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This document style is intended for reading onscreen. It creates a two-page spread that fits on a single screen (of 1024 x 768 pixels), with type that remains readable at 75% magnification. It includes design and typographic settings to accommodate common text elements: headings, subtitles, extracts, etc. The font is Lucida Sans Unicode, set single-spaced. It is a sans serif font, which allows for greater readability at smaller sizes and onscreen. The basic text size is 11 point. The font is engi¬neered with a tall line-height, so that even set “solid” (i.e., single-spaced) there is ample “leading” between the lines for clear reading. The overall design is “left aligned”—that is all titles, subtitles, headings, etc. are lined up on the left margin. Paragraphs are justified, for easier reading; titles, headings, references, captions, and endnotes are not justified. The two files attached to this documents are: Screen SansSerif file.doc = a blank MS Word file with these page and type specifications already loaded. Enter (or paste) your text into this file and Save under a new name. Screen SansSerif template.dot = an MS Word template; use this to create a new blank document. Templates are generally stored in a folder in Program Files > Microsoft Office > Templates The main document contains sample pages and specifications for the type, margins, settings, etc.


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“Music at the Fair!” gives the daily musical programs for The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, held in Omaha, Nebraska, June 1 through October 31, 1898. The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition brought an unprecedented array of local, national, and international musical acts to Omaha, NE in 1898. This served to designate Omaha, "the gateway to the west" as a musical hub, as well as to incite musical excitement in the region. Some of the more popular acts featured were the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, the U.S. Marine Band, and the Apollo Club of Chicago. Many more groups and their musical programs can be found within the pages of this site. The “Music at the Fair!” website was created by Grace Carey, and last revised on May 19, 2006.It is the result of a two- year research grant funded by an Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences (UCARE) grant through the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. It is an extension of an ongoing project on music at the TME by Music Professor Peter Lefferts. The primary sources of information for the site are the following newspapers from June – November 1898: The Omaha Daily Bee, the Omaha Evening Bee, and the Omaha World Herald, and the the official programs of the fair located in the archives at the Omaha Public Library. I would like to thank the helpful staff at the Nebraska State Historical Society and the downtown branch of the Omaha Public Library. Site Creator: Grace Carey Project Advisor: Peter Lefferts, Professor of Music History at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln The linked “Document” is a flat PDF version of the interactive website. To download the fully interactive html version, click on the “Related file” to download the zipped folder. When unzipped, click on the file named “index” to enter the website.


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Diante da relevância mundial do desafio no enfrentamento do tema concernente ao uso de drogas, o presente artigo tem por escopo principal abordar alguns aspectos sobre a cocaína em suas diversas formas de consumo, isto é, como chá, em pó (inalada), como injeção (diluída) e fumo – neste caso denominado crack (“pedra”) ou merla (“pasta”). Nesse contexto, no primeiro tópico, explana-se um breve histórico sobre as drogas, com enfoque nas espécies do tipo estimulantes, no qual se ressalta os efeitos tóxicos que causam ao organismo dos usuários. A seguir, há relevo sobre os problemas sociais e psicológicos acarretados pelo uso da cocaína em qualquer de suas formas, bem como expõe apontamentos sobre métodos de tratamento


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This study investigated the use of real-world contexts during instruction in a high school physics class - through building file folder bridges- and the resulting effect upon student interest in the subject matter, level of understanding, and degree of retention. In particular, the study focused upon whether increases in student interest were attained through the use of real-world contexts, and if the elevated interest level led to a higher degree of subject matter understanding than would be achieved using more traditional teaching methods. The study also determined whether using real-world contexts ultimately resulted in achievement of greater levels of knowledge retention by students. Class observations during traditionally taught units and during units that incorporated real-world contexts, along with a post-graduation questionnaire, were used to assess differences in student interest levels. Student pre- and post-unit test scores were evaluated and compared to determine if statistical differences existed in levels of understanding resulting from the different teaching methods. The post-graduation questionnaire results provided evidence of retention that could be related back to teaching methods. The results of this study revealed the importance of incorporating real-world contexts into science and mathematics courses. Students better understood the relevance of the lessons, which led to higher levels of interest and greater understanding than was achieved through more traditional teaching methods. The use of real-world contexts improved knowledge retention.


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The jasmonic acid (JA) pathway plays a central role in plant defense responses against insects. Some phloem-feeding insects also induce the salicylic acid (SA) pathway, thereby suppressing the plant’s JA response. These phenomena have been well studied in dicotyledonous plants, but little is known about them in monocotyledons. We cloned a chloroplast-localized type 2 13-lipoxygenase gene of rice, OsHI-LOX, whose transcripts were up-regulated in response to feeding by the rice striped stem borer (SSB) Chilo suppressalis and the rice brown planthopper (BPH) Niaparvata lugens, as well as by mechanical wounding and treatment with JA. Antisense expression of OsHI-LOX (as-lox) reduced SSB- or BPH-induced JA and trypsin protease inhibitor (TrypPI) levels, improved the larval performance of SBB as well as that of the rice leaf folder (LF) Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, and increased the damage caused by SSB and LF larvae. In contrast, BPH, a phloem-feeding herbivore, showed a preference for settling and ovipositing on WT plants, on which they consumed more and survived better than on as-lox plants. The enhanced resistance of as-lox plants to BPH infestation correlated with higher levels of BPH-induced H2O2 and SA, as well as with increased hypersensitive response-like cell death. These results imply that OsHI-LOX is involved in herbivore-induced JA biosynthesis, and plays contrasting roles in controlling rice resistance to chewing and phloem-feeding herbivores. The observation that suppression of JA activity results in increased resistance to an insect indicates that revision of the generalized plant defense models in monocotyledons is required, and may help develop novel strategies to protect rice against insect pests.


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BACKGROUND Little is known on the risk of cancer in HIV-positive children in sub-Saharan Africa. We examined incidence and risk factors of AIDS-defining and other cancers in pediatric antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs in South Africa. METHODS We linked the records of five ART programs in Johannesburg and Cape Town to those of pediatric oncology units, based on name and surname, date of birth, folder and civil identification numbers. We calculated incidence rates and obtained hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) from Cox regression models including ART, sex, age, and degree of immunodeficiency. Missing CD4 counts and CD4% were multiply imputed. Immunodeficiency was defined according to World Health Organization 2005 criteria. RESULTS Data of 11,707 HIV-positive children were included in the analysis. During 29,348 person-years of follow-up 24 cancers were diagnosed, for an incidence rate of 82 per 100,000 person-years (95% CI 55-122). The most frequent cancers were Kaposi Sarcoma (34 per 100,000 person-years) and Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (31 per 100,000 person-years). The incidence of non AIDS-defining malignancies was 17 per 100,000. The risk of developing cancer was lower on ART (HR 0.29, 95%CI 0.09-0.86), and increased with age at enrolment (>10 versus <3 years: HR 7.3, 95% CI 2.2-24.6) and immunodeficiency at enrolment (advanced/severe versus no/mild: HR 3.5, 95%CI 1.1-12.0). The HR for the effect of ART from complete case analysis was similar but ceased to be statistically significant (p=0.078). CONCLUSIONS Early HIV diagnosis and linkage to care, with start of ART before advanced immunodeficiency develops, may substantially reduce the burden of cancer in HIV-positive children in South Africa and elsewhere.


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The zip folder comprises a text file and a gzipped tar archive. 1) The text file contains individual genotype data for 90 SNPs, 9 microsatellites and the mitochondrial ND4 gene that were determined in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (genus Bathymodiolus). Mussel specimens are grouped according to the population (pop)/location from which they have been sampled (first column). The remaining columns contain the respective allele/haplotype codes for the different genetic loci (names in the header line). The data file is in CONVERT format and can be directly transformed into different input files for population genetic statistics. 2) The tar archive contains NetCDF files with larval dispersal probabilities for simulated annual larval releases between 1998 and 2007. For each simulated vent location (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, Rainbow, Vent 1-10) two NetCDF files are given, one for an assumed pelagic larval duration of 1 year and the other one for an assumed pelagic larval duration of 6 months (6m).


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Split2Events is a software tool to split one file with data from several events into several files, one for each event. The resulting folder with a number of files can automaticaly be imported with the Massenimport routine of 4D. But it can also be useful to configure a complex import file outside 4D. Split2Events may also extract a list of unknown parameters and create a parameter import file.


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El 29 de enero de 2000 Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza ofrece su última conferencia en el salón de actos del edificio sede del BBVA en el Paseo de la Castellana de Madrid. Esta conferencia inaugura el ciclo “El arquitecto enseña su obra”, organizado por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (C.O.A.M.) y la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (E.T.S.A.M.). Las obras en concreto que Oíza 'enseña' en este evento son Torres Blancas (Madrid, 1961- 1968) y Banco de Bilbao (Madrid, 1971-1980). Antes de la conferencia, blandiendo una carpeta, Oíza dice: Traigo aquí los textos de siempre, los que siempre he usado, (...) yo no he escrito ni una línea, solo he subrayado ciertos pasajes, en la medida de lo posible me gustaría leer alguno. Pero como aquí hay como para cinco horas, pues no se qué hacer. Citarlo sí, porque de ustedes el que quiera penetrar un poco en mi conocimiento, pues que vea las citas que yo hago aquí, qué pasajes, o qué libros o qué artículos propongo. 1 La carpeta que lleva Oíza en su mano contiene veinticuatro fichas mecanografiadas por él mismo. Las fichas son pasajes de textos; en su mayoría de textos literarios o poéticos, e incluyen una referencia bibliográfica que menciona: título de libro, edición y número de página. Además, en cada ficha están resaltados los pasajes que Oíza pretende leer. 2 Antes del comienzo de la conferencia Oíza dice: Tengo aquí citas de lecturas que le recomendaría a quien quiera enterarse de cómo es este edificio. 3 Durante la conferencia Oíza no parece hablar sobre las obras que debe enseñar; en cambio se dedica, casi exclusivamente, a leer en público. Esta tesis nace de lo sugerido por el propio Oíza. El objetivo general, siguiendo sus propias palabras, es 'penetrar un poco' en su conocimiento a partir de citas y recomendaciones de lecturas realizadas por él mismo al tratar sobre arquitectura. La hipótesis central plantea que por medio de sus lecturas Oíza sí habla de arquitectura, y sostiene también que a partir de sus textos es posible 'enterarse', al menos en parte, de cómo es un edificio, en particular Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao. Más aún, se plantea la hipótesis de que Oíza, maestro ágrafo y de carácter socrático, ha construido, no obstante, un 'discurso teórico' arquitectónico suficientemente sistemático. De modo que aún cuando Oíza no ha dejado una 'teoría' escrita es posible reconstruirla, en cierta medida, a partir de su elocución y a partir de la comprensión de sus 'lecturas'. Las fuentes primarias de esta tesis son: a) Las lecturas que Oíza recomienda en su conferencia de enero de 2000. b) Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao. c) Las lecturas en público realizadas por Oíza en conferencias, cursos, debates, mesas redondas, programas de TV, etc. El tema que se investiga es la relación entre los textos recomendados por Oíza y su arquitectura, y la pregunta guía de la investigación es cómo y en qué medida los textos pueden contribuir a la comprensión del pensamiento, del discurso y de la obra de Oíza. Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao son, en todo momento, las dos principales obras utilizadas para la observación y el contraste de los resultados de la investigación teórica en el desarrollo de la tesis. El soporte teórico y metodológico de la tesis está dado por la hermenéutica en tanto disciplina encargada de la interpretación y correcta comprensión de textos y obras, en particular por la filosofía hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer expuesta en Verdad y método. La relevancia, el aspecto original y la posible aportación al conocimiento de esta tesis consiste en una aproximación a Oíza y a su arquitectura, desde un punto de vista hasta ahora no investigado de forma sistemática, esto es, a partir de las lecturas de Oíza. ABSTRACT On 29th January 2000 Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza gave his last lecture in the Auditorium at BBVA headquarters located in Paseo de la Castellana avenue in Madrid. That lecture opened the series The Architect Shows his Work (El arquitecto enseña su obra) organised by the COAM Official College of Architects and the ETSAM Architecture School of Madrid. The specific works that Oíza 'shows' in his lecture were Torres Blancas (Madrid, 1961- 1968) and Banco de Bilbao (Madrid, 1971-1980). Before the lecture, waving a folder in his hand, Oíza says: I've got here the texts I've always used, (…) I haven't written a line, I've only underlined certain passages, I would like to read some of them to the extent possible. But I have here about five hours of reading, so I don't know what to do. I can cite them, yes, and anyone of you who want to delve a little into my knowledge can look at the citations I make here, the passages, books or articles I recommend. 1 The folder in Oíza's hand contains 24 files typed by the architect himself. The files consist of text passages -most of which are literary or poetry texts- and include the bibliographic citation with book the title, edition and page number. In addition, the passages Oíza intends to read are highlighted. Before starting his lecture Oíza says: I've got here citations of readings I'd recommend to those who want to realise how this building is. 2 During the lecture Oíza doesn't seem to be talking about the works he has to show, on the contrary, he focuses almost exclusively on reading texts to the audience. This thesis is the result of a suggestion made by Oíza himself. The broad aim is to 'delve a little into' his knowledge using citations and reading recommendations made by Oíza when dealing with the architecture subject. The main hypothesis proposes that Oíza talks about architecture through his readings and that starting from 'his' texts it is possible to 'realise', at least in part, how a building is, Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao in particular. Moreover, it is proposed the hypothesis that Oíza, as a Socratic teacher reluctant to write down his ideas, has nevertheless built a systematic 'theoretical discourse' on architecture. As a result, even when he has not written a 'theory', it is possible to reconstruct it to a certain degree, starting from his speech and from the understanding of his readings. The primary sources for this thesis are: a) The readings that Oíza recommends in his lecture of January 2000. b) The Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao. c) The readings done by Oíza in presentations, lectures, debates, panel discussions, television programmes, etc. The subject under research is the relationship between the texts that Oíza recommends and his architecture. The guiding question for the research is how and to what extent the texts can contribute to the understanding of Oíza's thoughts, discourse and work. Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao are the two main works considered along the thesis and they have been used for observation and to test the results of the theoretical research as it progresses. The thesis theoretical and methodological framework is based on the hermeneutics -as the discipline that deals with the interpretation and the correct understanding of texts and works-, in particular the hermeneutics philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer in Truth and Method. The relevance, the original element and the possible contribution of this thesis is given by the approach to Oíza and his architecture through Oíza's readings, a perspective that hasn't been yet systematically researched.


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Entre todas las fuentes de ruido, la activación de la propulsión en reversa de un avión después de aterrizar es conocida por las autoridades del aeropuerto como una causa importante de impacto acústico, molestias y quejas en las proximidades vecinas de los aeropuertos. Por ello, muchos de los aeropuertos de todo el mundo han establecido restricciones en el uso de la reversa, especialmente en las horas de la noche. Una forma de reducir el impacto acústico en las actividades aeroportuarias es implementar herramientas eficaces para la detección de ruido en reversa en los aeropuertos. Para este proyecto de fin de carrera, aplicando la metodología TREND (Thrust Reverser Noise Detection), se pretende desarrollar un sistema software capaz de determinar que una aeronave que aterrice en la pista active el frenado en reversa en tiempo real. Para el diseño de la aplicación se plantea un modelo software, que se compone de dos módulos:  El módulo de adquisición de señales acústicas, simula un sistema de captación por señales de audio. Éste módulo obtiene muestra de señales estéreo de ficheros de audio de formato “.WAV” o del sistema de captación, para acondicionar las muestras de audio y enviarlas al siguiente módulo. El sistema de captación (array de micrófonos), se encuentra situado en una localización cercana a la pista de aterrizaje.  El módulo de procesado busca los eventos de detección aplicando la metodología TREND con las muestras acústicas que recibe del módulo de adquisición. La metodología TREND describe la búsqueda de dos eventos sonoros llamados evento 1 (EV1) y evento 2 (EV2); el primero de ellos, es el evento que se activa cuando una aeronave aterriza discriminando otros eventos sonoros como despegues de aviones y otros sonidos de fondo, mientras que el segundo, se producirá después del evento 1, sólo cuando la aeronave utilice la reversa para frenar. Para determinar la detección del evento 1, es necesario discriminar las señales ajenas al aterrizaje aplicando un filtrado en la señal capturada, después, se aplicará un detector de umbral del nivel de presión sonora y por último, se determina la procedencia de la fuente de sonido con respecto al sistema de captación. En el caso de la detección del evento 2, está basada en la implementación de umbrales en la evolución temporal del nivel de potencia acústica aplicando el modelo de propagación inversa, con ayuda del cálculo de la estimación de la distancia en cada instante de tiempo mientras el avión recorre la pista de aterrizaje. Con cada aterrizaje detectado se realiza una grabación que se archiva en una carpeta específica y todos los datos adquiridos, son registrados por la aplicación software en un fichero de texto. ABSTRACT. Among all noise sources, the activation of reverse thrust to slow the aircraft after landing is considered as an important cause of noise pollution by the airport authorities, as well as complaints and annoyance in the airport´s nearby locations. Therefore, many airports around the globe have restricted the use of reverse thrust, especially during the evening hours. One way to reduce noise impact on airport activities is the implementation of effective tools that deal with reverse noise detection. This Final Project aims to the development of a software system capable of detecting if an aircraft landing on the runway activates reverse thrust on real time, using the TREND (Thrust Reverser Noise Detection) methodology. To design this application, a two modules model is proposed: • The acoustic signals obtainment module, which simulates an audio waves based catchment system. This module obtains stereo signal samples from “.WAV” audio files or the catchment system in order to prepare these audio samples and send them to the next module. The catchment system (a microphone array) is located on a place near the landing runway. • The processing module, which looks for detection events among the acoustic samples received from the other module, using the TREND methodology. The TREND methodology describes the search of two sounds events named event 1 (EV1) and event 2 (EV2). The first is the event activated by a landing plane, discriminating other sound events such as background noises or taking off planes; the second one will occur after event one only when the aircraft uses reverse to slow down. To determine event 1 detection, signals outside the landing must be discriminated using a filter on the catched signal. A pressure level´s threshold detector will be used on the signal afterwards. Finally, the origin of the sound source is determined regarding the catchment system. The detection of event 2 is based on threshold implementations in the temporal evolution of the acoustic power´s level by using the inverse propagation model and calculating the distance estimation at each time step while the plane goes on the landing runway. A recording is made every time a landing is detected, which is stored in a folder. All acquired data are registered by the software application on a text file.


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El trabajo realizado en este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (en adelante, TFG) consiste en la inclusión de nuevas funcionalidades avanzadas a la última versión del Sistema de Gestión de Rankings de carreras de orientación. El proyecto, actualmente en fase de explotación, es un sistema de clasificación y manejo de diferentes tipos de rankings para las carreas de orientación a pie de la FEDO1. Por medio de este ranking, se determina la clasificación global de los distintos corredores federados dentro de cada categoría, a través de diferentes parámetros de entrada que establecen la funcionalidad del ranking. En cuanto al trabajo realizado en este TFG, se trata de la implementación de la siguiente versión del sistema (versión 6). En esta nueva versión se ha querido incluir nuevas funcionalidades requeridas por los miembros de la federación, así como mejora de otras que no funcionan correctamente. El primer punto del trabajo fue el de comprender y familiarizarme con la herramienta ya implementada hasta el momento, así como aprender un nuevo lenguaje de programación desconocido hasta la fecha para mí; Python. Una de las primeras modificaciones realizadas, sobre las versiones anteriores, es la modificación del Sistema de Gestión de Rankings para los organizadores de carreras. Los organizadores de las carreras obtienen una recompensa de puntos por la organización de carreras, lo que significa un punto de gran importancia para el sistema. Esta funcionalidad no funcionaba correctamente en las versiones anteriores, de manera se tuvo que rehacer desde cero con las especificaciones necesarias. Otro requisito necesario fue modificar los requisitos para el cálculo de las nuevas medias de corredores, permitiendo el cálculo de la misma de forma continua o solo cuando se cumplan todos los requisitos. Respecto a la versión anterior, existía un problema con los accesos a los directorios de cada ranking. En caso de introducir los valores iniciales del ranking desde una carpeta diferente al directorio raíz de la aplicación, el sistema no realizaba correctamente la búsqueda de archivos en el directorio de ranking. De esta manera, había que modificar todo el código implementado para que todas las búsquedas se realizaran sobre el directorio de cada ranking. A continuación, se incluyó una nueva funcionalidad para el ranking individual de los corredores. Esta nueva funcionalidad permite la inclusión de una nueva opción de cálculo de puntuaciones para el ranking individual, a través de un fichero de entrada de puntuaciones que determinase las puntuaciones de los corredores exactas. Durante toda la fase del proyecto se ha tenido que añadir otra serie de especificaciones en la aplicación, las cuales serán explicadas en esta memoria. En definitiva, el trabajo realizado se ha basado en la mejora de una aplicación que gestiona rankings deportivos, de manera que esta versión se acercase lo máximo posible a la versión final de la aplicación.---ABSTRACT---The work done during these months is based on the addition of new advanced functionalities to the last version of the "Sistema de Gestión de Rankings" of orientation races. The project, now in phase of operation, is based on a classification system and management of different types of rankings for walk orienteering of the FEDO. Through this ranking, the global classification of the federal runners in each category is determinated, through various input parameters which establish the functionality of the ranking. Talking about the work done, it consist in the implementation of a new system version (version 6). This new version include new required functionalities by the members of the federation, as well as improving others that were working wrong. The first point of the project was to understand and become familiar with the tool already implemented in that moment, as well as learn a new programming language unknown to date for me; Python. One of the first changes made on previous versions, was the modification of the system for races organizers. The races organizers obtained a reward of points for the organized race, which means a point of great important for the system. This functionality didn't work correctly in previous versions, so was essential to redo it from zero with the required specifications. Another requirement was the addition of a new option for calculating the average of organizers, allowing calculation of it at all times. In the previous version, there was a problem with the access to directories of each ranking. In case of introduce the initial values of the ranking from a different folder to the root directory of the application, the system didn't perform correctly the finding of files in the directory of the ranking. So check all the implemented code for all searches were carried out on each ranking directory.Then a new functionality was included for the individual ranking of runners. This new feature is the inclusion of a new option to calculate scores for the individual ranking, through an input file that determinates exact scores for the runners. Throughout the project phase the addition of another set of specifications in the application was important, which will be explained in this memory. In short, the work done has been based on improving of an application that manage sport rankings, so this version could approach as much as possible to the final version of the application.


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En este proyecto se realiza el diseño e implementación de un sistema que detecta anomalías en las entradas de entornos controlados. Para ello, se hace uso de las últimas técnicas en visión por computador y se avisa visual y auditivamente, mediante un sistema hardware que recibe señales del ordenador al que está conectado. Se marca y fotografía, a una o varias personas, que cometen una infracción en las entradas de un establecimiento, vigilado con sistemas de vídeo. Las imágenes se almacenan en las carpetas correspondientes. El sistema diseñado es colaborativo, por lo tanto, las cámaras que intervienen, se comunican entre ellas a través de estructuras de datos con el objetivo de intercambiar información. Además, se utiliza conexión inalámbrica desde un dispositivo móvil para obtener una visión global del entorno desde cualquier lugar del mundo. La aplicación se desarrolla en el entorno MATLAB, que permite un tratamiento de la señal de imagen apropiado para el presente proyecto. Asimismo, se proporciona al usuario una interfaz gráfica con la que interactuar de manera sencilla, evitando así, el cambio de parámetros en la estructura interna del programa cuando se quiere variar el entorno o el tipo de adquisición de datos. El lenguaje que se escoge facilita la ejecución en distintos sistemas operativos, incluyendo Windows o iOS y, de esta manera, se proporciona flexibilidad. ABSTRACT. This project studies the design and implementation of a system that detects any anomalies on the entrances to controlled environments. To this end, it is necessary the use of last techniques in computer vision in order to notify visually and aurally, by a hardware system which receives signs from the computer it is connected to. One or more people that commit an infringement while entering into a secured environment, with video systems, are marked and photographed and those images are stored in their belonging file folder. This is a collaborative design system, therefore, every involved camera communicates among themselves through data structures with the purpose of exchanging information. Furthermore, to obtain a global environment vision from any place in the world it uses a mobile wireless connection. The application is developed in MATLAB environment because it allows an appropriate treatment of the image signal for this project. In addition, the user is given a graphical interface to easily interact, avoiding with this, changing any parameters on the program’s intern structure, when it requires modifying the environment or the data type acquisition. The chosen language eases its execution in different operating systems, including Windows or iOS, providing flexibility.


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Topological frustration in an energetically unfrustrated off-lattice model of the helical protein fragment B of protein A from Staphylococcus aureus was investigated. This Gō-type model exhibited thermodynamic and kinetic signatures of a well-designed two-state folder with concurrent collapse and folding transitions and single exponential kinetics at the transition temperature. Topological frustration is determined in the absence of energetic frustration by the distribution of Fersht φ values. Topologically unfrustrated systems present a unimodal distribution sharply peaked at intermediate φ, whereas highly frustrated systems display a bimodal distribution peaked at low and high φ values. The distribution of φ values in protein A was determined both thermodynamically and kinetically. Both methods yielded a unimodal distribution centered at φ = 0.3 with tails extending to low and high φ values, indicating the presence of a small amount of topological frustration. The contacts with high φ values were located in the turn regions between helices I and II and II and III, intimating that these hairpins are in large part required in the transition state. Our results are in good agreement with all-atom simulations of protein A, as well as lattice simulations of a three- letter code 27-mer (which can be compared with a 60-residue helical protein). The relatively broad unimodal distribution of φ values obtained from the all-atom simulations and that from the minimalist model for the same native fold suggest that the structure of the transition state ensemble is determined mostly by the protein topology and not energetic frustration.


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Os grãos de quinoa possuem excelente balanço nutricional além das propriedades funcionais, comparativamente superior à dos cereais. A quinoa é cultivada em diversos países e, devido às suas características, têm aumentado o interesse de pesquisadores e consumidores. A quinoa contém pericarpo branco, no entanto, existem grãos com pericarpo vermelho e preto, e todos os tipos são utilizados como alimento em diferentes preparações. Com o objetivo de avaliar as características de grãos de quinoa, amostras de cor branca, preta e vermelha foram analisadas quanto às propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais dos grãos e do amido extraído das diferentes amostras. O amido, extraído pelo método alcalino, foi submetido as análises de teor de amilose, difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), propriedades térmicas (por DSC-Differential Scanning Calorimeter) e propriedades de pasta (por RVA- Rapid Visco Analyser), além de suscetibilidade à hidrólise enzimática e cor. A composição físico-química dos grãos de quinoa apresentou como principais diferenças o teor de cinzas, fibras e amido. O teor de amilose variou de 13,6% a 21,3%, entre as amostras de amido; os padrões de cristalinidade dos amidos foram de tipo A, típico dos cereais; e, a cristalinidade relativa variou de 25,4 a 29,6 %; as micrografias obtidas por MEV apresentaram as formas poliédricas dos grânulos de amido. Os viscoamilogramas, obtidos para os diferentes amidos, mostraram um comportamento semelhante entre as amostras brancas e pretas. As propriedades térmicas de retrogradação das amostras de quinoa vermelha apresentaram uma menor taxa de retrogradação que variou de 7,5 a 8,5 %; as cultivares brancas apresentaram as maiores taxas de retrogradação de 19,0 a 25,4 %. A hidrólise enzimática dos grânulos de amido, analisada em equivalentes de maltose, variou de 7,2 a 8,7 mg/mL, com uma velocidade maior para a cultivar BSyB, em 60 minutos. O amido extraído das amostras brancas de quinoa apresentou valor de luminosidade de 99,0 e os amidos extraídos das amostras de cor vermelha e preta apresentaram em torno de 97,0. As análises realizadas neste estudo ampliam o conhecimento das características da quinoa de cor branca, vermelha e preta, além de mostrar que a cultivar brasileira (BSyB) apresenta características diferenciadas em vários parâmetros. Devido as suas propriedades todas as amostras analisadas possuem potencial para futuras aplicações tecnológicas.