563 resultados para emographic depression.
BACKGROUND: Evaluations of clinical depression are traditionally based on verbal information. Nonverbal expressive behavior, however, being associated with a person's reflexive responses, may reveal negative emotional or social processes that are not under complete control of the patients. However, investigations of nonverbal behavior in the evaluation of depressed patients are still scarce. This study examines the nonverbal behaviors of a group of Brazilian patients, associating their nonverbal behavior with severity of depression. METHODS: Forty depressed patients were evaluated at baseline (T0) and after a two-week transcranial direct current stimulation treatment (T1), according to rating scales and through a 21-category Ethogram for assessment of the frequency of nonverbal behaviors displayed during an interview. RESULTS: Behaviors that were related to negative feelings and social disinterest decreased with corresponding clinical improvement and were associated with increased severity of symptoms at T0 and greater negative affect and dissatisfaction at T1. Pro-social behaviors were associated with milder symptoms at T0 and increased after treatment. Facial, head and hand expressive movements stood out as important indicators because of their associations with severity of depression. LIMITATIONS: Duration of behaviors was not assessed and there was not a healthy control group with which to compare the findings. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the usefulness of nonverbal behavior as an evaluation technique in the assessment of clinical depression.
To perform a systematic review of the utility of the Beck Depression Inventory for detecting depression in medical settings, this article focuses on the revised version of the scale (Beck Depression Inventory-II), which was reformulated according to the DSM-IV criteria for major depression. We examined relevant investigations with the Beck Depression Inventory-II for measuring depression in medical settings to provide guidelines for practicing clinicians. Considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria seventy articles were retained. Validation studies of the Beck Depression Inventory-II, in both primary care and hospital settings, were found for clinics of cardiology, neurology, obstetrics, brain injury, nephrology, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, oncology, and infectious disease. The Beck Depression Inventory-II showed high reliability and good correlation with measures of depression and anxiety. Its threshold for detecting depression varied according to the type of patients, suggesting the need for adjusted cut-off points. The somatic and cognitive-affective dimension described the latent structure of the instrument. The Beck Depression Inventory-II can be easily adapted in most clinical conditions for detecting major depression and recommending an appropriate intervention. Although this scale represents a sound path for detecting depression in patients with medical conditions, the clinician should seek evidence for how to interpret the score before using the Beck Depression Inventory-II to make clinical decisions
OBJECTIVE: To review the psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) as a self-report measure of depression in a variety of settings and populations. METHODS: Relevant studies of the BDI-II were retrieved through a search of electronic databases, a hand search, and contact with authors. Retained studies (k = 118) were allocated into three groups: non-clinical, psychiatric/institutionalized, and medical samples. RESULTS: The internal consistency was described as around 0.9 and the retest reliability ranged from 0.73 to 0.96. The correlation between BDI-II and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-I) was high and substantial overlap with measures of depression and anxiety was reported. The criterion-based validity showed good sensitivity and specificity for detecting depression in comparison to the adopted gold standard. However, the cutoff score to screen for depression varied according to the type of sample. Factor analysis showed a robust dimension of general depression composed by two constructs: cognitive-affective and somatic-vegetative. CONCLUSIONS: The BDI-II is a relevant psychometric instrument, showing high reliability, capacity to discriminate between depressed and non-depressed subjects, and improved concurrent, content, and structural validity. Based on available psychometric evidence, the BDI-II can be viewed as a cost-effective questionnaire for measuring the severity of depression, with broad applicability for research and clinical practice worldwide.
Att bli förälder är en viktig händelse för alla kvinnor liksom deras män. Men några kan känna sig oförberedda, känslomässigt labil, oroliga och osäkra under den första tiden efter förlossningen. Nya åtaganden och ansvar som medföljer föräldraskapet kan påverka det psykiska välbefinnandet och kan utvecklas till en postpartum depression (PPD). PPD drabbar cirka 13 procent av alla kvinnor som har fött barn. Det som kännetecknar PPD är nedstämdhet, irritabilitet, känsla av hopplöshet, orkeslöshet, sömnproblem, koncentrationssvårigheter, ångest attacker, osäkerhet, likgiltighet och suicidtankar. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka vikten av en tidig upptäckt av PPD hos kvinnor och skapa kunskap i syfte att förbättra omvårdnaden. Blivande föräldrar behöver inte bara information om själva förlossningen utan också de förändringar som sker tiden efter partus. Databassökningen gjordes i Cinahl, PubMed, och PsycInfo. Sjutton vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades och granskades med hjälp av SBU-granskningsmall. Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier, vikten av tidig upptäckt, hur familjens hälsa påverkas och hur vårdpersonal kan hjälpa. PPD har negativa effekter, inte bara på kvinnan själv, utan även på hela familjen. Det framkom tydligt hur viktigt kunskapsutvecklingen hos vårdpersonalen är för att kunna bryta PPD i ett tidigt skede. PPD är fortfarande ett relativt ”bortglömt tillstånd” då den nyförlösta kvinnan behöver kunnig vårdpersonal för att identifiera och förstå svårigheterna vid PPD.
[EN] Background: Body image disturbance is an increasing problem in Western societies and is associated with a number of mental health outcomes including anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphia, and depression. The aim of this study was to assess the association between body image disturbance and the incidence of depression. Methods: This study included 10,286 participants from a dynamic prospective cohort of Spanish university graduates, who were followed-up for a median period of 4.2 years (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra – the SUN study). The key characteristic of the study is the permanently open recruitment that started in 1999. The baseline questionnaire included information about body mass index (BMI) and the nine figure schemes that were used to assess body size perception. These variables were grouped according to recommended classifications and the difference between BMI and body size perception was considered as a proxy of body image disturbance. A subject was classified as an incident case of depression if he/she was initially free of depression and reported a physician-made diagnosis of depression and/or the use of antidepressant medication in at least one of the follow-up questionnaires. The association between body image disturbance and the incidence of depression was estimated by calculating the multivariable adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) and its 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI), using logistic regression models. Results: The cumulative incidence of depression during follow-up in the cohort was 4.8%. Men who underestimated their body size had a high percentage of overweight and obesity (50.1% and 12.6%, respectively), whereas women who overestimated their body size had a high percentage of underweight (87.6%). The underestimation exhibited a negative association with the incidence of depression among women (OR: 0.72, 95% CI: 0.54 – 0.95), but this effect disappeared after adjusting for possible confounding variables. The proportion of participants who correctly perceived their body size was high (53.3%) and gross misperception was seldom found, with most cases selecting only one silhouette below (42.7%) or above (2.6%) their actual BMI. Conclusion: We found no association between body image disturbance and subsequent depression in a cohort of university graduates in Spain.
Objective: To investigate the prognostic significance of ST-segment elevation (STE) in aVR associated with ST-segment depression (STD) in other leads in patients with non-STE acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). Background: In NSTE-ACS patients, STD has been extensively associated with severe coronary lesions and poor outcomes. The prognostic role of STE in aVR is uncertain. Methods: We enrolled 888 consecutive patients with NSTE-ACS. They were divided into two groups according to the presence or not on admission ECG of aVR STE≥ 1mm and STD (defined as high risk ECG pattern). The primary and secondary endpoints were: in-hospital cardiovascular (CV) death and the rate of culprit left main disease (LMD). Results: Patients with high risk ECG pattern (n=121) disclosed a worse clinical profile compared to patients (n=575) without [median GRACE (Global-Registry-of-Acute-Coronary-Events) risk score =142 vs. 182, respectively]. A total of 75% of patients underwent coronary angiography. The rate of in-hospital CV death was 3.9%. On multivariable analysis patients who had the high risk ECG pattern showed an increased risk of CV death (OR=2.88, 95%CI 1.05-7.88) and culprit LMD (OR=4.67,95%CI 1.86-11.74) compared to patients who had not. The prognostic significance of the high risk ECG pattern was maintained even after adjustment for the GRACE risk score (OR = 2.28, 95%CI:1.06-4.93 and OR = 4.13, 95%CI:2.13-8.01, for primary and secondary endpoint, respectively). Conclusions: STE in aVR associated with STD in other leads predicts in-hospital CV death and culprit LMD. This pattern may add prognostic information in patients with NSTE-ACS on top of recommended scoring system.
Major depression belongs to the most serious and widespread psychiatric disorders in today’s society. There is a great need for the delineation of the underlying molecular mechanisms as well as for the identification of novel targets for its treatment. In this thesis, transgenic mice of the endocannabinoid and the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) system were investigated to determine the putative role of these systems for depression-like phenotypes in mice. In the first part of the thesis, we found that the endocannabinoid system was prominently involved in a brain region-specific and temporally controlled manner in acute as well as in chronic stress processing. Genetic deletion in combination with pharmacological intervention revealed the importance of a fully functional endocannabinoid system for efficient neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping. Accordingly, cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor-deficient mice displayed several depression-like symptoms and molecular alterations, including “behavioral despair”, stress hormone hypersecretion and decreased glucocorticoid receptor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus. However, the endocannabinoid system was dispensable for the efficacy of currently used antidepressant drugs. To facilitate future endocannabinoid research, a transgenic mouse was generated, which overexpressed the CB1 receptor protein fused to a fluorescent protein. In the second part of the thesis, conditional brain region-specific CRH overexpressing mice were evaluated as a model for pathological chronic CRH hyperactivation. Mutant mice showed aberrant neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping and hyperarousal due to CRH-induced activation of the noradrenergic system in the brain. Mutant mice appeared to share similarities with naturally occurring endogenous CRH activation in wild-type mice and were sensitive to acute pharmacological blockade of CRH receptor type 1 (CRH-R1). Thus, CRH overexpressing mice serve as an ideal in vivo tool to evaluate the efficacy of novel CRH-R1 antagonists. Together, these findings highlight the potential of transgenic mice for the understanding of certain endo-phenotypes (isolated symptoms) of depression and their molecular correlates.
Untersucht werden Prozess-Ergebnis-Zusammenhänge einer kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Gruppentherapie für Diabetes und Depression im Rahmen der DAD-Studie. rnAufgrund des Mangels an geeigneten Erhebungsinstrumenten der validen, ökonomischen und komplementären Sitzungsbewertung von Gruppenpatienten und -therapeuten wurden angelehnt an einen Patienten- (GTS-P) zwei Therapeutenstundenbögen entwickelt: der GTS-T zur Bewertung der Gesamtgruppe und der GTS-TP zur Bewertung einzelner Patienten. Die GTS-Bögen zeigen bei der Überprüfung der Testgüte insgesamt gute Itemparameter und Reliabilitäten. Das in den exploratorischen Faktorenanaylsen des GTS-P identifizierte zweifaktorielle Modell (1. wahrgenommene Zuversicht hinsichtlich der Gruppentherapie, 2. wahrgenommene persönliche Beteiligung) kann in den konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalysen bestätigt werden. Dazu wurden GTS-P-Daten aus einer Untersuchung mit Patienten mit somatoformen Störungen (Schulte, 2001) einbezogen. Den Ergebnissen der Item- und Faktorenanalysen folgend, wurden zwei Items des GTS-P und zwei weitere Items des GTS-T aus den Instrumenten ausgeschlossen. Für den GTS-T zeigt sich eine einfaktorielle, für den GTS-TP eine zum GTS-P parallele zweifaktorielle Struktur. rnIn den Mehrebenenanalysen zur Vorhersage des Therapieergebnisses (Post-Depressionssymptomatik) zeigt sich die Skala Zuversicht des GTS-P zu Therapiebeginn (1.-4. Sitzung) kontrolliert an der Skala Beteiligung und der Prä-Symptomatik, als valider Prädiktor. Das Item 5 „Anregungen“ (Skala Zuversicht) und Item 2 „Aktive Mitwirkung“ (Skala Beteiligung) sind am stärksten an diesem Effekt beteiligt, da diese Itemkombination das Therapieergebnis ebenfalls valide vorhersagen kann. Die Prognose ist schon durch die Werte der ersten Gruppentherapiesitzungen in der Remoralisierungsphase (Howard et al., 1993) möglich und verbessert sich nicht bei Berücksichtigung aller 10 Gruppensitzungen. Die Therapeutenbögen zeigen keine prädiktive Validität. Bedeutsame Zusammenhänge der Patienten- und Therapeutenbewertungen finden sich lediglich für den GTS-P und GTS-TP. Weitere Prädiktoren, wie der Diabetestyp, Diabeteskomplikationen und die Adhärenz, konnten nicht zur Verbesserung der Vorhersage beitragen. Für sekundär überprüfte Kriterien gelang die Prognose lediglich für ein weiteres Maß der Depressionssymptomatik und für eine Gesamtbewertung der Gruppentherapie durch die Patienten zu Therapieende. Bei der deskriptiven Betrachtung der Prozessqualität der DAD-Gruppentherapien zeigen sich positive, über den Verlauf der Gruppe zunehmende und nach Therapiephasen differenzierbare Bewertungsverläufe. rnDie Ergebnisse der Studie sprechen für die Relevanz von unspezifischen Wirkfaktoren für das Therapieergebnis von kognitiv-behavioralen Gruppentherapien. Die von den Gruppenpatienten wahrgenommene Zuversicht und Beteiligung als Zeichen der Ansprechbarkeit auf die Therapie sollte mit Hilfe von Stundenbögen, wie den GTS-Bögen, von Gruppentherapeuten zur Prozessoptimierung und Prävention von Therapieabbrüchen und Misserfolgen beachtet werden. rn
Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been associated with perturbed hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function and a hyperadrenergic state. We hypothesized that patients with PTSD attributable to myocardial infarction (MI) would show peripheral hypocortisolemia and increased norepinephrine levels, whereby taking into account that depressive symptoms would affect this relationship.
The management of insufficiency fractures of the tibial plateau in osteoporotic patients can be very challenging, since it is difficult to achieve a stable fixation, an essential condition for the patients' early mobilization. We present a minimally invasive technique for the treatment of proximal tibial plateau fractures, "tibiaplasty", using percutaneous polymethylmethacrylate augmentation. Five osteoporotic patients (7 fractures) with a non-traumatic insufficiency tibial plateau fracture were treated with this technique at the authors' institution from 2006 to 2008. The patients' median age was 79 (range 62-88) years. The intervention was performed percutaneously under general or spinal anesthesia; after the intervention, immediate full weight bearing was allowed. The technique was feasible in all patients and no complications related to the intervention were observed. All patients reported a relevant reduction in pain, were able to mobilize with full weight bearing and would undergo the operation again. No secondary loss of reduction or progression of arthrosis was observed in radiological controls; no revision surgery was required. Our initial results indicate that tibiaplasty is a good treatment option for the management of insufficiency in tibial plateau fractures in osteoporotic patients. The technique is minimally invasive, safe and allows immediate mobilization without restrictions. In our group of patients, we found excellent early to mid-term results.
Clinical, postmortem and preclinical research strongly implicates dysregulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission in major depressive disorder (MDD). Recently, metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) have been proposed as attractive targets for the discovery of novel therapeutic approaches against depression. The aim of this study was to examine mGluR2/3 protein levels in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) from depressed subjects. In addition, to test whether antidepressants influence mGluR2/3 expression we also studied levels of mGluR2/3 in fluoxetine-treated monkeys. Postmortem human prefrontal samples containing Brodmann's area 10 (BA10) were obtained from 11 depressed and 11 psychiatrically healthy controls. Male rhesus monkeys were treated chronically with fluoxetine (dose escalated to 3mg/kg, p.o.; n=7) or placebo (n=6) for 39 weeks. The mGluR2/3 immunoreactivity was investigated using Western blot method. There was a robust (+67%) increase in the expression of the mGlu2/3 protein in the PFC of depressed subjects relative to healthy controls. The expression of mGlu2/3 was unchanged in the PFC of monkeys treated with fluoxetine. Our findings provide the first evidence that mGluR2/3 is elevated in the PFC in MDD. This observation is consistent with reports showing that mGluR2/3 antagonists exhibit antidepressant-like activity in animal models and demonstrates that these receptors are promising targets for the discovery of novel antidepressants.