961 resultados para diversity of species


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A palinological study covering all 10 species of the Neotropical genus Hortia Vand. (Rutaceae) was conducted. Pollen grains were collected from herbarium exsiccates, acetolysed and mounted in glycerine jelly on glass slides. The grains were studied under light and scanning electron microscopy, including measurements of polar and equatorial diameters, shape of the grains, number and shape of apertures, and thickness of the exine. The results demonstrated that the genus is stenopalynous, with pollen grains in monads, subprolate to prolate, 3-colporate, with very thick exine and a psilate-perforate pattern of ornamentation. Pollen grains of all species revealed a great similarity, with few variations in the pattern of ornamentation of exine, number and form of apertures and measurements. Although well-characterized palinologycally, pollen features did not furnish relevant information on the position of Hortia into an intrafamilial phylogeny.


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The genomes of 10 equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) strains isolated in Argentina from 1979 to 1991, and a Japanese HH1 reference strain were compared by restriction endonuclease analysis. Two restriction enzymes, BamHI and BglII, were used and analysis of the electropherotypes did not show significant differences among isolates obtained from horses with different clinical signs. This suggests that the EHV-1 isolates studied, which circulated in Argentina for more than 10 years, belong to a single genotype.


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Recent studies from several groups have indicated that abnormal or ectopic expression and function of adrenal receptors for various hormones may regulate cortisol production in ACTH-independent hypercortisolism. Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP)-dependent Cushing's syndrome has been described in patients with either unilateral adenoma or bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia; this syndrome results from the large adrenal overexpression of the GIP receptor without any activating mutation. We have conducted a systematic in vivo evaluation of patients with adrenal Cushing's syndrome in order to identify the presence of abnormal hormone receptors. In macronodular adrenal hyperplasia, we have identified, in addition to GIP-dependent Cushing's syndrome, other patients in whom cortisol production was regulated abnormally by vasopressin, ß-adrenergic receptor agonists, hCG/LH, or serotonin 5HT-4 receptor agonists. In patients with unilateral adrenal adenoma, the abnormal expression or function of GIP or vasopressin receptor has been found, but the presence of ectopic or abnormal hormone receptors appears to be less prevalent than in macronodular adrenal hyperplasia. The identification of the presence of an abnormal adrenal receptor offers the possibility of a new pharmacological approach to control hypercortisolism by suppressing the endogenous ligands or by using specific antagonists for the abnormal receptors.


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Sugarcane is an important agricultural product of Brazil, with a total production of more than 500 million tons. Knowledge of the bacterial community associated with agricultural crops and the soil status is a decisive step towards understanding how microorganisms influence crop productivity. However, most studies aim to isolate endophytic or rhizosphere bacteria associated with the plant by culture-dependent approaches. Culture-independent approaches allow a more comprehensive view of entire bacterial communities in the environment. In the present study, we have used this approach to assess the bacterial community in the rhizosphere soil of sugarcane at different times and under different nitrogen fertilization conditions. At the high taxonomic level, few differences between samples were observed, with the phylum Proteobacteria (29.6%) predominating, followed by Acidobacteria (23.4%), Bacteroidetes (12.1%), Firmicutes (10.2%), and Actinobacteria (5.6%). The exception was the Verrucomicrobia phylum whose prevalence in N-fertilized soils was approximately 0.7% and increased to 5.2% in the non-fertilized soil, suggesting that this group may be an indicator of nitrogen availability in soils. However, at low taxonomic levels a higher diversity was found associated with plants receiving nitrogen fertilizer. Bacillus was the most predominant genus, accounting for 19.7% of all genera observed. Classically reported nitrogen-fixing and/or plant growth-promoting bacterial genera, such as Azospirillum, Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, and Burkholderia were also found although at a lower prevalence.


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Most of the knowledge of the virulence determinants of extraintestinal pathogenicEscherichia coli (ExPEC) comes from studies with human strains causing urinary tract infections and neonatal meningitis and animal strains causing avian colibacillosis. In this research, we analyzed the phylogenetic background, the presence of 20 ExPEC virulence factors, and the intrinsic virulence potential of 74 E. coli strains isolated in São Paulo, Brazil, from 74 hospitalized patients (43 males and 31 females) with unknown-source bacteremia. Unlike other places in the world, the bacteremic strains originated equally from phylogroups B2 (35%) and D (30%). A great variability in the profiles of virulence factors was noted in this survey. Nevertheless, 61% of the strains were classified as ExPEC, meaning that they possessed intrinsic virulent potential. Accordingly, these strains presented high virulence factor scores (average of 8.7), and were positively associated with 12 of 17 virulence factors detected. On the contrary, the non-ExPEC strains, isolated from 39% of the patients, presented a generally low virulence capacity (medium virulence factor score of 3.1), and were positively associated with only the colicin cvaC gene. These results show the importance of discriminating E. coli isolates that possess characteristics of true pathogens from those that may be merely opportunistic in order to better understand the virulence mechanisms involved in extraintestinalE. coli infections. Such knowledge is essential for epidemiological purposes as well as for development of control measures aimed to minimize the incidence of these life-threatening and costly infections.


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Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Manejo de Recursos Naturales) UANL, 2013.


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A recently established strain collection of freshwater microalgae native to Quebec was examined for physiological diversity. The 100 strains appeared very heterogeneous in terms of growth when they were cultured at 10±2 °C or 22±2 °C on the secondary effluent from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WW) and defined BBM medium. Scatterplots were used to examine the diversity in physiology that might be present in the collection. These showed a number of interesting results. There was a fair amount of dispersion in growth rates by media type independent of temperature. Surprisingly considering that all the isolates had been initially enriched on BBM, the distribution was quite symmetrical around the iso-growth line, suggesting that enrichment on BBM did not seem to bias the cells for growth on this medium versus WW. As well, considering that all the isolates had been initially enriched at 22 °C, it is quite surprising that the distribution of specific growth rates was quite symmetrical around the iso-growth line with roughly equal numbers of isolates found on either side. Thus enrichment at 22 °C does not seem to bias the cells for growth at this temperature versus 10°C. The scatterplots obtained when the percentage lipid of cultures grown on BBM were compared with cultures grown on WW at either 10 °C or 22 °C made it apparent that lipid production was favored by growth on WW at either temperature and that lipid production does not seem to be particularly favored by one temperature over the other. When the collection was queried for differences with respect to sampling location, statistical analysis showed that roughly the same degree of physiological diversity was found with samples from the two different aggregate locations.


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Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, the causative agent of porcine enzootic pneumonia, is present in swine herds worldwide. However, there is little information on strains infecting herds in Canada. A total of 160 swine lungs with lesions suggestive of enzootic pneumonia originating from 48 different farms were recovered from two slaughterhouses and submitted for gross pathology. The pneumonic lesion scores ranged from 2% to 84%. Eighty nine percent of the lungs (143/160) were positive for M. hyopneumoniae by real-time PCR whereas 10% (16/160) and 8.8% (14/160) were positive by PCR for M. hyorhinis and M. flocculare, respectively. By culture, only 6% of the samples were positive for M. hyopneumoniae (10/160). Among the selected M. hyopneumoniae-positive lungs (n = 25), 9 lungs were co-infected with M. hyorhinis, 9 lungs with PCV2, 2 lungs with PRRSV, 12 lungs with S. suis and 10 lungs with P. multocida. MLVA and PCR-RFLP clustering of M. hyopneumoniae revealed that analyzed strains were distributed among three and five clusters respectively, regardless of severity of lesions, indicating that no cluster is associated with virulence. However, strains missing a specific MLVA locus showed significantly less severe lesions and lower numbers of bacteria. MLVA and PCR-RFLP analyses also showed a high diversity among field isolates of M. hyopneumoniae with a greater homogeneity within the same herd. Almost half of the field isolates presented less than 55% homology with selected vaccine and reference strains.


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Diversity of different groups of Bacillus and Actinomycetes in the water and sediment samples from kumarakom estuary was analysed to find out potential strains for further application. Bacillus genera was identified and grouped into five phenogroups .Phenogroups show differences in the shape of the spore,position of the spore,and swelling of the sporangium.Ability of the isolates to elaborate various hydrolytic enzymes and their ability to reduce nitrate and ferment various carbohydrate sources were also studied.


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The extent of physical and economic postharvest losses at different stages of cassava value chains has been estimated in four countries that differ considerably in the way cassava is cultivated, processed and consumed and in the relationships and linkages among the value chain actors. Ghana incurs by far the highest losses because a high proportion of roots reach the consumers in the fresh form. Most losses occur at the last stage of the value chain. In Nigeria and Vietnam processors incur most of the losses while in Thailand most losses occur during harvesting. Poorer countries incur higher losses despite their capacity to absorb sub-standard products (therefore transforming part of the physical losses into economic losses) and less strict buyer standards. In monetary terms the impact of losses is particularly severe in Ghana and estimated at about half a billion US dollar per annum while in the other countries it is at the most about USD 50 million. This comparison shows that there are no “one-size-fits-all" solutions for addressing postharvest losses but rather these must be tailor-made to the specific characteristics of the different value chains.


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La biogeografía es el estudio de la distribución de los seres vivos en el espacio y en el tiempo. Charles Darwin y su amigo John Gould ya se dieron cuenta del vínculo entre la distribución de las especies y su evolución y, del efecto de la geografía sobre la creación de nuevas especies. Se clasificasn en tres tipos las formas en que los grupos de organismos se pueden extender por la Tierra: agrupada, uniforme y al azar. Al final de cada tema aparecen reseñas de los trabajos de científicos relacionados con este tema, y al final del libro, hay una pequeña bibliografía y direcciones de páginas web.


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Este título pertenece a una serie que ofrece en profundidad una visión de las células en todo el mundo vivo, su estructura y los procesos en que se basa la vida en la Tierra. Explora cómo las células han formado la vida que vemos a nuestro alrededor. Nadie sabe cuántos millones de especies diferentes pueden existir en nuestro planeta, y cada año se descubren otras nuevas. Los científicos clasifican los seres vivos en distintos grupos para ayudar a dar sentido a esta diversidad de la vida. Esta publicación examina cómo ha cambiado la clasificación a lo largo del tiempo, incluyendo una reciente propuesta para clasificar a los seres vivos en tres dominios en lugar de seis reinos. Tiene índice, glosario, referencias bibliográficas y un gráfico ramificado para dar una idea aproximada de la diversidad del reino animal.


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The ≈3,450-million-year-old Strelley Pool Formation in Western Australia contains a reef-like assembly of laminated sedimentary accretion structures (stromatolites) that have macroscale characteristics suggestive of biological influence. However, direct microscale evidence of biology—namely, organic microbial remains or biosedimentary fabrics—has to date eluded discovery in the extensively-recrystallized rocks. Recently-identified outcrops with relatively good textural preservation record microscale evidence of primary sedimentary processes, including some that indicate probable microbial mat formation. Furthermore, we find relict fabrics and organic layers that covary with stromatolite morphology, linking morphologic diversity to changes in sedimentation, seafloor mineral precipitation, and inferred microbial mat development. Thus, the most direct and compelling signatures of life in the Strelley Pool Formation are those observed at the microscopic scale. By examining spatiotemporal changes in microscale characteristics it is possible not only to recognize the presence of probable microbial mats during stromatolite development, but also to infer aspects of the biological inputs to stromatolite morphogenesis. The persistence of an inferred biological signal through changing environmental circumstances and stromatolite types indicates that benthic microbial populations adapted to shifting environmental conditions in early oceans.