976 resultados para dung flies


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During a blood meal, Lutzomyia intermedia sand flies transmit Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite causing tegumentary leishmaniasis. In experimental leishmaniasis, pre-exposure to saliva of most blood-feeding sand flies results in parasite establishment in absence of any skin damages in mice challenged with dermotropic Leishmania species together with saliva. In contrast, pre-immunization with Lu. intermedia salivary gland sonicate (SGS) results in enhanced skin inflammatory exacerbation upon co-inoculation of Lu. intermedia SGS and L. braziliensis. These data highlight potential unique features of both L. braziliensis and Lu. intermedia. In this study, we investigated the genes modulated by Lu. intermedia SGS immunization to understand their potential impact on the subsequent cutaneous immune response following inoculation of both SGS and L. braziliensis. The cellular recruitment and global gene expression profile was analyzed in mice repeatedly inoculated or not with Lu. intermedia. Microarray gene analysis revealed the upregulation of a distinct set of IFN-inducible genes, an immune signature not seen to the same extent in control animals. Of note this INF-inducible gene set was not induced in SGS pre-immunized mice subsequently co-inoculated with SGS and L. braziliensis. These data suggest the parasite prevented the upregulation of this Lu. intermedia saliva-related immune signature. The presence of these IFN-inducible genes was further analyzed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) sampled from uninfected human individuals living in a L. braziliensis-endemic region of Brazil thus regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites. PBMCs were cultured in presence or absence of Lu. intermedia SGS. Using qRT-PCR we established that the IFN-inducible genes induced in the skin of SGS pre-immunized mice, were also upregulated by SGS in PBMCs from human individuals regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites, but not in PBMCs of control subjects. These data demonstrate that repeated exposure to Lu. intermedia SGS induces the expression of potentially host-protective IFN-inducible genes.


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The Baldwin effect can be observed if phenotypic learning influences the evolutionary fitness of individuals, which can in turn accelerate or decelerate evolutionary change. Evidence for both learning-induced acceleration and deceleration can be found in the literature. Although the results for both outcomes were supported by specific mathematical or simulation models, no general predictions have been achieved so far. Here we propose a general framework to predict whether evolution benefits from learning or not. It is formulated in terms of the gain function, which quantifies the proportional change of fitness due to learning depending on the genotype value. With an inductive proof we show that a positive gain-function derivative implies that learning accelerates evolution, and a negative one implies deceleration under the condition that the population is distributed on a monotonic part of the fitness landscape. We show that the gain-function framework explains the results of several specific simulation models. We also use the gain-function framework to shed some light on the results of a recent biological experiment with fruit flies.


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The leishmaniases are a group of diseases transmitted by the bite of Leishmania infected female phlebotomine sand flies. The diseases occur in different forms: localized, diffuse and muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis, and visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Inside macrophages, the main host cells of the obligate intracellular Leishmania parasites, nitric oxide synthase and arginase can regulate parasite killing or growth. In experimental leishmaniasis, we previously reported that non-healing disease is associated with higher arginase activity at site of pathology, correlating with local suppression of T cell function. To test whether these data translate to human leishmaniasis, the following study was initiated: I first tested the hypothesis that local suppression of T cell responses observed in persistent CL is associated with arginase induced L-arginine depletion. The results showed that arginase activity is increased at site of pathology compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of LCL patients and intact skin of healthy controls. The phenotype of arginase expressing cells was identified in both compartments as CD15+ CD14|0W low-density granulocytes (LDGs). Finally, high arginase activity at site of pathology observed in cutaneous lesions of patients coincides with downregulation of CD3Ç, CD4 and CD8 molecules in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells at site of pathology. We concluded that increased arginase levels in lesions of LCL patients might contribute to CL pathogenesis by impairing T cell effector function at site of pathology. Next, it was tested whether arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression, is higher in patients with VL and contributes to impaired T cell function through depletion of L- arginine. The results showed that higher level of arginase activity in the PBMC coincides with active phase of VL. Cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were also found to be LDGs. Importantly, increased arginase activity and frequency of degranulated neutrophils coincided with lower plasma L-arginine levels. Furthermore, downregulation of CD3Ç, in T cells correlated with low plasma arginine levels. VL/HIV co-infection is a frequently reported leishmaniasis complication in Ethiopia associated with poor prognosis, with up to 40% mortality rate and high relapse rate. Arginase activity was significantly increased in PBMCs and plasma of VL patients co-infected with HIV than in those having VL alone. Similarly, cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were found to be LDGs. In summary, the results presented here show that increased arginase activity is a marker of disease severity in human leishmaniasis with and without HIV; further, these results suggest that arginase mediated L-arginine depletion may inhibit T cell function and contribute to impaired control of infection. - Les leishmanioses sont un groupe de maladies transmises par la piqûre de mouches des sables femelles, appelées phlébotomes, ayant été infectées par Leishmania. Les maladies se manifestent sous différentes formes: la leishmaniose cutanée localisée, la leishmaniose diffuse et mucocutanée et la leishmaniose viscérale (LV). A l'intérieur des macrophages, les principales cellules hôtes des parasites, l'oxyde nitrique synthase et l'arginase, peuvent contrôler, soit la mort du parasite, soit sa croissance. Pour la leishmaniose expérimentale, nous avons déjà rapporté que le développement de lesions qui ne guérissent pas est associé à une activité plus grande d'arginase au site d'infection, en corrélation avec la suppression locale de la fonction des cellules T. Pour vérifier si ces données pouvaient s'appliquer à la leishmaniose humaine, j'ai d'abord vérifié l'hypothèse selon laquelle la suppression locale des réponses des cellules T observée dans la CL persistante, est associée à la la diminution de L- arginine induite par l'arginase. Les résultats ont montré que l'activité arginase est augmentée au site d'infection, par rapport aux cellules mononucléées du sang périphérique (CMSP) de patients LCL et à la peau intacte des contrôles sains. Le phénotype de cellules exprimant l'arginase a été identifié dans les deux compartiments comme des granulocytes CD15+ et CD 14" de basse densité (LDG). Enfin, l'activité arginase élevée au site de la pathologie, observée dans les lésions cutanées de patients, coïncide avec la reduction dde l'expression des molécules CD3Ç, CD4 et CD8 dans les cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ au site de pathologie . Nous avons conclu que l'augmentation des niveaux d'arginase dans les lésions de patients LCL pourrait contribuer à la pathogenèse de la CL, en altérant la fonction effectrice des celllules T au site de la pathologie. Ensuite, nous avons vérifié si l'arginase, une enzyme associée à l'immunosuppression, était plus élevée chez les patients atteints de VL et si elle contribuait à la mauvaise fonction des cellules T par la depletion en L-arginine. Les résultats ont montré qu'un niveau plus élevé de l'activité arginase dans les PBMC correspond à la phase active de la VL. Les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP se sont révélées à être de type LDG . Il est important de souligner que l'augmentation de l'activité arginase et la fréquence des neutrophiles dégranulés a coïncidé avec des niveaux inférieurs de L-arginine plasmatique. En outre, la suppression de CD3Ç dans les cellules T correlle avec de faibles niveaux d'arginine plasmatique . Il a été fréquement rapporté que la co-infection VL/VIH est une complication de la leishmaniose en Ethiopie, associée à un mauvais prognostic, un taux de mortalité pouvant atteindre 40% et un pourcentage élevé de rechutes. L'activité de l'arginase a beaucoup plus augmentée dans les CMSP et le plasma de patients atteints de VL et co-infectés par le VIH, que chez ceux seulement attaints de VL. De même, les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP sont aussi des LDG. En résumé, les résultats présentés ici montrent que l'augmentation de l'activité de l'arginase est un marqueur de gravité de la la leishmaniose humaine, avec ou sans VIH ; en outre, ces résultats suggèrent que la déplétion de L-arginine par l'arginase pourrait inhiber la fonction des cellules T et contribuer à un contrôle réduit de l'infection. - Les Leishmanioses sont des maladies parasitaires transmises par la piqûre d'une mouche des sables femelle (phlébotome) infectée par Leishmania. La maladie se manifeste sous différentes formes cliniques : la leishmaniose viscérale, une maladie progressive mortelle en l'absence de traitement, la leishmaniose muco-cutanée (MCL), la leishmaniose cutanée diffuse (LCD ) maladie mutilante, qui peut être de longue durée et la leishmaniose cutanée localisée maladie dont on guérit mais laissant une cicatrice inesthétique à vie. La maladie est largement répandue, elle affecte les populations les plus pauvres dans 98 pays et 350 millions de personnes à risque. Globalement on estime à 500.000 les nouveaux cas de la forme viscérale et 1-1.5 million ceux de la leishmaniose cutanée. La leishmaniose est fortement endémique en Ethiopie et se manifeste dans les formes viscérale et cutanée. Le parasite Leishmania infecte et se multiplie dans les cellules du système immunitaire, principalement les macrophages. Les macrophages sont capables de tuer le parasite Leishmania s'ils reçoivent des instructions correctes de la part d'autres cellules du système immunitaire, les lymphocytes. Les macrophages expriment deux enzymes importants, appelés oxide nitrique synthase inductible (iNOS ) et l'arginase, qui sont respectivement associés à la promotion de la mort du parasite et la multiplication. L'enzyme iNOS présent dans les macrophages métabolise l'arginine afin de générer de l'oxyde d'azote (NO) , une molécule effectrice nécessaire pour tuer le parasite . Au contraire, lorsque les macrophages sont activés d'une certaine manière conduisant à l'augmention de la régulation de l'arginase, ils métabolisent l'arginine en polyamines qui favorisent la croissance du parasite. Au cours du développement de la leishmaniose, les lymphocytes ne parviennent pas à transmettre aux macrophages les signaux nécessaires pour tuer le parasite. Les mécanismes cellulaires qui sont la cause de ce défaut, ne sont pas bien compris. En utilisant des modèles animaux, nous avons montré la régulation à la hausse de l'arginase au site de la pathologie, qui s'est traduit par l'altération de la fonction effectrice des lymphoctes. Nous avons initié des études de leishmaniose humaine en Ethiopie afin d'identifier le rôle de l'arginase dans la sévérité de la maladie. Nos résultats montrent, que l'arginase est fortement augmentée dans la lésion des patients CL, et dans le sang des patients VL et ceux co-infectés par VL / VIH. Le niveau d' arginase régulée à la hausse coincide avec l'expression inférieure d'une molécule de signalisation dans les lymphocytes, qui est essentielle à leur bon fonctionnement. En VL actif, l'augmentation d'arginase se traduit par la diminution de l'arginine qui est indispensable à la synthèse de NO et au bon fonctionnement des lymphocytes. Ainsi, l'incapacité des lymphocytes à envoyer des signaux adéquats aux macrophages pourrait être due à la suppression de l'arginine.


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In addition to the ubiquitous apical-basal polarity, epithelial cells are often polarized within the plane of the tissue - the phenomenon known as planar cell polarity (PCP). In Drosophila, manifestations of PCP are visible in the eye, wing, and cuticle. Several components of the PCP signaling have been characterized in flies and vertebrates, including the heterotrimeric Go protein. However, Go signaling partners in PCP remain largely unknown. Using a genetic screen we uncover Kermit, previously implicated in G protein and PCP signaling, as a novel binding partner of Go. Through pull-down and genetic interaction studies, we find that Kermit interacts with Go and another PCP component Vang, known to undergo intracellular relocalization during PCP establishment. We further demonstrate that the activity of Kermit in PCP differentially relies on the motor proteins: the microtubule-based dynein and kinesin motors and the actin-based myosin VI. Our results place Kermit as a potential transducer of Go, linking Vang with motor proteins for its delivery to dedicated cellular compartments during PCP establishment.


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1. Sex-biased mortality in adult vertebrates is often attributed to lower immunocompetence and higher parasite susceptibility of males. Although sex-specific mortality has also been reported during growth, the importance of sex-specific immunocompetence and parasite susceptibility in explaining male-biased mortality remains ambiguous in growing individuals because of potentially confounding sources of mortality such as sexual dimorphism. 2. Here, we investigated sex-specific susceptibility to the blood-sucking louse fly Crataerina melbae and sex differences in cell-mediated immunity in a bird species that is sexually monomorphic both in size and plumage coloration at the nestling stage, the Alpine Swift, Apus melba. 3. For this purpose, we manipulated ectoparasite loads by adding or removing flies to randomly chosen nests in two years, and injected nestlings with mitogenic phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) in another year. 4. There were no significant differences between male and female offspring in immune response towards PHA, parasite load, and parasite-induced decrease in growth rate. Secondary sex ratios were however biased toward males in parasitized broods, and this was explained by a greater mortality of females in parasitized than deparasitized broods. 5. Our findings are in contrast to the widely accepted hypothesis that males suffer a greater cost of parasitism. We discuss alternative hypotheses accounting for female-specific mortality.


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Bactrocera invadens (Drew, Tsuruta & White) (Diptera:Tephritidae) é uma das espécies de moscas-das-frutas de maior importância económica para a fruticultura mundial. De origem asiática, surgiu em África em 2003, tendo sido detectada em Cabo Verde, Ilha de Santiago, em 2007. Desde então, espalhou-se para Santo Antão, Fogo e Brava. Tendo em vista a avaliação da eficiência de armadilhas para captura em massa da mosca, procedeu-se, durante curtos períodos de tempo em 2009, 2010 e 2011, à recolha de adultos com recurso a dois tipos de atractivos, ‘Creolax’® e proteína hidrolisada, e a três tipos de armadilhas, ABT®, armadilha do tipo funil e garrafa mosqueira da CeraTrap®. As armadilhas foram instaladas em quatro localidades de Santiago, na cultura de mangueira ou de bananeira. O ‘Creolax’ foi significativamente superior à proteína hidrolisada e a armadilha ABT apresentou elevada eficiência na captura de adultos da mosca. Num ensaio em 2009, na Cidade Velha, foram capturados 195, 59 e 30 adultos/armadilha para as combinações, respectivamente, de ABT x ‘Creolax’, armadilha do tipo funil x ‘Creolax’ e garrafa mosqueira x proteína hidrolisada. Em 2011, na bananeira, em Monte Negro, foram capturados 8500 adultos/armadilha ABT x ‘Creolax’ em cinco meses, tendo o máximo da população sido encontrado em Junho.


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Key to adult flies of dipterous species (Muscidae, Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae) associated to human habitats in Brazil. An identification key for the main 33 species of Muscidae, Anthomyiidae and Fanniidae occurring in association to human habitats in Brazil is presented. Most of the characters used for identification of the species are illustrated. Based on literature records, a list of the 65 anthropic species known to Brazil is also included.


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A reanalysis, based on museum specimens, of our previously published data on the geographical distribution of the species of Drosophila belonging to the cardini group in Brazil is presented and discussed. As previously recorded in several papers, including ours, the following four species were recognized: D. cardini, D. cardinoides, D. neocardini, and D. polymorpha. However, it was realized that most of the flies we have previously identified as Drosophila cardinoides belong in fact to Drosophila cardini. To facilitate the proper identification of these four near-sibling species, their holotypes were analyzed and their terminalia were described and illustrated. A key to the four species is also provided.


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The larva of Popanomyia femoralis and puparium of Engicerus major are described. The larvae were collected under the bark of fallen trees in an area near the tropical rain forest at Ilha da Marambaia (23º 04'15''S-43º53'59''W-sea level) and Cabo Frio (22º52'46''S-42º01'07''W-4 m), State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Biological notes are presented. The larva of Popanomyia femoralis and puparium of Engicerus major are compared with those of Chalcidomorphina aurata Enderlein, Cosmariomyia argyrosticta Kertész, Dactylodeictes lopesi Lindner and Vittiger schnusei Kertész, other species of the same subfamily.


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Fruit flies are the major pests in fruit orchards and require a frequent insecticide aplication control, which increases production cost and chemical residues in fruits. Adults of Anastrepha fraterculus were sampled from twelve peach, plum, orange, tangerine and acid lime orchards in four counties in the Western Region of Santa Catarina. Modified McPhail plastic traps, baited with glucose 10%, were used to collect the flies from October 1998 to September 2000. Trap monitoring, bait replacement and fruit flies sorting by species and sex were done weekly. A total of 4,164 specimens of A. fraterculus was collected and highest population was registered in the county of Chapecó (64,8% of all sampled flies). Adults were collected all year long, with the highest population peaks occurring from December and January, although the fluctuation was different for each fruit species due to their particular phenology and in different years. Positive correlation among temperature, atmospheric humidity and population levels of adults of A. fraterculus was observed. According to the degree days obtained for each year, 4851.9, 4632.9 and 4983.7, respectively in 1998, 1999 and 2000, it was established that A. fraterculus could present an average of 11.2 generations a year.


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Ophyra albuquerquei may often be a potential predator of Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 in poultry and pig houses in southern Brazil. Here we address the developmental period of immatures stages and their viability. To obtain eggs, larvae and pupae, a colony was established in the laboratory. Adult flies were fed on a diet comprising two parts dry milk, two parts sugar and one part fish flour. Larval diet comprised one part fish flour and one part sawdust and water. The eggs, larvae and pupae were incubated at 26º ± 1ºC, 75% ± 10% R.H. and 12 h photoperiod. The egg to adult cycle took 573 h with a total viability of 64%. The shortest of the stages was the egg stage, which lasted about 20 h. The larval stage had the lowest viability (about 82%) and longest time interval (279 h). Overall, the results of this study show that O. albuquerquei can be readily maintained in the laboratory.


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Drosophila nappae sp. nov. , belonging to the subgroup I of the Drosophila tripunctata species group of the subgenus Drosophila, is described from flies of one strain established from several females collected from July 1994 through April 1995 at Morro Santana, Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This species has been misidentified during the past fifty years as Drosophila angustibucca (sensu Frota-Pessoa, 1954; non Duda, 1925, described from Costa Rica). Illustrations of male and female terminalia are also provided.


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Learning ability can be substantially improved by artificial selection in animals ranging from Drosophila to rats. Thus these species have not used their evolutionary potential with respect to learning ability, despite intuitively expected and experimentally demonstrated adaptive advantages of learning. This suggests that learning is costly, but this notion has rarely been tested. Here we report correlated responses of life-history traits to selection for improved learning in Drosophila melanogaster. Replicate populations selected for improved learning lived on average 15% shorter than the corresponding unselected control populations. They also showed a minor reduction in fecundity late in life and possibly a minor increase in dry adult mass. Selection for improved learning had no effect on egg-to-adult viability, development rate, or desiccation resistance. Because shortened longevity was the strongest correlated response to selection for improved learning, we also measured learning ability in another set of replicate populations that had been selected for extended longevity. In a classical olfactory conditioning assay, these long-lived flies showed an almost 40% reduction in learning ability early in life. This effect disappeared with age. Our results suggest a symmetrical evolutionary trade-off between learning ability and longevity in Drosophila.


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The flowering phenologies of Sessea brasiliensis and three species of Cestrum (C. amictum, C. schlechtendalii and C. sendtnerianum), all belonging to the Solanaceae, were monitored in a fragment of the montane Atlantic rain forest within São Paulo city from July 1993 through June 1995. A total of 11,021 flies belonging to five species of the flavopilosa group of Drosophila (D. cestri, D. cordeiroi, D. hollisae, D. incompta and D. mariaehelenae), plus 1,244 flies belonging to four species of Zygothrica (Z. dispar, Z. vittimaculosa, Z. vittinubila and Z. aff. vittipunctata) emerged from 33,955 sampled flowers. Cestrum amictum, C. sendtnerianum and Sessea brasiliensis are recorded for the first time as host plants for the species of the Neotropical flavopilosa group ofDrosophila. Additionally, at least ten less abundant taxa belonging also to the Drosophilidae, plus 1,073 microhymenopteran parasitoids (Braconidae, Eucoilidae, and Pteromalidae), emerged from the sampled flowers of S. brasiliensis e Cestrum spp. The present study raised from nine to eleven the number of species of Cestrum previously recorded as breeding sites for these flies. A comprehensive list of species of Solanaceae known to host six species of Drosophila and four species of Zygothrica in southeastern and southern Brazil is included.


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Influence of male nutritional conditions on the performance and alimentary selection of wild females of Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera, Tephritidae). The behavior of A. obliqua females is regulated by endogenous and exogenous factors and among these the presence of males. Experiments were carried out to investigate whether the presence of males and their nutritional condition may affect the behavior of self-selection feeding and the performance of A. obliqua females. Females were sorted in groups containing yeast-deprived females and males, and non-yeast-deprived females and males. The females were maintained apart from the males by a transparent plastic screen. Several yeast and sucrose combinations were offered to the females in a single diet block or in separate blocks. Ingestion, egg production, longevity and diet efficiency were determined. The non-yeast-deprived males positively influenced the females performance when the latter were fed with yeast and sucrose in distinct diet blocks. Performance was better in the groups without males and with yeast-deprived males where the females could not select the nutrient proportions (yeast and sucrose in a single diet block).