996 resultados para dialogue tool
The use and manufacture of tools have been considered to be cognitively demanding and thus a possible driving factor in the evolution of intelligence. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that enhanced physical cognitive abilities evolved in conjunction with the use of tools, by comparing the performance of naturally tool-using and non-tool-using species in a suite of physical and general learning tasks. We predicted that the habitually tool-using species, New Caledonian crows and Galápagos woodpecker finches, should outperform their non-tool-using relatives, the small tree finches and the carrion crows in a physical problem but not in general learning tasks. We only found a divergence in the predicted direction for corvids. That only one of our comparisons supports the predictions under this hypothesis might be attributable to different complexities of tool-use in the two tool-using species. A critical evaluation is offered of the conceptual and methodological problems inherent in comparative studies on tool-related cognitive abilities.
The sample preparation method preceding the urinary erythropoietin (EPO) doping test is based on several concentration and ultrafiltration steps. In order to improve the quality of isoelectric focusing (IEF) gel results and therefore, the sensitivity of the EPO test, new sample preparation methods relying on affinity purification were recently proposed. This article focuses on the evaluation and validation of disposable immunoaffinity columns targeting both endogenous and recombinant EPO molecules in two World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accredited anti-doping laboratories. The use of the columns improved the resolution of the IEF profiles considerably when compared with the classical ultrafiltration method, and the columns' ability to ensure the isoform integrity of the endogenous and exogenous EPO molecules was confirmed. Immunoaffinity columns constitute therefore a potent and reliable tool for the preparation of urine samples and their use will significantly improve the sensitivity and specificity of the actual urinary EPO test.
Résumé: L'article porte sur la conception du « dialogue » de Mikhaïl Bakhtine dans laquelle s'articulent deux groupes d'idées : 1) la notion de « dialogue » en tant que forme de l'interaction verbale interindividuelle (l'échange des répliques) et 2) la notion de « dialogisme » comme principe qui prévoit un rapport particulier entre le « Moi » (le « Je ») et l'« Autrui ». Son but consiste à 1) analyser ces notions au sens de Bakhtine, en s'appuyant sur le texte russe des Problèmes de l'oeuvre de Dostoïevski (1929) ; et à 2) montrer leurs sources sociologiques (principalement russes). Il y est également question de la notion de « polyphonie » introduite par Bakhtine pour caractériser la particularité de la construction des romans de Dostoïevski et d'une facette des réflexions bakhtiniennes sur le rôle de la « polyphonie » chez Dostoïevski, contenues dans le texte russe de 1929, abandonnées dans la version de 1963 et, de ce fait, méconnues des chercheurs francophones n'ayant accès qu'à la traduction des Problèmes de la poétique de Dostoïevski (1963). This paper examines the conception of "dialogue" elaborated by Mikhaïl Bakhtin in which are articulated two groups of ideas : 1) the notion of "dialogue" as a form of verbal interindividual interaction (an exchange of speech) and 2) the notion of "dialogism" as a principle which implies a relation between the "Me" (the "I") and the "Other". Its aim is 1) to analyse these notions in the sens of Bakhtin, on the base of russian text of Problems of Dostoyevsky's Art (1929) and 2) to show their sociological (mainly russian) origins. The paper also deals with the notion of "polyphony" introduced by Bakhtin to characterize the particularity of Dostoyevsky's method of constructing novels and with one facet of bakhtinian reflections (expounded in the text of 1929, omitted in the version of 1963, thereby unknown by francophone researchers who have access only to the translation of Problems of Dostoyevsky's Poetics (1963)) on the role of "polyphony" in Dostoyevsky's works.
Genotype-based algorithms are valuable tools for the identification of patients eligible for CCR5 inhibitors administration in clinical practice. Among the available methods, geno2pheno[coreceptor] (G2P) is the most used online tool for tropism prediction. This study was conceived to assess if the combination of G2P prediction with V3 peptide net charge (NC) value could improve the accuracy of tropism prediction. A total of 172 V3 bulk sequences from 143 patients were analyzed by G2P and NC values. A phenotypic assay was performed by cloning the complete env gene and tropism determination was assessed on U87_CCR5(+)/CXCR4(+) cells. Sequences were stratified according to the agreement between NC values and G2P results. Of sequences predicted as X4 by G2P, 61% showed NC values higher than 5; similarly, 76% of sequences predicted as R5 by G2P had NC values below 4. Sequences with NC values between 4 and 5 were associated with different G2P predictions: 65% of samples were predicted as R5-tropic and 35% of sequences as X4-tropic. Sequences identified as X4 by NC value had at least one positive residue at positions known to be involved in tropism prediction and positive residues in position 32. These data supported the hypothesis that NC values between 4 and 5 could be associated with the presence of dual/mixed-tropic (DM) variants. The phenotypic assay performed on a subset of sequences confirmed the tropism prediction for concordant sequences and showed that NC values between 4 and 5 are associated with DM tropism. These results suggest that the combination of G2P and NC could increase the accuracy of tropism prediction. A more reliable identification of X4 variants would be useful for better selecting candidates for Maraviroc (MVC) administration, but also as a predictive marker in coreceptor switching, strongly associated with the phase of infection.
The Iowa State Profile Tool is a comprehensive, high-level assessment of Iowa’s progress toward a balanced long-term care system – a system that relies less on institutional services and provides greater opportunities for the in-home and community-based services that most people prefer. This report includes long-term support for people of all ages and disability types and is based on a variety of state and federal data sources and interviews with public and private leaders in Iowa’s long-term care system.
Most local agencies in Iowa currently make their pavement treatment decisions based on their limited experience due primarily to lack of a systematic decision-making framework and a decision-aid tool. The lack of objective condition assessment data of agency pavements also contributes to this problem. This study developed a systematic pavement treatment selection framework for local agencies to assist them in selecting the most appropriate treatment and to help justify their maintenance and rehabilitation decisions. The framework is based on an extensive literature review of the various pavement treatment techniques in terms of their technical applicability and limitations, meaningful practices of neighboring states, and the results of a survey of local agencies. The treatment selection framework involves three different steps: pavement condition assessment, selection of technically feasible treatments using decision trees, and selection of the most appropriate treatment considering the return-on-investment (ROI) and other non-economic factors. An Excel-based spreadsheet tool that automates the treatment selection framework was also developed, along with a standalone user guide for the tool. The Pavement Treatment Selection Tool (PTST) for Local Agencies allows users to enter the severity and extent levels of existing distresses and then, recommends a set of technically feasible treatments. The tool also evaluates the ROI of each feasible treatment and, if necessary, it can also evaluate the non-economic value of each treatment option to help determine the most appropriate treatment for the pavement. It is expected that the framework and tool will help local agencies improve their pavement asset management practices significantly and make better economic and defensible decisions on pavement treatment selection.
Meta-iodbenzylguanidine scintigraphy (MIBG scintigraphy) shows reduced uptake in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD), idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder (IRBD) and Lewy body dementia (LBD), but not in other parkinsonian or dementia syndromes. We retrospectively reevaluated 50 patients. Concordance rate between last clinical diagnosis and scintigraphy diagnosis was only given in two-thirds of the patients. Confounding factors were: decreasing heart/mediastinum ratio (HMR) with progressive age, higher HMR in women and possibly interference with antihypertensive medication. Standardization of the methods and precise clinical guidelines are warranted for better clinical use.
The objective of this work was to combine asymmetric somatic hybridization (donor-recipient fusion or gamma fusion) to microprotoplast-mediated chromosome transfer, as a tool to be used for chromosome mapping in Citrus. Swinglea glutinosa microprotoplasts were irradiated either with 50, 70, 100 or 200 gamma rays and fused to cv. Ruby Red grapefruit or Murcott tangor protoplasts. Cell colonies were successfully formed and AFLP analyses confirmed presence of S. glutinosa in both 'Murcott' tangor and 'Ruby Red' grapefruit genomes.
Les ordinateurs de poche ont le potentiel de devenir un outil de travail indispensable pour le médecin praticien. De part une facilité d'utilisation toujours plus grande, un format ultra-portable, une grande capacité de stockage de l'information et de synchronisation à de multiples bases de données, ils permettent l'accès en tout temps et littéralement au lit du malade à une gamme complète de ressources médicales. Cet article se veut une lllustration des différentes possibilités d'utilisation de ces nouveaux outils, au travers de situations cliniques banales rencontrées par tout praticien.