996 resultados para effective pH


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Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to reveal the characteristic features of ethylenediamine (EDA) cored protonated (corresponding to neutral pH) poly amido amine (PAMAM) dendrimers of generation 3 (G3) and 4 (G4) that are functionalized with single strand DNAs (ssDNAs). The four ssDNA strands that are attached via an alkythiolate [-S(CH(2))(6)-] linker molecule to the free amine groups on the surface of the PAMAM dendrimers are observed to undergo a rapid conformational change during the 25 ns long simulation period. From the RMSD values of ssDNAs, we find relative stability in the case of purine rich (having more adenine and guanine) ssDNA strands than pyrimidine rich (thymine and cytosine) ssDNA strands. The degree of wrapping of ssDNA strands on the dendrimer molecule was found to be influenced by the charge ratio of DNA and the dendrimer. As the G4 dendrimer contains relatively more positive charge than G3 dendrimer, we observe extensive wrapping of ssDNAs on the G4 dendrimer than G3 dendrimer. This might indicate that DNA functionalized G3 dendrimer is more suitable to construct higher order nanostructures. The linker molecule was also found to undergo drastic conformational change during the simulation. During nanosecond long simulation some portion of the linker molecule was found to be lying nearly flat on the surface of the dendrimer molecule. The ssDNA strands along with the linkers are seen to penetrate the surface of the dendrimer molecule and approach closer to the center of the dendrimer indicating the soft sphere nature of the dendrimer molecule. The effective radius of DNA-functionalized dendrimer nanoparticles was found to be independent of base composition of ssDNAs and was observed to be around 19.5 angstrom and 22.4 angstrom when we used G3 and G4 PAMAM dendrimers as the core of the nanoparticle respectively. The observed effective radius of DNA-functionalized dendrimer molecules apparently indicates the significant shrinkage in the structure that has taken place in dendrimer, linker and DNA strands. As a whole our results describe the characteristic features of DNA-functionalized dendrimer nanoparticles and can be used as strong inputs to design effectively the DNA-dendrimer nanoparticle self-assembly for their active biological applications.


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We prepared thin films composed of pure TiO2 or TiO2 with an Fe additive (at concentrations of 0.2-0.8 wt%) via a simple and cost effective sol gel process, and tested their antifungal properties (against Candida albicans (MTCC-1637), Candida tropicalis (MTCC-184), Candida parapsilosis (MTCC-2509), and Candida glabrata (MTCC-3019) and antibacterial properties (against Staphylococcus faecalis (NCIM-2604) Staphylococcus epidermidis (NCIM-2493), Staphylococcus aureus (NCIL-2122), and Bacillus subtilis (NCIM-2549)). The films were deposited on glass and Si substrates and subjected to annealing at 400 degrees C for 3 h in ambient air. The film structural and morphological properties were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy profilometry and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. Antifungal and antibacterial tests were conducted using the drop test method. Among the species examined, Candida albicans (MTCC-1637), and Staphylococcus aureus (NCIL-2122) showed complete colony formation inhibition after exposure for 4 h for the TiO2 loaded with 0.8 wt% Fe thin films. These results indicate that increasing the Fe concentration increased the antimicrobial activity, with complete inhibition of colony formation after 4 h exposure.


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The photoemission from quantum wires and dots of effective mass superlattices of optoelectronic materials was investigated on the basis of newly formulated electron energy spectra, in the presence of external light waves, which controls the transport properties of ultra-small electronic devices under intense radiation. The effect of magnetic quantization on the photoemission from the aforementioned superlattices, together with quantum well superlattices under magnetic quantization, has also been investigated in this regard. It appears, taking HgTe/Hg1-xCdxTe and InxGa1-xAs/InP effective mass superlattices, that the photoemission from these quantized structures is enhanced with increasing photon energy in quantized steps and shows oscillatory dependences with the increasing carrier concentration. In addition, the photoemission decreases with increasing light intensity and wavelength as well as with increasing thickness exhibiting oscillatory spikes. The strong dependence of the photoemission on the light intensity reflects the direct signature of light waves on the carrier energy spectra. The content of this paper finds six different applications in the fields of low dimensional systems in general.


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An attempt is made to study the two dimensional (2D) effective electron mass (EEM) in quantum wells (Qws), inversion layers (ILs) and NIPI superlattices of Kane type semiconductors in the presence of strong external photoexcitation on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion laws within the framework of k.p. formalism. It has been found, taking InAs and InSb as examples, that the EEM in Qws, ILs and superlattices increases with increasing concentration, light intensity and wavelength of the incident light waves, respectively and the numerical magnitudes in each case is band structure dependent. The EEM in ILs is quantum number dependent exhibiting quantum jumps for specified values of the surface electric field and in NIPI superlattices; the same is the function of Fermi energy and the subband index characterizing such 2D structures. The appearance of the humps of the respective curves is due to the redistribution of the electrons among the quantized energy levels when the quantum numbers corresponding to the highest occupied level changes from one fixed value to the others. Although the EEM varies in various manners with all the variables as evident from all the curves, the rates of variations totally depend on the specific dispersion relation of the particular 2D structure. Under certain limiting conditions, all the results as derived in this paper get transformed into well known formulas of the EEM and the electron statistics in the absence of external photo-excitation and thus confirming the compatibility test. The results of this paper find three applications in the field of microstructures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Understanding the dendrimer-drug interaction is of great importance to design and optimize the dendrimer-based drug delivery system. Using atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have analyzed the release pattern of four ligands (two soluble drugs, namely, salicylic acid (Sal), L-alanine (Ala), and two insoluble drugs, namely, phenylbutazone (Pbz) and primidone (Prim)), which were initially encapsulated inside the ethylenediamine (EDA) cored polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer using the docking method. We have computed the potential of mean force (PMF) variation with generation 5 (G5)-PAMAM dendrimer complexed with drug molecules using umbrella sampling. From our calculated PMF values, we observe that soluble drugs (Sal and Ala) have lower energy barriers than insoluble drugs (Pbz and Prim). The order of ease of release pattern for these drugs from G5 protonated PAMAM dendrimer was found to be Ala > Sal > Prim > Pbz. In the case of insoluble drugs (Prim and Pbz), because of larger size, we observe much nonpolar contribution, and thus, their larger energy barriers can be reasoned to van der Waals contribution. From the hydrogen bonding analysis of the four PAMAM drug complexes under study, we found intermolecular hydrogen bonding to show less significant contribution to the free energy barrier. Another interesting feature appears while calculating the PMF profile of G5NP (nonprotonated)-PAMAM Pbz and G5NP (nonprotonated)-PAMAM-Sal complex. The PMF was found to be less when the drug is bound to nonprotonated dendrimer compared to the protonated dendrimer. Our results suggest that encapsulation of the drug molecule into the host PAMAM dendrimer should be carried out at higher pH values (near pH 10). When such complex enters the human body, the pH is around 7.4 and at that physiological pH, the dendrimer holds the drug tightly. Hence the release of drug can occur at a controlled rate into the bloodstream. Thus, our findings provide a microscopic picture of the encapsulation and controlled release of drugs in the case of dendrimer-based host-guest systems.


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Motivated by experiments on Josephson junction arrays, and cold atoms in an optical lattice in a synthetic magnetic field, we study the ``fully frustrated'' Bose-Hubbard model with half a magnetic flux quantum per plaquette. We obtain the phase diagram of this model on a two-leg ladder at integer filling via the density matrix renormalization group approach, complemented by Monte Carlo simulations on an effective classical XY model. The ground state at intermediate correlations is consistently shown to be a chiral Mott insulator (CMI) with a gap to all excitations and staggered loop currents which spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry. We characterize the CMI state as a vortex supersolid or an indirect exciton condensate, and discuss various experimental implications.


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During the course of infection, Salmonella has to face several potentially lethal environmental conditions, one such being acidic pH. The ability to sense and respond to the acidic pH is crucial for the survival and replication of Salmonella. The physiological role of one gene (STM1485) involved in this response, which is upregulated inside the host cells (by 90- to 113-fold) is functionally characterized in Salmonella pathogenesis. In vitro, the DSTM1485 neither exhibited any growth defect at pH 4.5 nor any difference in the acid tolerance response. The DSTM1485 was compromised in its capacity to proliferate inside the host cells and complementation with STM1485 gene restored its virulence. We further demonstrate that the surface translocation of Salmonella pathogenicity island-2 (SPI-2) encoded translocon proteins, SseB and SseD were reduced in the DSTM1485. The increase in co-localization of this mutant with lysosomes was also observed. In addition, the DSTM1485 displayed significantly reduced competitive indices (CI) in spleen, liver and mesenteric lymph nodes in murine typhoid model when infected by intra-gastric route. Based on these results, we conclude that the acidic pH induced STM1485 gene is essential for intracellular replication of Salmonella.


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Tin (Sn) doped zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were synthesized by sol-gel spin coating method using zinc acetate di-hydrate and tin chloride di-hydrate as the precursor materials. The films were deposited on glass and silicon substrates and annealed at different temperatures in air ambient. The agglomeration of grains was observed by the addition of Sn in ZnO film with an average grain size of 60 nm. The optical properties of the films were studied using UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer. The optical band gap energies were estimated at different concentrations of Sn. The MOS capacitors were fabricated using Sn doped ZnO films. The capacitance-voltage (C-V), dissipation vs. voltage (D-V) and current-voltage (I-V) characteristics were studied and the electrical resistivity and dielectric constant were estimated. The porosity and surface area of the films were increased with the doping of Sn which makes these films suitable for opto-electronic applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A methodology using sensitivity analysis is proposed to measure the effective permeability which includes the interaction of the resin and the reinforcement. Initially, mold-filling experiments were performed at isothermal conditions on the test specimen and the positions of the flow front were tracked with time using a flow visualization method. Following this, mold-filling experiments were simulated using a commercial software to obtain the positions of the flow front with time at the process conditions used for experiments. Several iterations were performed using different trial values of the permeability until the experimentally tracked and simulated positions of the flow front with time were matched. Finally, the value of the permeability thus obtained was validated by comparing the positions obtained by performing the experiments at different process conditions with the positions obtained by simulating the experiments. In this study, woven roving and chopped strand mats of E-class glass fiber and unsaturated polyester resin were used for the experiments. From the results, it was found that the measured permeabilities were consistent with varying process conditions. POLYM. COMPOS., 2012. (c) 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers


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A novel approach that can more effectively use the structural information provided by the traditional imaging modalities in multimodal diffuse optical tomographic imaging is introduced. This approach is based on a prior image-constrained-l(1) minimization scheme and has been motivated by the recent progress in the sparse image reconstruction techniques. It is shown that the proposed framework is more effective in terms of localizing the tumor region and recovering the optical property values both in numerical and gelatin phantom cases compared to the traditional methods that use structural information. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Traditional image reconstruction methods in rapid dynamic diffuse optical tomography employ l(2)-norm-based regularization, which is known to remove the high-frequency components in the reconstructed images and make them appear smooth. The contrast recovery in these type of methods is typically dependent on the iterative nature of method employed, where the nonlinear iterative technique is known to perform better in comparison to linear techniques (noniterative) with a caveat that nonlinear techniques are computationally complex. Assuming that there is a linear dependency of solution between successive frames resulted in a linear inverse problem. This new framework with the combination of l(1)-norm based regularization can provide better robustness to noise and provide better contrast recovery compared to conventional l(2)-based techniques. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed l(1)-based technique is computationally efficient compared to its counterpart (l(2)-based one). The proposed framework requires a reasonably close estimate of the actual solution for the initial frame, and any suboptimal estimate leads to erroneous reconstruction results for the subsequent frames.


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The majority of studies pertaining to lead retention by clays and soils have examined the mechanisms, kinetics, and adsorption isotherms using the batch experiment technique that employs solid: water extracts of 1:10 and 1:20. Field soil deposits generally have much lower gravimetric water content ranging between 9 and 45%. Given the wide disparity in the solids: water ratio employed in the batch experiment technique and that prevailing in field deposits, this paper examines the lead retention characteristics of soils at field moisture contents (6%, 13%, and 25%) using artificially lead-contaminated soil specimens. A residually derived (i.e., formed by in-situ weathering of parent rock) red soil was used to prepare the artificially contaminated soil specimens. The impact of variations in clay content on lead retention was examined by diluting the residual soil with various amounts (0 to 60%) of river sand. Soil specimens remolded at 6 and 13% moisture contents produced very stiff to hard soils on compaction, while specimens remolded at 25% moisture content existed in the slurry state. The soil specimens were contaminated with low (30mg/kg) to high (2500mg/kg) concentrations of lead ions by remolding them with 160ppm to 10,000ppm ionic lead solutions. Lead retention by soils at field moisture contents was determined by extracting the lead from the soil using a water leach test. Experimental results showed that the bulk (71 to 99%) of the added lead was retained by the soil in insoluble form at the field moisture content. Correlations between the amount of lead retained and soil/solution parameters indicated that the amounts of Pb retained at field moisture content is a function of the initial Pb addition, total sand content, effective clay porosity, and soil pH.


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Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is a very effective tool for designing trade-offs between energy and performance. In this paper, we use a formal Petri net based program performance model that directly captures both the application and system properties, to find energy efficient DVFS settings for CMP systems, that satisfy a given performance constraint, for SPMD multithreaded programs. Experimental evaluation shows that we achieve significant energy savings, while meeting the performance constraints.


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Poly{(N,N-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate]-co-(methyl methacrylate)} copolymers of various compositions were synthesized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization at 70 degrees C in N,N-dimethylformamide. The polymer molecular weights and molecular weight distributions were obtained from size exclusion chromatography, and they indicated the controlled nature of the RAFT polymerizations; the polydispersity indices are in the range 1.11.3. The reactivity ratios of N,N-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) (rDMAEMA = 0.925 and rMMA = 0.854) were computed by the extended KelenTudos method at high conversions, using compositions obtained from 1H NMR. The pH- and temperature-sensitive behaviour were studied in aqueous solution to confirm dual responsiveness of these copolymers. The thermal properties of the copolymers with various compositions were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. The kinetics of thermal degradation were determined by Friedmann and Chang techniques to evaluate various parameters such as the activation energy, the order and the frequency factor. (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry


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In this paper, we address a physics based closed form model for the energy band gap (E-g) and the transport electron effective mass in relaxed and strained 100] and 110] oriented rectangular Silicon Nanowire (SiNW). Our proposed analytical model along 100] and 110] directions are based on the k.p formalism of the conduction band energy dispersion relation through an appropriate rotation of the Hamiltonian of the electrons in the bulk crystal along 001] direction followed by the inclusion of a 4 x 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian for the description of the valance band structure. Using this, we demonstrate the variation in Eg and the transport electron effective mass as function of the cross-sectional dimensions in a relaxed 100] and 110] oriented SiNW. The behaviour of these two parameters in 100] oriented SiNW has further been studied with the inclusion of a uniaxial strain along the transport direction and a biaxial strain, which is assumed to be decomposed from a hydrostatic deformation along 001] with the former one. In addition, the energy band gap and the effective mass of a strained 110] oriented SiNW has also been formulated. Using this, we compare our analytical model with that of the extracted data using the nearest neighbour empirical tight binding sp(3)d(5)s* method based simulations and has been found to agree well over a wide range of device dimensions and applied strain. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.