanities- at the Cuban Research Institute. The deadline for applications is February 15, 2016.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières, option formation.


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation des sciences infirmières


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade Maîtrise ès sciences (M.sc) en sciences infirmières, option formation


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A growing body of research in higher education suggests that teachers should move away from traditional lecturing towards more active and student-focus education approaches. Several classroom techniques are available to engage students and achieve more effective teaching and better learning experiences. The purpose of this paper is to share an example of how two of them – case-based teaching, and the use of response technologies – were implemented into a graduate-level food science course. The paper focuses in particular on teaching sensory science and sensometrics, including several concrete examples used during the course, and discussing in each case some of the observed outcomes. Overall, it was observed that the particular initiatives were effective in engaging student participation and promoting a more active way of learning. Case-base teaching provided students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and their analytical skills to complex, real-life scenarios relevant to the subject matter. The use of audience response systems further facilitated class discussion, and was extremely well received by the students, providing a more enjoyable classroom experience.


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Background: This study aimed to describe the developmental trajectories of registered nurses' capability beliefs during their first 3 years of practice. The focus was on three core competencies for health professionals-patient-centered care, teamwork, and evidence-based practice. Methods: A national cohort of registered nurses (n = 1,205) was recruited during their nursing education and subsequently surveyed yearly during the first 3 years of working life. The survey included 16 items on capability beliefs divided into three subscales for the assessment of patient-centered care, teamwork, and evidence-based practice, and the data were analyzed with linear latent growth modeling. Results: The nurses' capability beliefs for patient-centered care increased over the three first years of working life, their capability beliefs for evidence-based practice were stable over the 3 years, and their capability beliefs for teamwork showed a downward trend. Linking evidence to action: Through collaboration between nursing education and clinical practice, the transition to work life could be supported and competence development in newly graduated nurses could be enhanced to help them master the core competencies. Future research should focus on determining which factors impact the development of capability beliefs in new nurses and how these factors can be developed by testing interventions.


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Focusing on two professional fields that are critical to Australia’s future – health and early childhood education – the study provides key insights into the many challenges facing overseas-trained professionals and international graduates transitioning into the Australian labour market.The study highlights the complex language requirements in the professions of medicine, nursing and early childhood education and explores the implications for stakeholders. Employers require graduates to have high-level English language skills, and universities are increasingly expected to ensure international students graduate with the required English language proficiency.Finally, the study highlights the many challenges facing overseas-trained/international graduates transitioning into the labour market. For participants in this study, the challenges of working in their profession in Australia are many and varied. These challenges include workplace discrimination, isolation and extreme frustration when unable to work in their area of qualification.


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Méthodologie: Modèle de régression quantile de variable instrumentale pour données de Panel utilisant la fonction de production partielle


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Over the last decade health care delivery has shifted from hospitals to the community resulting in a significant reduction of hospital-based clinical placements for nursing students to practice and learn. Studies have emerged describing this problem and outlining the ways in which Colleges and Universities have attempted to deal with the acute shortage of clinical areas in nursing and other health care programs. Several studies describe the development of community-based clinical experiences, and some of these examinated students' perceptions. One finding appears to be constant: student perceptions of community experiences have an effect on their settings both to contend with the shortage of hospital-based placements and to prepare students for future practice.


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Traditional teaching methods in the classroom also limit opportunities for student engagement due to large class sizes and the desire to ensure students receive all of the material required in a particular session. It has been documented that the use of Information Technolgy (IT); in particular «clickers», can increase student participation, improve knowledge retention and assist in stimulating critical thinking in a classroom setting. However, the introduction of IT, on top of normal teaching demands, can be probelmatic as it requires changes to course planners, IT training, support staff and additional funding, all of wich have been documented in research. Wolski and Jackson (1999) have postulated that success is a function of the usefulness and the ease of use of a particular technology for faculty members. Research has shown that classroom technology is simply a tool to be used by educators as one of many. Those who tend to use it well are already innovative and technically adept (Zhao, Pugh, Sheldon & Bryers, 2002).||Résumé : Les méthodes d'enseignement traditionnelles en cour magistral ont aussi tendance à limiter l'engagement et la participation des étudiants dû à la taille souvent excessive des classes, mais aussi à cause du désire de l'enseignant de vouloir s'assurer de la transmission du contenu pédagogique complet. Il est bien documenté que l'usage des nouvelles technologies, en particulier les télévoteurs («clickers», peut accroître la participation des étudiants, améliorer la rétention de l'information mais aussi de stimuler, dans le contexte académique, la pensée critique. Malheureusement, tel que démontré par la recherche, l'introduction de ces nouvelles technologies pose problème lorsqu'additionné aux contraintes normales d'enseignement puisque qu'elle nécessite des changements à la planification des cours, requiert une formation spécifique, un support additionnel ainsi que le financement nécessaire. Wolski and Jackson (1999) ont postulé de plus que le succès de l'implantation d'une nouvelle technologie était en fonction de son utilité et de sa facilité d'utilisation par les membres de la faculté. Il a aussi été démontré que la technologie de l'enseignement en classe n'était en fait qu'un outil de plus à la disposition des enseignants, et que ceux qui avaient tendance à bien l'utiliser étaient de fait inoovateurs, possédant des capacités techniques (Zhao, Pugh, Sheldon et Bryers, 2002).