961 resultados para forensic psychiatric care
A saúde e o uso do psicotrópico no sistema prisional habitam um paradoxo. O sistema penitenciário, nas últimas décadas, passou por algumas transformações. No mundo, as estatísticas apontam crescimento populacional carcerário e prisões superlotadas, em condições precárias. No Brasil, a situação não é diferente: em 10 anos a população prisional brasileira duplicou e as condições de confinamento são paupérrimas, o que acaba contribuindo para a prevalência de doenças infectocontagiosas. Diante desta realidade, em 2003 homologou-se o Plano Nacional de Saúde no Sistema Penitenciário (PNSSP) que, em consonância com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde, visa garantir a integralidade e a universalidade de acesso aos serviços de saúde para a população penitenciária. O estado do Espírito Santo aderiu ao PNSSP e formulou o Plano Operativo Estadual de Atenção Integral à Saúde da População Prisional (2004), contudo, foi a partir de 2010 que se efetivou o acesso aos serviços de saúde prisional capixaba. Neste contexto, a pesquisa de mestrado buscou investigar as práticas de saúde no sistema prisional e as formas de usos do psicotrópico por presos da Penitenciária de Segurança Máxima II (PSMA II), localizada no Complexo Penitenciário de Viana, Espírito Santo. Para tanto, foi necessário habitar o sistema penitenciário capixaba e realizar entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais da gestão de saúde prisional da Secretaria Estadual de Justiça do Espírito Santo, com profissional da área da medicina psiquiátrica e com presos da PSMA II. Dessa forma, foi possível observar que a saúde no sistema penitenciário, bem como os usos do psicotrópico, encontram-se em um espaço poroso. As práticas de saúde podem fortalecer estratégias de controle e produzir mortificação, como podem escapar dos investimentos biopolíticos e produzir resistência. O uso do medicamento psicotrópico por sujeitos privados de liberdade encontra-se nessa mesma ambivalência: podem servir como instrumentos regularizadores de captura, como podem produzir autonomia nas suas formas de uso pelos presos. Por fim, entre mortificações e resistências, afirma-se que é o próprio preso que administrará os tensionamentos desse paradoxo e irá produzir vida, potência de vida.
Para pesquisar sobre as produções de cuidado pelos trabalhadores da saúde mental na relação cotidiana do trabalho e com os usuários, utilizou-se como ferramentas metodológicas: a cartografia - por considerar os processos descritivos de ‘uma vida’ e as multiplicidades que atravessam os sujeitos - e as narrativas propostas por Walter Benjamin, como forma de contar histórias sobre estes processos que se compõem na produção de cuidado. A Reforma Psiquiátrica no Brasil foi marcada pela crítica aos modos asilares, que eram/são adoecedores e negam os desejos e os direitos das pessoas que passam pela experiência da loucura, internadas ou não. Com o olhar crítico a esse modelo hospitalocêntrico, vários atores antimanicomiais protagonizaram a criação de dispositivos que transversalizam essa forma de cuidado. O cuidado em saúde mental passou por diversas transformações como mostra Foucault (1982), principalmente com a entrada do saber científico que se apropriou do conhecimento e do controle dos corpos para lidar com a loucura, o que proporcionou o isolamento dos loucos. E, hoje, com a Reforma Psiquiátrica, temos o desafio de continuar o movimento de desinstitucionalização das práticas, dos saberes e dos manicômios mentais, que perpassam as relações de trabalho de cuidado por meio de capturas, sensíveis ou não, e que se presentificam nos corpos, nas falas e nas ações. Dessa forma, faz-se necessário que esses processos de rupturas ao modo manicomial se iniciem em nós, para que a produção de subjetividades e novos modos de existência do outro se expandam em suas (re)invenções. Por isso, o trabalho se cria a todo instante, não tendo um modelo único de cuidar na saúde mental. No entanto, é importante salientar que a intervenção seja pautada numa ética estética-política e na produção de autonomia dos sujeitos, para que o trabalho não seja tutelador, mas que permita as afirmações dos desejos dos usuários. As equipes multiprofissionais e transdisciplinares fazem toda a diferença no acolhimento, no acompanhamento e nas intervenções com os usuários, os familiares e os próprios trabalhadores da saúde mental. Como uma forma de dispositivo de trabalho para produzir cuidado, a arte e a cultura são vistas como transformadores dos modos de existência, bem como o lazer e a ocupação dos territórios e da comunidade em que os usuários estão inseridos
Purpose – The health and social care sector is receiving growing attention due to the increased life expectancy and to the public demand for a better quality of life and better health services. New cost-efficient approaches are required, and the paper aims to present and discuss the main results of a study undertaken in a Portuguese municipality on the perceived relevance of an e-marketplace of social and healthcare services for the inhabitants in general, and for people with special needs in particular, and the identification of the most relevant services to be offered through this platform. Design/methodology/approach – A wide survey was undertaken to identify the needs of potential users and their expectancies with relation to the proposed platform. The results of the study are a support for the project promoters to understand the viability of the solution and the requirements to the deployment of the pilot experiment, as well as to drive the selection of domains of activities/classes of services to be offered by the platform. Findings – Services such as information about healthcare services, home monitoring/accompanying services 24 hours per day, and personal hygiene services provided at home are the ones recognized by the inquired citizens as the most important, which indicates that the potential users will be mostly people with special needs or their family or caregivers. Originality/value – While still at a preliminary development phase, the project represents a good opportunity to develop a totally innovative service with high potential impact for the senior population and for individuals with special needs.
The exponential increase of home-bound persons who live alone and are in need of continuous monitoring requires new solutions to current problems. Most of these cases present illnesses such as motor or psychological disabilities that deprive of a normal living. Common events such as forgetfulness or falls are quite common and have to be prevented or dealt with. This paper introduces a platform to guide and assist these persons (mostly elderly people) by providing multisensory monitoring and intelligent assistance. The platform operates at three levels. The lower level, denominated ‘‘Data acquisition and processing’’performs the usual tasks of a monitoring system, collecting and processing data from the sensors for the purpose of detecting and tracking humans. The aim is to identify their activities in an intermediate level called ‘‘activity detection’’. The upper level, ‘‘Scheduling and decision-making’’, consists of a scheduler which provides warnings, schedules events in an intelligent manner and serves as an interface to the rest of the platform. The idea is to use mobile and static sensors performing constant monitoring of the user and his/her environment, providing a safe environment and an immediate response to severe problems. A case study on elderly fall detection in a nursery home bedroom demonstrates the usefulness of the proposal.
The health and social care sector is receiving growing attention for the last years, due to the increased life expectancy, the public demand for a better quality of life and for better health services. These requirements can be met with more cost-efficient approaches and using new technology-based solutions for providing services. The paper presents and discusses some of the main results of a study undertaken in Guimarães, a Municipality at the North of Portugal, on the perceived relevance of an e-Marketplace of social and healthcare services for the inhabitants in general, and in particular for people with special needs; the study also included the identification of the most relevant services to be offered by this platform and allowed concluding that such an e-Marketplace is of recognized relevance and that it is expected a good adhesion from the population.
The relation between patient and physician in most modern Health Care Sys- tems is sparse, limited in time and very in exible. On the other hand, and in contradiction with several recent studies, most physicians do not rely their patient diagnostics evaluations on intertwined psychological and social nature factors. Facing these problems and trying to improve the patient/physician relation we present a mobile health care solution to im- prove the interaction between the physician and his patients. The solution serves not only as a privileged mean of communication between physicians and patients but also as an evolutionary intelligent platform delivering a mobile rule based system.
The relation between patient and physician in most modern Health Care Systems is sparse, limited in time and very inflexible. On the other hand, and in contradiction with several recent studies, most physicians do not rely their patient diagnostics evaluations on intertwined psychological and social nature factors. Facing these problems and trying to improve the patient/physician relation we present a mobile health care solution to improve the interaction between the physician and his patients. The solution serves not only as a privileged mean of communication between physicians and patients but also as an evolutionary intelligent platform delivering a mobile rule based system.
The authors are developing a pilot project for a Municipality in the North of Portugal, envisaging the definition and implementation of an e-marketplace for healthcare and social services, in order to facilitate the interaction between healthcare and social services professionals and people with special needs (or their relatives). Based on the results of a survey on user needs analysis and expectations conducted in 2011, the paper discusses the relevance and interest of such platforms and the main drivers and motivations of the population for using such services, as well as which services would motivate citizens to use the platform. The results of the study will be used to select the products and services perceived to be the most desired by the potential users. The paper thus makes three main contributions: (1) the results of the study confirm the interest and the perceived potential of such a service, from the end-users perspective; (2) the findings support the advantage of expanding this pilot project to a full scale implementation; and (3) the performed analysis improves our understanding of the relations between the characteristics of the inquired population and the perceived interest in such platforms.
In a Europe increasingly aging, it is now recognized the importance and potential of the service industry for ageing well based on information and communication technologies (ICT), as exemplified by the electronic market of social services and health care, the GuiMarket, proposed by the authors. However, this new range of services requires that individuals have advanced digital skills to fully participate in society. Based on the results of a survey made on a sample of 315 individuals, this paper discusses the importance granted GuiMarket and the intended frequency of use, concluding there is a close relationship between ICT access and use that respondents anticipate making of GuiMarket and alike services.
This article evaluates social implications of the "SIGA" Health Care Information System (HIS) in a public health care organization in the city of São Paulo. The evaluation was performed by means of an in-depth case study with patients and staff of a public health care organization, using qualitative and quantitative data. On the one hand, the system had consequences perceived as positive such as improved convenience and democratization of specialized treatment for patients and improvements in work organization. On the other hand, negative outcomes were reported, like difficulties faced by employees due to little familiarity with IT and an increase in the time needed to schedule appointments. Results show the ambiguity of the implications of HIS in developing countries, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced view of the evaluation of failures and successes and the importance of social contextual factors.
The concepts of "rights" and of "right to health care" including its evolution in modern times are discussed. The consequences of implementing this right are discussed in economic terms, regarding the situation in the United States of America. A discussion is also included on the limitations of the role of Health Insurance as a measure to solve the problem of providing health care for all individuals.
Attention is called to the fact that the efforts to improve health of populations in Latin America have generally failed. The inequality in the distribution of ill-health is great. The authors accept the fact that the lack of resources available to the health sector may be a restriction towards the improvement of the situation, but they argue that a much more important issue is the misuse of such resources and their maldistribution within the health sector. The lack of integration and coordination between the health services, the conflict of public and private health systems, the under-utilization of existing services and the gap between planning and real implementation are discussed.
A series of studies in the field of Epidemiological Psychiatry have been performed over the last two decades, and these have focused on the ability of primary care physicians to detect emotional disorders in the patients that attend their practices. The scientific methodology utilized in these studies is the subject of this review, which contains a discussion concerning: a) interviewer awareness bias; b) accuracy of the instruments and c) medical and psychological concepts involved in defining minor emotional disorders. Suggestions for change in the methodology are made in each of the sections of the review.
High mortality rates among those suffering from schizophrenia and related psychoses have been consistently described in developed societies. However, to date there is a lack of data on this matter in Brazil. In order to examine this issue, a prospective 2-year follow-up study was carried out in S. Paulo. The sample consisted of 120 consecutive admissions to psychiatric hospitals in a defined catchment area, aged 18 to 44 years old, with clinical diagnoses of non-affective functional psychoses according to the ICD-9. After 2 years, 116 (96.7%) subjects were traced. During the study period there were 7 deaths (6.0% of those traced), 5 (4.3%) due to suicide. All but one of the suicides occurred in the first year after discharge from hospital. Age and sex Standardised Mortality Ratios (relative to rates for the population of the city of Sao Paulo) were 8.4 for overall mortality (95% confidence interval: 4.0-15.9) and 317.9 for deaths due to suicide (95% confidence interval: 125.2-668.3). These results are in agreement with previous studies, and show that in Brazil non-affective functional psychoses are life-threatening illnesses, which need adequate care, particularly when patients go back to live in the community after hospital discharge.
Papers on child-care attendance as a risk factor for acute respiratory infections and diarrhea were reviewed. There was great variety among the studies with regard to the design, definition of exposure and definition of outcomes. All the traditional epidemiological study designs have been used. The studies varied in terms of how child-care attendance in general was defined, and for different settings. These definitions differed especially in relation to the minimum time of attendance required. The outcomes were also defined and measured in several different ways. The analyses performed were not always appropriate, leading to sets of results of uneven quality, and composed of different measures of association relating different exposures and outcomes, that made summarizing difficult. Despite that, the results reported were remarkably consistent. Only two of the papers reviewed failed to show some association between child-care attendance and increased acute respiratory infections, or diarrhea. On the other hand, the magnitude of the associations reported varied widely, especially for lower respiratory infections. Taken together, the studies so far published provide evidence that children attending child-care centers, especially those under three years of age, are at a higher risk of upper respiratory infections, lower respiratory infections, and diarrhea. The studies were not consistent, however, in relation to attendance at child-care homes. Children in such settings were sometimes similar to those in child-care centers, sometimes similar to those cared for at home, and sometimes presented an intermediate risk.